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10-28-2008, 12:44 PM
Yup, he's dead!

Boy Killed Firing Submachine Gun At Firearms Expo

October 28, 2008

Eight-year-old Christopher Bizilj died after accidentally shooting himself in the head in what was supposed to be among the safest possible settings for youngsters to handle firearms.

The third-grader from Ashford, a well-liked "all-American boy," was attending a "Machine Gun Shoot & Firearms Expo" on Sunday at the long-established Westfield Sportsman's Club in Massachusetts. While shooting, he was supervised by a trained professional and within sight of his father, Dr. Charles Bizilj, the medical director of emergency and critical care at Johnson Memorial Hospital in Stafford.

Yet something went horribly wrong.

What some, including a longtime club member and retired gun designer, found most startling was that the boy was firing a 9mm, Micro Uzi submachine gun, a weapon that weighs about 5 pounds and can fire 1,200 rounds a minute.

"Allowing the boy to handle the gun by himself was stupid and criminal negligence," said Robert A. Greenleaf Sr., 86, who left the club's board of directors because he opposed the annual machine gun shoot. Someone should have held the gun and allowed the boy to pull the trigger, he said.

"The weapon was loaded and ready to fire," Westfield police Lt. Hipolito Nunez said. "The 8-year-old victim had the Uzi and as he was firing the weapon, the front end of the weapon went up with the [recoil] and he ended up receiving a round in his head."

The boy was taken to Baystate Medical Center in Springfield, where he died.

The two-day event was sponsored by the club and COP Firearms & Training, a business owned by Edward B. Fleury, a firearms instructor and dealer, and the police chief in Pelham, Mass. Fleury could not be reached for comment.

While an 8-year-old with an Uzi may seem incongruous, it is legal in Massachusetts and Connecticut under the right circumstances. Officials in Massachusetts said anyone under the age of 18 can fire an automatic weapon with parental consent and a licensed instructor present. Connecticut State Police spokesman Trooper William Tate said anyone under the age of 16 needs to be under the direct supervision of a parent to fire such a weapon.

A federal stamp on a gun permit is required to own an automatic weapon, but in certain circumstances the license holder can supervise others using the weapon, authorities said.

Nunez said the incident remains under investigation, including whether those involved with the event had proper licenses and permits. Nunez declined to release the name of the instructor who accompanied Christopher to the firing line.

There are more questions than answers at this point about the incident, but people involved in firearms education and training say there is nothing inherently dangerous about a youngster handling an automatic weapon.

"With proper knowledge and proper safety, they're no more dangerous than any other firearm," said Brian R. Kowalcyk, a National Rifle Association certified instructor and the vice president of the Mattabassett Rifle & Pistol Club in Berlin.

Robert Crook, executive director of the Coalition of Connecticut Sportsmen, said all but a few gun clubs in the state ban automatic weapons, but it's for practical reasons, such as noise problems, rather than safety concerns. He said accidents at firing ranges are "very, very, very rare."

State Rep. Michael Lawlor, D- East Haven, who has supported gun-control legislation, said although he thought it was "a little crazy" to allow a child to shoot a machine gun, it could conceivably be done safely.

"It's a really dangerous thing to hand an 8-year-old," said Lawlor, co-chairman of the state legislature's judiciary committee. "If you're going to do that you'd better take every reasonable precaution to make sure nothing goes wrong."

Charles Bizilj told the Boston Globe that a trained professional was with Christopher when he had the Uzi, but doesn't think the person was holding the weapon as his son pressed the trigger.

He said his son had fired handguns and rifles, but Sunday was the first time he had fired an automatic weapon.

While psychologists on the crisis team at Ashford School, where Christopher attended with his older brother, counseled faculty and students, friends and relatives gathered Monday at the Bizilj home to comfort the family. Neighbor William Hockla, who described Christopher as "an all-American boy," said his wife heard of the death on the radio Monday morning, but the family's name was mispronounced. "Gee, I hope it's someone else," he recalled saying to himself. Then, he said, the TV cameras began showing up.

"Then I knew it was true," he said.
Guns don't kill people, people kill people... this kids Dad basically killed him. I could not fathom handing my son a firearm, let alone a f-n machine gun!

People say there should be less gun laws, waive the constitution. Well, as we get dumber, we require more restrictions. Sad, but true.

10-28-2008, 02:30 PM
Saw that last nite too...You would think someone there would be hands-on spotting that kid ,rather than letting him handle it himself.

his father, Dr. Charles Bizilj, the medical director of emergency and critical care at Johnson Memorial Hospital in Stafford. You'd think he'd know better...sad story all the way around...

He Is Legend
10-28-2008, 04:40 PM
It is pretty awesome to shoot a machine gun. They have ranges in Las Vegas I've been to.

It is mad fun, I've shot a M203 on M4 carbine..talk about explosive fun.

Oh, and what a stupid kid.

10-28-2008, 04:56 PM
It's a horrible accident. I agree that someone should have been assisting the 8yr old.

It is pretty awesome to shoot a machine gun. They have ranges in Las Vegas I've been to.
There was a instructor with him

10-28-2008, 06:27 PM
It is not the gun's fault, but the child's parental guardian's fault and the blunder of the child. Gun control laws are not the answer. A nation with no guns is a nation under tyranny and despotism.

10-28-2008, 06:33 PM
to be honest when I read the title
"Boy Killed Firing Submachine Gun At Firearms Expo,"
I thought the kid found a gun and was shooting AT the firearms Expo, and was killed while being pursued...

Yeah, I dont know how though...

10-28-2008, 08:08 PM
There was a instructor with him

That's true...and his dad was right there too..

But I thought it would have been a " I'll hold it, you pull the trigger " kind of a set-up with an instructor, rather than the kid having 100% of the control...

Death Engineer
10-28-2008, 10:31 PM
Those that say guns aren't dangerous are just silly. I'm definitely not for banning such weapons, but they should be handled with proper safety. Can you imagine being that instructor? How would you sleep at night?

I prefer not to be around guns because of the potential for accidents. However, I have nothing against people who own them and use them appropriately. I can't think of too many appropriate uses for a machine gun owned by an individual though.

10-28-2008, 11:51 PM
Those that say guns aren't dangerous are just silly. I'm definitely not for banning such weapons, but they should be handled with proper safety. Can you imagine being that instructor? How would you sleep at night?

I prefer not to be around guns because of the potential for accidents. However, I have nothing against people who own them and use them appropriately. I can't think of too many appropriate uses for a machine gun owned by an individual though.
In case there's a need for people to defend themselves against their government.

Death Engineer
10-30-2008, 06:46 PM
You would not defend yourself against the government with a machine gun. You would need a few hundred (thousand) friends with machine guns willing to die with you. ;)

11-02-2008, 04:49 AM
Rifle or hunting gun I can understand and yet I am still against it but an Uzi submachine gun, what would be the purpose of having one?

Uzi submachine gun I can only see its purpose, is to go to war of any kind.

Uzi submachine gun should not be in the market, it should be only for professional law man or solders.

Mr Clean
11-07-2008, 06:10 PM
It is not the gun's fault, but the child's parental guardian's fault and the blunder of the child. Gun control laws are not the answer. A nation with no guns is a nation under tyranny and despotism.

Well said Nitro.