View Full Version : Statue of Liberty flyby startles New Yorkers

Death Engineer
04-27-2009, 05:58 PM

This just doesn't seem smart at all. Shouldn't someone have realized that this would put people into panic mode?

04-27-2009, 07:48 PM
See that is the kind of people we have in charge, they forget the past and let down their guard too soon.

04-27-2009, 08:19 PM
Overreacting wall street pricks who are stealing our wealth is all it was.

04-27-2009, 10:01 PM
Wow, great opposing viewpoints guys. Conservative Sho vs. Liberal Nitro FTW!

04-27-2009, 11:03 PM
Wow, great opposing viewpoints guys. Conservative Sho vs. Liberal Nitro FTW!

ill oppose anything just for the sake of opposing :P

04-28-2009, 02:52 AM
oh yeah. White House apologized

04-28-2009, 09:53 AM
I wonder if these folks have ever heard of Photoshop?

04-28-2009, 01:28 PM
Well for those that don't know or believe what Nitros said, the truth is this did cause a lot of panic in the City. A lot of buildings cleared out and people were running scared because they did think it was another 9/11 type of attack. It actually kind of bothered me the reality of the fear in people but it is what it is.

The current administration is not realistic with the real world. America will pay for it and so they should. Actually we are already paying for it but nonetheless, come September, many will be out of work and probably not be able to afford their ISP let alone their mortgage. I thank God I am a little smarter than the average American.

04-28-2009, 01:54 PM
As for the flyby, not well timed and or carried out. I feel bad enough that people still have to deal with that memory. God bless them!

As for Obama, he is doing what needs to be done. He was elected by the people. He is cleaning up the mess left behind from the previous administration. He is a leader, not afraid to take it on the chin. Bush was just a puppet in a play.

04-28-2009, 08:13 PM
This is just absolutely the dumbest thing anyone could have imagined doing. A large jet being followed by a fighter jet flying low over NYC. For some sort of photo opportunity.

It boggles the mind. Severe public beatings are in order for those that did this.

Also, where the heck was everyone running? They seemed to be in a park or plaza. Were they planning on running into a building? Bad idea. I think I'd find myself a park bench and get under it.

04-28-2009, 09:45 PM
Bush was just a puppet in a play.

Obama is just a puppet in a play as well. Anyway, yes, I can see why it would cause panic to those that were downtown back in 2001 but what I saw was overeactance, plain and simple. There was no alarms on tv, radio, etc. and the plane was being escorted. I say it was unnecessary panic because wtf are you going to do? Run down the street? Running like a chicken with your head cut off won't help much. However, like I mentioned before, most of these panickers were Wall Street pricks so I can't say I'm feeling empathetic towards them freaking out.

Death Engineer
04-28-2009, 11:40 PM
ill oppose anything just for the sake of opposing :P

We know! ;)

04-29-2009, 12:00 AM
Nitro hindsight is a great thing to have. Trust me that if you look up in the sky and see the planes, the first thing that comes to mind is not there that has been nothing on the radio or tv, you go into survival mode just as those people did.

04-29-2009, 02:57 AM
Everyone should also consider that when we was attack our northen defense was told to stand down and guess who. Look it up. . .

Anyway this scare many but the truth about this that it will not happen again and it should have not happen at all.

04-29-2009, 04:41 AM
Obama is just a puppet in a play as well.

Does that just mean that Bush was dumb and or just a very terrible excuse of a puppet?

Obama just seems to be more of a standup kinda guy, no excuses.

04-29-2009, 04:43 AM
Everyone should also consider that when we was attack our northen defense was told to stand down and guess who. Look it up. . .

Anyway this scare many but the truth about this that it will not happen again and it should have not happen at all.

Its like everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. We will never know.

04-29-2009, 12:33 PM
Its like everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. We will never know.

My point is that it should have not happen, which to me is no excuses.

As for not never knowing will only let it go by and not get to the bottom of it like always when it comes to power from the top and I don't mean the president but the real true power. It's like putting our heads into the sand box.

04-29-2009, 12:35 PM
Does that just mean that Bush was dumb and or just a very terrible excuse of a puppet?

Obama just seems to be more of a standup kinda guy, no excuses.

All presidents have been used, the last president that took on these powerful people paid for it with his life. JFK. . .

04-29-2009, 02:02 PM
Does that just mean that Bush was dumb and or just a very terrible excuse of a puppet?

Obama just seems to be more of a standup kinda guy, no excuses.

You're right. Bush was just plain ol' stupid, but this did not take a rocket scientist to figure out. Everything from his highly uneloquent speech to his childlike behavior demonstrated this. He got to become prez since he's got the right blood, a pornographic amount of money, and connections to spare. Not to mention that middle america, the bulk of his vote, is on par with him for the most part, which shows why they liked him and voted for him. Obama is an example of someone who is intelligent and I'd even go as far as to say he would like to do some good, but when he gets to Washington, he finds out the office of the president has next to no power on its own, but is a tool used by other individuals to carry their agenda through him. This is nothing new.

And yes Sho, I agree that survival mode sometimes overcomes rationality.

04-29-2009, 02:24 PM
I here the words all the time that Obama is a stand up guy but I ask how? Simple Question. I here Bush was the worste President but I ask how. These are simple questions that should be answered by people making the statements.

Now I don't say Bush was the greatest president. Hell I am anti Government but considering what he had to work with along with the reality he was faced with he did a great job.

As for Obama, no one here can say anything good about him with real knowledge of what's going on. It's a blind statement by pure ignorance or a typical N. It's ok because I am protected and will smirk at those out of work in the future due to this wonderful stand up guy they voted for. People will make excuses rather look at the reality that there is evil in the world that needs to be killed. Fantasy land should be kept in the books because never in history was peace a reality with out destroying evil.

It amazes me how those people who have or continue to bash Bush see nothing be done wrong. I laugh so hard at all the comments at the past and see them today.

04-29-2009, 02:26 PM
I wonder if these folks have ever heard of Photoshop?

LOL they said this cost around 350,000 dollars. Why use photoshop when we can pay that in these great times. Taxpayers should be more than happy with this. God Bless this country:thumbs: :D

04-29-2009, 03:12 PM
All a matter of point of view :). If you like a president "fails" will be considered as being human otherwise it's another proof of bad leadership.

I know a lot of Americans consider him as weak, though I think it's very smart what he does right now. Just like with the middle east, instead of going full frontal he reached out his hand. If they still want to fight on then Obama at least gave it the best to solve it diplomatically which is the best for the whole world. Though this approach can backfire if the feeling of "weakness" passes on. And that's what I really admire about Obama, he ain't affraid of taking responsibility as long as he walk his chosen path.

Another thing, Obama hate him or love him but you can't deny he is higher on the ladder than Bush considering: Knowledge, IQ and interaction with humans. Nothing to do with Bush, Obama is just a smart one :)

Still might not the best idea to pick a plane for sightseeing. Though, with all do respect to the victums, what will be a good year to finally use a plane again?

We got bigger worries at time being:


04-29-2009, 05:19 PM
Don't even start with that "swine flu" garbage! Roughly 35,000 people die in the US from the regular flu each year and yet one child dies in the US are acting like there's some global pandemic. Don't you see this is just more fearmongering?

From the CDC's website:

How many people get sick or die from the flu every year?

Each flu season is unique, but it is estimated that, on average, approximately 5% to 20% of U.S. residents get the flu, and more than 200,000 persons are hospitalized for flu-related complications each year. About 36,000 Americans die on average per year from the complications of flu.

04-29-2009, 06:08 PM
tell me when we hit 400 thousand deaths. At that point it will do what heart disease does every year. actually the government has a formula by which they judge the "threat level" of any potential event. The formula is risk * panic. Common things that can kill you or a family member, ie: car trips, backyard swimming pools, handguns, etc. generate no panic, so they are not a "threat" eventhough they cause up to a million deaths a year. "uncommon" events like the bird/swine flu, terrorism, usually cause < 100 deaths a year, and even for 9/11 the number was < 3000. Yet the panic is severe and extreme. OMG!! I'm going to die!! And look at the results of panic events. Q: is New York Central Park a safe place to visit? A: most people around the world will say no, because of a couple of highly publicized and isolated incidents that occurred in the 1980s. It just goes to show how easily reality can be distorted in a permanent fashion.

04-29-2009, 06:11 PM
Wiper, do you make your statements while you are drinking? They are the dumbest on this site and I know people have to agree with me here Not just political either but pretty much anything. It hurts my eyes to read such stupidity. I am curious though... WHat do you do for a living and what is your IQ? How much money do you have in the bank>? The reason I ask this regardless of it being anyones business is that I am sure if you add it up along with your accomplishments in life it will prove you really should not be allowed to even talk. Its like the doofy kid with buck teeth calling the chubby chick fat.

Seriously, I wish others would say it like it is to people like this so they can realize how much of a moron they look like.

"Another thing, Obama hate him or love him but you can't deny he is higher on the ladder than Bush considering: Knowledge, IQ and interaction with humans. Nothing to do with Bush, Obama is just a smart one"

WOW--and like usual a common statement from this ignorant soul with the usual lack of reasoning.:rolleyes:

04-29-2009, 06:56 PM
Wiper, do you make your statements while you are drinking? They are the dumbest on this site and I know people have to agree with me here Not just political either but pretty much anything. It hurts my eyes to read such stupidity. I am curious though... WHat do you do for a living and what is your IQ? How much money do you have in the bank>? The reason I ask this regardless of it being anyones business is that I am sure if you add it up along with your accomplishments in life it will prove you really should not be allowed to even talk. Its like the doofy kid with buck teeth calling the chubby chick fat.

Seriously, I wish others would say it like it is to people like this so they can realize how much of a moron they look like.

"Another thing, Obama hate him or love him but you can't deny he is higher on the ladder than Bush considering: Knowledge, IQ and interaction with humans. Nothing to do with Bush, Obama is just a smart one"

WOW--and like usual a common statement from this ignorant soul with the usual lack of reasoning.:rolleyes:

You can make a petition out of it though I think it's pure discrimination to ban me for my IQ or having not enough money on the bank :(

And this sentence:
" Seriously, I wish others would say it like it is to people like this so they can realize how much of a moron they look like. "

is multi-interpretable, of course I'm picking the version in favor of me :)

I hope ur right. Of course the flu demands many deaths each year but you must admit that some flu's are much more deadly than the "regular" ones like the Spanish flu (indeed a bad time but nevertheless precaution wouldn't be a bad thing).

04-29-2009, 07:23 PM
Jim's post is right on

Mad Fox
04-29-2009, 10:06 PM
I am afraid of an attack from the Canadians. They can not be trusted.

04-29-2009, 10:33 PM
I am afraid of an attack from the Canadians. They can not be trusted.


04-30-2009, 12:09 AM
I am afraid of an attack from the Canadians. They can not be trusted.

You better watch out hahahaha.. :)

04-30-2009, 02:48 AM
You can make a petition out of it though I think it's pure discrimination to ban me for my IQ or having not enough money on the bank :(

And this sentence:
" Seriously, I wish others would say it like it is to people like this so they can realize how much of a moron they look like. "

is multi-interpretable, of course I'm picking the version in favor of me :)

There's a certain level of rhetoric that is expected when you make a post that has to do with politics or generally any social issue. You might think what you write makes perfect sense, but others clearly do not.

Don't let anyone discourage you from posting. Just take the time to read over what you say and make sure it's properly phrased and don't be afraid to inject some original thought and reference some sources.

I get what you are saying, but you have to work on your phrasing a bit.

04-30-2009, 02:16 PM
There's a certain level of rhetoric that is expected when you make a post that has to do with politics or generally any social issue. You might think what you write makes perfect sense, but others clearly do not.

Don't let anyone discourage you from posting. Just take the time to read over what you say and make sure it's properly phrased and don't be afraid to inject some original thought and reference some sources.

I get what you are saying, but you have to work on your phrasing a bit.

Well the petition thing was irony. You are right, only I can't make it clear for all. If we can't speak out loud without getting trashed or worse what's the use of discussion/opinions? :)

It's a vote: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XASbRbtTpLc&NR=1 :D

I know we (kinda always) disagree I respect the fact u post this point of view as your own.

04-30-2009, 05:33 PM
If Wiper is the doofy kid with buck teeth, can I be the chubby chick?

Throw in some Wesson oil and we gots ourselves a party baby! :wootrock:

04-30-2009, 06:12 PM
If Wiper is the doofy kid with buck teeth, can I be the chubby chick?

Throw in some Wesson oil and we gots ourselves a party baby! :wootrock:

:rofl: well to be honest I wanted to be the chubby chick, losing some weight and become a lesbian :o but now with that oil....:devil:

04-30-2009, 09:12 PM
Wiper, it's not your opinion I am trashing or you personaly but the blind statements you make that makes no sense such as the video clip you posted. It's like you have a conversation with yourself and post the results and we are suppose to know what you are talking about.

My comments to you reflect the ignorance from your posts. I am well aware you will never get it. It just wouldnt be me not to speak my mind and challenge you. And when I asked you about what you do and how much you make was a reflection of your almighty inteligence that you are so smart that you have a right to talk about another person IQ who held the most important position in the world as being dumb. Ofcourse it the irony goes back at from each others position that somewhere there is a fool in the White House but not once will you think either is stupid.

Again I doubt you can even comprehend my point along with many here. I assure you the joke is not on me.

04-30-2009, 09:48 PM

04-30-2009, 11:12 PM
c'est la vie

05-01-2009, 03:12 AM
:d :p

05-01-2009, 03:50 AM
LOL Tip that's great!!!!!!

05-01-2009, 05:08 AM
Malaria kills 3,000 a day. Top that, pig flu!