View Full Version : The real reason why we are in Iraq

09-15-2008, 03:06 PM
USA & ISRAEL WILL ATTACK IRAN - It's possible...
Euro - http://finance.yahoo.com/currency/convert?amt=1&from=USD&to=EUR&submit=Convert
Euro is something that you may want to look-up more on. Now I don’t want you to think that by putting up a you-tube to convince anyone the true nature and the collision course we are heading and this is why new energy resource is going to be vital for our nation. This you-tube, my reason why I selected this one was because it was the best I can come up with visual and made the best argument because not many would want to read a book that has about 500 to 1000 pages and I have read many books on this subject. There are books that have been strongly supported by this and it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know this because it does make perfect sense to know why. It requires a lot of research as well which many of us don’t really have but I have made some time to do so.

This is why we are at Iraq and Iran is now proposing a similar action.

You are all welcome to do your own research because I invite you to do so, and by all means state your own comments but before doing so, please do your research and not just read a few articles but deeper if you can and if not, it’s your choice.

If you plan to correct me or people who may post their own opinions, please do so but with respect to avoid any conflict at this forum or thread.

Norman Finkelstein is a political Scientist and very well respected on his opinions on the Middle East but not by Israel because he has been banned for 10 years. He is very well known and lives in Brooklyn New York and I have listened to him many times and I feel he is an expert when it comes to the Middle East. You may want to look up on him as well to hear what he may have to say because again he is very knowledgeable and I feel there is no one better than this man when it comes to the Middle East.

Thank you


Mr Clean
09-15-2008, 04:31 PM
Sas, I don't have time to get into the huge holes in this guys argument right now since I am at work, but I will try to post more tonight. There is a lot of BS in this my friend...

09-15-2008, 05:40 PM
I was hoping to here the other side of this story and glad to here you have something for me to read up on Mr Clean. I am looking forward to hearing the other side to it. Take your time too please...


Mad Fox
09-15-2008, 09:43 PM

09-16-2008, 01:37 PM
You think that guy is well respected? If so it say's a lot about you I was unaware of.

Some people would say we went to Japan for the rice.

Perfect aim
09-16-2008, 06:42 PM
why didn't they focus more on Afghanistan? I mean the dude that bombed the twin towers is there. It seemed like these "nuclear weapons" never existed in Iraq. Bush will get punished for War Crimes, and Toturing in the future you all will see :)

09-16-2008, 06:57 PM
eh, we are off blowing all this money on these dumb wars that is accomplishing nothing, meanwhile the idiots at home used the lack of attention to make a huge ponzi scheme for making money by loaning money to everyone (subprime, home equity), overvaluing all property, rinse and repeat. Now the taxpayers are up to bailout all of these greedy companies. Banks, brokerege firms and insurance companies are all crashing. Think it doesn't affect you? It will if you get a big enough bank to collapse then the FDIC insurance will be meaningless.

09-16-2008, 08:22 PM
eh, we are off blowing all this money on these dumb wars that is accomplishing nothing, meanwhile the idiots at home used the lack of attention to make a huge ponzi scheme for making money by loaning money to everyone (subprime, home equity), overvaluing all property, rinse and repeat. Now the taxpayers are up to bailout all of these greedy companies. Banks, brokerege firms and insurance companies are all crashing. Think it doesn't affect you? It will if you get a big enough bank to collapse then the FDIC insurance will be meaningless.

True. The average worker and consumer can't really win. If the banks go kaput because they cannot make any money or there is a run on the banks then you can kiss all your funds goodbye.

09-16-2008, 09:23 PM
As far as the banks go, all bailouts should be out of the question. You can thank the Democrats for this mess for the "Everyone deserves to own a home BS".

With that I must add that in 05 Senator John McCain tried to warn about what is happening now. His predictions were right as he was turned down by your valued Democrats in which would have prevented this huge mess the majority of you morons probaly are blaming George Bush due to the ignorance and weak minds of the usual lazy American.

Have a good day, Americans deserve what they get!!!!:thumbs:

09-16-2008, 09:40 PM
why didn't they focus more on Afghanistan? I mean the dude that bombed the twin towers is there. It seemed like these "nuclear weapons" never existed in Iraq. Bush will get punished for War Crimes, and Toturing in the future you all will see :)

Yeah, we have military all over looking for one man. All these wars and we are ignoring looking for one man. DO you understand what I mean by Ignorant? You should be held for war crimes and troture because I accidently ready your ignorant post which proves you don't know anything. :down:

09-16-2008, 09:54 PM
Interesting perspective at least. Can't blame the countries cuz the Euro has been much more stable than the dollar last few years.

It's all about the oil at the end. Look @ Zimbabwe with Mugabe or Sudan where girls are literally get raped till they're death....didn't see a single soldier there to put an end those monstrous/horrific activities :down:

09-16-2008, 10:07 PM
Interesting perspective at least. Can't blame the countries cuz the Euro has been much more stable than the dollar last few years.

It's all about the oil at the end. Look @ Zimbabwe with Mugabe or Sudan where girls are literally get raped till they're death....didn't see a single soldier there to put an end those monstrous/horrific activities :down:

DO you know how many countries America has soldiers in right now? Do you? I bet not and what has your country done?

09-16-2008, 10:21 PM
DO you know how many countries America has soldiers in right now? Do you? I bet not and what has your country done?

Glad that you asked, but we're still in Afghanistan (Uruzgan) helping out u guys :)

09-17-2008, 12:40 AM
The reason is far more sinister and conspiratorial then most are willing to believe, and perhaps its better that way.

09-17-2008, 01:17 AM
The reason is far more sinister and conspiratorial then most are willing to believe, and perhaps its better that way.

This is what I have to say to that. AGAIN.

"The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theorists actually believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is chaotic... The truth is more frightening, nobody is in control. The world is rudderless." Alan Moore

There is only me, you, and everyone else who has no idea what the hell is going to happen tomorrow or the day after or in the next years to come.

09-17-2008, 03:55 AM
USA doesn't want to lose the power. Just think about it USA has been a super power for some time and now things are starting to change and when that happens it will have an impact for USA to begin making difficult choices.

Just image you had a business that pretty much had done so well and then as the years change your business begins to fall. In your mind you would want to keep it on top and at times may possible cheat the IRS for not claiming a few things that are suppose to be claimed.

This analogy is a bit silly, but it's deeper at a much larger scale.

Anything is possible and with that corruption is also possible and desperation.

EXECution is right we will never know but we do have an idea or commonsense to know where this can lead or the possiblities.

09-17-2008, 08:52 PM
This is what I have to say to that. AGAIN.

"The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory is that conspiracy theorists actually believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is chaotic... The truth is more frightening, nobody is in control. The world is rudderless." Alan Moore

There is only me, you, and everyone else who has no idea what the hell is going to happen tomorrow or the day after or in the next years to come.

Are you on the inside? I didn't think so but I am ehh in a way so don't redicule a serious situation for the future of humanity is at stake. Thank goodness there's a division among us or else I'd get yelled at by my brothers. Saying nobody is in control is completely laughable and rediculous and that guy you quoted must be on the same ignorance level as Richard Dawkins. There is nothing comforting about a conspiracy against the human race and it is only something a sick sadist would enjoy relishing in and talking about, such as your christian fundamentalist "the end is nigh" psycho/socio-paths. The right people that would have a grip on all power would be a great thing but unfortunately its a salt and pepper mix and some people have more primitive focuses such as money and power. Fact is, we need world leaders that control us and I support a new world order. The only problem with it is that they shouldn't be those on a power trip which unfortunately is usually the case but nobody knows what the future will be, as you say, in a way that's right. Anything is possible. That's why, it's better to just live and let be. Enjoy every waking momeny of life as if it was your last.

09-18-2008, 04:17 AM
Are you on the inside? I didn't think so but I am ehh in a way so don't redicule a serious situation for the future of humanity is at stake. Thank goodness there's a division among us or else I'd get yelled at by my brothers. Saying nobody is in control is completely laughable and rediculous and that guy you quoted must be on the same ignorance level as Richard Dawkins. There is nothing comforting about a conspiracy against the human race and it is only something a sick sadist would enjoy relishing in and talking about, such as your christian fundamentalist "the end is nigh" psycho/socio-paths. The right people that would have a grip on all power would be a great thing but unfortunately its a salt and pepper mix and some people have more primitive focuses such as money and power. Fact is, we need world leaders that control us and I support a new world order. The only problem with it is that they shouldn't be those on a power trip which unfortunately is usually the case but nobody knows what the future will be, as you say, in a way that's right. Anything is possible. That's why, it's better to just live and let be. Enjoy every waking momeny of life as if it was your last.

I'm inside of my house if that's what you mean. I was also inside of my school and job today.

So you are actually admitting to believing in a conspiracy that spans through the entire human race. And by no means am I ridiculing the situation. I just think it's interesting how hard it is for someone (yes, even me) to accept the fact that no one is in control, there is no omniscient and omnipotent God, the world is not deterministic but probabilistic at best.

I bet you know some of the work that "guy", Alan Moore, has done. He has written tons of literature on conspiracies and the abuse of power. Other than that he is quite sane and intelligent. Just google the name and you will know who he is.

Of course there is nothing comforting about a conspiracy AGAINST the human race. But I believe that Alan Moore was talking about conspiracy theory in regard to absolute power and control. If anything such a conspiracy would be FOR the human race and seek ways to exploit it, not destroy it.

I think that it makes sense that when a person is in doubt they will always assume the worst. Look at all the 9/11 conspiracies that popped up a couple years after the attacks. It's all about perception. Looking back, was 9/11 simply a well planned terrorist attack or was there something more. Most would argue for the latter having seen some of the "evidence". The proof is in the pudding. If you can use it, hopefully for the greater good, then it's real or true.

My last point would be that if there is someone in control then the only thing stopping me from stopping them is the fact that I don't have a means of finding them or a means of confronting them. And since everyone has a price, and no one is immune to death then all that's keeping me here at home is the fact that I have no real interest in finding out who "they" are.

Mr Clean
09-18-2008, 02:10 PM
Sas: Writing this as I am watching the video...

First of all, if the "petro" bubble burst, it would not just affect the US. It would affect every country on Earth. It would actually hit countries like Russia and Iran and Saudi Arabia harder because they would suddenly be selling their main export for a lot less money, crippling their own economy. That is why they formed OPEC (Russia is not a member yet btw) to control pricing and production.

Second, the guy in the video said something about billions of US dollars being sold leading to huge inflation. Actually in that instance it would lead to disinflation, the exact opposite. It doesn't matter anyway, because the reason people invest in America is not just because we are an economic superpower, but because we respect individual and property laws and uphold them. Simply put, it's safer to invest here than anywhere else. A few others are too, like England and Germany, but there isn't nearly the amount to invest in as there is here. So this massive selloff will never happen in the first place...

LOL It's a big secret in the US that Saddam was selling oil in Euros??? Maybe he was, but that doesn't mean jack to the US or Britian. Especially since the US gets more of our imported oil from Canada, Mexico, Venezuela (Chavez likes to rip the US but he ain't stupid enough to stop selling to us), Saudi Arabia, Angola, N.i.g.e.ria. Britian is an exporter to the US, so they don't buy a lot of Iraqi oil either. This guy is talking out of his cornhole...

More BS: This guy says the "petro cycle began to break down" because the US Treasury can't print Euros. Oil companies pump, buy, and sell oil, not the US government. The Treasury has nothing to do with the process. If I owned a refinery and I buy some oil, I can pay in dollars to whatever bank and they can convert it based on exchange rates that day to any currency they want. This happens at tens of thousands of financial institutions everyday for every product known to man. To say that Saddam could ruin the "petro cycle" by wanting his money in Euros is ludicrous.

Alan Simpson is a Global Energy Consultant? He also is apparently a leading Washington Political Intelligence Author. He is so important that, outside of his own website, I could find nothing on him. No news items, no press releases, nothing. He is a real player...

I LOVE IT! There is also a media conspiracy! The liberal media in this country, who hates W, helped cover this up? I literally laughed at loud at this one. Classic stuff.

Enough running commentary.

Sas, this is a propoganda video put together by a bunch of conspiracy theorists. It did not appear on any credible news channel (of course not, the media is in on the conspiracy they will say), it offers no details on the information provided (it's a big secret that Iraq wanted to sell oil in Euros!), they don't even tell you who produced this video. They claim things that a guy like myself, with no economics training other than Econ 101, can pick apart as factually illogical. They hire a guy with a funky accent to narrate, have a dude sit on a couch that you never see the name of, and dub in some conspiracy music, and Viola! you get a Youtube video that people start believing.

This is a good opportunity for people to stop and think and realize something. Youtube is wonderful because it is free and open to all, but therein lies a danger that you have to be aware of. Unlike professional publications, newspapers, news organizations, trade groups, and so forth, these posters on Youtube have no accountability, no peer review, and no standards held to them. Anyone can post anything. Just because they have a funky accent narrating it doesn't make it any more accurate than the TV commercials where a guy with a white doctor's coat on talks about erectile dysfunction.

Sas, you are a smart guy. Don't be duped by this stuff. Stop and think about each point they make and you will realize how far-fetched this really is...

09-19-2008, 04:13 AM
Mr. Clean I am not one to take on one side only and believe in most of what has been said but I am grateful that you were able to post this because I have always liked to hear both sides of the coin and most importantly for other to hear. I posted a link and begin a debate or gather information that can be helpful to others especially to hear the other side.

I been looking forward to your post and what you have gather was excellent work.

When I do get back from Long Beach California I plan to Post another thread that may not hold its ground but it would be nice to hear what others have to say and post like Mr. Clean who I congratulate for doing his groundwork.

BTW if you are interested you should check out this forum.

09-21-2008, 10:18 PM
Glad that you asked, but we're still in Afghanistan (Uruzgan) helping out u guys :)

Wiper, you are helping us guys out? You have to be the dumbest person on this forum with that comment. Also what country are you from that's helping us out?

09-21-2008, 10:30 PM
Wiper, you are helping us guys out? You have to be the dumbest person on this forum with that comment. Also what country are you from that's helping us out?

Well I see you found your flow again, have fun in this thread :)

09-21-2008, 11:55 PM
For the thousandth freaking time ... Attack the person's opinion, not the person!

Mad Fox
09-22-2008, 01:37 AM
Did anyone ever wonder why there was no u after the q in Iraq. That breaks the rules. I think we should change the spelling to Irak.

Mr Clean
09-23-2008, 04:11 PM
Did anyone ever wonder why there was no u after the q in Iraq. That breaks the rules. I think we should change the spelling to Irak.

Nope, just you apparently :)