View Full Version : The Vice Presidential debate

10-03-2008, 03:13 AM
The Vice Presidential debate

Please, it's important to make sure we don't attack each other but only the issues.

If you haven't seen the debate, by all means do so, and take your time.

Thank you


I voted for Joe Biden because I felt he showed much more vast experience and his answers were much more clear on many of the issues compare to Sarah Palin.

10-03-2008, 03:17 AM
Where is the option for neither?

10-03-2008, 03:21 AM
Where is the option for neither?

I think the idea is to vote for the one who you think did better.

10-03-2008, 03:25 AM
I think the idea is to vote for the one who you think did better.

That is correct.

10-03-2008, 03:35 AM
Considering the majority of Bidens comments were false or you can say complete lies one should really consider truth. It's simple to look up and see what was true regarding what Obama and McCain voted for regarding all that was discussed. Why would anyone just vote for either without looking it up themself if they really care?

I was glad Palin called Biden out many times and ofcourse Biden denied, switched the truth along with saying things were taken out of context. Everything can be looked up, listened to and watched and judged with your own 2 eyes.

10-03-2008, 03:48 AM
Why would anyone just vote for either without looking it up themself if they really care?

I was glad Palin called Biden out many times and of course Biden denied, switched the truth along with saying things were taken out of context. Everything can be looked up, listened to and watched and judged with your own 2 eyes.

To answer you question. I have and I do care. You made your point and felt Sarah Palin won the debate. Thank you

10-03-2008, 04:43 AM
Both had their moments, both good and bad. I liked how Palin delivered her answers, she spoke TO the people, she refused to be drug into the Bush administration failure discussions, she nailed him good with the looking back on the past comments.

When the big debate polls are posted on the various sites i'm betting she will come out ahead in the majority of them.

10-03-2008, 05:11 AM
Both had their moments, both good and bad. I liked how Palin delivered her answers, she spoke TO the people, she refused to be drug into the Bush administration failure discussions, she nailed him good with the looking back on the past comments.

When the big debate polls are posted on the various sites i'm betting she will come out ahead in the majority of them.

I will admit she did well when it came to the people but I was more concern with issues and I also felt Joe came back strong toward the end.

Shogun your analogy was best said about her and it was more convincing than most news media had to say about her positive side. I was watching CNN, not my favorite news but I like what you had to say compare to most on CNN. Cheers… :thumbs:

10-03-2008, 06:31 AM
When the big debate polls are posted on the various sites i'm betting she will come out ahead in the majority of them.

I don't think so, I think he will win by 10 or more % of the votes. It will be interesting to see the major polls.

10-03-2008, 12:23 PM
I thought Palin dodged too many questions, instead, took the time to say a carefully laid out speech.

I thought Biden came off sharp and aggressive, I liked how he attacked on the issues.

Palin, could she say "Maverick" and "McCain" just a few more times please?

I did think Palin carried herself a lot better than expected.

I think Biden showed he's a capable leader.

Neither of these two helped me decide. But I think Biden answered more of the questions with answers where as Palin answered some and dodged others with speaches.

10-03-2008, 01:00 PM
She did dodge a few questions and it seems rehearsal.

Biden has been in the senator chair for a long time now I would expect him to come out strong and aggressive and that he did.

The word Maverick I no longer want to hear again. LOL

Palin did come out better compare to the interview at CBS which to me was an embarrassment. She needed this badly for her not to look dim-witted.

I wish they asked her about the Dinosaurs. LOL

It changed a lot for me and proves to me that having her one heartbeat away of a president scares the hell outer of me.

Mad Fox
10-03-2008, 01:22 PM
Palin was too cute and cuddly. Her momness shown through and she tried to use that to her advantage and Joe stuck it too her about being a single parent.

Long story short Palin only can take about taxes and energy. Joe can talk about it all

10-03-2008, 01:39 PM
I liked the cute and cuddly, I always said we needed a normal person with common sense in the White House, and she showed me that she hasn't lost touch with the common person, in 4 years, she could be a force to reckon with.

10-03-2008, 01:41 PM
I liked the cute and cuddly, I always said we needed a normal person with common sense in the White House, and she showed me that she hasn't lost touch with the common person, in 4 years, she could be a force to reckon with.

In the future she will be that I will admit but will require more experience in which she doesn't have yet.

Mr Clean
10-03-2008, 04:11 PM
Just a note: I can't wait for someone to complain about Palin's lack of experience and then says Obama is a better choice, or complains about Biden's age and being an insider and then says McCain is a better choice.

As a lifelong and diehard Cards fan, I was too busy having a great time watching the Cubs lose another game to the Dodgers (LOL!!!) to watch the debate....I love to hate the Cubs.

10-03-2008, 05:27 PM
Just a note: I can't wait for someone to complain about Palin's lack of experience and then says Obama is a better choice, or complains about Biden's age and being an insider and then says McCain is a better choice.

You should watch the interview by CBS with Palin and if you do have the time watch the debate.

10-03-2008, 07:06 PM
Alright, I'll just say that Palin shocked me at her anti-Republic comment when she said that state borders are "imaginary". I take this comment to mean that she believes states should be abolished and turned into one state, i.e EU and federal law will be the only law, eliminating state laws such as medical marijuana and death penalty differences in state laws.

10-03-2008, 08:04 PM
I guess I am very different than many of you here. Some of you say Palin dodges questions but I did not take it that way. I did notice though that many times it appeared she had to respond back to what Biden said. I thought there were too many times where Biden got the extra response which caused that Palin had to correct what Biden said.

Now what amazes me is that no one here has judged the actual content that was being discussed along with the responses. I mean ok judge by the way they act and respond but at the end of the day I am one that wants facts and wants someone who is real not a person who can act tough. I have always respected aperson that can straight talk. I don't mind if a person is not a good speaker either as long as the point and info can be understood. Too bad Americans are easily fooled and or judge the wrong things that are important.

As for anyone who says Biden came out strong, I would love to hear with what. What statement really made you think Biden did good? The reason I ask is because he honestly did not make any statement with how it was to be done such as cutting taxes or health care. I mean he made fun of Palin regarding the $5000.00 credit and said that people will be paying that through taxes which is being done anyway. He failed to mention how he and Obama planned to give out insurance to everyone in the country and I ask how? I mean I imagine people think of his presidency is like routing for a football team. Their are real issues out there ans I assure you health care is very important that I doubt 90% of you really understand what is going on and or what is better for your family. I will tell you from first hand experience that Obama's plan would ruin the system and make it where my wife who has specialists working on her be quite different. Many of you may enjoy clinics but I live with a bit higher in standards and don't want the Government controlling anything when it comes to health.

I am also amazed how none of you talk about the lies Biden mentioned. How anyone can say Palin dodged questions which is untrue in my opinion. How He denies facts which are cleary in reverse to what he said can have him considered to have won in this debate. I see none of this in this poll discussion. I mean almost every comment he said was false according to the facts. He also compares McCain to Bush which is pathetic because many times McCain has gone against everyone inhis party. I loved it when Palin brought up the fact that Biden said Obama is not ready and McCain is the man for the job. Thta really impressed me not only how she said it but because she mocke dhim with facts.

Manyof you can talk in these forums as a cheerleader but I remain to go by facts which helps to know about them before the debate. I also like to look past the conversation and look at the agenda of each party. I would prefer a person that talks to the people rather being a spokesman. And if any of you want to discuss dodging anything, I would be willing to do so regarding the corruption between Fannie and Obama.

10-03-2008, 08:24 PM
You should watch the interview by CBS with Palin and if you do have the time watch the debate.

Sas I am curious to know what that has to do with anything? I mean as an American I prefer a person with balls to go get interviewed by anyone including those who are extremely bias such as all these media outlets. Would you say CBS, ABC, NBC are not biased? How about looking outside the box and wonder why Obama or Biden does not go on shows like Hannity or others that would ask maybe real questions such as Fannie Mae and the corruption with Obama that got us in this economic mess which ofcourse they blame the current administartion. Or questions regarding the real statements and comments that were lied about in the debates. You see I admire people who have balls to go to the other side and allow questions. It shows there is nothing to hide or fool Americans. Ofcourse this also can backfire due to the lack of capability for people to look away from the promotions of the bias networks. I wish Americans would wisen up a bit because it's to common they miss the truth.

10-03-2008, 10:37 PM
CBS interview made it clear that she wasn’t prepared and she should be if she is going to be Vice president. She is simply a person that needed to rehearsal for the debate and I still believe she is green to the bone when it comes to foreign policy and more.
Here is a link to the transcript of the debate.
Now we can go by what it said and I have watched the debate and have read the transcript and you are welcome to point out a few things there to me that can convince me that she is qualified.

Please, don’t tell me that she was real when she spoke and has balls because the truth is facts like you said to me tells it all. One other thing to remind you that when you say that the American people needs to wise-up or Americans are easily fooled, that is saying that we are not correct in what we believe and I am not about to tell that to anyone but only respect what they say but can speak of the issues. You on the other hand voted for Bush, nothing else needs to be said about that because you know how I feel about that but will only stick to the issues.

10-03-2008, 11:05 PM
You are basing your opinion off of a CBS interview that was extremely edited. Give me a break. It remeinds me of that Simpsons episode when Homer was accused of touching the babysitter. If you have not seen that one it's one of the funniest ones.

As for rehearsing, both VP cans were not aware of the questions that were asked. I notice every comment you make is regarding one side which is weird as if you think it's onlythe one side you dont like does such things. I assure you they both and so has every other person that has enetered a debate in history rehearsed. I see no point but to rebute your comments, you have not discussed the honesty coming from your camp. I mean with all honesty, Palin called Biden on many things you still have not mentioned or commented on. I ask, does it matter the facts were not discussed from your camp? I think that is what I was referring to about Americans not wising up as the truth and facts are often overlooked and strictly go on how things are said. I would say no matter how things are said, it it's not true, it's straight out Bullshit. I laugh at the acuusations of Palin not having enough experience to lead when those questions are never asked about Obama. It really is a joke and this is where I get Americans need to wisen up, plain and simple. Still to this day not here, not there, no one is able to say what Obama ever did that makes him worth voting for. Not once which is laughable considering according to polls I hardly care about shows him above McCain by 4%. I almost want Obama to win so Americans get what they deserve due to their ignorance just like they got what they deserve with their Democrat lead Congress that preached change.

10-03-2008, 11:13 PM
Get back to me when you have read the transcript and point out to me what you think can convince me to change my views.

CBS has nothing to do with it because it was videotaped and that doesn’t lie you knuckle head. She ****ed up big time.

debate in history rehearsed is true but with her tells another story because in that CBS interview she was not prepared but this time she had some help but with Joe he doesn't have to rehearsed because he has been in office since 1975 and pretty much can handle the news media because he has shown that since he has been in office.

Keep watching cartoons.

Simpson's is my favorite btw and I have seen them all. I like the one with President Bush Sr. where he sets him up with a rainbow wig and in the end he fights with Bush Sr. at the sewer. That was funny to me.

10-04-2008, 12:11 AM
I am confused, are you referring to the transcript of the debate or the cbs interview? I just realized you posted a link to the debate transcript which I will get to and post what I am referring to

10-04-2008, 06:42 AM
I am confused, are you referring to the transcript of the debate or the cbs interview? I just realized you posted a link to the debate transcript which I will get to and post what I am referring to

Yes the transcript of the debate.

10-04-2008, 12:53 PM
Considering the majority of Bidens comments were false or you can say complete lies one should really consider truth. It's simple to look up and see what was true regarding what Obama and McCain voted for regarding all that was discussed. Why would anyone just vote for either without looking it up themself if they really care?

Both were misleading http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/Vote2008/story?id=5942414&page=1
