View Full Version : Choking on your own spit - a rant

06-20-2009, 07:43 PM
Okay, a little while ago I "swallowed down the wrong pipe" and ended up choking. On my own spit. Again.

Not that it happens a lot mind you. 3 or 4 times a year I'll almost do it and manage to stop it, but once or twice a year I won't be able to stop it and then the fun begins. A full blown choking on my own spit attack. How pleasant.

I have no idea why this happens. I swallow my saliva hundreds of times a day. I've done this every day for the past 50 years. It's a natural process that everyone does. So what the hell - I still don't quite have the technique down? After 50 years I'm still occasionally screwing it up? How can that be? It makes me wonder what other natural process I can royally screw up (besides missing the toilet). For instance, I eat with a fork every day. Is it possible that one day I may completely miss my mouth and stick it in my eye? Should I be wearing goggles while I eat?

And when it happens you know it even before your body begins to react. You can feel that tiny trickle of spit suddenly take a left turn and head towards your lungs. And all you can do about it is think....awww shit, here we go.

You can't really blame your lungs I suppose. Their job is pretty straightforward. Take in air, pass oxygen to your bloodstream, and exhale carbon dioxide. A simple but vital function. So vital in fact that the lungs have defense mechanisms to ensure that having anything besides air entering them causes a code red security event.

"Warning! Unauthorized entry, security breached! The entrance has been sealed! Purging of foreign material to begin immediately!" It sorta reminds me of the movie Alien when Sigourney Weaver activated the ship's self-destruct and then couldn't get Mother to stop the sequence. But I digress.

And so it begins. Your lungs are sealed because they aren't about to let anything else enter until that little trickle of unwelcome spit has been dealt with. This is where it get's interesting. You can't take a deep breath to cough properly, so your lungs violently expel whatever air is available. And since they are in code red your lungs aren't about to allow you to take another breath to be able to cough again. This seems counter-productive, but your lungs don't care - they follow security protocol. Seemingly you are in a rather life-threatening situation at this point. Continuing to breath is rather important.

Now the brain kicks in and assess the situation. You're not breathing and that simply can't be tolerated, and it too goes to code red and directs your diaphragm to contract in an attempt to break the seal that your lungs have put in place. Depending on the amount of spit that has invaded your lungs, this may or may not work the first time. Or the second time. So the brain tosses in some adrenaline and explains to the diaphragm that it needs to get it's act together or die. And so begins the battle, and the shrill whistle of air being forced into your lungs against their will, and the retching coughing as your lungs expel the air - over and over and over. It just goes to show that time is a relative concept and that a few minutes can seem like an eternity while this is all taking place.

Eventually, the lungs begin to sense that the threat is passing and drops security to code orange. You're still coughing and retching, but not as badly. It's at this point, invariably, some one in the room witnessing all of this (because it never seems to happen when no one is around) asks you if you are okay. They know damn well that you are okay because they have had the same thing happen to them at some point, and they know that you can't possibly respond verbally yet, so you nod your head and either give them the thumbs up, or raise your index finger in a plea for them to give you another minute to recover, or simply give them the finger because you know that they know exactly what is happening and they're just being sadistic. Bastard!

Finally, your lungs drop security to code yellow. You're breathing begins to become normal, you start to be able to control your coughing, and you know the worst has passed.

And then you make the same mistake that you make every single time. You try to speak to assure your audience that you're fine and that you simply "swallowed down the wrong pipe".

Not gonna happen. Your lungs are still at code yellow and your vocal cords have been completely traumatized by the whole event. You raise you head up, wipe the spittle from your lips, and begin to say "I'm okay". Except you aren't quite able to finish the word "I'm" before your vocal cords rebel and tighten until you are hitting a high "C" note and your lungs start flickering back and forth between code yellow and orange and you start coughing all over again.

And once the coughing is mostly finished, and you can speak mono-syllable words, what do you do? You grab something to drink. This would seem to be counter-intuitive at this point, but for some reason it helps. It's like you need to give your lungs an assurance that you can still swallow without accidentally drowning yourself. I suppose it's a trust thing.

Finally, you're back to normal and announce to your audience "Crap, I hate when that happens." And everyone nods knowingly. And then you go punch the guy that asked you if you were okay.

Yes, I was bored when I wrote this. Anyone read the whole thing? :D

06-20-2009, 08:18 PM
hrm, I had to see if this was a cut and paste, but apparently there are a lot of stories of "swallowed down the wrong pipe" but not this one... :P

my complaint would be about passing gas. everyone passes gas, every single day. gas is a natural byproduct of the digestive system, and there are bacteria that eat the gas, but sometimes they are not fast enough, and if you are by yourself it feels good to let loose and cut a big one. Some people don't apply this restriction, and cut loose with family around, or worse, friends, or even worse, strangers, or even much worse, at work.

anyway you ever cut one and say hrm, this did not feel quite right... You move your hips around and yeah, feels a little strange, something a little extra slipped out.... hate that.

06-20-2009, 08:26 PM
hrm, I had to see if this was a cut and paste, but apparently there are a lot of stories of "swallowed down the wrong pipe"

I don't cut and paste unless I give credit, biatch! This one is mine. That being said, are there really that many other stories about this?

And yeah, about the other thing, my family calls them "surprise farts".

06-20-2009, 11:07 PM
They know damn well that you are okay because they have had the same thing happen to them at some point, and they know that you can't possibly respond verbally yet, so you nod your head and either give them the thumbs up, or raise your index finger in a plea for them to give you another minute to recover, or simply give them the finger because you know that they know exactly what is happening and they're just being sadistic. Bastard!

Finally, your lungs drop security to code yellow. You're breathing begins to become normal, you start to be able to control your coughing, and you know the worst has passed.

And then you make the same mistake that you make every single time. You try to speak to assure your audience that you're fine and that you simply "swallowed down the wrong pipe".

Not gonna happen. Your lungs are still at code yellow and your vocal cords have been completely traumatized by the whole event. You raise you head up, wipe the spittle from your lips, and begin to say "I'm okay".

Think I saw this in a movie somewhere... :hmmm:


hehe.... :wave:

Death Engineer
06-23-2009, 08:38 PM
I was laughing my head off through that. Good read. I swallowed carefully several times toward the end... ;)

06-24-2009, 02:28 AM
sirc ima put u on the corner and make me some money

Why? Because I look hawt in a halter top and fishnets? I don't remember sharing that here.

06-24-2009, 11:56 PM
Hola Beecholas!!! Long time no see! Sirc, you still a crazy fokker! :D

06-25-2009, 06:38 PM
Was a good read, if you wrote it 2 thumbs up :D

(though there was more potential in this story if you would have taken the time :o )

06-26-2009, 08:04 PM
Hola Beecholas!!! Long time no see! Sirc, you still a crazy fokker! :D

Wow, what a blast from the past! Good seeing ya on the forums bro. :thumbs:

And yes, I'll fully intend to maintain my crazy fokker status here. Except for the getting banned part. Maybe.

06-26-2009, 08:08 PM
Was a good read, if you wrote it 2 thumbs up :D

(though there was more potential in this story if you would have taken the time :o )

So I shouldn't quit my day job to become a writer? Fine, go ahead and shatter my dream.

And what is all this "if you wrote it" stuff? Sheesh.

06-26-2009, 08:15 PM
So I shouldn't quit my day job to become a writer? Fine, go ahead and shatter my dream.

And what is all this "if you wrote it" stuff? Sheesh.

Now don't be too harsh on yourself I clearly sad it had potential (though didn't say how much :P), skipping some bad words and it would fit into a religious magazine as a rebel piece of writing.

Hehe piece was a little bit mild/too decent for someone who's naturally gifted to trigger people :D

06-26-2009, 09:22 PM
Now don't be too harsh on yourself I clearly sad it had potential (though didn't say how much :P), skipping some bad words and it would fit into a religious magazine as a rebel piece of writing.

Hehe piece was a little bit mild/too decent for someone who's naturally gifted to trigger people :D

So basically you're just acting like the a**hole you are because I didn't insult anyone? You come from one of those European countries that has a government that drugs it's own people to keep them mellow and submissive. Probably also a socialistic society where no one feels the need to excel and achieve their own potential. You're fine with just blending in and being a member of the hive.

Well this is America biatch, and we do what we want, whenever we want, wherever we want because we are superior in every way. We're made of people who think for themselves, we're made of people from all over the world that have fled their pathetic countries to form a nation of free-thinkers. Yeah sometimes we make mistakes (like Bush), but that doesn't mean we don't kick ass. We kick ass because we can, even when we probably should have thought things through first.

I'm also guessing that you don't respect the one true God..the Christian God. We kick ass because we have God on our side. That's right. Don't believe me? Just ask the conservative republicans. Yeah biatch, that's power. No matter how many times the Muslims invoke the name Allah we can invoke the name of the Christian God more often, as shown by just about any speach our former president has ever given.

You come here and criticize people and act like you even belong here. You don't. We don't care what you have to say. We don't care what you think. Just stay in your tiny little country and be glad that the USA is here to protect you and the rest of the world from evil. And please, just STFU.

There, was that better? Did I sound more like Sirc? Was a able to push some buttons? Obviously, it was pure satire and I didn't mean a word of it. I've always enjoyed reading your posts Wiper, and I'm glad you are a member of the GM society. :thumbs:

But don't ever diss my stories again biatch. :P:D

06-28-2009, 03:25 PM
So basically you're just acting like the a**hole you are because I didn't insult anyone? You come from one of those European countries that has a government that drugs it's own people to keep them mellow and submissive. Probably also a socialistic society where no one feels the need to excel and achieve their own potential. You're fine with just blending in and being a member of the hive.

Well this is America biatch, and we do what we want, whenever we want, wherever we want because we are superior in every way. We're made of people who think for themselves, we're made of people from all over the world that have fled their pathetic countries to form a nation of free-thinkers. Yeah sometimes we make mistakes (like Bush), but that doesn't mean we don't kick ass. We kick ass because we can, even when we probably should have thought things through first.

I'm also guessing that you don't respect the one true God..the Christian God. We kick ass because we have God on our side. That's right. Don't believe me? Just ask the conservative republicans. Yeah biatch, that's power. No matter how many times the Muslims invoke the name Allah we can invoke the name of the Christian God more often, as shown by just about any speach our former president has ever given.

You come here and criticize people and act like you even belong here. You don't. We don't care what you have to say. We don't care what you think. Just stay in your tiny little country and be glad that the USA is here to protect you and the rest of the world from evil. And please, just STFU.

There, was that better? Did I sound more like Sirc? Was a able to push some buttons? Obviously, it was pure satire and I didn't mean a word of it. I've always enjoyed reading your posts Wiper, and I'm glad you are a member of the GM society. :thumbs:

But don't ever diss my stories again biatch. :P:D

Pff yeah the only true excelled/achieved potential which is there in the US of A are indeed those who were imported out of Europe so you got that right (applause :rolleyes: ) thing is just that everyone claims to be part of it in the name of the country and saying "We managed it".

The biggest well known companies in the USA are McDonald and Microsoft First I think you guys didn't understand what we Europeans meant with "growth potential" and 2nd: even after decades u guys weren't able to create a stable operating system.....excelling potential?!

Free thinkers ha?? Of course we need drugs, tears in my eyes when I see what America is doing to the world. Sometimes you need to escape reality to stay sane. You silly civilians...free thinkers you think you are. Every time you people are allowed to think "free" they pull the T-card and all of you act like well educated puppies prepared to be locked in an electronic caged. The self-proclaimed most powerful and technological developed country in the world is afraid of a guy with a beard carrying an AK :rofl:

Also naive inhabitants you guys are....always thinking it will be alright. I hope the true God indeed stay on ur side for a long time simply cuz the country would be lost without him! The teacher always had to pay the most attention to the hyperactive little punks who think they know all but can't do anything :rolleyes:

Hehe, to answer your reply...first of all thnx :o and 2nd:I enjoyed ur reply big time :D I just noticed you got a bit tuned down which is a shame cuz I always like to read your view on "hot" topics. You're one of the few posters here of what I know that 8/10 posts are interesting to read.

Every forum needs rebels and so the admins should be happy to have you on board and I know for sure they are but they will never admit it...that burden is for you to carry :P

I promise I will never ever again diss ur post! (well for as long as I can control myself )

Edit to some:

His piece was meant as satire :P (will save a lot of replies/time I hope)

06-28-2009, 04:10 PM
^^^ And that from someone who chooses to hide his online status

06-28-2009, 04:21 PM
^^^ And that from someone who chooses to hide his online status

Well that's only to surprise all the non-admins with unexpected posts, adds some power to the lack of content :P