View Full Version : Michael Jackson dead

06-25-2009, 10:43 PM
massive heart attack, 50 years old.
A very sad and strange story.
I think most of us can say that we enjoyed watching him as a kid and his music. Very sad to have seen all the suffering he must have been going through these past 15 years.

Hope he finds peace.

06-25-2009, 10:50 PM
Enjoyed his music yes. One less child molestor in the world= good thing.

The Priest
06-25-2009, 11:16 PM
Enjoyed his music yes. One less child molester in the world= good thing.NO PROOF NO CONVICTION:mad:

06-25-2009, 11:21 PM

It's called being paid off. Born Black Died White. It was a disease my ass.

06-25-2009, 11:39 PM
I liked his early music but didn't care for the freak (among other things) that he became later on .... Beat it Micheal

The Priest
06-25-2009, 11:45 PM
It's called being paid off. Born Black Died White. It was a disease my ass. As i said no proof but i bet u still listen to his music yea. Don't lie.

06-25-2009, 11:47 PM
In 6000 years archeologists are going to dig up his grave and go...WTF?

I do like the fact that men can now, erm, adjust themselves in public. Grab your crotch, throw up your other hand, thrust your hips, and yell "Whooo" in a high pitched voice. It's a Michael Jackson tribute. Yep.

I'm probably in trouble now.

06-25-2009, 11:50 PM

Both times. How lucky was that?

06-25-2009, 11:51 PM
Well so much for Iran and healthcare reform for a few weeks.

06-26-2009, 12:04 AM
As Sirc said both times and several pay offs. Jesus Juice anyone?
Yea I still listen to his music. Cranking the Bad album as I type...

06-26-2009, 12:10 AM
As i said no proof but i bet u still listen to his music yea. Don't lie.

Yea and OJ didn't do it either

06-26-2009, 12:38 AM
Well so much for Iran and healthcare reform for a few weeks.

rofl true story!

none of that stuff is NEARLY as important as this

06-26-2009, 01:36 AM
Plus it's not like these last few celebrities that passed were in their prime. Their careers weren't going anywhere. Granted Jackson wasn't very old, but now he can finally have some peace in death.

I don't believe in heave or hell, but I'm sure these people will live on through the memories of their friends, their fans and even their critics.

On a side note, I think that Heath Ledger's death was truly tragic because he showed so much potential as an actor and was young.

06-26-2009, 01:47 AM
I was never a huge fan of his music - I was either too young or my tastes were different depending on which time period you look at for his hits.

However, there's no denying that he really was an icon. No way to deny that at all. The man sold records and had hits.

And was really, really messed up by it all.

06-26-2009, 02:10 AM
However, there's no denying that he really was an icon. No way to deny that at all. The man sold records and had hits.

And was really, really messed up by it all.

Wait... you think his fame led him to abuse children?

06-26-2009, 05:57 AM
Very interesting and multi-faceted individual, he was. I enjoyed Jackson 5, musically speaking, but not much after that.

06-26-2009, 12:10 PM
Wait... you think his fame led him to abuse children?

who ''nose'' ....

Mad Fox
06-26-2009, 12:24 PM
I am annoyed with the coverage of his dead. Who gives a darn. Hes dead hes gone. Its over move on. He was basically a freak

06-26-2009, 02:15 PM
Good music but he should have went to jail.

News Media are full of sh*t and this is why I don't watch much of it.

06-26-2009, 07:59 PM
who ''nose'' ....

I saw what you did there. :P

06-27-2009, 01:20 AM
We really shouldn’t joke about him. Think of all the people he touched, especially the children.

He Is Legend
06-27-2009, 02:56 AM
lol@all you guys that have no respect for someone that brought us a new age in music.

shame on ya'll

06-27-2009, 07:26 AM
lol@all you guys that have no respect for someone that brought us a new age in music.

shame on ya'll

Yeah shame on us for not respecting an habitual pedophile that got caught twice and never served time. Not to mention his plastic surgery fetish that pretty much destroyed his face. And the skin bleaching. And God knows what else. He's not exactly a role model. He was a freak that happened to have musical talent. I will remember him as a child molesting freak of nature.

06-27-2009, 01:11 PM
Yeah shame on us for not respecting an habitual pedophile that got caught twice and never served time. Not to mention his plastic surgery fetish that pretty much destroyed his face. And the skin bleaching. And God knows what else. He's not exactly a role model. He was a freak that happened to have musical talent. I will remember him as a child molesting freak of nature.

I'm sure your private life is a dream come true. You're a hypocrite.

06-27-2009, 02:10 PM
Yeah shame on us for not respecting an habitual pedophile that got caught twice and never served time. Not to mention his plastic surgery fetish that pretty much destroyed his face. And the skin bleaching. And God knows what else. He's not exactly a role model. He was a freak that happened to have musical talent. I will remember him as a child molesting freak of nature.

Well sayed.
Sure he had some good songs and hits, but he lost all my respect later as childern abuser.I did liked him more when he was "blackskined" after all his bleaching and face operations was he only disgusting. Yeah he was freak. Sorry!

He Is Legend
06-27-2009, 04:54 PM
Well sayed.
Sure he had some good songs and hits, but he lost all my respect later as childern abuser.I did liked him more when he was "blackskined" after all his bleaching and face operations was he only disgusting. Yeah he was freak. Sorry!

You all keep saying he's a child abuser but where's the 100% proof?
lol @ people that believe everything the media says.

@Sirc-Do you just say stuff like that to get attention? cause you're quite the hypocrite

06-27-2009, 05:37 PM
^^^ Would you let your children (Pretend you have some) sleep in his bed with him? Before you answer, remember that he thought this was perfectly fine.

06-27-2009, 05:39 PM
You all keep saying he's a child abuser but where's the 100% proof?
lol @ people that believe everything the media says.

@Sirc-Do you just say stuff like that to get attention? cause you're quite the hypocrite

...one experienced profiler told me :P :D
...if 50 proof would be yes and 50 no i would still says yes! 50 are enough for me (i am superficial:o :babe: )
...i am not believing all whats media says but yesterday i did when they told Michael J. died...:P

Sorry when i offened your Pop Idol, he was good song writer and dancer(although i never liked his voice was to feminine but i know it's all taste )

06-27-2009, 06:37 PM
It has never been technically proven that he "abused" anyone under 18. However, suggestive evidence of Macaulay Culkin in the movie Party Monster tells me Michael did get sexual with him in some way.

Check out the trailer and if you've never seen the film, check it out.

Linky: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV7MND4r0mY

06-27-2009, 07:08 PM
Explain then how that one kid described his junk in detail. Don't say he just say it while the guy born a good looking black guy that dies an ugly white woman was taking a piss.

06-27-2009, 11:05 PM
I'm sure your private life is a dream come true. You're a hypocrite.

Why am I a hypocrite? Please be specific. That goes for both you and He Is Legend. Also, why am I the hypocrite when Whocares and Shogun is not although they're basically saying the same things I am?

06-27-2009, 11:29 PM
Because you're Sirc and are always a naughty, naughty boy :P

06-27-2009, 11:40 PM
Because you're Sirc and are always a naughty, naughty boy :P

I think that's pretty much right on. And it's not a problem. I'm very outspoken and always have been, and thus I make myself a target. I can deal with that.

But when someone tosses around the word "hypocrite" then they need to be careful. By definition they're making a direct comparison between me and Michael Jackson, lol. Still waiting to see how they are going to justify that.

06-27-2009, 11:59 PM
eh, i'd feel perfectly safe having my *daughter* visit his home. and be real guys, this is no OJ we are talking about. no doubt the guy had problems, a severe mental illness it seemed like to me. He made a lot of great music and did a lot of great things in life, just the past 20 years took a sharp detour into insanity.

06-28-2009, 12:34 AM
Why am I a hypocrite? Please be specific. That goes for both you and He Is Legend. Also, why am I the hypocrite when Whocares and Shogun is not although they're basically saying the same things I am?

Well Shogun and Whocares are admins for one, and I'm just surprised that you would see things that way. I realize that since you have children you would be somewhat biased, but Michael Jackson was a human being just like you and me. He did not have an easy childhood and was abused by his father.

I do not think that he ever intended to hurt any of the children he was around, but he was simply unable to express his feelings towards them appropriately. He must have sensed that he could live vicariously through these kids to get a genuine childhood experience that he was denied.

Now from a musical perspective, MJ did not sing about his feelings towards kids explicitly. I'm sure some of his songs contain hidden messages, but I simply don't listen to his music enough to know. On the other hand, one of the musicians that you do like has a song that sympathies with child molestors/rapists. So MJ kept his feelings fairly private while countless of other musicians sing about rape, murder and whatever else without suffering any consequences. There is a difference between public and private affairs.

So you are criticizing Michael Jackson on what went on in his private life that just happened to come into the public light because some greedy ass parents wanted to sue. His life was destroyed. Hasn't he been punished enough? And now you mock him even in death? I mean seriously.

Anyway, **** the media and **** your double standards.

Thanks Cody for agreeing with me.

He Is Legend
06-28-2009, 12:36 AM
Well Shogun and Whocares are admins for one, and I'm just surprised that you would see things that way. I realize that since you have children you would be somewhat biased, but Michael Jackson was a human being just like you and me. He did not have an easy childhood and was abused by his father.

I do not think that he ever intended to hurt any of the children he was around, but he was simply unable to express his feelings towards them appropriately. He must have sensed that he could live vicariously through these kids to get a genuine childhood experience that he was denied.

Now from a musical perspective, MJ did not sing about his feelings towards kids explicitly. I'm sure some of his songs contain hidden messages, but I simply don't listen to his music enough to know. On the other hand, one of the musicians that you do like has a song that sympathies with child molestors/rapists. So MJ kept his feelings fairly private while countless of other musicians sing about rape, murder and whatever else without suffering any consequences. There is a difference between public and private affairs.

So you are criticizing Michael Jackson on what went on in his private life that just happened to come into the public light because some greedy ass parents wanted to sue. His life was destroyed. Hasn't he been punished enough? And now you mock him even in death? I mean seriously.

Anyway, **** the media and **** your double standards.

Thanks Cody for agreeing with me.

Couldn't agree with you more

06-28-2009, 01:20 AM
Way to turn an obituary topic into a flame battle...

Michael is a legend who created some of the greatest songs in pop music history. His music will supersede any criticism of his alleged personal life.

Some great songs:

Earth Song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KOnL5c8LMqM

Man in the Mirror: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vLBPq7NrCus

Black or White: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YVoJ6OO6lR4

Heal the World: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W61Q-EZ8R7M

What More Can I Give?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uodN5cgKfaM

We are the World: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyRs4NHuNcw

06-28-2009, 01:25 AM
Way to turn an obituary topic into a flame battle...
We need to make GM more interesting again. Controversy helps. You of all people should know that.

06-28-2009, 02:39 AM
Flame war. Where?

Like I said explain how a child can describe the guys junk in detail?

06-28-2009, 07:10 AM
explain how a child can describe the guys junk in [b]detail[b/]?

Doctors concluded that there were some strong similarities, but it was not a definitive match
I guesse that's just what we heard I wouldn't take anything as facts from coorporated owned media. But that's the 'official' story, which sais he didn't describe in detail at all.

06-28-2009, 09:24 AM
I like Billi Jean and Say say say !



ah, let King of Pop Rest in Peace!

06-28-2009, 04:00 PM
Well Shogun and Whocares are admins for one,

That has squat to do with us being right or wrong and it's not like we are going to ban someone because they have a different opinion than us and say so on here. I'm not sure where you got that idea, but it is wrong.

06-29-2009, 05:04 AM
You also need to look into it a bit deeper because not only it happen twice that he went to court about the children but also you will find that he also had to pay off many other complains of the same issues about the children.
Now I don't know about you but when there are more than two complains or going to court twice and had to settle it with money which being very wealthy and fame can have its ways to persuade as we have witness many times over in the past history, you cannot rule it out, but will have you think about it. Ask yourself this question, would you have your child stay over Michael Jackson’s house with him alone?

The answer would be no, and not just because of his unusual behavioral but the fact that he was accused of Child Molestation more than once and other complains that he had to settle.
As far as his childhood that he has encounter many have as well and that doesn’t justify his actions that may pertain to illegal activities of any kind or in a simple term, excuses.
The fact remains that he was accused twice plus more and yes, we cannot over look what he has done in the past with his talents and the music industry but yet at the very end before dying he left a tainted look of his private life which affected the children, which to me didn’t help and must remember how important our first and most important priority is not to just the children but honesty and justice. With Wealth and fame comes power and we of all people know of this and have had firsthand experience when Oj got away in killing two people and much more in the past history.

Another example would be Nixon if you remember his interview with David Frost where Nixon admitted over stepping his power. This is just a small example of what money can do and power. People are so easily influence by wealth and fame and especially power.

06-29-2009, 05:51 AM
That has squat to do with us being right or wrong and it's not like we are going to ban someone because they have a different opinion than us and say so on here. I'm not sure where you got that idea, but it is wrong.

I understand, what I should have written is that I would rather discuss this with Sirc since he usually is more willing to argue.

You are still more than welcome to respond to my post.

06-29-2009, 05:59 AM
Ask yourself these two questions.

When you remember Elvis, You say to yourself he was the King of Rock and Roll.

Now, ask yourself about Michael Jackson, He was the King of Pop music but yet I remember him being accused more then once of Child molestation.

50 years from now many will probably say the same thing and ask yourself the same question because history has been written and it will be remembered.

06-29-2009, 06:34 AM
Ask yourself these two questions.

When you remember Elvis, You say to yourself he was the King of Rock and Roll.

Now, ask yourself about Michael Jackson, He was the King of Pop music but yet I remember him being accused more then once of Child molestation.

50 years from now many will probably say the same thing and ask yourself the same question because history has been written and it will be remembered.

As long as those people have understand why he turned out they way he did and not judge him solely on that basis then I'll be ok with it. Re-read my post.

06-29-2009, 03:14 PM
As long as those people have understand why he turned out they way he did and not judge him solely on that basis then I'll be ok with it. Re-read my post.

The purpose of me posting was what you wrote and that is why I do not need to re-read, but the real question is re-write what was said. However, you are entitled to your opinion like everyone else.

06-29-2009, 06:01 PM
I don't like it how some of you are turning child molestation allegations into the thing that Michael will be remembered for. I find that incredibly disappointing and saddening and feel there is something deeper driving your intense rhetoric against a legendary man who had a more positive influence on more people than any of us probably ever will.

06-29-2009, 08:25 PM
He was a great musician/performer that had his own personal demons. Did you ever see the interview he had a couple years ago about having kids sleep in his bed? Very strange even if it was innocent. I sure wouldn't let a kid of mine go for a sleep over.

It's kind of like OJ Simpson. Screw his football career - He is now thought of as a throat slashing murderer. Irregardless of the outcome of that sad trial.

06-29-2009, 10:23 PM
I don't like it how some of you are turning child molestation allegations into the thing that Michael will be remembered for. I find that incredibly disappointing and saddening and feel there is something deeper driving your intense rhetoric against a legendary man who had a more positive influence on more people than any of us probably ever will.

The child molestation, erratic behavior, and self-mutilation over many years are as much a part of Michael Jackson as his music. No one is denying he was a great musical talent. However, his behavior during the last half of his life casts a very dark shadow that cannot be ignored.

06-29-2009, 10:31 PM
It's kind of like OJ Simpson. Screw his football career - He is now thought of as a throat slashing murderer. Irregardless of the outcome of that sad trial.

He won the criminal trial because he had the best defense team in the world and the prosecution made too many mistakes. Not so with the civil suit where he was found guilty of causing both deaths. So yeah, he was a good football player in addition to being a throat-slashing murderer.

06-29-2009, 10:46 PM
I'm not turning it into anything. He made amazing music but liked to give little boy Jesus juice...

06-30-2009, 05:04 AM
I'm sorry, it's just that I feel no matter what, at the end of the day, his positive gifts to the world outweigh anything negative he may have done.

Asian Invasian
06-30-2009, 04:49 PM
I'm sorry, it's just that I feel no matter what, at the end of the day, his positive gifts to the world outweigh anything negative he may have done.
Agreed. I'm sick of everyone looking at only negative things about the guy.

06-30-2009, 10:11 PM
Nope I have fiven both negative and psoitive. The negative in my eyes out weighs the positive.

07-01-2009, 04:17 AM
That makes no sense whatsoever though. EVEN IF he did something sexual with a few kids. That is a handful of kids versus millions of kids who became inspired by him to do who knows what great and spectacular feats. I am sure a nice portion of the entertainment industry today was inspired by Michael to start doing what they're doing and without them, reality would look alot different and much more lame.

07-01-2009, 05:04 AM
^^^ Your thinking is so jacked up, I cannot believe someone even thinks like that.

07-01-2009, 05:16 AM
That makes no sense whatsoever though. EVEN IF he did something sexual with a few kids. That is a handful of kids versus millions of kids who became inspired by him to do who knows what great and spectacular feats. I am sure a nice portion of the entertainment industry today was inspired by Michael to start doing what they're doing and without them, reality would look alot different and much more lame.

I find this disturbing to hear you say this and to my surprise how easy it is to forget what is important. I Frankly don't give a sh*t about Michael but the children to me are more important.

To say what you said and I quote "EVEN IF he did something sexual with a few kids. That is a handful of kids versus millions of kids who became inspired by him to do who knows what great and spectacular feats." This to me is like saying so what if he did to the children but he is a super star because of his wonderful music. Well guess what? Fuc* his music because like I said fame, money and power and even altering something that was good does not justify what happen during court and other issues of the same problem that was settled by this scumbag with money and who I believe did molested the children.

He was not a stupid man Michael, and for him not being supervise while with children and knowing he is a wealthy man shows lack of innocence but poor judgment and thought that he can get a away with it. Throughout the years this guy was doing this a long time ago. Mark my words in the coming years, someone will write a book about this knuckle head and his sexual abusive behavior.

Again I will say. . .

Ask yourself these two questions.

When you remember about Elvis? King of Rock and Roll

Now, ask yourself about Michael Jackson, He was the King of Pop music but yet I remember him being accused more then once of Child molestation.

50 years from now many will probably say the same thing and ask yourself the same question because history has been written and it will be remembered.

07-01-2009, 05:30 AM
^^^ Your thinking is so jacked up, I cannot believe someone even thinks like that.

I'm surprised you and SAS take such offense. Nobody is saying that IF he did do what some money-hungry nobodies accuse him of doing, that this is alright or acceptable. Even someone dumber than a box of rocks could agree that abuse of any kind is unacceptable, much less so if it's a very malleable mind prone to life-long trauma such as that of a child. However, it is absolutely ludicrous to attempt to believe that, if put on a scale, the handful of hypothetical individuals that were abused (MJ would never even hurt a fly so I don't accept this idea ever in the first place) somehow weigh more than untold millions of individuals whose lives were significantly enhanced and inspired thanks to Michael's music.

SAS, I think you are letting your emotions get in the way of logical and deductive reason in this case. Do forgive me if I see to direct but this is what I perceive.

Asian Invasian
07-01-2009, 08:18 AM
I'm surprised you and SAS take such offense. Nobody is saying that IF he did do what some money-hungry nobodies accuse him of doing, that this is alright or acceptable. Even someone dumber than a box of rocks could agree that abuse of any kind is unacceptable, much less so if it's a very malleable mind prone to life-long trauma such as that of a child. However, it is absolutely ludicrous to attempt to believe that, if put on a scale, the handful of hypothetical individuals that were abused (MJ would never even hurt a fly so I don't accept this idea ever in the first place) somehow weigh more than untold millions of individuals whose lives were significantly enhanced and inspired thanks to Michael's music.

SAS, I think you are letting your emotions get in the way of logical and deductive reason in this case. Do forgive me if I see to direct but this is what I perceive.
Agreed.. again.
I personally don't think he did sexually abuse any children, but people will believe what they want.

Not only did he inspire he helped break barriers for African American singers.

07-01-2009, 10:15 AM
That makes no sense whatsoever though. EVEN IF he did something sexual with a few kids. That is a handful of kids versus millions of kids who became inspired by him to do who knows what great and spectacular feats. I am sure a nice portion of the entertainment industry today was inspired by Michael to start doing what they're doing and without them, reality would look alot different and much more lame.

Wow that is an odd statement.

07-01-2009, 01:39 PM
Man you can't think like that, every single life is importand, so what he did( IF) with "handfull of kids" is also such bad as he would do with milions.Also you was talking:" he would never even hurt a fly" how you know this? Did you know him personally ?BTW, are you blaming SAS he is letting of his emotions to think locical? I think he did good explain why he think is true. What is wrong with emocional? It's characteristic of humans.

Just accept he was not everybodys Idiol, and they was not touched or blinded of his music and they can also believe what they want.

07-01-2009, 01:57 PM
Agreed.. again.
I personally don't think he did sexually abuse any children, but people will believe what they want.

Not only did he inspire he helped break barriers for African American singers.

He had mostly little boys not girls, now you would need to consider looking into this a bit more buddy.

I can make you a bet that when they did the investigation especially the police detective, I can tell you that they believe he is guilty. Also if you decide to look back he also settle a few which only prevented him from going to court because of his money.

07-01-2009, 02:03 PM
I'm surprised you and SAS take such offense. Nobody is saying that IF he did do what some money-hungry nobodies accuse him of doing, that this is alright or acceptable. Even someone dumber than a box of rocks could agree that abuse of any kind is unacceptable, much less so if it's a very malleable mind prone to life-long trauma such as that of a child. However, it is absolutely ludicrous to attempt to believe that, if put on a scale, the handful of hypothetical individuals that were abused (MJ would never even hurt a fly so I don't accept this idea ever in the first place) somehow weigh more than untold millions of individuals whose lives were significantly enhanced and inspired thanks to Michael's music.

SAS, I think you are letting your emotions get in the way of logical and deductive reason in this case. Do forgive me if I see to direct but this is what I perceive.

Emotions is not the issues it's your statement. People like you would consider to let it go. This is the impression I get from your statement, which to me is a surprise.

Think about what you wrote and consider what feed back you can expect from that statement which to me shows someone who can possibly look the other way.

Again when a statement is said the way you have said it, expect a strong reply, not emotional but making sure that no one gets away with it or look the other way because of his fame, money or power.

Sometimes old strong values comes to terms because it's approach is simple, reasonable and direct.

07-01-2009, 04:52 PM
I know him better than probably all of you and so I feel I am able to make such deductive conclusions with such confidence.

I understand where you are coming from SAS, but if you knew him even slightly, you would know he was never hurt or abuse anyone. He was a child at heart, with a void he was desperately trying to fill, hence the excessive spending and creation of the Neverland ranch. He was in the hearts of millions, yet he was alone. He had everything, yet he had nothing.

Don't judge someone you don't know enough about to make a properly-evaluated judgment if what I am saying here.

Asian Invasian
07-01-2009, 05:16 PM
I know him better than probably all of you and so I feel I am able to make such deductive conclusions with such confidence.

I understand where you are coming from SAS, but if you knew him even slightly, you would know he was never hurt or abuse anyone. He was a child at heart, with a void he was desperately trying to fill, hence the excessive spending and creation of the Neverland ranch. He was in the hearts of millions, yet he was alone. He had everything, yet he had nothing.

Don't judge someone you don't know enough about to make a properly-evaluated judgment if what I am saying here.
I saw on the news he would watch cartoons every night to make himself go to sleep.

07-01-2009, 06:09 PM
Pff! So he did actually build Neverland for himself not for kids ?

I am just reading this and a have to share profile of a pedophile some of general characteristics :

-Popular with both children and adults.
-Appears to be trustworthy and respectable. Has good standing in the community.
-Prefers the company of children. Feels more comfortable with children than adults. Is mainly attracted to prepubescent boys and girls. Can be heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual.
-"Grooms" children with quality time, video games, parties, candy, toys, gifts, money.
-Singles out children who seem troubled and in need of attention or affection.
-Often dates or marries women with children that are the age of his preferred victims.
-Rarely forces or coerces a child into sexual contact. Usually through trust and friendship. Physical contact is gradual, from touching, to picking up, to holding on lap, to kissing, etc.
-Derives gratification in a number of ways. For some, looking is enough. For others, taking pictures or watching children undress is enough. Still others require more contact.
-Finds different ways and places to be alone with children.
-Are primarily (but not always) male, masculine, better-educated, more religious than average, in their thirties, and choose jobs allowing them greater access to children.
-Are usually family men, have no criminal record, and deny that they abuse children, even after caught, convicted, incarcerated, and court-ordered into a sex offender program. The marriage is often troubled by sexual dysfunction, and serves as a smokescreen for the pedophile's true preferences and practices.
-Are often, but not always, themselves victims of some form of childhood sexual abuse.
-Even if the pedophile has no children, his home is usually child-friendly, with toys, books, video games, computers, bikes, swing sets, skateboards, rec room, pool, snacks - things to attract children to his home and keep them coming back. Usually the items reflect the preferred age of his victims.
A female pedophile usually abuses a child when partnered with an adult male pedophile, and is often herself a victim of chronic sexual abuse.
A pedophile can act independently, or be involved in an organized ring, including the Internet, NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association), and other pro-pedophilia groups. Some pedophiles recognize that their behavior is criminal, immoral, and unacceptable by society, and operate in secrecy. Some are quite open and militant about their practices and advocate the normalization of pedophilia under the guise of freedom of speech and press, and uses innocuous language like "intergenerational intimacy."

07-01-2009, 06:43 PM
You guys are ****ed up. I'm done with this discussion.

Asian Invasian
07-01-2009, 07:36 PM
"I haven't been compelled to blog in a long time.

In an era where everybody is twittering and text-messaging their lives away, a well-thought out essay that extends past 140 characters is quickly becoming a thing of the past.

But when our universe lost its brightest star on June 25, 2009, I felt a deep, overwhelming sadness that I haven't experienced in many years and I felt moved to say....something.

My hero, Michael Joseph Jackson, is dead.

Honestly I'm still trying to process it, almost like the loss of a much-loved family member. I mean, hell, to many of us Michael WAS family. Much like Nike, or Coca-Cola, or McDonalds, Michael Jackson wasn't so much a person as he was a living, breathing, American institution; a ubiquitous force that has seemingly existed forever and one that we couldn't imagine a world without. Seeing Michael onstage was less like watching a musician perform and more akin to witnessing a magician at work.

But contrary to his otherworldly stage presence and magical aura, the man we called The King of Pop proved to be a mere mortal. And now my hero, Michael Joseph Jackson, is dead.

What isn't dead, unfortunately, is the cloud of false accusations, unsubstantiated rumors, myths, slander, and outright lies that surround his life and his legacy. The greatest myth regarding Michael Jackson is that he was a pedophile who preyed on young children.

It is my belief now, just as it was 16 years ago, that the charges brought against Michael during his 1993 sexual abuse case were false. The allegations made by Jordan Chandler (the accuser) and his father Evan Chandler always seemed suspect to me for a few reasons:

1. Ask the average parent whether they'd want justice or money for their abused child and more than likely they'd say justice, if for no other reason than to protect their child (and other children) from a future attack. The fact that Evan Chandler was willing to essentially let Michael off the hook for a few million (reportedly 2-3), made their case seem like a well-orchestrated extortion attempt. In regards to the case, Evan was later caught on tape saying, "If I go through with this, I win big time. There's no way I lose. I will get everything I want and they will be destroyed forever...Michael's career will be over." Notice that homeboy ain't mention jack shit about his son. So much for being a concerned father...

2. Generally when victims of abuse come out with allegations against someone, other victims come forward to corroborate their story (i.e. the Catholic Church scandal, where a few parties came forward and it later led to thousands).

Very rarely do child molesters stop at just one kid, or even two for that matter. An alleged pedophile with only two accusers is kinda like an alleged serial killer with only one body. Or an alleged sneaker addict with only two pairs of Jordans in his closet. It just doesn't make any logical sense, nor does it coincide with the recurring psychological characteristics of most people who fall into those categories.

In the case of Michael Jackson vs. the Chandler family, not a single corroborating witness could be found to help prosecute the case and after raids were conducted on several of Jackson's homes, no hard evidence of sexual abuse was gathered.

Michael later settled the Chandler case out of court, not as an admission of guilt, but at the behest of his lawyers and financial advisors who warned him that a criminal trial could cost him millions of dollars in legal fees, as well as the loss of hundreds of millions in touring and endorsement revenue. With the Chandler case finally over, Michael continued to tour and released his greatest hits package “HIStory” in 1995. Ten years later though, he would face another trial that, in my opinion, would be the one to literally and figuratively, kill him.

Martin Bashir’s heinous, Machiavellian documentary “Living With Michael Jackson” aired in 2003. It was in this documentary that Mike (albeit foolishly) talked about his fondness for sharing his bed with children, and was seen holding hands with a young boy. Shortly afterwards the young boy from the documentary, 13 year-old Gavin Arvizo (a cancer survivor who had all his medical bills paid for by Michael), accused him of sexual abuse.

When Mike’s case against Arvizo hit airwaves in 2005, I must admit that I had my doubts. Much like the Chris Rock joke, I too shook my head in disbelief and said “ANOTHER kid!?! Mike, what the ****?!! How could you be THAT stupid?!?!” As the case unraveled though, the financial motivations of the accuser’s family became much more apparent.

Similar to the Chandler case from ‘93, the prosecution couldn’t produce any credible witnesses to corroborate Arvizo’s testimony against Michael. Many of the prosecution’s witnesses were either former employees of Michael who had financial disputes with him, or had criminal convictions themselves. Arvizo’s testimony contradicted previous statements he’d made to officials saying that nothing ever took place between him and Michael, and Arvizo’s mother Janet Arvizo, an eccentric woman with a prior conviction for welfare fraud, single-handedly killed the case with her flippant remarks on the witness stand and overall bizarre courtroom behavior.

Actor Macaulay Culkin came forward in Michael’s defense and testified that no inappropriate behavior ever took place during their many times together, as did many other associates who had spent time at Neverland. Ultimately, Michael emerged from the Arvizo case with a Not Guilty verdict on all counts, but it proved to be a pyrrhic victory. The damage was already done. In the court of popular opinion, The King of Pop was an unrepentant child molestor.

When defending Michael Jackson against his detractors, I am often asked if I would let one of my sons sleep over at his house. The answer is no. Shit, I wouldn't let my sons sleep over at YOUR house. But that doesn't make you a pedophile, it just makes me a concerned and protective dad who doesn’t leave his kids around people I personally don’t know well enough to trust.

When it came to children, the only thing Michael was guilty of in my opinion, was naivete. While cuddling in the bed with children isn't technically illegal, it does violate several social norms; norms that a man who dresses funny, lives at an amusement park and refers to himself as “Peter Pan” would certainly pay a higher price for breaking. When I hear the tales of Michael laying in bed with those children, watching movies, tickling, and engaging in general horseplay, it sounds less like the work of a pedophile and more like the actions of a man trying to experience a childhood he never had.

During his investigation for the Arvizo trial, Michael was examined by Dr. Stan Katz, a clinical psychologist who concluded that Michael didn’t fit the profile of a pedophile but instead that of a regressed 10 year old, an analysis which I agree with wholeheartedly. I mean after all, only a person with the simple, unsuspecting mind of a child could truly believe they could sleep in the same bed as their pre-pubescent buddies and not pay a price for it.

Still, the most saddening myth surrounding Michael’s life is that he was ashamed to be Black. During the mid 80’s, in the midst of his ever-changing skin complexion and facial features, popular opinion in the Black community was that Mike was a sellout. This was an opinion that would unfortunately haunt him for the rest of his life, but a closer look reveals quite the opposite.

As echoed by my man Scorpeze of the house music duo Windimoto in his excellent blog, Michael Jackson never tried to disown or separate himself from his Blackness at any point in his career. In fact, he was probably the most openly pro-Black pop entertainer of his time. Michael Jackson ashamed to be Black? I mean, this was the same guy who:

-portrayed Black people as kings and queens in ancient Egypt ("Remember the Time" video)
-called Tommy Mottola (his then label boss) a devil and a racist
-sang "white man's gotta make a change" live on the Grammies in '88
-sang about a beautiful African woman in "Liberian Girl"
-featured an African chant at the end of "Wanna Be Startin Somethin"
-donated over $25 million to the United Negro College Fund
-sang "I ain't scared of no sheets" in "Black or White" and upped the ante by morphing into a BLACK PANTHER at the video's end
-wrote a song called "They Don't Really Care About Us," with a Spike Lee-directed video that featured prisoners raising the Black power fist
-uhhh “We Are The World” and USA for Africa, anyone?

What about this man wasn’t Black enough? Was it his battle with vitiligo and how it caused skin discoloration? Was it his excessive facial surgeries, due I’m sure in no small part to the teasing and ridicule he faced about his looks as a teenager?

Why did we turn our collective backs on a man who always reminded us that he never forgot who he was, or more importantly, whose he was?

This essay is my plea to all people who consider themselves a fan of Michael Jackson, but especially to Black people: Don't let them talk about our Brother. Don’t let his naysayers convict him of crimes that were never proven. Don't let people reduce the memory of one of our greatest heroes to that of a weird guy who wore a shiny glove and molested little boys.

When Elvis Presley died, did the media remember him as an overweight, drug-abusing racist who dated a 14 year-old, or was he eulogized as The King of Rock and Roll?

When Woody Allen dies, do you think the media will focus on the controversy behind him marrying his own stepdaughter, or on the films "Annie Hall" and "Manhattan" and how great they were? (Ditto for Jerry Lee Lewis, the rock and roll pioneer who married his 13-year old cousin.)

When people accuse Michael of being a pedophile or a child molester, ask them to provide hard evidence. Ask them to provide an opinion rooted in fact, rather than one based on gossip, hearsay, and conjecture. Chances are, they won't be able to. The Black community has done a great disservice in not reciprocating the love that Michael Jackson showed us when he was alive. The least we can do in honoring his death is ensure that his legacy is remembered properly for future generations.

Was Michael Jackson a weirdo? Of course he was a weirdo.

But maybe if you had been in the public eye since you were 7, had grown ass women throwing themselves at you since you were 13, suffered physical abuse at the hands of your father, watched your father and older brothers engage in sex with groupies on tour as a child, were called "Big Nose" and "ugly" by both family members AND fans, developed a skin disease that took away the one thing you repeatedly expressed your pride for, and spent the last half of your life as the most famous person on Earth, you'd probably be a bit of a weirdo too.

I am not attempting to paint Michael Jackson as a saint, as no man ever lives up to such a lofty title. But to me, the phrase “no good deed goes unpunished” seems to sum up Michael Jackson’s life more than ever.

Why would people try to tear down a man who constantly used his power, money, and influence to help others?

Why would people express such disgust and contempt for a man who constantly sang of love and peace, and used his talent to entertain, uplift, and inspire millions?

Tell em that its human nature, I suppose...

Rest in Peace, Brother Michael. I love and miss you dearly.


This guy took the words from my mouth and wrote it better than I could.

Asian Invasian
07-01-2009, 07:39 PM
You guys are ****ed up. I'm done with this discussion.
They go off of what rumors say, they have NO hard proof of what they are saying. Innocent until proven guilty.

07-01-2009, 09:25 PM
I know him better than probably all of you and so I feel I am able to make such deductive conclusions with such confidence.

I understand where you are coming from SAS, but if you knew him even slightly, you would know he was never hurt or abuse anyone. He was a child at heart, with a void he was desperately trying to fill, hence the excessive spending and creation of the Neverland ranch. He was in the hearts of millions, yet he was alone. He had everything, yet he had nothing.

Don't judge someone you don't know enough about to make a properly-evaluated judgment if what I am saying here.

You're such a fascinating person Nitro. Independently wealthy, privy to secrets no one else knows (or could even comprehend), and now to find out that you knew Michael Jackson personally just makes me respect you that much more. Seriously dude. I wanna be you.

07-01-2009, 09:59 PM
eh, the blog post above is interesting. AI, you should have included the URL to remove confusion about the source. What happened with the kids? I don't know. Certainly he slept in the same bed with them. Most likely he did get nude in their presence. Does that make him a pedophile? Two different trials say no. I don't believe two different juries would give him a free pass if he was a threat to children.

07-01-2009, 10:33 PM
They go off of what rumors say, they have NO hard proof of what they are saying. Innocent until proven guilty.

He was tried in L.A. Known for screwing up cases. Do you think O.J. didn't do it?

In my eyes he liked to play with little boys.

07-01-2009, 11:21 PM
I think this whole argument needs to be "sewn" together in some way. Forgive me for not explaining clearly:

I think what the fights about can be examined a different way: split michael jacksons life into two parts: when he was younger and made music, and when he was older. You guys respect his earlier self no doubt, but the whole pedophile thing tends to bring frustration around. To me, Michael Jackson had died long ago. His actual death is just merely the end of his life. Both his music and his behavior will stay with him forever, but since they are so drastically different, you can only respond to one. For me, his music impact was greater than his behavior, and it seems clear to me what you guys have chosen.

07-02-2009, 01:09 AM
I think this whole argument needs to be "sewn" together in some way. Forgive me for not explaining clearly:

I think what the fights about can be examined a different way: split michael jacksons life into two parts: when he was younger and made music, and when he was older. You guys respect his earlier self no doubt, but the whole pedophile thing tends to bring frustration around. To me, Michael Jackson had died long ago. His actual death is just merely the end of his life. Both his music and his behavior will stay with him forever, but since they are so drastically different, you can only respond to one. For me, his music impact was greater than his behavior, and it seems clear to me what you guys have chosen.

His actions and self destruction over the years out weighs anything positive that he has done.

07-02-2009, 01:34 AM
nice read AI.

I would definately agree on him being a great entertainer/songwriter. His Moon walk will live forever.

One never really knows the truth about what really happened with his night stay overs. He was so weird in the interviews I was definately steered into thinking the worst. Who knows though? Maybe he was so weird nothing did happen.

As for Elvis - It came up in work yesterday and I thought "what a way to go out as a King. Taking a dump."

07-02-2009, 02:22 AM
As for Elvis - It came up in work yesterday and I thought "what a way to go out as a King. Taking a dump."
but was it a good dump? that might have made it worthwhile... :P

07-07-2009, 01:31 PM
The media is so full of it that it makes me sick to watch it. I only watch when I feel it’s worth it or important to hear not bull-sh*t that seems to circulate and add delusions to fans or people in believing that entertainers are heroes. We know very well who the heroes etc are, but we also need to be reminded and to pass it on to our generation because thanks to the media we have fans that have Michael or Elvis as their heroes, which to me is a joke and gain more fame then people like Columbus or Galileo etc etc.

I am sadden to hear how much fame this guy Michael gets and I truly believe he was a child molester. No one here is going to change my mind about it. Sad thing is that he was such a talented person but a dangerous man who had problems which again does not justify his actions.

07-24-2009, 01:42 PM
They go off of what rumors say, they have NO hard proof of what they are saying. Innocent until proven guilty.

Im with u on that :thumbs:

08-27-2009, 06:10 PM
New evidence shows that Michael Jackson was murdered by one of his doctors.


Then, I go and see this video of him alive:


Man, I don't know what the hell is going on. Someone is lying here...

I sometimes can't understand the bizarre nature of human beings. How far are people willing to go to fulfill an egocentric desire by lying and fabricating reality?

08-27-2009, 08:20 PM
I thought they brought up it being the doctor's fault like, a long time ago...

08-28-2009, 12:15 AM
FFS, who cares. Alive, dead, whatever. Jacko ranks down at about 10,000 on my list of things to be concerned about. And my list don't go past 20.

08-28-2009, 12:26 AM
i mean, arnt u into that kind of stuff? :P

Conspiracy theories are interesting to consider. You just have to draw the line between what is true and what isn't and sometimes that's hard to do. People like to jump to conclusions (9/11 was an inside job, reptile people are in control, the Jews control the monetary system, etc.).

However, if MJ successfully faked his own death it would definitely be one for the books.

08-28-2009, 12:43 AM
Don't you know us Jews control everything.

08-28-2009, 12:52 AM
this must be his clone, or wait maybe his clone died and its him! :D :P


08-28-2009, 05:57 AM
Reminds me of a robot chicken episode...

08-28-2009, 01:27 PM
Don't you know us Jews control everything.
Which is why you are so loved! :D