View Full Version : AMD Chip OC'd to 6.5GHz

Caged Anger
01-26-2009, 04:51 PM

Impressive work, makes me feel somewhat ashamed by my new 3GHz dual core >_<

01-26-2009, 07:02 PM
The new PhenomII looks pretty good and is a cheap upgrade. I am glad to see the little guy getting back to things but I am a bit disgusted with AMD with their busiiness tactics the past 2 years. The one advantage over Intel is overall price for system. Their engineering has taken a dump and just does not seem worthy enough to the people who want the best. They should have rid themself of Ruiz the first screw up. AMD is in big trouble if they don't move their ass.

01-26-2009, 07:57 PM
3DMark05??? Wish they would have run something a little more current then '05.

01-27-2009, 01:37 AM
I think the reason i s05 tested the cpu more than the other tests. Remember this was a cpu OC'd and theothers testmore regarding GPU. They should have tested all of it anyway and you have to wonder whythey did not.

Death Engineer
01-27-2009, 04:40 PM
Somewhat off-topic, but the Intel Atom lineup is absolutely changing the face of desktop and embedded computing. This kind of power at these kind of prices is yet another monumental leap that is leaving even the older Intel chips behind (not to mention AMD).

01-28-2009, 05:26 PM
I have a small acer netbook that serves its purpose and uses the atom chip. I am all about the tasks at hand these days rather than the performance. These chips have made laptops obsolete in my opinion.

He Is Legend
01-29-2009, 07:56 PM