View Full Version : This laptop any good???

03-08-2009, 04:28 AM
I am really considering getting this laptop http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834220483 (Around $1200-1300 USD). I will mainly use it for school in my Engineering class which includes using drafting and design programs (Auto CAD) and some casual gaming. Should I get it now or wait until the price drops (with the recession going on, I doubt it will drop much anyway)?? What are your thoughts?
Also, is Asus or MSI more reliable?? I wouldn't want the laptop crapping out on me a year later.

03-08-2009, 12:34 PM
Seems expensive ! look here: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_tlc.asp?CatId=17&cm_re=Homepage-_-Spot%2003-_-CatId_17_T24-150064

03-08-2009, 02:40 PM
Define casual gaming.

Newegg has great prices for laptops. No matter what you buy make sure you get an extended warranty (especially if the laptop you're buying is within the price range you quoted). Protect your investment.

03-08-2009, 03:30 PM
Seems expensive ! look here: http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_tlc.asp?CatId=17&cm_re=Homepage-_-Spot%2003-_-CatId_17_T24-150064
The link you go to says $1,629 Seems high.

03-08-2009, 05:03 PM
I have a 2 year old HP pavillion laptop with a 1.7ghz dual core, 2gb mem, a nvidia 7600go video running vista home premium with the HDMI output. I run autocad 2008, unreal tournament 2004 and cod4 with no problems. Played a DVD of Transformers on a 120" projection screen and it was sharp!
So what you are looking at is way good enough

03-08-2009, 07:17 PM
Thanks guys, how long would you expect a laptop to last in terms of reliability?? What are the chances of a component failing? Also, if one component fails such as the GPU, would it be easy to fix??
Which brand of laptop would you say is the most reliable? MSI or ASUS or _____??

The link you go to says $1,629 Seems high.
Yeah, prices in Canada are kinda high right now. In the US, the same laptop is around $1200. So is it still a good price?

03-08-2009, 07:24 PM
Define casual gaming.

Newegg has great prices for laptops. No matter what you buy make sure you get an extended warranty (especially if the laptop you're buying is within the price range you quoted). Protect your investment.

The Asus comes with a 2 year warranty and my VISA covers it for 1 additional year. That should be good enough right??

03-09-2009, 12:51 AM
The Asus comes with a 2 year warranty and my VISA covers it for 1 additional year. That should be good enough right??

Yea, it should be fine. My laptop crapped out on me last year and I had to buy a new one since the warranty had run out. 3 years should do it.

03-09-2009, 11:32 AM
Thanks guys, how long would you expect a laptop to last in terms of reliability?? What are the chances of a component failing? Also, if one component fails such as the GPU, would it be easy to fix??
Which brand of laptop would you say is the most reliable? MSI or ASUS or _____??

Yeah, prices in Canada are kinda high right now. In the US, the same laptop is around $1200. So is it still a good price?I have a Dell insperion with a G-Force Go 6800 that's 3 years old and runs great. All depends on how you take care of it.

03-10-2009, 02:57 AM
Well, I finally decided to get the ASUS! Hopefully I will get in this week. What online games are popular right now?? How is Serious Sam 2 and is there many people online?

Gun Element
03-10-2009, 04:15 PM
Well, I finally decided to get the ASUS! Hopefully I will get in this week. What online games are popular right now?? How is Serious Sam 2 and is there many people online?

Serious Sam 2 has no multiplayer, and overall just blows like crap in a toilet.

Left4dead seems to be a popular online game, I like it.
Dawn of War 2. Has a fun 2 player coop campaign mode etc. Very fun

Thats all I can think of really for online PC games. Theirs of course, Warhammer online, WOW, Age of Conan (kinda). But yea I dont like mmo's

03-10-2009, 07:36 PM
Serious Sam 2 doesn't have multi-player ? Dang, what were they thinking ?:down:

03-10-2009, 07:46 PM
Serious Sam 2 has no multiplayer, and overall just blows like crap in a toilet.

Left4dead seems to be a popular online game, I like it.
Dawn of War 2. Has a fun 2 player coop campaign mode etc. Very fun

Thats all I can think of really for online PC games. Theirs of course, Warhammer online, WOW, Age of Conan (kinda). But yea I dont like mmo's

Left 4 Dead Multiplayer looks fun. Is there deathmatch/ competitive play???

03-11-2009, 12:04 AM
Serious Sam 2 have multiplayer, but is such laggy on the servers can't really play online.Becose of that people don't play it much.I would not tell thats is bad game, there still some nice levels...i was have some funny hours in cooperative, deathmatch sux ! :down:

03-11-2009, 08:42 PM
Thanks guys, how long would you expect a laptop to last in terms of reliability?? What are the chances of a component failing? Also, if one component fails such as the GPU, would it be easy to fix??
Which brand of laptop would you say is the most reliable? MSI or ASUS or _____??

Yeah, prices in Canada are kinda high right now. In the US, the same laptop is around $1200. So is it still a good price?
Not to bad I guess, looks like a nice rig.:thumbs:

03-28-2009, 03:21 PM
Well :thumbs: :down: How's the new rig ? Everything working as exspected ?

04-01-2009, 10:59 AM
Price watch will help you find the right price and also make sure you get at least 2 GB of rams or more not 1 ok.


As for selecting one I would prefer a Mac instead but it can be expensive but for me it's worth it and they came out with a new one. Also mac has this new Mac mini which I find interesting to use around the house for paying bills, internet browsing and more. It's very small and easy to setup a few around the house and to travel anywhere you like to go, even for school.


Gun Element
04-01-2009, 05:11 PM
Left 4 Dead Multiplayer looks fun. Is there deathmatch/ competitive play???

Their isn't deathmatch, but their is a versus of two teams and whatever team survives and/or survives the best wins. You switch between being an undead and being a survivor.

Its fun, unique and steam added new downloadable content for multiplayer. New Maps, and a new mode called survivor.