View Full Version : Obama won...now what?

11-05-2008, 04:48 PM
Will there actually be any positive change that we can believe in? History tells me no. However, as the lesser of two evils, it gives us a bit more time before everything collapses which then will give birth to the rising phoenix of true change.

11-05-2008, 05:31 PM
My concern is the assassination of Obama, if it should so happen it will be the biggest setback for America and this country will be in for the biggest uprising of all.

11-05-2008, 06:05 PM
My concern is the assassination of Obama, if it should so happen it will be the biggest setback for America and this country will be in for the biggest uprising of all. That's a eerie thought. I have faith in Biden to lead, that's for sure, I thought he was the best of the 4.

11-05-2008, 06:07 PM
That's a eerie thought. I have faith in Biden to lead, that's for sure, I thought he was the best of the 4.

I do agree but it still can course an uprising and lots of trouble which this country doesn't need at this time.

11-05-2008, 07:22 PM
Will there actually be any positive change that we can believe in? History tells me no. However, as the lesser of two evils, it gives us a bit more time before everything collapses which then will give birth to the rising phoenix of true change.
you sure have been pretty full of your BS lately.

11-05-2008, 07:25 PM
:rolleyes: Usually people wonder what's going to happen before they vote which is the reason they vote for any individual. Now you all voted for Obama and wonder what's going to happen?:rolleyes:

Now since you asked, I will be happy to tell you.

Your taxes will go up. Obama will raise taxes on corporations which will laugh at Obama and start laying off 1000''s of people. Governemnt will take over bigger parts of your life. Ironic isn't it? Many of you will lose your jobs and or your pay scale will decline. America will become weaker in all aspects including military. It's amazing the wonderful things other countries do when they see the one country to defend others won't and or incapable. White people will also still have to deal with affirmative action because you know we hold back all minorities:rolleyes: .

As months go on you will se ethe market decline even faster as companies prepare to close down and move over seas. The hard working American folk will lose more money in their retirment funds/401k and any other investments. The poor and lazy will not have to worry because they will continue to soak the hard working with welfare and any other programs that allow them to share the wealth.

I will predict larger and more dangerous wars over the next few years and something really big within the next 8.

Americans deserve what they get.

Mad Fox
11-05-2008, 07:36 PM
I think it is summarized by Obama himself

"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time, who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer."

11-05-2008, 07:49 PM
eh, spare us the drama. That might be what you want to happen so you can be "right" but overall it is not a productive attitude to take. things will continue to go along as they always have. some people will suffer more, other people will benefit more. as bad as you think you have it here it is worse for most of the people in the world. The dollar has been shooting up the past month. why? because the rest of the world figures that the US is going to weather the downturn better than they are, so they are investing in safety. The whole problem with politics that I see is that we go from extreme to extreme. One group hates the other group, so every 8 years they manage to get revenge and put their person in power. There is never any moderation. I imagine if obama tries to make to many liberal initiatives he will get smacked down, same as the clintons did when they went into office. same thing with raising taxes. i doubt he will be able to ramrod it through, and if they do the next couple of years will probably show it did not have the desired effects.

11-05-2008, 08:08 PM
Thank God Hillary didn't win.

Now with Obama being President and a Democratic majority in the House and Senate they should be able to get things done, so they have no more excuses.

I hope things go well, but I am not optimistic. What will all the Liberal newspapers have to write about anymore? What will your favorite celebrities be able to cry about now? I do look forward to Bitching and moaning about the government for at least the next four years, seems it's the new American Way.


11-05-2008, 08:24 PM
Jim, I can only hope I am wrong. The problem is while everyone looks around in their own buble, I look at what's going on in the world. I look at the greed of the corporations who have too much power as it is in this country. I pay attention to the more realistics of the world and our country and cannot be too optimistic with what I se. I promise you though I would prefer to be wrong with how I feel and what I see.

11-05-2008, 08:33 PM
Just party, have fun, live life to the fullest and stop worrying so much guys.

11-05-2008, 10:23 PM
I think it's a black day for the KKK :D

Death Engineer
11-05-2008, 10:39 PM
I hadn't thought about that Sas, but that's probably a valid thought. There are some real kooks out there that are probably really upset right now. While I didn't vote for Obama, now that he is the next president, I am pleased that we have taken that step racially.

I particularly liked McCain's concession speech. He said it well as far as what should happen. In my own words, Republicans, democrats, conservatives and liberals, independents alike should work together to continue to make this the greatest country in the world.

11-06-2008, 12:11 AM
Now what? He has to get sworn in next, right? :D

Perfect aim
11-06-2008, 01:04 AM
hopefully what ever happens in the future will be for the better :)

11-06-2008, 01:24 AM
I hadn't thought about that Sas, but that's probably a valid thought. There are some real kooks out there that are probably really upset right now. While I didn't vote for Obama, now that he is the next president, I am pleased that we have taken that step racially.

I particularly liked McCain's concession speech. He said it well as far as what should happen. In my own words, Republicans, democrats, conservatives and liberals, independents alike should work together to continue to make this the greatest country in the world.

you forgot about us libertarian folk :(

Death Engineer
11-06-2008, 05:40 AM
You guys don't count. ;) Seriously ... all Americans ... let's unite, k? Better place for everyone. Group hug.

11-06-2008, 09:35 AM
I posted this in another forum before the election.

This is what worries me the most, if he gets this control of Congress he will most likely nominate and get appointed extremely left leaning judges to the Supreme Court and the rest of the federal courts that will legislate from the bench.
I just can't help having this sinking feeling if it does happen that the 1st and especially the 2nd amendment are in jeopardy.
In all my years I have never seen the Democrat party lean this far to the left, and it scares the hell out of me.

I think you all should think long and hard about who you vote for, there is far more to consider than the just the economy.

Just an opinion from a senile old man
The economy will fix itself in time.
Federal judges are lifetime appointments, their decisions will effect us for decades to come.

You guys don't count. ;) Seriously ... all Americans ... let's unite, k? Better place for everyone. Group hug.
Like the democrats united around Bush and had a group hug..not

11-06-2008, 12:41 PM
They United around Bush for 9/11 then he misled everyone about weapons of mass destruction and the Iraq war, gee, no wonder no group hug.. Bush has a ridiculous approval rating :down: #1 reason why Mccain lost, Bush!

11-06-2008, 01:11 PM
The Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has an even lower approval rating than Bush. Seems she is a real thorn in the side of the parties trying to work together.

11-06-2008, 02:40 PM
They United around Bush for 9/11 then he misled everyone about weapons of mass destruction and the Iraq war, gee, no wonder no group hug.. Bush has a ridiculous approval rating :down: #1 reason why Mccain lost, Bush!

Exactly. Bush had the highest approval rating in US history after his little stunt on 9/11 and then rightfully received the lowest approval rating in history several months ago. I was one of the 92% bushies.

It's funny when Jon Stewart put up speeches made by Bush in 2000 and McCain this year and they were line by freaking line identical. Hilarious and sad at the same time.

11-06-2008, 02:56 PM
"His little stunt on 9/11"? Please explain what you meant by that.

11-06-2008, 03:49 PM
"His little stunt on 9/11"? Please explain what you meant by that.


After watching a "neutral" documentary on 9/11 in one of my classes that talked about what caused the buildings to collapse, I highly doubt the validity of any of those theories.

11-06-2008, 04:07 PM
"His little stunt on 9/11"? Please explain what you meant by that.

Isn't it apparent? I was obviously talking about him holding a book upside down. Who the hell does that?!


11-06-2008, 04:30 PM

After watching a "neutral" documentary on 9/11 in one of my classes that talked about what caused the buildings to collapse, I highly doubt the validity of any of those theories.

What troubles me was the third building that went down, also why did Chaney our Vice President take control of our Northern Defense at Colorado which is the first in history for any Vice president to ever take command while the President was not hurt or incapable but fully healthy. If you haven't read the report it will be on the report about our defense when our Vice president took command not our chief main top military commanders when it comes to defending our country.

This I question very much why and there isn't much of a reason for any of this to happen because of the regulation when defending our country especially the Northern Defense at Colorado, there job is simple, defend and protect not attack but defend and any intruder who comes to our border line defense or air without any response is easily shot down and is not required to have the president or the Vice President approval but our Main and chief military commander to make that split decision.

This I question it very much and it disturbs me and so I question it. I am not pointing figures at anyone but I question it and I think it's time that 9/11 is to be investigated again.

One other thing too when a F15 is up and flying in the air and not a routine fly by it means two things, one is, stand down and the second thing is, or be shot down.

I remember that day when seeing a couple of F15's flying by in New York and I am not far from the Twin Towers it only takes me about less then 10 mins by train and by car 5 mins.

He Is Legend
11-06-2008, 05:48 PM
"Bush" blew up the buildings,
and the pentagon,
Rigged with explosives,
Get informed.

Cant wait to see what " Obama " has in line for us !!!

11-06-2008, 06:24 PM
As much as I disapprove of Bush and the way he has led this nation, I'm really tired of seeing that photo-shopped picture. Time to let it go. :rolleyes:

Isn't it apparent? I was obviously talking about him holding a book upside down. Who the hell does that?!


11-06-2008, 06:26 PM
It's the only funny thing that came to my mind in order to not turn this into a 9/11 thread :P

11-06-2008, 08:14 PM
the government is too incompetent to be involved in any type of conspiracy

11-06-2008, 08:55 PM
the government is too incompetent to be involved in any type of conspiracy
The government as a whole yes, but a single or a select few individuals could pull it off.

11-06-2008, 09:20 PM
The government as a whole yes, but a single or a select few individuals could pull it off.

The sheer magnitude of the events that led up to 9/11 rules out a single person or a select few in my mind. Some of the conspiracy theories are interesting and make you stop and think, but ultimately I don't believe the US government was involved.

The collapse of the third building would have been sloppy and pointless had it been an instrumented act.

I work in a lab that tests the properties of various materials at various temperatures. I've done this for almost 30 years. The scientific explanation of the collapse of all of the buildings is valid.

11-06-2008, 09:52 PM
to say 9/11 was a conspiracy is humorous, I have a friend who was at the pentagon doing triage, all real there :down:

11-06-2008, 10:07 PM
satan did it. there are two photos that clearly show his face....

11-06-2008, 10:34 PM
satan did it. there are two photos that clearly show his face....

Satan's a bitch. I had a flat tire the other day and I saw him in the reflection of my car's window, but when I turned to face him he wasn't there. Wussy. I know he did it, but I have no reasonable proof.

11-07-2008, 12:11 AM
I work in a lab that tests the properties of various materials at various temperatures. I've done this for almost 30 years. The scientific explanation of the collapse of all of the buildings is valid.

Sirc I don't know much about this part but I am curious to know how the heat or temperature affected the third building when it wasn't really that close to the towers. I am not an expert on this but can you explain to me more of this for me because I don't understand how because again I am no expert or know much about this at all.

11-07-2008, 12:22 AM
to say 9/11 was a conspiracy is humorous, I have a friend who was at the pentagon doing triage, all real there :down:

Conspiracy is not what I am thinking about just curious to know a few things that seem to have not been explained clearly and many people still don't understand how it pretty much happen and why we didn't react quickly.

I also know that we were warn by Israel and other countries about it before it happen plus some information when it was address by the CIA and FBI when they were asked to explain.

11-07-2008, 12:22 AM
Lets see what was the original topic again? Oh yeah ... "Obama won...now what?"

Ok Sho I will stop talking about it. LOL

11-07-2008, 12:23 AM
Start a new thread SAS

Lets see what was the original topic again? Oh yeah ... "Obama won...now what?"

11-07-2008, 12:48 AM
Obama once in office will begin making plans on the US Economy.
A. Remove Bush;s Tax cut for the Wealthy etc
B. Give a tax break to all those making less than a net of $250,000 per year after the expenses.
C. 90 day moratorium on current mortgage foreclosures etc
D. Extend the current unemployment benefits and to develop a program to put American workers back to work and fixing the infrastructure for schools etc.
E. Iraq, Afghanistan, which includes our troops, Pakistan and Iran foreign affairs.
F. Education
G. Health Care
H. Energy, which also includes our earth.

I am sure there are more what he plans to do and most importantly is to understand that this isn’t going to take 1 term but maybe a lot longer to see results.

Will he succeed in doing so, I hope so.

11-07-2008, 01:06 AM
His plans for the tax cuts/hikes will not happen till 2010 if they do happen. Watch and see 95% of what he "promised" will not happen. People are looking at him like he will be able to make a difference. I dought that very very highly considering the situation the country is in. Remember it was both the blue and red and their greed that got us here.

In other words we are FuVKED any way you look at it. I lost 80% of my 401k so far. My properties ain't worth a rats ass. I am sitting on 5 acres in St. Lucie County that will not sell for at least 5 years. But for some odd reasons my damn property tax and my insurance is going up.

My insursance on my business has doubled in the last 2 years. The insurance on the house I bought for my mom... The property value this time last year was $325,000 now it's $235,000. My taxes last year $12,000 this year $19,000. Let me see a change in these things and maybe then I will think something has been done.

To make it short and sweet I will not believe a damn thing till I see it. When I do see the "change" then I will support him. Till then he is nothing more than a liar with a gift for high quality bullsh!t.

11-07-2008, 04:55 AM
What troubles me was the third building that went down, also why did Chaney our Vice President take control of our Northern Defense at Colorado which is the first in history for any Vice president to ever take command while the President was not hurt or incapable but fully healthy. If you haven't read the report it will be on the report about our defense when our Vice president took command not our chief main top military commanders when it comes to defending our country.

This I question very much why and there isn't much of a reason for any of this to happen because of the regulation when defending our country especially the Northern Defense at Colorado, there job is simple, defend and protect not attack but defend and any intruder who comes to our border line defense or air without any response is easily shot down and is not required to have the president or the Vice President approval but our Main and chief military commander to make that split decision.

This I question it very much and it disturbs me and so I question it. I am not pointing figures at anyone but I question it and I think it's time that 9/11 is to be investigated again.

One other thing too when a F15 is up and flying in the air and not a routine fly by it means two things, one is, stand down and the second thing is, or be shot down.

I remember that day when seeing a couple of F15's flying by in New York and I am not far from the Twin Towers it only takes me about less then 10 mins by train and by car 5 mins.

If you haven't read this, you should, it might clear up a few of your questions.

Popular Mechanics Debunking the 9/11 Myths (http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html)

11-07-2008, 04:58 AM

The Chosen One promised CHANGE. not only that, but CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN!!!

Obama wooooo change change change obamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

11-07-2008, 04:59 AM
If you haven't read this, you should, it might clear up a few of your questions.

Popular Mechanics Debunking the 9/11 Myths (http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html)

That article has been debunked more times than 50 Cent got shot.

Absolute hit piece of crap, I can't even believe you posted that garbage HAHA

11-07-2008, 06:17 AM
Obama is supposrted by white supremacists. No joke lol


11-07-2008, 01:03 PM
His plans for the tax cuts/hikes will not happen till 2010 if they do happen. Watch and see 95% of what he "promised" will not happen. People are looking at him like he will be able to make a difference. I dought that very very highly considering the situation the country is in. Remember it was both the blue and red and their greed that got us here.

In other words we are FuVKED any way you look at it. I lost 80% of my 401k so far. My properties ain't worth a rats ass. I am sitting on 5 acres in St. Lucie County that will not sell for at least 5 years. But for some odd reasons my damn property tax and my insurance is going up.

My insursance on my business has doubled in the last 2 years. The insurance on the house I bought for my mom... The property value this time last year was $325,000 now it's $235,000. My taxes last year $12,000 this year $19,000. Let me see a change in these things and maybe then I will think something has been done.

To make it short and sweet I will not believe a damn thing till I see it. When I do see the "change" then I will support him. Till then he is nothing more than a liar with a gift for high quality bullsh!t.

401K has been depleted and yes you are right Property and business has taken a big hit and more.

As for wait and see to believe, I am with you on that too Who.

11-07-2008, 01:06 PM
If you haven't read this, you should, it might clear up a few of your questions.

Popular Mechanics Debunking the 9/11 Myths (http://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/military_law/1227842.html)

Thanks for the info Oscar I will check it out when i get back from the dentist.

(I have a nasty infection because of this and the antibiotics are not working for me too. Toothaches can be so painful.)

Once again Oscar thanks.

Mr Clean
11-07-2008, 07:06 PM
That article has been debunked more times than 50 Cent got shot.

Absolute hit piece of crap, I can't even believe you posted that garbage HAHA

It is a very accurate article. What specifically in there would you like to discuss?

Mr Clean
11-07-2008, 07:17 PM
Sirc I don't know much about this part but I am curious to know how the heat or temperature affected the third building when it wasn't really that close to the towers. I am not an expert on this but can you explain to me more of this for me because I don't understand how because again I am no expert or know much about this at all.

The third building had several back-up generators located in the bottom couple of floors of the building. One or more of these had their diesel fuel stores catch fire when debris from the tower collapse slid into the building. Some of the vertical building supports were also damaged by the impact of the debris.

When steel is heated it loses some of it's strength. The hotter it gets, the weaker it gets. The loss in strength of the steel coupled with the damage to some of the vertical columns was enough that the force due to gravity of the weight above was stronger than the strength of the steel to resist that force...hence collapse.

11-07-2008, 07:33 PM
It is a very accurate article. What specifically in there would you like to discuss?

Theres hundreds of articles online that debunk it and this is so old that it's not even worth talking about. All you people talk about is the million different aspects of how the buildings fell. This is a complete waste of time, as all one needs to do is follow the money, like seeing the billions of dollars of put options that were put on airline companies of the planes that allegedly were used in terrorist attacks, all traced back to Europe. Not to mention the whole thing is a blatant Masonic ritual with the pillars of Solomon which Hiram, the master mason built.

This is absolutely rediculous that Americans are pretty much the only ones in the world that still fall for this crap so I won't dwell long on it.

following the money to old money in europe: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4675077383139148549

analysis of gov't sponsered terrorism, from hitler to 911: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5948263607579389947&q=terrorstorm

Loose Change is absolute garbage.

money, money money...follow the freaking money goddammit. I can't believe people are so ignorant.

11-07-2008, 08:55 PM
The third building had several back-up generators located in the bottom couple of floors of the building. One or more of these had their diesel fuel stores catch fire when debris from the tower collapse slid into the building. Some of the vertical building supports were also damaged by the impact of the debris.

When steel is heated it loses some of it's strength. The hotter it gets, the weaker it gets. The loss in strength of the steel coupled with the damage to some of the vertical columns was enough that the force due to gravity of the weight above was stronger than the strength of the steel to resist that force...hence collapse.keep in mind, steel expands in heat too, one of the things we watch for in burning buildings is if the wall are bowing outward because the heated steel beams are expanding and pushing the walls out. So you super heat a structure, and you have horizontal and vertical beams, collapse is a high risk.

11-08-2008, 12:10 PM
The third building had several back-up generators located in the bottom couple of floors of the building. One or more of these had their diesel fuel stores catch fire when debris from the tower collapse slid into the building. Some of the vertical building supports were also damaged by the impact of the debris.

When steel is heated it loses some of it's strength. The hotter it gets, the weaker it gets. The loss in strength of the steel coupled with the damage to some of the vertical columns was enough that the force due to gravity of the weight above was stronger than the strength of the steel to resist that force...hence collapse.

I have seen on history and Science channel about this and have done some research on this and I am not really convince that it was the heat that made the third building collapse. I am again not saying it was done intentionally but it is something to look into again and of course the whole accident of 9/11 to be investigated all over again.

I do appreciate you guys explaining to me and pointing to me links and I have always known about the heat etc etc, but was actually looking to hear something different in which it wasn't said that I already know of but thanks guys it's interesting to hear both sides.

11-08-2008, 07:50 PM
My two cents, =0 but here it is anyway. Our country is in the worst shape now than it has ever been, and it was in Republican rule that it happend. Democrats will probably have to raise taxes, look at our debt to the world for an illeagle war that we just keep pooring money into. I would like to see all the war mongers like Bush/Cheney and their cronies put up on federal charges for their conspiracy in the whole war deal. Obama just might do good, but if not ! It couldn't be any worse than it is now.

Just hopeing for better times.

11-09-2008, 01:03 PM
This looks interesting


and this


11-09-2008, 05:36 PM
That's what happens when you grow up with a warmonger in office, and then having a candidate that promises change and spends huge amounts of money encouraging young people to vote. If nothing else, you have to admit that Obama ran a smart campaign. Very smart.

This looks interesting


and this


11-10-2008, 01:13 PM
Watched the 60 minutes interview with his campaign camp, impressive.

Mr Clean
11-20-2008, 07:53 PM
Theres hundreds of articles online that debunk it and this is so old that it's not even worth talking about. All you people talk about is the million different aspects of how the buildings fell. This is a complete waste of time, as all one needs to do is follow the money, like seeing the billions of dollars of put options that were put on airline companies of the planes that allegedly were used in terrorist attacks, all traced back to Europe.

In other words, like every other conspiracy junkie that I have encountered, you can't argue against the mechanics of materials and the laws of physics. Maybe we should ask Mythbusters to look into it. They disproved all of those lunar landing conspiracies, much to the chagrin of the NASA-haters.

(Again, by the way, I would point out that an "article online" does not go through peer review, professional edit and commenting, or open up their data to inspection. Anyone can write an article online...)

Mr Clean
11-20-2008, 07:57 PM
I have seen on history and Science channel about this and have done some research on this and I am not really convince that it was the heat that made the third building collapse. I am again not saying it was done intentionally but it is something to look into again and of course the whole accident of 9/11 to be investigated all over again.

I do appreciate you guys explaining to me and pointing to me links and I have always known about the heat etc etc, but was actually looking to hear something different in which it wasn't said that I already know of but thanks guys it's interesting to hear both sides.

Sas, all I can tell you is that a man that tests materials for a living (Sirc), a man who has seen fire and heated steel in action (Pure), and a guy who studied mechanics of materials and steel in school (me) are all telling you the most likely explanation. No, we can't say with 100% certainty that our opinion is what happened, but we can say that it is far and away the most likely cause. Ignore that if you want, but you've actually got a nice cross section of professional opinions here for your usage.

Mr Clean
11-20-2008, 07:59 PM
This looks interesting


and this


I'm not sure what the point of that is, but thanks for posting it.

Obama ran a good campaign, and he got the nomination at the right time. Let's face it, ANY Dem should have been able to win going in right after W...

11-20-2008, 08:28 PM
I'm not sure what the point of that is, but thanks for posting it.

Obama ran a good campaign, and he got the nomination at the right time. Let's face it, ANY Dem should have been able to win going in right after W...

I think the point was that Obama motivated younger people and new voters to get out and vote to a degree surpassing anything in history.

I'm not entirely sure that Hillary would have won had she gotten the Dem nomination. Forget the electoral vote for a sec and look at the popular vote - it wasn't exactly a landslide in that light.

Just my thoughts on the matter. :)

Mr Clean
11-20-2008, 08:35 PM
I think the point was that Obama motivated younger people and new voters to get out and vote to a degree surpassing anything in history.

I'm not entirely sure that Hillary would have won had she gotten the Dem nomination. Forget the electoral vote for a sec and look at the popular vote - it wasn't exactly a landslide in that light.

Just my thoughts on the matter. :)

No it wasn't a landslide, but not close either. I have to disagree on Hilliary. She knows how to run a VERY good campaign (she probably deserves more credit for Bill's wins that she gets). She may not have won as many young voters as Obama, but she would have garnered more of the female vote than he did.

I guess we'll never know...which means this discussion could last forever LOL