View Full Version : Windows 7

Caged Anger
01-04-2009, 04:39 AM
Loooooot of rumors flying around and I was wondering if anyone here has taken the plunge and tried the beta that was leaked.

I want to expect great things from the next OS, I like windows. I fear though that all the positive reviews and performance bragging might just be hopeful thinking/seeing what we want to see...

01-04-2009, 06:39 PM
I've only read a couple things about it and it sounded good. I wouldn't mind trying it myself, of course I'd put my spare parts together and try it on that rig first.

Death Engineer
01-04-2009, 07:23 PM
I'm still just warming up to Vista. I'm not ready to move on yet. Microsoft has successfully underwhelmed me for quite some time now.

01-30-2009, 11:09 AM
I'm still just warming up to Vista. I'm not ready to move on yet. Microsoft has successfully underwhelmed me for quite some time now.
:rofl: I don't even trust going to Vista, XP for me :D

Death Engineer
01-30-2009, 07:36 PM
We already have customers asking if our products support it. So it looks like I'm going to be diving in sooner than I wanted. I have downloaded a copy and will load it up and see what it's like.

FWIW, my technical contacts seem to be impressed with it. Perhaps MS is going to try to redeem themselves from what will be knows as the Vista travesty.

Gun Element
02-01-2009, 03:53 AM
Those who are curious about windows 7 will be pleased. Its basically XP, but in Vista form. From what I can tell, it runs faster and seems to be more stable. Since the requirements are much lower and everything is "more" efficient than vista is, its definitely worth getting over XP and especially vista.

One cool feature thats mentioned, but havent dealt with yet is the ability to have software programs run as a piece of hardware. Meaning it can take form of a graphical card without the card ever exisiting in the computer itself. Its quite interesting.

Gun Element
02-01-2009, 03:57 AM
:rofl: I don't even trust going to Vista, XP for me :D

I had the same feeling, but after awhile I began to realize how ignorant I was. Its not perfect, but overtime it seems to be turning into a pretty nice OS.

Since the whole windows 7, I dont know what microsoft is tending to do with Vista. Are they gonna support both equally? or are they gonna try to push people to change into another OS again?

02-01-2009, 12:32 PM
I think Vista is the new ME, dud ! I have no problem moving on to new versions of windows, In fact I usually jump right in, but with all the hardware problems and such that I've read about, I like XP too well to go to Vista. 7 may be a different story.

Caged Anger
02-01-2009, 03:11 PM
I've had the beta installed a few days now, quite impressed with it.
Runs fast, UAC isn't nearly as annoying, looks pretty cool, all my programs work, even the drivers for my old TV tuner. I will be definately jumping on board this ship as soon as they start selling it.

02-03-2009, 12:34 PM
I've been stalling on buying a new "low end" machine, was getting ready to bite the bullet on Vista, but if it's going to get phased out, why bother?

If they drop support for XP, it's going to hurt a lot.

Forcing peeps to go to 7 will definitely boost MS's economy :rolleyes:

Death Engineer
02-03-2009, 05:55 PM
My first impression was ... not an impression at all. Either my burner or the DVD rom on my throwaway system is giving up on me as it won't boot the disc. I'll have to try to burn it again slower and moves some drives around to see what the issue is.

02-03-2009, 07:04 PM
um.... a windows developer/blogger says that was the last beta. The features are now set and bugs have only to be resolved. The next version will be a release candidate.

Gun Element
02-03-2009, 07:15 PM
Microsoft had planned a the release 3 years after the release of Vista. People believe it'll come out the end of this year, while some are believing to come out in 2011.

Microsoft also mentioned they would release it when its at its peak quality.

At any rate, whenever it comes out, more than likely Im gonna go Windows 7 almost instantly.

02-12-2009, 08:22 PM
I've been stalling on buying a new "low end" machine, was getting ready to bite the bullet on Vista, but if it's going to get phased out, why bother?

If they drop support for XP, it's going to hurt a lot.

Forcing peeps to go to 7 will definitely boost MS's economy :rolleyes:
I doubt they are going to drop support for XP anytime soon. Vista ? :o

02-12-2009, 09:42 PM
Hard to believe it's been 8 years since XP. I have yet to see anyone with a Vista system, besides one person.

02-12-2009, 09:55 PM
Microsoft had planned a the release 3 years after the release of Vista. People believe it'll come out the end of this year, while some are believing to come out in 2011.

Microsoft also mentioned they would release it when its at its peak quality.

At any rate, whenever it comes out, more than likely Im gonna go Windows 7 almost instantly.

It most likely will hit towards the end of this year. Here's a source (http://lifehacker.com/5152151/buying-vista-this-summer-could-mean-a-free-windows-7-upgrade) but it's not 100% reliable since it contains leaked information and no clear details about a release date.

Hopefully by peak quality they mean when there are no OBVIOUS bugs. I don't think XP reached its peak qality until SP2 and THEN Microsoft went on to release SP3.

EDIT: I would be willing to upgrade (just to stay with the times) from Vista to W7 on my laptop. I am fairly content with having Vista right now. I can do all of my programming projects in Visual Studio 2008 fine, Access 2008 works great, and the rest of Office runs perfectly. I have little to no gripes with Vista and I've been able to solve pretty much all the problems that I've had with a simple Google search.

As for gaming. I will keep XP on my desktop/gaming computer for as long as I can. It boots up in 20 seconds, runs smooth, and there are no incompatibility issues.

EDIT: A good article from Ars (http://arstechnica.com/microsoft/news/2009/02/upgrading-to-windows-7-what-xp-and-vista-users-need-to-know.ars) that clarifies some things.

Gun Element
07-05-2009, 06:56 AM
I just installed the new Windows 7 RC beta and its awesome. I had vista before and its pretty much the same interface, tweaks here and there. I haven't gotten to play with it much since I got it working, but pleased nontheless.

Since I heard they are dropping XP support after the release of windows 7, I'd recommend getting it now while its 50% off the price!

07-05-2009, 01:00 PM
I pre-ordered through micro center. They had a deal on 7 pro edition for $89. I went to their store ordered it and don't have to pay till October when I pick it up. Unless I can get it for free from Microsoft Live games.

Anybody want to buy Vista Ultimate Edition with 32 and 64 bit dvd's? I opened the box just to look inside but never installed it.

07-05-2009, 04:35 PM
for free? i'll take em' if i don't have to pay for them

07-05-2009, 09:12 PM
I will probably get the upgrade as well, it's $99. if pre-ordered. Windows 7 PRO. Upgrade. The full version Windows 7 Pro is considerably more expensive and you have to do a clean install either way so the upgrade is the better bargain. I still haven't ordered mine yet but planning on it soon. It's coming out Oct 22 so I better get it done huh ?

Gun Element
07-05-2009, 09:29 PM
I will probably get the upgrade as well, it's $99. if pre-ordered. Windows 7 PRO. Upgrade. The full version Windows 7 Pro is considerably more expensive and you have to do a clean install either way so the upgrade is the better bargain. I still haven't ordered mine yet but planning on it soon. It's coming out Oct 22 so I better get it done huh ?

The full version is 299.99. The deal ends July 11 or "while supplies last"

More info (http://xgonda.com/2009/07/03/windows-7-deals/)

07-05-2009, 10:01 PM
Yeah ! I just seen that so I went ahead and pre-ordered. $99. isn't bad for the pro upgrade, heck I usually paid that for just a regular upgrade (Windows 95, 98 a & b, millennium unfortunately and 1st xp). The last XP PRO I bought was the full version. That ME version I got I only used less than a week and I switched back to 98b. Been setting in the CD bin ever since.