View Full Version : Cs4

05-21-2009, 12:52 PM
Anyone usingthis latest version from Adobe?

05-27-2009, 04:31 PM
Yes I been using it for sometime now. I like to new face lift on Flash and etc but mostly flash. The new features help a great deal and cuts a lot of time for some work. I have not been using them much lately but what I like also is the OOP, where you can reuse any of the scripts or components including using it with Flex. I do like Adobe After-Effects, it makes it easy to do special effects like what you see on commercials etc. The only requirement to know After-Effect is to learn how to use the software it's important to do so and then afterward you will begin creating some really cool stuff. There are also a great deal of plug-ins for this program as well that you can use and Co-Pilot is one place that will help you learn how to use there plug-ins and demonstrations. It can be a powerful tool to use for some special effects but it isn't anything like CGI etc, but it will do a lot and cut a lot of corners when needed.