View Full Version : George W. Bush's 8 year administration

10-29-2008, 03:30 PM
As a staunch supporter of Bush in 2000, now I am quite possibly the farthest away from being a supporter that is possible. Have other peoples' feelings about this administration changed over the years, given the events and the facts that have surfaced as of now?

10-29-2008, 03:52 PM
your choices suck! Best in history, worst, a little too extreme. Mine falls between worst ever and somewhat bad. Worst ever is too strong, and I haven't lived long enough to say that

10-29-2008, 04:12 PM
Who did more to destroy the US constitution than Bush? I would be here all day if I named every single piece of legislation this administration has put forward that has taken away more liberty and freedom than any other time in US history. Hell, we had more freedom under British under in pre-1776 America than we do now.

Some (but only a small small fraction) of the reasons for this being the worst presidency in US histry are found in the impeachment articles: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Movement_to_impeach_George_W._Bush#Rationales_for_ impeachment

Don't you remember when Habeus Corpus was revoked?

Article which reminded me about making this topic: http://www.rollingstone.com/news/profile/story/9961300/the_worst_president_in_history

61% of polled historians say he is the worst president in US history: http://hnn.us/articles/48916.html

Bush is the only president in US history to have the highest approval rating (92% immediately after 9/11) to the lowest approval rating (around 20% currently)

I don't think the choices are too extreme. I have talked with people who have declared it the best presidency and others that said it was the worst. Many are inbetween, as always.

You DO realize that nearly 2 million Iraqis are dead as a direct result of Bush's war on "evil". I'm pretty sure that death total takes the cake.

Death Engineer
10-29-2008, 05:09 PM
I'm definitely less than impressed with many aspects of the Bush administration over the last 4 years. However, I have no doubt at least as many Iraqis would have suffered at Saddam's hands had we never gone over there. I don't think he's the worst in history, but overall I believe he will be remembered negatively. I still respect him as our current commander in chief though (as I did Clinton when he was in office despite that I disagreed with him on many topics).

I think more generally the perception of government is way down. Congress approval ratings are horrid and I just don't think people trust politicians. We have the best congress money can buy and now I think that corruption is showing us it's colors. None of us like it, but I know I haven't done much about it.

You can bet that I'll be carefully casting my vote on Thurs (early voting).

10-29-2008, 10:44 PM
It's way too early of course to make any claims about "Best" or "Worst" and anyone who tries to pin it down is, of course, just making a guess based on emotions.

Ask the question 15 or 20 years from now when there is actually some context to based the question on, and then you will have a legitimate answer.

Really all anyone who tries to answer the question at this point can go on is current events (Which is, by definition CURRENT and not historical) and emotion.

And let's face it, emotion and politics are about the two worst bedfellows around. :P

11-07-2008, 05:31 AM

Ahh..America...A country where a convicted felon on 7 accounts (R) Ted Stevens, can still win a Senate race.