View Full Version : I predict within 2 to 5 years

05-13-2009, 08:06 PM
I hope I am wrong and hope that something can be resolve soon because it needs it badly before something will occure and war will be at hand.

This is going to happen sometime soon within 2 to 5 years from now, maybe even sooner.
Not for very long that they will eventually get access to a few things that will be require attacking Iran in the coming year; again within 2 to 5 years it will happen.

This is just the beginning there is a lot more that is going on and more American military presents has been going on too.
Also if you notice that sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan and it’s not or no longer about Terrorism but more about keeping the pipe line protected at all cost this includes Iraq because most of our military men are located mostly near the Oil refiners and pipe lines.

US present at the Middle east if you notice the US Military location are near the Oil and many parts of the area for preparing to protect or if needed to attack. This has been going on for sometime now and even the Pacific cost more military activities have been going on.

Like I said I hope that it doesn't happen and I do hope for some miracle that we resolve it peacefully some how.

05-13-2009, 09:10 PM
Makes what I have been saying for the past 8 years make sense. The common American is too ignorant and too lazy to pay attention to what is going on because they are too spoiled. Too busy worried about gay marriage, global warming and other BS then really see where they are headed. There is no common sense so I at this point will hope for the best with my guns by my side.

05-14-2009, 09:00 PM
I hope I am wrong and hope that something can be resolve soon because it needs it badly before something will occure and war will be at hand.

This is going to happen sometime soon within 2 to 5 years from now, maybe even sooner.
Not for very long that they will eventually get access to a few things that will be require attacking Iran in the coming year; again within 2 to 5 years it will happen.

This is just the beginning there is a lot more that is going on and more American military presents has been going on too.
Also if you notice that sending 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan and it’s not or no longer about Terrorism but more about keeping the pipe line protected at all cost this includes Iraq because most of our military men are located mostly near the Oil refiners and pipe lines.

US present at the Middle east if you notice the US Military location are near the Oil and many parts of the area for preparing to protect or if needed to attack. This has been going on for sometime now and even the Pacific cost more military activities have been going on.

Like I said I hope that it doesn't happen and I do hope for some miracle that we resolve it peacefully some how.
Why are you choosing to live in fear?

05-14-2009, 10:01 PM
And when India and Pakistan both became nuclear powers they annihilated each other. It was bound to happen. No wait, it didn't happen. In fact, they started having a lot more diplomatic discussions and the hostilities ratcheted down quite a bit.

The Iranian leaders aren't stupid. They aren't going to start a conventional war, much less a nuclear one. It's all just posturing and muscle-flexing. They know that we know exactly where their missile sites are. And they know we can take them out. They know that the moment they use nuclear weapons the US will give them all the nuclear weapons technology they could ever want in the form of a 20 megaton detonation directly over Tehran.

If you really want to worry about something, worry about North Korea. Kim Jong II is a serious nut case IMO.

Mad Fox
05-14-2009, 11:50 PM
Nukes are the greatest asset to peace we have.

05-15-2009, 10:24 AM
Why are you choosing to live in fear?

Who said I am. . .

05-15-2009, 10:25 AM
And when India and Pakistan both became nuclear powers they annihilated each other. It was bound to happen. No wait, it didn't happen. In fact, they started having a lot more diplomatic discussions and the hostilities ratcheted down quite a bit.

The Iranian leaders aren't stupid. They aren't going to start a conventional war, much less a nuclear one. It's all just posturing and muscle-flexing. They know that we know exactly where their missile sites are. And they know we can take them out. They know that the moment they use nuclear weapons the US will give them all the nuclear weapons technology they could ever want in the form of a 20 megaton detonation directly over Tehran.

If you really want to worry about something, worry about North Korea. Kim Jong II is a serious nut case IMO.

Isreal Sirc, they feel this way and are livng in fear.

05-15-2009, 10:29 AM
And when India and Pakistan both became nuclear powers they annihilated each other. It was bound to happen. No wait, it didn't happen. In fact, they started having a lot more diplomatic discussions and the hostilities ratcheted down quite a bit.

The Iranian leaders aren't stupid. They aren't going to start a conventional war, much less a nuclear one. It's all just posturing and muscle-flexing. They know that we know exactly where their missile sites are. And they know we can take them out. They know that the moment they use nuclear weapons the US will give them all the nuclear weapons technology they could ever want in the form of a 20 megaton detonation directly over Tehran.

If you really want to worry about something, worry about North Korea. Kim Jong II is a serious nut case IMO.

N-Korean I am not worry about what they have but what can be done when they decide to sell it is the question that most fear because they are running out off money to provide what they have been building, the technogy which cost a great deal of money and their people are starving.

05-15-2009, 10:32 AM
Nukes are the greatest asset to peace we have.

Yes for this generation or 21th century seems to be so. Sad but true.

05-16-2009, 09:37 PM
Who said I am. . .

Worrying about what might or might not happen in the future. Running "what if"
scenarios in one's mind will create anxiety, stress, and fear. It's not the best state of mind to have. No peace in feeling the end is high.

05-16-2009, 11:30 PM
No peace in feeling the end is high.

I believe you meant "the end is nigh". But then the "h" and "n" keys are right next to each other, so you have an easy out. :P

Unless of course you meant that everyone is going to get high, stop being productive, and cause the collapse of civilization as we know it.

05-17-2009, 01:41 AM
Worrying about what might or might not happen in the future. Running "what if"
scenarios in one's mind will create anxiety, stress, and fear. It's not the best state of mind to have. No peace in feeling the end is high.

I don't see it that way but only what I think that might happen is not being stress out just making predictions only.

If we talk about it this includes our government etc, it helps to find solutions and I also like to hear what others have to say.

If you go in that direction in analyzing what I may feel, then you contradict what you have been saying at this forum. This is only a discussion.

The Mind when in peace is a mind that is centered and no longer focus on harming. It becomes strong than any physical force in the universe.

By learning to appreciate
What we have
And where we are
And who we are

I am fully aware of these things that provide peace internally but as for external, I have no control of it but only to pursuade.

05-17-2009, 03:03 AM
eh, this world is a zero sum game. you come into it with nothing. everything you accumulate you are going to leave behind when you die. your death is a fact, only the date is unknown. You can spend your life moaning and crying about it or you can live it to the fullest. in that regard people cannot "take" other people's lives. they can certainly "shorten" them, but it is a given that there will be an end, regardless of what anyone does to delay it.

05-17-2009, 04:03 AM
If you go in that direction in analyzing what I may feel, then you contradict what you have been saying at this forum. This is only a discussion.

You know I meant nothing wrong bout it. It's just that I'm really disapointed about all the fear mongering going on in the past few months in this country. I don't care who is president. Instilling fear into the public's consciousness is counterproductive when it's all said and done and I don't think we need more of that, but offers of solutions to situations that come up every now and then. Where has the intelligent, rational, and level-headed discussion gone? All you get on the news is epidemic this and socialism that. It's ridiculous. I hope it stops...

06-13-2009, 04:33 AM
Forgot to post this news. So much for the F22 now they have the F35 and they want the plane's internal computer mainframe.


They will get it eventually and US will soon, if not begin to sell some sophisticated technology because of the economy.