View Full Version : Greetings

Caged Anger
12-31-2008, 03:52 PM
Been a while since i last popped in so that I would give a wave and wish the best to all during the holiday season :thumbs:

12-31-2008, 04:28 PM
same to ya:) happy new year :)

Caged Anger
12-31-2008, 04:32 PM
Jess!!! Long time no see bud! PM your active screen name bud, I haven't seen you online in ages

01-01-2009, 03:37 PM
Been a while since i last popped in so that I would give a wave and wish the best to all during the holiday season :thumbs:

:wave: hey !! right back at ya !! :wave:

Mad Fox
01-02-2009, 02:06 PM

01-04-2009, 11:10 AM
Hello Caged. :wave:

01-04-2009, 01:21 PM
Heya Caged. What're ya doing with yourself these days?

Caged Anger
01-04-2009, 02:39 PM
Copied from DS Forum:

Still full time student at Fitchburg State College
Still part time I.T. Technician (might as well be full)
Still Resident Assistant in the dorms
Still V.P. of the school Anime Club
Still single :P

Currently playing TF2
(prety much 2fort exclusively...yea I'm weird like that)
Just was gifted STALKER
(bastard of a friend has a sick sense of humor..hate the game)
Still resisting intense pressure to try Warcrack
Beginning to put together Gamecon '09
(little trickier this year due to economics and lost personel)

Currently on winter break taking an online course in human resource management and working full time at the IT desk while living in winter housing on campus.

01-04-2009, 04:13 PM
Fitchburg ? You get your power back on yet ??

How's that RA title working for you in the dorms ?


01-04-2009, 06:49 PM
Still resisting intense pressure to try Warcrack
Beginning to put together Gamecon '09
(little trickier this year due to economics and lost personel)

Currently on winter break taking an online course in human resource management and working full time at the IT desk while living in winter housing on campus.

I would HIGHLY recommend NOT trying Warcrack. Especially, if you have an addictive personality when it comes to gaming. From what I understand you will lose all will to do anything besides playing WoW. Just watch the South Park episode again and it might help drive home the point.

Good luck with your GameCon and your online course. HRM is pretty straightforward so you should have no problems.

Caged Anger
01-04-2009, 08:05 PM
@Nightbreed (check your pm's would yea? lol)
It was pretty bad here man, Fitchburg and the surrounding areas got slapped around like a red headed step child. I was on duty that Thursday ngiht when the storm hit, the place went nuts with kids runnin around thinking we weren't there anymore (Mr I'm gonna wander around with an open can of bud lite discovered otherwise with me :) ) There were broken windows, a tree in some poor kid's room...just nuts. The whole place looked like a scene out of saving private ryan...trees were just annihilated. We sent everyone home that we could and the RA staff remained on duty (it got pretty cold, no lies) but we had power back on by the following Saturday. That's only because we agreed to house the extra line crews in our spare aparts. here.

A lot fo crap went down with the whole affair and if Unitil was hated before they lost any followers they had left. The governor got National Grid to come in and take over the restoration process which went a lot better. It was pretty impressive to see the convoys of trucks roaming around the town...never seen anything like that storm before. Here's the article concerning the Unitil issue, we're all hoping Grid will take over in the area.

I'd like to ditch the RA gig for my senior year but its hard to say no to a $2,000 college bill. That being said it doesn't require that much and frankly the worst they can do is fire me...I'm not worried :)