View Full Version : Reality check!

04-03-2009, 12:13 AM
North Korea and their "satellite launch".

Let's see. They have missiles that can reach Japan, China, and Russia. They've already demonstrated that. Although they haven't demonstrated that they can deliver any sort of payload - just the missile itself.

They've supposedly developed a long range missile that can reach Hawaii, Alaska, and possibly the west coast of the US. That hasn't been proven, and in fact the test launch of said missile failed.

And now they are going to launch a satellite? That's a huge leap in technology. Unless someone is helping them, it's simply not going to happen. I'm wondering why no one has mentioned this.

Reaching escape velocity and actually putting something into a stable orbit means they can hit any target anywhere. I call shenanigans. Either no one is willing to come right out and say "ROFL", or, it's not a North Korean missile and people are nervous and playing politics because a more powerful country is behind this.

Just my thoughts on the matter. :)

04-03-2009, 01:35 AM
Sirc, giving a reality check.........:rolleyes:




04-03-2009, 02:21 AM
Reality is when something has already happened, is happening, or will definitely happen. This is more of a "You should be scared of a foreign nation harvesting advanced military technology"-check to be precise.

04-03-2009, 03:20 AM
eh, countries always need an evil enemy that they can unite against. if I was a conspiracy nut I would say that the money is probably coming from us. War has always been good for business, but the afghan and iraqi wars are too dirty, causing more problems than they solved. it might be good to go to north korea and get rid of the evil dictator. America could then show how superior it is again. And to accomplish that, certain "sacrifices" might be necessary to properly gain the support of the american people.

04-03-2009, 04:46 AM
eh, countries always need an evil enemy that they can unite against. if I was a conspiracy nut I would say that the money is probably coming from us. War has always been good for business, but the afghan and iraqi wars are too dirty, causing more problems than they solved. it might be good to go to north korea and get rid of the evil dictator. America could then show how superior it is again. And to accomplish that, certain "sacrifices" might be necessary to properly gain the support of the american people.

This is at least the second post you have made like this.

Naw, you don't sound like a conspiracy nut to me. :rolleyes::P

Considering how many countries have nuclear weapons now, and the fact that several of them (i.e. Israel, Pakistan, India, possibly Iran) have significant religious fundamentalist core groups in both military and government, I'm guessing that a 3rd world war would not be good for business for anyone.

Maybe, just maybe, no one would put up too much of a fight if North Korea lost it's nuclear capabilities. But if it's the US that does it then it would only weaken us more considering that South Korea and probably Japan would get hit because of it. Our resources are already stretched too thin.

It would be suicide for us to get into yet another major conflict. Not good for business. Things happen way too fast in this era, and we wouldn't have time to have GM, Chrysler, and other failing industries re-tool to make bombs, tanks, ships and planes. War is no longer a profitable undertaking. Except for the undertakers.

04-03-2009, 03:04 PM
It would be suicide for us to get into yet another major conflict. Not good for business. Things happen way too fast in this era, and we wouldn't have time to have GM, Chrysler, and other failing industries re-tool to make bombs, tanks, ships and planes. War is no longer a profitable undertaking. Except for the undertakers.

Ever heard of Lockheed Martin. They stand to make quite a large sum of money from wars and they are a HUGE employer around my area and other parts of the country as well.

04-04-2009, 10:23 AM
Consider this that the US has been spending more money on Military than ever before and you can check that out if you like ok. Also US have been presently building up more naval and etc in the Pacific coast islands for the past 10 years, which is the most they have ever done during War World II and the cold war. The space program they have been building up secretly for military use and not long ago the Government and NASA will be together as one, which was on the news not long ago. This means more military support that NASA is getting involve in deeper and one of the reasons is they can’t afford it so they go to the government that can support them with money and that brings the military involvement with the corporation.

US plans are simple and it has been since the 1950’s when we started with rockets orbiting around earth especially when the Soviet Union at one time begin and started the race to space. US plan is not only to control and maintain power on earth but in space as well, and space above earth is the final conclusion of world power or to maintain the power that it plans not to give up.

US also at anytime can hit Korea in matter of minutes, hitting the most important targets and disable Korea instantly in again in minutes. This has nothing to do with Naval and Air force jets as well but if Korea opens there installation for a nuclear strike, US and the Russia and many of the other countries will detect and knowing US and Russia, will strike in minutes. Submarines have been presently over by the south pacific for some time now and maintaining monitoring systems on Korea for a long time and are prepare to strike them in minutes plus can disrupt their monitoring and communication control, which will blind the North Korea. US, Russia, England and right around the corner is China have technology that has never been seen before until the day it has no choice but to use it. US have secret military use that can blow your mind and it has not been ever used and I also believe that England and especially Russia has a few of their own tricks up their sleeves. Mark my words you will see more Military involvement when you start to see corporations profiting money in space which is already happening now. I can go into so much more detail about this that it would take about 10 pages if not more to just give you an small idea of plans that they have install in the future or coming years.

Now I will give you a few clues which is just a small part of this puzzle.

Moon Centralization Installation
Mars Program is one (Resources)
Meteor etc (Resources)

NASA is learning but while they are learning the Corporation and Military is part of this because of the resource that it can provide to gain power.

There is a big puzzle and picture that they have already plan for years and the clue was when Dwight D. Eisenhower our former president who was our hero during World War II mention this before he left office during the 1950's.

North Korea is aware of this and many other countries especially China, who is now making there move toward the stars

History provides the path of our future and offers a clues to our future as well.

04-04-2009, 01:45 PM
Well at least the military is innovating and not buying the same bombs, planes, tanks, and other outdated military assets.

04-04-2009, 09:10 PM
Having a military is such a primitive concept.

04-05-2009, 02:16 PM
Having a military is such a primitive concept.

Care to elaborate. Because if it wasn't for the military and ARPANET you would be posting your enlightening comments on a lamppost down the street.

04-05-2009, 03:49 PM
Care to elaborate. Because if it wasn't for the military and ARPANET you would be posting your enlightening comments on a lamppost down the street.

You don't think the internet would have been invented eventually by another industry?

04-05-2009, 04:01 PM
You don't think the internet would have been invented eventually by another industry?

Probably. Eventually. But not like it is today.

Do you think we'd have the internet as it is today if it was born out of commercial corporations? I think not.

It would be like the cellphone industry. You'd pay a base fee, and then extra fees for additional capabilities, and then extra fees for crossing into another company's network. And the whole thing would be regulated.

04-05-2009, 04:10 PM
Getting back on topic.

North Korea launched, and it was indeed a ballistic rocket test. A rather successful one too. So now they get to go back and further perfect their design while the UN has pointless meetings and countries whine and complain and Russia and China continue to shelter North Korea.

04-05-2009, 05:19 PM

"North Korea sent an artificial satellite into an earth orbit on the morning of April 5. The parameters of the satellite's orbit are being specified now," Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said in a statement on that appeared on the Ministry's official Web site.


Now Russia is saying that NK succeeded in putting a satellite into orbit. The US says no, Russia says yes. Can't wait to see how this plays out.

04-05-2009, 05:28 PM
Think of the economic threat, now when private industry wants to have a satellite built and put into orbit, they can do it cheaper in NK than the USA.

One more hit to the American workforce...

04-05-2009, 05:39 PM
Think of the economic threat, now when private industry wants to have a satellite built and put into orbit, they can do it cheaper in NK than the USA.

One more hit to the American workforce...

This is already happening with the European program. On the other hand, there are US private industry companies developing satellite launch capabilities. We'll see.

Regardless, because of the sanctions against NK, no UN country would be allowed to have NK launch a satellite for them. Sanctions, technology transfer issues, etc., will prevent that from happening.

I don't see an economic threat from NK commercial satellite launches as an issue in the foreseeable future.

04-08-2009, 03:06 PM
From what I understand they didn’t really have a successful launch as what they expected to be but my concern is who they can sell it to is what concerns me most because N. Korea doesn’t have the money to continue doing these test making these sophisticated technology. It takes a great deal of money, and the way they are going about it. It will only put them in deeper finance. In order for them to continue doing these test, eventually they will have to begin to sell and make up the money they been using what is left in there economy. They are starving their country and have very little money to continue with this sophisticated technology that requires for them to make, and this is true because it is what happen to Russia right after Afghanistan. They can only make so many but the threat still exist because of our alley Japan and S.Korea who has good relationship with US.

To defuse this problem eventually China will have to play a role and prevent this from happening. China is the key to this problem that can eventually defuse it not just US who at one time during the Bush Adimistration stop talks with N.Korea, which in my opinion is completely wrong. US must open channels with N.Korea in order to find a solution that will take time to settle with China, Russia and other important nations.