View Full Version : Goodbye Bush

01-20-2009, 01:15 AM
This is how we will remember you



01-20-2009, 01:43 AM
just be happy his reign of terror is over :P

01-20-2009, 01:59 AM
Naaa no thanks on the video .... F Olbermann

01-20-2009, 02:01 AM
If that's all true, that's Pathetic!:down:

Good bye GWB, and good luck B.O.

He Is Legend
01-20-2009, 02:16 AM
good riddance

01-20-2009, 02:26 AM
Heh. You pretty much have to assume about 3/4 of what any politician says is actually the truth.

And you have to assume about 1/4 of what any media report of a politician is actually the truth.

The Truth? Bush (and most other Presidents)isn't all that bad.
The Truth? Bush (and most other Presidents) made some mistakes.
The Truth? Barak Obama isn't all that bad.
The Truth? Barak Obama will make some mistakes.

01-20-2009, 01:28 PM
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moutUEfqUQ4&feature=related :rolleyes:

01-20-2009, 08:58 PM
Heh. You pretty much have to assume about 3/4 of what any politician says is actually the truth.

And you have to assume about 1/4 of what any media report of a politician is actually the truth.

The Truth? Bush (and most other Presidents)isn't all that bad.
The Truth? Bush (and most other Presidents) made some mistakes.
The Truth? Barak Obama isn't all that bad.
The Truth? Barak Obama will make some mistakes.

The Truth Bush Sucked !

01-21-2009, 12:04 AM
Bush is a stunning example of how anyone can become president. As long as you have the money, you have the right people pulling political strings, and you say the word "God" a lot.

It's been a long and frustrating 8 years. If anything good came out of it I think it would be that the American people have become less naive and more aware of the the world inside and outside the US. Because Bush seriously screwed up both.

01-21-2009, 03:06 AM
good luck to us all. looks like the banks are still collapsing, all 18-25% down today.

01-21-2009, 01:15 PM
While I won't debate the outcome of Bush, I will say that we all as people need to realize finally that in no way is he just the blame. I think that is a major problem with us really. We blame 1 person which has been my complaint and aggression about this topic. Please look around and see that it's our entire Gov that has failed us, robbed us, and hurt this Country we so very muc love. It is impossible to blame just 1 person in this mess as many will lose their jobs and we will continue to pay more and make less. We need to really get a hold of things as the people.

We have a new President now and even myself who was against him will take his side regardless since he is now the commander. Hopefully he will fix things up and be honest as he claims to be. I doubt his task is easy considering what is going on in the world along with our nation but we the people must pay attention. We must stand together at all costs or we will doom ourselves.

01-22-2009, 01:19 AM
not that I voted for Obama, lets just make sure that IF the economy is still bad over the next two - three years that we don't forget that the economy was bad when he took over.
GWB and his oil buddies screwed us all, they got rich while the general public got poorer and poorer paying the high ass gas prices that they help impose.
**** him!! he will go down as the most hated president in history imo

01-22-2009, 04:38 AM
I suggest everyone bookmark this link and check it periodically

Link: http://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing_room/executive_orders/

01-24-2009, 05:54 PM
Do not watch this short video!

I know it's over and done now but those are the well informed voters that helped get Obama elected. That is not the video that was posted here pre-election

01-24-2009, 06:18 PM
eh, whats the point, you can find stupid people in either party. for example one of the past conservative talking points was that a certain percent of people would be voting for him because he was black. other groups asked the same question of McCain and they found similar numbers.

01-24-2009, 06:46 PM
Do not watch this short video!

I know it's over and done now but those are the well informed voters that helped get Obama elected. That is not the video that was posted here pre-election

There is a good amount of bias in those questions. And it also goes to show that democracy doesn't and cannot work practically in the real world.

01-24-2009, 07:37 PM
"The People" wanted change, they knew a Republican was in the White House, things were bad for them and so they were not going to vote another Republican back in there again ... no matter who it was.

There were voters making uninformed or misinformed decisions.

01-24-2009, 08:03 PM
Sho, your video proves how uneducated most Americans are about their nation. However, that video is very biased, since no matter what your political viewpoint, you will find people in all political parties that are this uneducated about issues that are very important.

As far as whether democracy is a good form of government or not, it clearly is not. There are no tests before you become a voter to see if you have a mental disorder, learning disability, or other protocols that should be in place. I'm not saying we go back to the old 'white land-owning' clause, but clearly, having everyone vote is not a good idea.

01-24-2009, 08:18 PM
Eh, this is all meaningless. Education also would not matter. The best politicians are those that are best able to manipulate the feelings of their audience. That is called "a persuasive argument". There are lots of "tools" that politicians use for their manipulations. Terrorism, abortion, deficit spending, social security, gay marriage, religion. As an example of easy manipulation look at the idea of "terrorism", something that affects a miniscule number of people and yet has been used to start wars, new departments of government and massive spending. The tool doesn't really matter to a politician, what is important is how it can be used both to put themselves in power and also as a means to promote their particular policies.

01-24-2009, 10:25 PM
You people are so quick to blame Bush.
As far as my stupidity goes I guess I missed the stupid bus because I think in my mind ( a stupid mind at that ) that alot of the decissions made to lead to war and economic colapse are not actually in the presidents hands but in other forms of government but I am not a intelligent person so can anyont tell me if Bush or any other president can just go out and make decisions on his own or is there a part of the government that IS ELECTED TO HELP MAKE THOSE DECISIONS ???????????????????????????

01-25-2009, 09:46 PM
You people are so quick to blame Bush.
As far as my stupidity goes I guess I missed the stupid bus because I think in my mind ( a stupid mind at that ) that alot of the decissions made to lead to war and economic colapse are not actually in the presidents hands but in other forms of government but I am not a intelligent person so can anyont tell me if Bush or any other president can just go out and make decisions on his own or is there a part of the government that IS ELECTED TO HELP MAKE THOSE DECISIONS ???????????????????????????

Um, Chico. You're way too hard on yourself dude. You've never struck me as stupid. You've never posted anything here that has struck me as unintelligent. Your opinions are just as valid as anyone else's here. It's all good. :thumbs:

01-25-2009, 11:05 PM
Chico, lots of people get the blame for the mess we are currently in. Bush by himself can initiate military action but needs congressional support in order to wage a war. Bush was the most powerful man in the entire world. He could not do anything he wanted, but he certainly had a tremendous amount of power and influence over things that happened or did not happen. There are tons of questions about how these wars came about. about the invasion plans were prepared before 9/11. About how selective information was told to congress to justify the wars. If you believe something is right then you are going to ignore evidence to the contrary, you are also not going to present those arguments when you are trying to convince someone else.

01-26-2009, 07:27 PM
I have tried to express myself regarding the blame game for years. I will not deny the failures of The past President but I don't think anyone has the right to say everyone else did what they were suppose to. It all comes down to us. We are the blame. We allowed to become divided for a Governmet that is suppose to serve us the people. It became almost a sport to pick a side and I fear this trend will continue until we all stand together and put a stop to it.

I have always felt there was a hidden agenda in all of this. Almost like a hidden Government that manipulates the people and causes everything else around the world. I am not referring to a conspiracy either but sometimes things seem to control us and the way we think. I am still wondering if I should take the red or blue pill.

01-28-2009, 03:19 AM
You know I do respect your opinions. But in this world so many things are made out to be so confusing, when in fact if you simplify it down ,it is easier to comprehend.
1 = The terrorist attack the twin towers for the final time.
2 = The US has a president that says no but he!! no congress agrees
3 = If he did nothing the terrorist keep attacking
4 = Saddams own people ask for help against their own president
5 = Bush helps
6 = The people and somewhat of a government of Iraq ask us to stay and help to build,and train them to protect themselves
7 The US helps
8 The US citizens criticize Bush
9 Then the US puts Obama in office
10 Now lets watch and see how it goes with this president

Clinton had a tough term in office I mean he is remembered for getting a dress dirty= tough term.Clinton was in office when the same group of terrorist tried to attack the same towers and basically ignored the problem and attacked the dress.Leaving the problem of terrorism to transfer to the next president, nice of him I'd say.
Now lets go to a perspective that hits closer to home
1 = A group of people come to your house and burn your house down with your entire family in it
2 = then this group lays claim to doing it
3 = you have actually have more family and they say their next
4 = please express what you would do if you where the only one with the power to save them!!!!!!!!!!!

01-28-2009, 04:05 AM
Chico, it makes for a nice story, but it is not reality. You have bought into the fantasy that terrorism is a problem. nine hundred thousand people dying every year from preventable causes, that is a problem that probably will affect you or one of your loved ones. The three thousand that died in 9/11, that is certainly tragic, but it is not more tragic than the nine hundred thousand that die every single year. So we have spent a trillion dollars fighting this "terrorism". What do we have to show for it? Just some idiots saying look how successful we have been, the proof is that there has not been any "terrorism". Bin Laden used to be a nobody. Hussein did not tolerate the taliban in iraq. Now with us there Bin Laden is like a muslim Jesus. The US made Bin Laden into somebody. With Hussein gone Iraq has become a taliban recruitment center. Do you really think we are accomplishing anything there? The muslims hate us for interfering. They consider this to be like some type of religious wars like the crusades. While everyone has been distracted with these wars wall street created some phony mortgage investment products and managed to scam trillions of dollars from investors. As a result people have lost their homes, their life savings, retirement funds, jobs and so forth. I bet you probably know quite a few of those people. These things are problems. Terrorism is a phony made up problem. If you want to do the "just imagine" scenaro then do it like this. Imagine that 1 family member died by a terrorist attack. The compare that to 300 family members dying by car accidents, falls, heart disease, cancer, drowning and so forth. That scenario is closer to reality than the one you describe.

01-28-2009, 04:51 AM
Sounds like all we need to do is put our ass in the air and our head in the ground and hope it doesn't get ran over or get cancer and hope it doesn't rain!
Man while you were complicating matters the simple answer I am looking for and like a politician it has been avoided.
Lets say #4 question has been answered ,I don't see it. WHAT DID YOU DO to save your family ? simplify please ?
As far as Hussein goes I guess he was a man to look up too for not allowing ant terrorist to be in Iraq. But maybe he had a monopoly on terrorism and didn't need any help in that region. And I guess the guy with a bomb around his torso is just out for a stroll and it just happened to accidentally go off.So I am not understanding how terrorism isn't a problem. If the US had done nothing what would have happened then ?
I am not in any way saying that Bush did everything correctly, With war everyone loses ,no one wins. I did say he was basically forced into a fight that he couldn't walk away from. Hussein even drew a line and dared Bush to cross it.
As far as disease control and traffic and drowning uh I do think that subject is in no way connected here. But just to touch on it a second. I do think that the world needs to get together and get rid of the scientist jobs for weapons and space travel and have them concentrate on cures for all the diseases that mankind suffers from. And also find alternative fuels that are non toxic to mother earth.
BIGG I agree with you dude I have never really committed myself as a rep. or dem. I look at the candidate and his past and his present If our government did get rid of the parties and just did what they were elected to do which I see as look out for our best interrest ,then I beleive we would move forward and not keep having to worry about the other party.
Sorry I rambled on for so long.
Peace and love to you guys

01-28-2009, 05:05 PM
I don't think Bin LAden was ever a nobody. We knew all about him and knew how dangerous he was but never did anything about him. It's kind of like some of the people they let go inother countries that were capitve and released in trade only so they can end up doing more terrorism. I doubt any of us would ever understand what really goes on and that's probably the most scariest.

Regardless of all of this, who here can really just blame Bush for all the problems? I think we all need to agree on the part where our Government is a failure and we the people fight each other on issues that are not really the true reason why our country is in turmoil. There are so many things that can be done to fix it and make America that great nation we expect it to be. I blame our society for this mor ethan anything and the sad thing is we are very intelligent but the truth is we are spoiled. I think we can all honestly say we have taken things for granted way too much and it's coming back to bite us on the ass and moaybe if we don't fix it all we will live in times that we could not ever imagine. I think we can all agree to disagree but there has to be a line where we all can say what is true to our hearts. At this point in my life I am more concerned with the ability to support my family and be healthy. I look at the health aspect but I worry about the situation in this country that worries me that the rest of my savings may be eaten up due to the corruption in the Government. There are so many aspects we have to look at and I guess where we feel it is what we complain about. IF one is laid off from work they are going to look at that as a big problem. If someone has no health insurance, they look at that as the problem. We as a nation have to look at the problems before they may happen which is what I mean about taking things for granted.

I have these discussions with a friend of mine who is single, my age and lives in his parents house. He can not understand my feelings of importance with the family situation because he does not have any children. Until he does, he will not understand the other worries people have. My point is we usually only look at what has to do with us instead of what it has to do for the nation. We all need to tighten our belts and fix this mess we are in. Not as a state but as a nation. We need to get back to work and work harder and move forward. Until our Government see's we the people are not going to accept the ignorance put on us they will continue to enslave us and rob us. I imagine people are really not paying attention how much was stolen from us already in our retirement, social security, 401k, IRA etc. I am disgusted about that considering what else I have to deal with and the worry for my daughters future. This is bad and should be blamed on all Government. Calculate all of the people in this country and add it up and you have to wonder WTF is going on. I am just a pea in the world like many but it all adds up along with all the money we have to pay back in the future for all of these trillions being given to corporate bailouts. This is the wrong path and we are all bent over. Why this Governemnt does not bail out the people to pay their mortgages and credit woes is proof that we need a new Government. I can't believe we have to pay for these bailouts which are put on us because we are ignorant to believe this is going to fix things. As you can see the banks are still failing and all corps are taking advantage with it all because millions are being laid off.

If anyone thinks The democrats are going to fix this, I warn you, they are just as much as responsible for this mess as GWB. Always be worried when the country has a chance to point a finger all the time. The truth is they are all pointing a finger at us all and it's not their index finger I assure you.

01-29-2009, 12:20 AM
I don't think the Democrats or the Republicans will fix this, only the AMERICANS can fix this, until we act like it, we're f-d!

One thing the Pres said that makes sense, is we all have to have a higher level of responsibility

01-29-2009, 08:20 PM
Is Bush at fault? Not really...only to the degree that he's just the boy doing what he's been told. Should we use him as a scapegoat and prosecute him for the crimes perpetrated by men who run the system but the average Joe will never know who they are anyway? Yes. A false sense of victory for the American people will still feel like a victory nonetheless, and boost country morale, no doubt. It's how things are so let's make do with what we got.

01-31-2009, 07:27 PM
Is Bush at fault? Not really...only to the degree that he's just the boy doing what he's been told. Should we use him as a scapegoat and prosecute him for the crimes perpetrated by men who run the system but the average Joe will never know who they are anyway? Yes. A false sense of victory for the American people will still feel like a victory nonetheless, and boost country morale, no doubt. It's how things are so let's make do with what we got.

I just now figured out who the hell you are, lol. Yes, I'm slow. Why did you change your name after having it for so long?

01-31-2009, 08:30 PM

lol but really, I wanted something new, seeing as I don't play video games anymore, I have no need to carry around a gaming alias anymore.

02-01-2009, 05:59 AM

lol but really, I wanted something new, seeing as I don't play video games anymore, I have no need to carry around a gaming alias anymore.

So what do you do online now? :confused:

02-01-2009, 04:07 PM
There's many things you can do...