View Full Version : Jury rules against Minn. mom in download case

06-20-2009, 03:04 PM
From $222,000 in '07 to $1.92 million today ..... Wow that is some increase.

Jury rules against Minn. mom in download case
Retrial with same verdict; she owes recording companies $1.92 million

MINNEAPOLIS - A replay of the nation’s only file-sharing case to go to trial has ended with the same result, finding a Minnesota woman to have violated music copyrights and ordering her to pay hefty damages to the recording industry.

A federal jury ruled Thursday that Jammie Thomas-Rasset willfully violated the copyrights on 24 songs, and awarded recording companies $1.92 million, or $80,000 per song.

Thomas-Rasset’s second trial actually turned out worse for her. When a different federal jury heard her case in 2007, it hit Thomas-Rasset with a $222,000 judgment.

The rest of the article, 2 pages and it's worth the read

06-20-2009, 03:43 PM
yeah, they are freaking nuts. they certainly did not understand the way things work on the internet. it is the first person to put something out there that costs money, I doubt she did anything. the same songs are available from hundreds of sites. so totally stupid.

06-20-2009, 04:36 PM
And this is why I've never used P2P. Okay actually I've never used it because I don't like the idea of people having direct access to anything on my computer. Never the less, hosting files on your personal computer is kind of dumb and is just asking for trouble.

But 24 songs? How did she even get caught when there are so many people hosting hundreds or even thousands?

He Is Legend
06-20-2009, 05:34 PM
Just how everyone gets caught, by SHARING, most people that download shit from p2p leaves it there when it finishes, leaving it open for anyone to leech and seed from for a faster download. If people would learn how to use p2p programs then they wouldn't get caught -_-

06-20-2009, 05:36 PM
nah, she is the token person. if not her, then someone else. it is the effectiveness of terrorism tactics that makes it work (in theory). Although the chance of getting caught are remote the penalties are so outrageous it makes people think about it.

06-20-2009, 07:56 PM
Just how everyone gets caught, by SHARING, most people that download shit from p2p leaves it there when it finishes, leaving it open for anyone to leech and seed from for a faster download. If people would learn how to use p2p programs then they wouldn't get caught -_-

Isn't that exactly how P2P works? Isn't that the whole point? If no one seeds then there is no P2P.

EDIT: Or did I miss the sarcasm. >.>

06-20-2009, 08:10 PM
i believe her thing was kazaa. my daughter used to use kazaa once, like a radio station, you search for a song, click on it to listen to it. it would bring up dozens of songs. yeah, it will share a folder, probably the same one used to download with. I think that is the approach they need to take legally, that P2P is similar to a radio station, it plays songs with somewhat diminished quality. hell, everyone I know used to record songs from a radio station as kids, and make our own cassette albums. is it hurting record companies? it is hurting the bloated pigs that have been ripping off artists for decades. it certainly is not hurting apple, who has stripped the drm from their songs.

06-20-2009, 11:12 PM
nah, she is the token person. if not her, then someone else. it is the effectiveness of terrorism tactics that makes it work (in theory).

That's it right there, a bit of muscle-flexing by the recording industry..They have no chance of collecting, nor do I think they ever had any intention of it..Just a strongarm tactic to show they're watching..

Ehhhh...hope they were decent tunes at 80K each..:eek: