View Full Version : To expound upon a comment...

11-06-2008, 08:45 PM
...that BIGG made in the now closed thread:

I hope Biden becomes President by January.:thumbs:

I would suggest you people to tighten your belts. The corporations will be making some big changes you all will notice. Like I said, Americans deserve what they get.

If Obama gets assassinated, you will see a shit storm like no other in American history. The repercussions would be absolutely devastating. Be careful what you wish for.

11-06-2008, 09:19 PM
...that BIGG made in the now closed thread:

If Obama gets assassinated, you will see a shit storm like no other in American history. The repercussions would be absolutely devastating. Be careful what you wish for.

Please explain.

Mad Fox
11-06-2008, 09:42 PM
BIGG I can not believe you would wish death upon any human being. That is amoral.

11-06-2008, 10:04 PM
Please explain.


1. First and foremost Obama is half black. The social backlash from having a half-black president-elect assassinated would cause riots like America has never seen before. Imagine both major and minor cities across the nation being torched at will because the National Guard would be powerless to prevent it.

2. The economy, as bad as it is, would be in tatters in the aftermath. It would collapse completely, and you would see a depression that would make the 1930's depression look like a mild recession.

3. If you think Biden will have the power to stop any of this, you are mistaken. Martial law will become a reality and Bush will hold power, and suspend the inauguration. Thus furthering the unrest.

4. US military will need to be brought home to help control the situation, and the tenuous hold in Iraq and Afganistan will be compromised, and would allow Syria and Iran to capitalize on the weakened US presence.

Granted, that's a doomsday worst-case senario, but considering the emotion that has accompanied this campaign, I don't think it's completely unlikely.

EDIT: I forgot to mention - the death toll will be unprecedented for Americans killing Americans since the civil war.

11-06-2008, 10:06 PM
reading that other threat?!?! made me sleepy with all those long ass post, so try and keep all post to 2 maybe 3 sentences. :P :watch:

11-06-2008, 10:35 PM
Shogun for prez!! Nuff said :)

11-06-2008, 10:44 PM
If Obama gets assassinated, you will see a shit storm like no other in American history. The repercussions would be absolutely devastating.

You better f'in believe it...


and you know Sharpton and crew will keep those fires going for years.....

11-06-2008, 10:58 PM
Shogun for prez!! Nuff said :)

LOL That was Spike

11-06-2008, 11:02 PM
LOL That was Spike

Ban stick! Hit him! Hit him! :D

Perfect aim
11-07-2008, 12:40 AM
damn so whats the possibility of this happening? Im getting scared :scare:

11-07-2008, 05:17 PM
Thanks for the reply Sirc:thumbs:

1. First and foremost Obama is half black. The social backlash from having a half-black president-elect assassinated would cause riots like America has never seen before. Imagine both major and minor cities across the nation being torched at will because the National Guard would be powerless to prevent it.

This I would say is accurate to an extent. But what kind of people would be doing this? DO you honestly think this sort of thing has never happened before? I find it a small price to get rid of scum people. People who own guns which are a lot of people would just go in the defense mode and protect their property. I know I would at all cost. I doubt it would be as bad as you think.
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2. The economy, as bad as it is, would be in tatters in the aftermath. It would collapse completely, and you would see a depression that would make the 1930's depression look like a mild recession.

I don't think this would have a true effect on the economy or atleast not as bas as you think or what I think in relation to how our economy will turn out to be regardless with Obama as President.
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3. If you think Biden will have the power to stop any of this, you are mistaken. Martial law will become a reality and Bush will hold power, and suspend the inauguration. Thus furthering the unrest.

Sounds good to me.
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4. US military will need to be brought home to help control the situation, and the tenuous hold in Iraq and Afganistan will be compromised, and would allow Syria and Iran to capitalize on the weakened US presence

Isn't this what many of you want in the first place? I thought youa ll felt Iran and Syria were not threats. I am a bit confused because that's what I gather from these forums.

I forgot to mention - the death toll will be unprecedented for Americans killing Americans since the civil war.

Aghhh, the magic word, civil war. I think there may be some deaths but not the wrong people dying. As a nation we are very divided and the way it is now because of such the even divide, there will be a lot of problems. If this country decided to go to war to get rid of one side which to be honest I am for, I would say good bye to the liberals that took this take this country for granted and good riddance. This may seem like a radical thing to say and maybe so but when I think of which direction this country is headed, no religion, no morals, and corruption, no pride. I say let it get fixed the sooner the better. It's the very reason I have such a legal arsenal just in case any chaos starts. All of this will probably not happen but the direction downhill. THe funny thing is not only that is what our enemies around the world will be participating.

IMHO, Obama is crooked. Said it from day one and his history, his campaign donations which just destroyed something many of you have not even paid attention to, and his friends. What happened in this election has never happened before. You have to wonder why our enemies have supported Obama and all the other untraceable donations. There is a reason there is a cap which like everything else was looked pass. Acorn etc are all part of the money prepared to take down America from inside which is most likely the only way America will fall. Pretend you are the enemy, how would you destroy your enemy? Time will tell but the chnace should have never been taken. I still doubt many of you even know why you voted for Obama or what wa sthe right reason. If you say change, well I belive that is exactly what we are going to get.

11-07-2008, 05:20 PM
damn so whats the possibility of this happening? Im getting scared :scare:

If Obama get whacked, what's the chances of you going out and rioting?:rolleyes:

11-08-2008, 04:17 PM
Some things may not be as bad as I described. But they will be bad.

And BIGG, not even you could think Martial Law would, in any way, be a good thing. Mandatory curfews, military checkpoints, the loss of civil rights, etc. The American people aren't sheep, and we have a heavily armed civilian population. What a great opportunity the various militias would have to finally use their 50 caliber machine guns on something other than junked cars.

Thanks for the reply Sirc:thumbs:

1. First and foremost Obama is half black. The social backlash from having a half-black president-elect assassinated would cause riots like America has never seen before. Imagine both major and minor cities across the nation being torched at will because the National Guard would be powerless to prevent it.

This I would say is accurate to an extent. But what kind of people would be doing this? DO you honestly think this sort of thing has never happened before? I find it a small price to get rid of scum people. People who own guns which are a lot of people would just go in the defense mode and protect their property. I know I would at all cost. I doubt it would be as bad as you think.
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2. The economy, as bad as it is, would be in tatters in the aftermath. It would collapse completely, and you would see a depression that would make the 1930's depression look like a mild recession.

I don't think this would have a true effect on the economy or atleast not as bas as you think or what I think in relation to how our economy will turn out to be regardless with Obama as President.
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3. If you think Biden will have the power to stop any of this, you are mistaken. Martial law will become a reality and Bush will hold power, and suspend the inauguration. Thus furthering the unrest.

Sounds good to me.
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4. US military will need to be brought home to help control the situation, and the tenuous hold in Iraq and Afganistan will be compromised, and would allow Syria and Iran to capitalize on the weakened US presence

Isn't this what many of you want in the first place? I thought youa ll felt Iran and Syria were not threats. I am a bit confused because that's what I gather from these forums.

I forgot to mention - the death toll will be unprecedented for Americans killing Americans since the civil war.

Aghhh, the magic word, civil war. I think there may be some deaths but not the wrong people dying. As a nation we are very divided and the way it is now because of such the even divide, there will be a lot of problems. If this country decided to go to war to get rid of one side which to be honest I am for, I would say good bye to the liberals that took this take this country for granted and good riddance. This may seem like a radical thing to say and maybe so but when I think of which direction this country is headed, no religion, no morals, and corruption, no pride. I say let it get fixed the sooner the better. It's the very reason I have such a legal arsenal just in case any chaos starts. All of this will probably not happen but the direction downhill. THe funny thing is not only that is what our enemies around the world will be participating.

IMHO, Obama is crooked. Said it from day one and his history, his campaign donations which just destroyed something many of you have not even paid attention to, and his friends. What happened in this election has never happened before. You have to wonder why our enemies have supported Obama and all the other untraceable donations. There is a reason there is a cap which like everything else was looked pass. Acorn etc are all part of the money prepared to take down America from inside which is most likely the only way America will fall. Pretend you are the enemy, how would you destroy your enemy? Time will tell but the chnace should have never been taken. I still doubt many of you even know why you voted for Obama or what wa sthe right reason. If you say change, well I belive that is exactly what we are going to get.

11-08-2008, 07:57 PM
reading that other threat?!?! made me sleepy with all those long ass post, so try and keep all post to 2 maybe 3 sentences. :P :watch:

LOL :rofl:

11-10-2008, 09:33 PM
If Obama get whacked, what's the chances of you going out and rioting?:rolleyes:

no chance of me rioting or doing any stupid crap. :rolleyes: but you let some mofo walk up to my house w/ a Molotov cocktail and I'll drop him where he stands!:thumbs:

11-11-2008, 12:40 AM
Shogun for prez!! Nuff said :)

http://gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=84911 :o

Mr Clean
11-20-2008, 08:15 PM
BIGG, even talking about shooting the President-elect is illegal, and for good reason. I don't like Obama anymore than you do, but he won a democratic election in the greatest country on Earth, and he will be President per the will of the people. I love the Constitution more than some petty political party crap, and you should too. Long live America.

11-20-2008, 11:59 PM
And you would be surprised how much of what is posted here is found easily on Google .... ph33r big brother for he is watching you.

11-21-2008, 12:23 AM
there is this girl I work w/ and she was buying a handgun years ago right after Reagan was elected. Some little old lady that was at the sporting good store asked her why she was buying a gun and the girl jokingly said she wanted to kill the president, to this day anytime a president even comes close to Shreveport the feds start following her around. lol

so be careful what you say and who you say it to :)

11-21-2008, 04:15 PM
BIGG, even talking about shooting the President-elect is illegal, and for good reason. I don't like Obama anymore than you do, but he won a democratic election in the greatest country on Earth, and he will be President per the will of the people. I love the Constitution more than some petty political party crap, and you should too. Long live America.

I never said anything about me shooting Obama. I do though hope there is someone out there who has nothing to lose does. I will not accept this person as President ever and will continue to watch this country fall due to the ignorance of my fellow Americans.

As far as him winning, I think or would rather say believe this election was fixed in so many ways that the common ignorant American will deserve what they get in the next 10-20 years.

I too love the Constitution and would die defending it. These words are in fact why I do not and will not accept this Muslim freak as the President of my country. As some of the people in this forum could not accept George Bush as President, I will not accept this ass clown that will eventually hinder this country. Again, America deserves what they get and they will as you can can see it already around the world. Maybe when all this happens people will once agin understand what freedom is all about and how it is won.

At this point I live only to look out after my Family and close friends. I could care less at this point what happens to the people in this country. I willlaugh at those who get layed off in the next 4 years and have a hard time finding a job some illegal will get because they work cheaper. I will laugh at the people who lose family members in terroist attacks or future wars that were caused by not fixing the problem when we should have. I will laugh, laugh, laugh at the country that got too spoiled, lazy, and ignorant to allow this country fall. I will laugh even harder at those that think the words I say is impossible also becaus eit all relates to the ignorance of them for not actually paying attention to the world and what is going on. I will also laugh at those that try to push religion away as they beg for mercy from a God at their judgement day.

The truth is, I really won't laugh. I am not that kind of person. I will be just as sad as the day people did not pay attention to what's trully important in life and those that are important to us and their future. I truthfully will be sad that people will regret their selfishness and judgements with ignorance. People who think the world is some great place and peaceful are among those who are the reason this country is failing. The same people who have cause the decline in value at home and society.

For those that believe I am wrong and think I don't have any idea what I am talking about, I can only say contune their own path as time will conclude the answer. I would though suggest the same people open theri eyes and pay attention all across the board and see the direction I am referring to.

Die Hard
11-22-2008, 05:49 PM
You guys never change. Its so heart warming :wub:

11-22-2008, 08:37 PM
bud, immigration has slowed down. shortly you are going to have to find someone else to blame for all of the ills of the world. i suppose that will be obama, dealing with the cluster**** left behind by bush. you can consider our economy to be a version of russian roulette. unfortunately that last chamber was loaded.

11-23-2008, 01:23 AM
the only reason immigration has slowed down, is because they all end up in the UK.

At least in the us, you send them back. Our government doesnt, we welcome them with open arms, give them a nice house, a car, and all the state benefits they can handle.

And it puts the regular average guy, who was born, brought up here all of there life, out of work.

You americans, claim to be so hard done by, come live in the UK for a couple of months.

11-23-2008, 02:56 PM
I wouldn't live in the UK even if you payed me. I love visiting though.

11-23-2008, 03:37 PM
I'm happy to see you guys having fun :D

11-23-2008, 04:42 PM
the only reason immigration has slowed down, is because they all end up in the UK.

At least in the us, you send them back. Our government doesnt, we welcome them with open arms, give them a nice house, a car, and all the state benefits they can handle.

And it puts the regular average guy, who was born, brought up here all of there life, out of work.

You americans, claim to be so hard done by, come live in the UK for a couple of months.

It's strange you capitalized the letters UK and not the letters US or the word Americans.