View Full Version : Warhammer

10-04-2008, 12:27 PM
Well, its been out for a couple weeks, hows everyone liking it? what are you playing? ETC

ive got a 18 Black orc and 20 shaman on kislev in a totally awesome guild, my only complaints are about the many "at launch" bugs that seem to be typical of any mmo's release, other then that, and PvE instances being a HUGE waste of time, this game is amazing. The RvR is just...wow.

He Is Legend
10-05-2008, 01:13 AM
I have a level 12 Witch elf on Dark Crag, I love the game so far. The pvp is just out of this world..classes are mad balanced, stealthing in and slashing out the heals before anyone kills my team, sweet shit.

Other than that I was hoping for the pve content to hold me over if I didn't want to pvp some days, but I guess that's where my WoW addiction comes in. I don't think i'll ever find anything better than WoW.

10-06-2008, 09:21 AM
ive heard the PvE later on in Warhammer DOESNT suck terribly though :)

Mr Clean
10-13-2008, 03:20 PM
Unfortunately, I don't have the same feel for Warhammer as I did for DAOC or WoW. I'll probably cancel my account.

I'm more of a PvE person than RvR, I'll play TF2 if I feel like killing real players :).

So far it has just been OK. DAOC seemed much to have a much deeper story (and I was a crafting freak like you), and I enjoy the PvE too which is probably the one big missing aspect of Warhammer...

10-17-2008, 11:16 AM
AOC has been great and solved all the crashes and oom errors. I am happy with that. They also release the pvp patch so you now get pvp xp for gear. I am currently level 2 on my bear shamon which I kick some ass with. Loving the game more and more. Seiges are great also but they still need some work. We burnt down another guilds fortess a couple of weeks ago and that was great. If you have a good computer you will be amazed about the graphics. I will have to gather up some screen shots for you all to compare. There is no other game like it and the fatalities are simply amazing. My latest one is taking someone's head clean off as the blood splatters on the screen. No cartoonish crap.

10-17-2008, 06:29 PM
mythic is currently putting out damn near a hotfix a day to address their issues, and they're acting like this game will make or break them, they already seem to have completely decimated gold spammers, which were a huge problem at launch, as well as a number of crash to desktop problems.

they still seem to care just as much now about the game as they did when sepra made the comment about the damn near redoing the whole game based on player feedback, which for me, is absolutely unheard of

10-18-2008, 02:23 AM
i agree, but to do so openly, almost encouraging people to give feedback, is still pretty amazing :)

10-18-2008, 03:36 AM
WOW next patch or version will have sieges like War Hammer. My guess is they are trying to gain more popularity against Warhammer.

I try the game it was pretty good but I can't seem to get my mind off DAOC which to me is no other game like it.

The graphics are very nicely done and it's a game for now that I see most who use to play DAOC playing because DAOC is dieing.

10-18-2008, 12:29 PM
personally, i dont think WoW's PvP could ever match up to that of WAR (granted ive never played DAOC) but WoW was always a crowd control, then nuke the S out of one person at a time kinda game, which is really lame. Who likes getting 1 shotted right at the start of a PvP encounter? i mean, wth is that.

10-18-2008, 03:46 PM
Being Nuked one shot isn’t what happens in DAOC especially if you have the items to help. Like you said you never did play DAOC, so you wouldn’t really know about it unless you played it. I on the other hand have played WOW and War Hammer.

Anyway WOW is going to have siege now implemented on the next patch and that should help for players who enjoy taking castles and towers and most of all big battle that do occur when this happens.

I will wait for the day or year for a game very much like DAOC, and then you will see me there with my guild dominating most of the fights like we did at the classics servers. What actually didn’t help DAOC, which is one of many reasons it decline was the ML’s. You can verify that easily on the internet.

10-18-2008, 04:04 PM
I will wait for the day or year for a game very much like DAOC, and then you will see me there with my guild dominating most of the fights like we did at the classics servers.

What realm did you play on, on classic and who is your guild? I 8man'd all 3 realms there for the past couple of years up until about a month ago. I didn't know you played classic too.......

10-18-2008, 07:38 PM
BlackMass they were mids and then we went to Albs. I also played with a few top albs guild like Suka and few other good players. Bizz who had nothing but casters and I was the peeler. I never played Hibs because I never did like there toons that much.

Cain was the Bone Dancer and then we went to albs as tanks and I was there peelers and cain was the destroyer when I played with BlackMass.

The guys I played were mostly Russians and they were funny when they would fight on Ventriolo.

Sepra I use to run the BG as an alb a lot as monster everyone pretty much knows who I am as an alb.
Hellvamp I use to go on as a hib with my ranger just to tell him get ready for a big battle I will be BGing as an alb. He would always laugh and thank me because he would mostly take in charge of Hibs BG. We always pretty much knew that a big war is going to happen and I use to start it a lot at Crim tower Outpost, which is my favorite spot to begin the battles against Hibs.

But I gave that up because it wasn't giving me time to play with the 8 man group which I enjoyed a lot especially a good 8 man.

10-19-2008, 11:10 PM
Must have been when classic first came out? I played with black mass and cannyssah saighn (seksikas narttu on classic) people for the past couple of years so it must have been long before that. Never heard of the other people. Did they play euro time being russians?

10-20-2008, 03:54 AM
Did you know Cain the Bone Dancer, and as a alb tank armsmen?

If you don't know Cain then I don't know what else to say because he would always be on first and gather the players to run the 8 man.

And yes to your answer they played Euro time and they were Russians.

You ask me this question about a 1 1/2 year ago. If you don't know me as Monsterwp as an alb then I don't know what else to say to you because everyone knew who I was as an alb who use to take in charge of BG a lot.

As for 8 man run I played with different toons with 8 accounts and always kept one as a secret because I didn't want to be ask to run BG's or run with others but with my Russian friends and they never invited outside players to the voice chat only until the end when many of us were retiring from the game.

In order to play for BlackMass you had to tryout for the team and if they like you they would consider you but we had only 12 to 16 members and had what we needed. The only time they would consider looking for another player is when we lose one etc. I have no idea what BlackMass team you played with because we had that name and they were Russains.

10-20-2008, 04:20 PM
Black Mass is an old school Igraine guild. They were not russians and were in AJ Inc alliance with all other old frontiers/old school igrainers as you can see on the herald. http://guilds.camelotherald.com/guilds/guild.php?s=Gareth&g=31

Sorry, I have no idea who your russians were :confused: Do you have any links? I'm honestly curious. I don't even see your Monsterwp toon on the herald.

10-20-2008, 06:25 PM
Monsternee is one and the monsterwp I can't find it was on another account which I delete in order to stop playing.

Question Sepra if I deleted my account it should still be there correct?

Sepra I will try to get more info for you and contact a few guys.

The name I misspell btw it's Kaine or Kain not sure but I still don't see his name as a Bone dancer or a armsmen. Svea was a healer and yet no name. Doh!

I will find out the name of the guild to be sure because I do forget easily with names but it's funny if had to remember social security numbers I can remember that easy then names LOL

I do not question your honesty Sepra but something isn't right which I will look into when I speak with them and I just made contact with one of the guys that plays with them sometimes not a member bu he may know how to contact Kaine for me and the others. I just send him a PM to find out so be patience for me and I will straighten this out for us ok.

10-26-2008, 12:20 PM

11-14-2008, 01:35 AM
personally, i dont think WoW's PvP could ever match up to that of WAR (granted ive never played DAOC) but WoW was always a crowd control, then nuke the S out of one person at a time kinda game, which is really lame. Who likes getting 1 shotted right at the start of a PvP encounter? i mean, wth is that.

WoW has several types of PvP encounters, so I'm not sure what you are talking about. There's arena's, which can be pretty intense. They were meant to be that way. There's world PvP objectives, like taking towers. There are the BG's, which are more like a PvP instance. And there is plain WPvP, which is just getting a bunch of people together to attack a city or town. And now with WOTLK there will be siege wars that will make WPvP just that much more interesting.

In any case, if you are getting 1-shotted in a PvP situation, you probably really shouldn't be there. You either need to level up or gear up, or both. Or just stick with PvE.