View Full Version : Roger Barnett vs. The 16 Mexican Illegals

02-24-2009, 09:38 PM

While I applaud the jury for seeing this as a total BULLSHIT case brought on by some 16 illegal alien assholes that should not be here in the first damn place, I think it's absurd that they awarded them any money on the case where they made claims of assault and the infliction of "emotional distress." just because he detained them until the authorities showed up and took them away.

The good news is and quoted from that Washington Times article is ...

The eight-person federal jury hearing the case saw the absurdity of that argument and unanimously voted to clear Barnett on that charge. MALDEF's failure to prove that Barnett violated the illegals' civil rights gives him the opportunity to claim attorneys' fees - effectively negating the $78,000 that he is liable for.

It's claimed that he has helped to return over 12,000 illegals from U.S. soil, in my opinion Roger Barnett is an American Hero! :thumbs:

02-24-2009, 09:45 PM
I second that :thumbs: We need more like him, Everywhere.

Caged Anger
02-24-2009, 10:54 PM

02-25-2009, 01:25 AM