View Full Version : EA Wii ad shows XBox graphics

12-28-2008, 09:55 PM
They need to clean house at EA and start over because the current bunch of idiots they have working there are clueless.

12-29-2008, 04:14 AM
It's actually quite ingenious. People see the graphics and believe that when they load the game up on their Wii they will be treated to a spectacle of lush shrubbery in a photo realistic setting. Sure they will be disappointed, but you can't return a game for a refund on that sole basis.

The Wii is a complete marketing gimmick anyway so I doubt the people who buy the game for their system will be able to tell the difference anyway.

12-29-2008, 05:58 AM
Obvisiously they are not as stupid as you think they are. They caught it, then complained about it and now EA is being stopped using the ads so your last sentence is wrong.

12-29-2008, 10:19 AM
yea! F your opinion eXe! :P

12-30-2008, 01:45 AM
Obvisiously they are not as stupid as you think they are. They caught it, then complained about it and now EA is being stopped using the ads so your last sentence is wrong.

Well the damage is done. The commercial may have been pulled by the ASA, but millions of people have probably already seen it. I doubt the mainstream public knows that the Wii's graphical capabilities are inferior to the 360 and PS3.

I didn't call them stupid. Those who have bought the game thinking that they are getting 360 graphics will likely be disappointed (as I have already stated).

The ASA which represents the people is not the same as the people who buy the game. That was the point.

Death Engineer
12-30-2008, 06:12 PM
Really? I'd say most gamers that care about the difference in graphics already know the Wii has less powerful hardware. I, for one, only own one console. It's a Wii. I'm a software engineer and I know that it's less capable in terms of computation/graphics/processing/etc. However, my family has fun with it and it's social (instead of isolating). If I want graphics, I get a PC game.

12-30-2008, 07:39 PM
I'm tempted to by one just for the additional exercise that I could get from it because I like bowling, baseball, golf games. They had to run Chico and I out of BestBuy for playing MarioKart too long. :)

12-31-2008, 05:45 AM
Really? I'd say most gamers that care about the difference in graphics already know the Wii has less powerful hardware. I, for one, only own one console. It's a Wii. I'm a software engineer and I know that it's less capable in terms of computation/graphics/processing/etc. However, my family has fun with it and it's social (instead of isolating). If I want graphics, I get a PC game.

I wasn't talking about the gamers who know about the huge gap in graphics hardware between the consoles. People buy a Wii because it's a Wii and not a 360. The Wii is made to look cool and hip because of its innovate approach to gaming.

I've had a Wii and I think it's hardware is lousy. Nintendo is making money off the people who could care less about graphics and believe that they are paying for the physical "imaginary" experience as opposed to the real, graphically enhanced versions of the game that lack the so-called "Wii-waggle".

The PS3 offers the most isolating experience, while the 360 is all about playing together. The Wii falls in another category; it's simply a glorified toy. It makes up for it's graphical shortcomings by being marketed as a family/friend-oriented console. The Virtual Console is perhaps the only redeeming quality the Wii has even though those games are old and meant to be played on a standard controller.

To me it just doesn't fit together. The 360 and PS3 are clearly superior to the Wii in almost every aspect. If the Wii wasn't so cheap to develop for, and had such a huge following, then it would have been set aside just as the Sega Saturn and Dreamcast were.

Death Engineer
12-31-2008, 05:33 PM
it's simply a glorified toy

I think that's the whole point. What else is video gaming? You're certainly not solving world hunger or making life better for someone else. Gaming is about fun. And that's what the Wii capitalizes on. I'm not a nintendo fan boy or a PS3 or 360 hater. But I can recognize the brilliance of taking gaming for what it was originally designed ... fun!

01-01-2009, 04:17 AM
I think that's the whole point. What else is video gaming? You're certainly not solving world hunger or making life better for someone else. Gaming is about fun. And that's what the Wii capitalizes on. I'm not a nintendo fan boy or a PS3 or 360 hater. But I can recognize the brilliance of taking gaming for what it was originally designed ... fun!

Well you certainly are making life better for the Nintendo execs and their constituents by buying a Wii. However, I think that gaming is still in its developing stage much like cinema was back in the late 19th century.

We've recently seen games that deliver a hard and clear message about the world and its vicissitudes. Bioshock for one presents players with moral dilemmas. Games like Fallout 3 and Fable 2 also allow the player to make choices that will impact him or her in the long run. To me that is a fairly important life lesson. It goes back to the classic allegory of choosing a road in life.

Why do you think some journalists and people in the gaming industry insist on making the distinction between casual games and practically all other types of games.

And why couldn't a game be developed and used to solve world hunger? But that is a topic for another forum.

Death Engineer
01-01-2009, 07:25 PM
When a game quits being fun, that's when people quit playing it. If you can make a fun game that solves world hunger, more power to ya. Moral dilemma or not, the game has to be fun.

My point was that the Wii capitalized on the fun part of video games over just having more powerful hardware (MHz, GPU, etc) and as of today, they are winning the battle for your (gamers) dollars.

He Is Legend
01-01-2009, 08:55 PM
360>snes>gameboy>sega genesis>dreamcast>nintendo 64>ps3>ps2>ps1>atari>box of crayons>Wii

I don't like the Wii at all

01-02-2009, 03:51 AM
Chico's mama is a Wii fiend ... we were in Bestbuy, looking for her a present and I knew she had a a Wii and suggested something for it ... he said "Nope, she has everything for it. Wii is popular with the masses.

01-28-2009, 05:15 PM
I have a Wii and mainly think it's a fun game for all parties. I don't think that those who own them bought it with the thought that the game system is just as or more powerful from the competition. The difference is that it is fun for all ages and not too complicated for even our parents who are use to a stick and one button for a game console.

There is one thing I hate about the WII is that it is too expensive overall for what you get. There are some fun games but I feel they should be a lot cheaper considering the energy it takes to design a game for it. I know profits are what are important but if Sony or Xbox had interactivity capability for their console, the Wii would be out of business.

As far as EA goes, they are the dirtiest company in the market. They are evil and greedy scumbags that deserve to go out of business. They treat their employees like crap and they rob the consumers. Their failures are cathing up to them and people are well aware of their tactics. Eventually when you are greedy and sleazy, it all catches up.