View Full Version : Baby-faced boy Alfie Patten is father at 13

02-13-2009, 07:17 PM
Baby-faced boy Alfie Patten is father at 13

BOY dad Alfie Patten yesterday admitted he does not know how much nappies cost — but said: “I think it’s a lot.”

Baby-faced Alfie, who is 13 but looks more like eight, became a father four days ago when his girlfriend Chantelle Steadman gave birth to 7lb 3oz Maisie Roxanne.

He told how he and Chantelle, 15, decided against an abortion after discovering she was pregnant.

The shy lad, whose voice has not yet broken, said: “I thought it would be good to have a baby.

“I didn’t think about how we would afford it. I don’t really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me £10.”

Alfie, who is just 4ft tall, added: “When my mum found out, I thought I was going to get in trouble. We wanted to have the baby but were worried how people would react.

“I didn’t know what it would be like to be a dad. I will be good, though, and care for it.”

Alfie's story, broken exclusively by The Sun today has sparked a huge political storm with Tory leader David Cameron saying: "When I saw these pictures this morning, I just thought how worrying that in Britain today children are having children.

"I hope that somehow these children grow up into responsible parents but the truth is parenthood is just not something they should be thinking about right now."

rest of article: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/article2233878.ece

02-13-2009, 07:35 PM
you must have some point in posting this, so what is it? What is the statment you are trying to make?

02-13-2009, 10:09 PM
Are you serious? There is so much that's messed up with this story it's not even funny. Allow me to point them out.

This kid is 13 and has a child
He looks 8
The mother is 15
She looks 40
The kid had sex once and got someone pregnant
...did I mention that A KID HAD A FREAKIN BABY?

This shows what a big problem there is in England with unwanted pregnancies by the highly unintelligent chavs like these two (the names are a dead giveaway of being chavs, of course). The chavs are obviously a show of how incredibly terrible the parents of generation X are, sicne they produced all these chavs.

The thing is that this isn't as rare as one in the US may think. I'm sure my UK ppl can back me up on that.

This is just rediculous

02-13-2009, 10:19 PM
interesting, never heard the term chav, not sure why you have. so it is pathetic, but no more so than the woman that just had 8 babies (+6) so she could feel loved. plenty of examples of stupid people in the world. 13 is considered to be a marriable age in many parts of the world. Would you have the same outrage if the kid looked old for his age? The one example, although a curiosity, is not really meaningful.

The Priest
02-13-2009, 11:14 PM
Are you serious? There is so much that's messed up with this story it's not even funny. Allow me to point them out.

This kid is 13 and has a child
He looks 8
The mother is 15
She looks 40
The kid had sex once and got someone pregnant
...did I mention that A KID HAD A FREAKIN BABY?

This shows what a big problem there is in England with unwanted pregnancies by the highly unintelligent chavs like these two (the names are a dead giveaway of being chavs, of course). The chavs are obviously a show of how incredibly terrible the parents of generation X are, sicne they produced all these chavs.

The thing is that this isn't as rare as one in the US may think. I'm sure my UK ppl can back me up on that.

This is just rediculousSome poeple need it put in black and white well said 100% agree:thumbs:

02-14-2009, 09:14 AM
Who cares?

02-14-2009, 03:06 PM
Although it could be taken both ways I'm assuming you don't Exe. First it was the Veterans you didn't give a shit about and now the teenage pregnancy problem and what is really sad is that there are a many others like you and the number is growing day by day.

Family values, respect for others, caring for others, etc ... have really gone to shit.

02-14-2009, 06:20 PM
guys, when you were 13, if you had had a chance to have sex with a 15 year old you would probably take it. If not, I can guarantee you that most of the boys I knew would have. Instead of despising the kid you can think what a stud, he has got some potent sperm. What happened afterwards were "family values". The girl did not have an abortion and they are going to raise the baby. For teenagers really I don't think you can expect too much thought processes to be happening there. Now the parents that should have taught them better or pushed for an abortion, that is where your problem is.

02-14-2009, 08:06 PM
Sho, you're right. This apathy is getting larger by the year, it seems. However, I believe it was discovered that you only need 6 or 8 percent of a population in order to create a revolutionary change.

Jim, I only know of the chavs because I go to England every year since 2004 and unfortunately, have to breathe the same air as them while I'm there. Just to give you an example of the intellect of your typical chav, this was a show I saw chavs thoroughly enjoying while high in the UK: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXQoQcqplR8

And no, I don't this it would be so outrageous as if the boy looked older than 13 or at the very least, your typical 13 year old but he looks like a little boy! Age is one factor but physical and mental maturity are other very important factors as well so just because someone is 13 doesn't mean they are ready for having children.

02-14-2009, 09:13 PM
yeah, well in the teen years most of your learning comes from your peers, not your family, it is a period of great conflict for most people, discovering your own identity. unfortunately for many people it is moving from the identity that their family gives over to the identity that their peers give. Teens do NOT make good decisions. You are probably an exception, but I am sure if you think back you would probably agree that many kids were pure dumbasses at that age when you were the same age. So why is the expectation that the younger generation should be any different? There is certainly a desire there, but an expectation is unrealistic. This particular instance is just pure drama - "oh, the wittle baby boy is so cute!!! and he has a baby of his own now!!!" - but aside from that is not particular meaningful. There appears to be a "baby face" type bias, ie: that because he looks young he is less able to care for a child than a regular 13 year old. And before you say it, yes, no 13 year old child is able to properly care for a baby. But as for "outrage" goes I think it to be much more outrageous that a unmarried woman has 14 kids and then is blabbing about how she wants to go back to school. Now that is an UNFIT mother.

The Priest
02-14-2009, 10:13 PM
Who cares?
well we can see you don't:rolleyes: No change there.

02-15-2009, 03:21 PM
A second CHILD has come forward claiming to be the father

02-15-2009, 05:13 PM
Although it could be taken both ways I'm assuming you don't Exe. First it was the Veterans you didn't give a shit about and now the teenage pregnancy problem and what is really sad is that there are a many others like you and the number is growing day by day.

Family values, respect for others, caring for others, etc ... have really gone to shit.

Yes it can be taken in several ways. I was remarking that this is not atypical. Like JIM said, teens are not predisposed to make intelligent decisions. Anyone in their younger years doesn't really have the foresight to make "good" decisions. Teen pregnancy is nothing new. If I had to take a stand, I would obviously be against it.

Education is the most important thing society can give to teenagers. If they have some perspective, then they CAN make smart decisions. Without finding any kind of bearing in the world, they will ultimately be their own demise. It's one of the oldest examples of how knowledge is the guiding force of life. Without it, you are nothing.

The Veteran story was all about politics and I think Nitro would agree. I don't like to think I'm either a Leftist or a Rightist. Both ideologies are inherently flawed. Their mere existence challenges one to think outside their constraints.

02-15-2009, 08:50 PM
The Sun is the UK equivalent to The National Enquirer. Enough said.

02-15-2009, 09:19 PM
The Sun is the UK equivalent to The National Enquirer. Enough said.

Doesn't mean the story isn't true. It just means that other newspapers won't carry the story since they rather focus on other seemingly more important issues such as stimulus bills and what not.

The kid who had the kid is willing to take a DNA test to see if the kid is this kids' kid.


It may seem like much ado about nothing but look at this as a symbol of a much much greater issue plaguing society.

He Is Legend
02-15-2009, 10:08 PM
Execution is right, who cares? lol

02-15-2009, 10:22 PM
Family values, respect for others, caring for others, etc ... have really gone to shit.
That sums up society today quite nicely :down:

02-16-2009, 12:01 PM
why it bother you? it isnt your child^^
they are young yes but they made their own choice

02-17-2009, 03:00 AM
why it bother you? it isnt your child^^
they are young yes but they made their own choice

Come of it jess. This shit is going beyond a joke in UK, blame the state to be honest, you earn more from getting pregnant and sitting on the dole then going out and working.. no wonder this country has gone to shit.

02-17-2009, 03:47 AM
ah, now we are getting somewhere. so this thread is really about the sorry state of the UK welfare system.... now that makes more sense.

02-17-2009, 04:20 AM
Don't you get paid the more children you have? Or get some sort of tax incentives? There's too many people, the last thing we need is rewarding people to have even more children.

Abundance = peace
Scarcity = war

02-17-2009, 05:05 AM
having children is deeply tied to the survival of religions, as it is typically passed on through the family unit. as such the church will oppose any policy that reduces births, ie: abortion and contraception.