View Full Version : The Day the Earth Stood Still

01-03-2009, 01:25 PM

Saw this last night. Walked into the theater with no idea what we were going to see, compromised on this flick.

Perfect roll for the monotone Keanu Reeves, and he was NOT the star of this film for all the Keanu haters.

This movie grabs your attention right away and holds it to the end. :thumbs:

Jaden Smith........ :down: only part of the movie I didn't like.

01-03-2009, 08:38 PM
Hmmm, I really didn't expect this to be a good movie so I've pretty much ignored it. Now I'm having second thoughts and I'll have to give it a shot. Thanks Pure.

01-03-2009, 10:22 PM
Jaden Smith........ :down: only part of the movie I didn't like.

Yeah I wanted to pimpslap that little shit too! :D

I was expecting something big from this movie and didn't really get what I was expecting, but you do come away with the idea that I was watching a PSA ad and that we are really screwing up and need to change. I still advise seeing this because it's entertaining and the special effects are great. 7.5/10

01-03-2009, 11:46 PM
I liked it. keanu does a good job in roles where he plays an emotionless zombie. not great, but it was good.

01-04-2009, 10:38 PM
If you're expecting fast paced, killer scenes, tons of action, this isn't it. Good story line with some great effects, some good acting, yep :thumbs:

Funny, it goes along with something I've been saying for years.

01-05-2009, 02:22 AM
If you have seen the one that was made in 1951 you would know and what pretty much to expect.

I will agree with Pure Evils opinion about this movie I could have not said it better.

01-06-2009, 09:18 PM
I thought it was a good movie worth watching once. I have some issues with it, but I can't really talk about them without spoilers, so meh.

One thing I can agree on is that the kid was poorly cast and poorly played. I didn't like him when you weren't supoosed to like him, and I didn't like him when you were supposed to like him. He really added nothing to the plot except being an irritation and a distraction.

01-09-2009, 12:49 PM
Big disappointed for me(along good story),i won't watch this anymore.:(

01-11-2009, 07:24 AM
Big disappointed for me(along good story),i won't watch this anymore.:(

The movie wasn't great but it was ok. I still like the old version better.

Sirc said it best it's a movie that you can only watch it once.

Now if you have at home what I have a 120" screen and Projector that supports Blu-ray and more, then I can tell you all this that you will never go to a movie theater again. heheheh:)