View Full Version : Ethics - Office Depot Style

Death Engineer
03-11-2009, 09:12 PM
Is it OK to lie about a laptop being out of stock just because someone isn't interested in the extended warranty/service plans? Discuss.

http://www.dailytech.com/Report+Office+Depot+Lies+About+Notebook+Stock+to+B oost+Extended+Warranty+Sales/article14549.htm

03-11-2009, 09:51 PM
eh, nothing really to discuss. that is part of the problem with incentive based sales (even if the incentive is not monetary but "keeping their jobs") The home electronics market is so competitive that CC died trying to compete. These companies make no money off the crap they sell, the real money is in the service plans, which they try to sell you no matter what you buy (imagine - "a pen? would you like a service plan with that?") All that being said, I am not sure how they can pull it off, unless you have to fill out some form for what you want to buy, then they go in back to see if any are "left". which is pretty annoying, since virtually all of these companies have an electronic inventory system (and some have in-store sites that have different pricing from the normal web portals, which is another similar issue)