View Full Version : One Of The Best Practical Jokes

02-10-2009, 11:58 PM
I love practical joke shows - especially the ones where they manage to pull off something really unique and awesome.

This pretty much qualifies off the top of the charts.

Unfortunately, being something owned by MTV they pretty much keep it off youtube and the like so they can sell it later on on DVD and this is the best site I could find that still had it.


02-11-2009, 12:48 AM
lol good ones man that was good

02-11-2009, 03:37 AM
it looks good, but to be honest this is likely "audience participation" type special effects, a clue would be all of the different camera angles they had.

02-11-2009, 11:54 AM
It's certainly possible of course - always has to be considered with these types of stunts.

However, I know I certainly would have that type of reaction if I'm just sitting around on a bus and suddenly some dude pulls that off. Hell, I was at home watching a prank show on TV expecting the dude to pull some prank since the camera was focused on him and I *still* want WTF?! Imagine you're just some dude all beat down at the end of the day and having to take the bus to go home... heh

Yeah, a minute or two into it I'd start chilling out and try to figure out how he did it. But that first minute or so I'd be all about the Holy Crap and WTF and whatnot.