View Full Version : Meeting someone from Russia !!

07-03-2009, 07:06 PM
I have been talking to a beautiful girl in Russia and she says she is going to take a vacation and come see me. I first off, have never done that before (Meet someone online) let alone someone from so far away. I am really excited about this. Her name is Elena and in my opinion she's hot. Typically I go for dark haired woman but I think I can adjust.
I love the internet !!

07-03-2009, 07:24 PM
I have been talking to a beautiful girl in Russia and she says she is going to take a vacation and come see me. I first off, have never done that before (Meet someone online) let alone someone from so far away. I am really excited about this. Her name is Elena and in my opinion she's hot.
I love the internet !!

I'm thinking this is not going to end well.

1. How old is she? Your profile says you're 44. She looks to be half your age.
2. Are you paying for, or helping to pay for, her trip in any way?
3. Have you talked with her live on webcam or just exchanged pictures and text messages?
4. How long have you been talking to her online?
5. Is she taking a vacation specifically to see you?
6. Are you wealthy, and if so, have you told her this?

I'm not trying to pee in your Cheerios, but seriously, a reality check may be in order. Or, you may be one lucky SOB. Anyway, good luck with this.

Gun Element
07-03-2009, 08:21 PM
eh, I had this happen to be before. Rotten luck, disappointment, problems, etc.

Although, mine was in the same state, so I didn't feel too bad about her coming over.

Long story short. The internet is like... your friend, you can't go any further because your in that friendship zone...(wha?)

Good Luck

07-03-2009, 08:26 PM
Yeah, she's younger, no I'm not paying for anything, she got a bonus and wanted to take a vacation and travel and asked if she could come visit, and being the gentleman I am :rolleyes: I said yes, YES and Hell YES! She knows my age and she knows I'm not rich. She's 27 or 28 so it's not like robbing the cradle ! She said as soon as she looked at my pic she knew. I don't know, a little sceptical myself but hey, if she comes to Indy, I will pick her up from the airport and try to show her a good time.

07-03-2009, 08:32 PM
Yeah, she's younger, no I'm not paying for anything, she got a bonus and wanted to take a vacation and travel and asked if she could come visit, and being the gentleman I am :rolleyes: I said yes, YES and Hell YES! She knows my age and she knows I'm not rich. She's 27 or 28 so it's not like robbing the cradle ! She said as soon as she looked at my pic she knew. I don't know, a little sceptical myself but hey, if she comes to Indy, I will pick her up from the airport and try to show her a good time.

Okay. But now that you've started this you must keep us updated. And post more pictures...and videos if you have them. :D

Just kidding. Sorta. ;)

07-03-2009, 08:35 PM
LoL !! I wonder if she knows these pic's drive me crazy

07-03-2009, 09:21 PM
sorry man, i'm with Sirc, there are hundreds of stories exactly like yours, and they do not have a happy ending. Only thing I can say, is if you start getting calls to wire money so she can [insert reason] to make a connecting flight, then you will know the truth.

When you start getting older and uglier, (like myself) you have to ask what is someones motivation for wanting to be with you? A young good looking girl in russia? They have entire networks of people whose job it is to reel in money from people. Doesn't have to be a lot of money, just a lot of people.

07-03-2009, 09:52 PM
Yeah, I know, I know. Sounds to good to be true but I'm 44 and not new to life's scams. As I said, If she makes it to the airport I will pick her up. Maybe I'm the lucky SOB for once in these 44. If not ! Wont be the first time I've been let down. And it wont cost me money. I have to hope for the best in someone till they betray me. Naive I guess.

07-03-2009, 11:15 PM
eh, money you can recover from, emotional damage, that is much tougher. good luck, I hope we are the idiots! :)

07-04-2009, 12:09 AM
When I read your post Slay, I thought it was a joke haha

But seriously, they're all in it for the visa. Once they get it, they run away from you.

check it: http://russianbrides.com/

From a country where little girls get paid 20 bucks during recess to have sex with complete strangers, I don't trust anything from Russia. Most of my friends are Russian and I know more than enough stories to make sure to never be in a situation like the one you're getting into. Just my 2 cents :)

07-04-2009, 12:12 AM
I hope it's nothing like that but hey, you only live once right ? might as well see if it leads to anything.

07-04-2009, 12:18 AM
Nice..sounds like a fun adventure for both of you. Good luck...and yes, keep us updated.....if she is interested in coming to California, I'm 44! :)

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

07-04-2009, 12:19 AM
eh, money you can recover from, emotional damage, that is much tougher. good luck, I hope we are the idiots! :)

Thanks for the heads up anyway.

07-04-2009, 12:29 AM
Got to try don't I ?

07-04-2009, 02:00 AM
Yea, I say go for it. Just take some precautions ;)

07-04-2009, 02:53 AM
Send her over my way and I'll check her for you!

07-04-2009, 03:57 AM
Be careful, buddy....Don't mean to shoot you down, but there's a reason why someone would come from the other side of the planet just to pay you a visit..
At least meet in a neutral area like a mall, and don't give out too much personal info. Keep your distance, you call her, not vice-versa and for Gods sake let your head up on top do the thinking for you with this one..
Sorry to be a downer, but get ready for a major-league sob story meant to relieve you of some of that pesky cash or credit you've got cluttering up your house...
Keep us in the loop please...

:edit: are the e-mails you're getting from the uwriteme.info domain ?

07-04-2009, 04:19 AM
Be careful, buddy....Don't mean to shoot you down, but there's a reason why someone would come from the other side of the planet just to pay you a visit..
At least meet in a neutral area like a mall, and don't give out too much personal info. Keep your distance, you call her, not vice-versa and for Gods sake let your head up on top do the thinking for you with this one..
Sorry to be a downer, but get ready for a major-league sob story meant to relieve you of some of that pesky cash or credit you've got cluttering up your house...
Keep us in the loop please...

:edit: are the e-mails you're getting from the uwriteme.info domain ?
No. lol She'd be out of luck on that one, I'm currently tied up money wise for property improvements mostly, lawn mowers and vehicles. Oh and we are supposed to meet at the airport.

Die Hard
07-04-2009, 11:32 AM
Yep sounds too good to be true my friend. But hey give it a go and see what the cat licks up :)

07-04-2009, 06:57 PM
:edit: are the e-mails you're getting from the uwriteme.info domain ?

The first search result I get when I type that domain into google is this topic lol

07-04-2009, 09:27 PM
I don't trust anything from Russia. Most of my friends are Russian


I seriously love your posts Nitro. I do.

07-04-2009, 09:42 PM
LOL !! I thought that was funny also.

07-04-2009, 10:11 PM
lol! Life not in your country pretty girls? :P

07-04-2009, 10:18 PM
hell with the teasers, email us some nudie shots biatch! and if it works out for you... ask if she has a sister

07-04-2009, 11:35 PM
lol! Life not in your country pretty girls? :P
Yes there is plenty of good looking girls here. The problem is American girls are mostly out for good times and what they can get. I just want someone for me thats not spoiled by the American womans way. Our divorce rates are astronomical, mainly because American woman can get their cake and eat it too. Not that Russian girls are above this, just hoping .
Heck, I'd like to meet up with a nice Austrian dark haired beauty too but where on earth could I find such a woman ? :D

07-04-2009, 11:37 PM
hell with the teasers, email us some nudie shots biatch! and if it works out for you... ask if she has a sister
LOL :funny:

07-04-2009, 11:55 PM
My father is married to a woman 18 years younger. She don't look nothing like this !!!

07-05-2009, 02:30 AM
Slay, you're gonna be our guinea pig here..

You know damn well if this works out for you, all of us here are gonna want one of these wimmins too !!:wub:


He Is Legend
07-05-2009, 03:12 AM
or some nudes

07-05-2009, 03:39 AM
Slay, you're gonna be our guinea pig here..

You know damn well if this works out for you, all of us here are gonna want one of these wimmins too !!:wub:

I Know :D

07-05-2009, 08:56 PM
She said today she went to the doctors for an ok on the visa and going to get the plane tickets tomorrow to take back to the embassy for the final step in getting the visa. She was telling me how big Moscow is and I looked it up on Bing maps 3D, and it is a very big city. She lives about 150 miles from Moscow. At this rate she'll be here this week :thumbs:

07-06-2009, 08:24 PM
Send her over my way and I'll check her for you!
You would do that for me ? What a pal !! :D

07-08-2009, 11:22 PM
She said today she went to the doctors for an ok on the visa and going to get the plane tickets tomorrow to take back to the embassy for the final step in getting the visa. She was telling me how big Moscow is and I looked it up on Bing maps 3D, and it is a very big city. She lives about 150 miles from Moscow. At this rate she'll be here this week :thumbs:

:watchmovi anything new ?

07-09-2009, 09:10 AM
No, I think she might have got cold feet, not sure. :dunno:

07-09-2009, 02:49 PM
No, I think she might have got cold feet, not sure. :dunno:

Slay, from what I've read about the Russian Bride scene, this is the point in the relationship where she can't come up with the cash for the visa,ticket,fees, etc..and can you wire her some funds until she arrives here to re-pay you..( of course, never to hear from her again )

Tread lightly, Slay...tons of landmines ahead..:(

He Is Legend
07-09-2009, 07:50 PM
No, I think she might have got cold feet, not sure. :dunno:


07-09-2009, 09:58 PM
Slay, from what I've read about the Russian Bride scene, this is the point in the relationship where she can't come up with the cash for the visa,ticket,fees, etc..and can you wire her some funds until she arrives here to re-pay you..( of course, never to hear from her again )

Tread lightly, Slay...tons of landmines ahead..:(

I got an email from her today and she says everything is cleared for her visa now and that she has limited/no INTERNET access. Supposed to call me tomorrow. Hopefully with the departure/landing time frame. She has money, or at-least she said she did. I would be suspicious if she asked for money, but so far she hasn't. So, so far so good :D

07-09-2009, 10:01 PM
P.S. It's not a Russian bride setup. At least as far as I know, I wouldn't go on-line to find a bride.

07-10-2009, 01:53 PM
maybe she will just buy a one way ticket to USA and arrive with no money gambling you wont throw her to the street?

07-10-2009, 09:04 PM
maybe she will just buy a one way ticket to USA and arrive with no money gambling you wont throw her to the street?

Hmmm. That might not be so bad if she earned her keep - in various ways.

07-10-2009, 10:54 PM
you could take away her passport and use her as a sex slave. Based on all the media they are pretty used to that.

(ok, ok, that was really really bad...)

07-11-2009, 12:37 AM
Hmmm. That might not be so bad if she earned her keep - in various ways.
Thats what I was thinking, various positions, um ways :D

07-11-2009, 12:37 AM
you could take away her passport and use her as a sex slave. Based on all the media they are pretty used to that.

(ok, ok, that was really really bad...)
Yes :P

07-13-2009, 09:00 AM
Well this little story has come to an end, as I hoped wouldn't happen. Visa troubles, needs $600.00 for whatever ??? Oh well, sounded to good to be true ! :D

07-13-2009, 11:44 AM
I have been talking to a beautiful girl in Russia and she says she is going to take a vacation and come see me. I first off, have never done that before (Meet someone online) let alone someone from so far away. I am really excited about this. Her name is Elena and in my opinion she's hot. Typically I go for dark haired woman but I think I can adjust.
I love the internet !!

nice girl :thumbs:

07-13-2009, 05:07 PM
Well this little story has come to an end, as I hoped wouldn't happen. Visa troubles, needs $600.00 for whatever ??? Oh well, sounded to good to be true ! :D
Send it man! There still might be a "happy ending". That is about what a good hooker costs! Consider it an investment for your penis!


You should probably play this out, saying that you have heard of online scams, and you would like to see a photo of her holding today's paper before you will wire the money... otherwise you may really be dealing with a fat cigar smoking vodka drinking guy named boris, he loves you.

07-13-2009, 09:33 PM
Send it man! There still might be a "happy ending". That is about what a good hooker costs! Consider it an investment for your penis!


You should probably play this out, saying that you have heard of online scams, and you would like to see a photo of her holding today's paper before you will wire the money... otherwise you may really be dealing with a fat cigar smoking vodka drinking guy named boris, he loves you.

Or Alberto

07-13-2009, 09:37 PM
Send it man! There still might be a "happy ending". That is about what a good hooker costs! Consider it an investment for your penis!


You should probably play this out, saying that you have heard of online scams, and you would like to see a photo of her holding today's paper before you will wire the money... otherwise you may really be dealing with a fat cigar smoking vodka drinking guy named boris, he loves you.
Yeah right ! I know.

07-13-2009, 09:37 PM
Nooooo :( .....tell her you'll send it in exchange for some naked photos :D
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

07-14-2009, 12:33 AM
Well this little story has come to an end, as I hoped wouldn't happen. Visa troubles, needs $600.00 for whatever ??? Oh well, sounded to good to be true ! :D

Ha !!!!

who takes care of ya, Slay ?? :wave:

erm...you didn't send it, did you ? :doh:

07-14-2009, 01:03 AM
Ha !!!!

who takes care of ya, Slay ?? :wave:

erm...you didn't send it, did you ? :doh:
lol, Not in this lifetime :P

07-14-2009, 01:05 AM
lol, Not in this lifetime :P


If you weren't 900 miles away, I'd buy ya a beer !! or two or three...:drink:

07-14-2009, 01:58 AM
Send her a fake check for $1000, ask her to cash it and send you the xtra $400.


07-14-2009, 02:36 AM
holy crap! does this mean I have to get my deposit back from youngrussianbrides.com?? damn... makes me cry.

07-14-2009, 07:13 PM
:doh: :doh: :banghead:

07-15-2009, 02:57 AM
:bawling: Damn I was gonna order me one tooooo.

Die Hard
07-16-2009, 10:39 AM
Damn I hate it when we are all right!!

Go to your nearest brothel Slay and get $100 shake, might make you feel better :)

07-16-2009, 03:54 PM
hey bud, if you are still looking for someone, I just met maria, she is looking for someone and can be your next online buddy... let me know and i'll send the details...

07-16-2009, 04:32 PM
Go to your nearest brothel Slay and get $100 shake

:funny: :woohoo:

07-16-2009, 05:54 PM
Man just sign up on Myspace/Facebook/etc ... put looking for relationship and you will get all kinds of new offers. They will tell you how great you look even if you don't have your picture in your profile LOL Damn hoochie offers were interfering with my Mafia Wars playing time.

08-09-2009, 04:47 PM
http://www.stopscammers.com/images/1x1.gif I knew there was something not right with this picture. Everyone should email her,,SPAMATTACK !! lol
http://www.stopscammers.com/images/1x1.gif http://www.stopscammers.com/images/1x1.gifhttp://www.stopscammers.com/images/1x1.gifhttp://www.stopscammers.com/images/1x1.gifhttp://www.stopscammers.com/images/1x1.gifhttp://www.stopscammers.com/images/1x1.gif GOLD-DIGGERS


http://www.stopscammers.com/images/or-tl.gif scammer Daria Feyzer


http://www.stopscammers.com/images/1x1.gifFirst name: Daria Last name: Feyzer Aka: Elena Filimonova Age: 27 Location(s): Kanash (Russia), Moscow (Russia), Navashino (Russia), Nizhniy Novgorod (Russia), Shumerlya (Russia), Vurnary (Russia), Yoshkar-Ola (Russia) Address(es): Russia, Chuvashia, Shumerlya, Prospect Boltova, 123-45a
Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Kanash, Prospect Petuhova str., 9/27
Russia, Kanash, Lubyanka str., 45, Stroenie 1
Russia, Chuvashia, Vurnary, Prospect Suslikova str., 132b-5534
Russia, Chuvashia Republic, Vurnary, Prospect Boltova str., 164b-77
Russian Federation, Chuvashia, Vurnary, Kazakova str., 19/57
Russian Federation, Nijegorodskaya Oblast, Navashino, Voinov-Int str., 2a-12
Russian Federation, Moscow, Lenin str., Stroenie 24
Russia, Nijegorodskaya oblast, Navashino, Prospect Suslikova str., 132b-5534
Russia, Nijegorodskaya oblast, Navashino, Prospect Boltova str., 164b/77 Phone number(s): unknown E-mail address(es): leno4ka.foryou@yahoo.com
snezhnayakoroleva1982@yahoo.com Operates on site(s): Date Me Free, Inter Kontakt, Match Report(s): Report N1 (added on January, 28, 2009)

She say i see you on dating site i im not posted on dating site, i do not know how she find mu email adresses but not on dating site it is imposibel.

Martin (Belgium)

Report N2 (added on February, 2, 2009)

Known scammer new email address.

Leonard (USA)

Report N3 (added on February, 6, 2009)

First email came on 22 Jan 09 saying she saw me on a mutual site .. no idea what she was on about .. had 4 emails but has not asked for money .. last email 5 Feb 09 said her boss was happy with her work and would send her on a paid for vacation .. one called Ekaterina Nikolaevna that emailed me the same way must have the same boss .. I intend to string this one along just to see what she gets up to .. or she reads this web site.

John (Australia)

Report N4 (added on June, 4, 2009)

En total son 7 correos los que recibido y hasta el dia de hoy no me a pedido dinero, solo pidio mi domicilio y el areopuerto mas cercano a este...

y que segun su ubicacion era en la ciudad de moscu.

no pretendo causar algun dao¦o a alguien
saludos desde la ciudad de mexico...

Emmanuel (Mexico)

Report N5 (added on June, 4, 2009)

Yet another Russian scammer looking for travel, Visa money.

Bruce (USA)

Report N6 (added on June, 4, 2009)

She seems to just copy and paste and only change names of recepient. I have examined the other posted letters - spot on similar. Do not know what she wants, not asking for anything but to get to know me. having read the other peoples letters, it will get to be something else. I have e-mailed all the info on the net about her to her. Maybe she will stop.

Joseph (USA)

Report N7 (added on June, 4, 2009)

Same letters exactly as posted by others on the sight. Says she found me on a dating sight. Would not answer which one or any specific questions.

Art (USA)

Report N8 (added on June, 4, 2009)

She said she found me on a russian singles site and said she was looking for a man who she could get with she wanted to come to united states and wanted me to come pick up her at airport.

Jonathan (USA)

Report N9 (added on June, 4, 2009)

She's good but not that good..... She finally called today and asked for $600.00.

Michael (USA)

Report N10 (added on June, 4, 2009)

She contacts you through your email address which she says she got off of a dating site. She tells you that she thinks you are an attractive man and wants to know you better. After only a couple letters she tells you that she has a vacation coming from work where she works as a manager in a insurance agency. She would like to come stay with you in your home and will do anything you want to get to know you. She is of course looking for a husband and wants to start a family. She writes and tells you she will stay with a friend in Moscow while she waits for her travel documents to be done. During this time she sends you her flight details and asks for your address. After a couple days she then says she did not have quite enough money for the plane tickets and asks for $500.00 to travel to you. I of course, have heard this before.

Greg (USA)

Report N11 (added on June, 4, 2009)

She is sending the same scam out. She says she is getting a free vacation from her boss soon for doing good work. I have gotten 3 emails from her so far and she wants to visit the states to find a man. She hasn't asked for money as of yet. I am sure that isn't very far off though. She has already mentioned that she has to pay for a visa to get over here.

Brian (USA)

Report N12 (added on June, 4, 2009)

Came on too strong, too quick. Had earned premium working for insurance co. Wanted to travel and did not want to marry Russian.

Bill (USA)

Report N13 (added on June, 4, 2009)

she says she got my profile off a dating site and I dont have one. shes sent me about 4 emails and I got curious when she would'nt answer parts of my letters. Shes slick but I'm slicker.

Robbie (USA)

Report N14 (added on June, 4, 2009)

Contact was made just like in the previous reports. I'm not on any dating sites but she saw my profile, etc. 6 emails so far. She hasn't asked for any money yet. 2 of my emails match previously posted emails exactly except of course she replaced the name. She sends pictures with every email except for the last one.

Dana (USA)

Report N15 (added on June, 4, 2009)

Already submitted here but thought I'd post her opening email to see if it matched up with others. Here's the first and if there is room I'll post the second as well where she goes into detail about herself. Happy hunting!!!

Ken (USA)

Report N16 (added on June, 24, 2009)

She has sent me many E-mails with the story of her boss at the insurance company going to give her time off for good work. I saved many pictures of her if you would like them for your files to better inform your readers. I saved her E-mails too. I will gladly send them too you.I am Canadian. As far as I know, this is her first try here. The last E-mail is current as of today. Thank God for you and this web-site. I owe you large. I never thought of myself as gullible but it looks like I was about to be! You saved my ass! Nice pictures and she is good.

Brian (Canada)

Report N17 (added on June, 24, 2009)

Said she found e-mail address on a dating site.

Mike (USA)

Report N18 (added on June, 30, 2009)

The IP address is in Toronto, Ontario.

Henry (USA)

Report N19 (added on July, 1, 2009)

She has not ask for money yet but the letters are the same as what is on the sites i see.

Bryant (USA)

Report N20 (added on July, 17, 2009)

Same MO. Noticed Strange Stuff In Pictures Only Child Live With Mother But Seemed To Have Alot Of Tooth Brushes In cup In picture.

Jay (USA)

Report N21 (added on July, 17, 2009)

I got email and photos. she said she found me on a dating site. She said she works in an insurance company and wants to move out of the country as it was her childhood dream.

Amit (India)
Scam letters: to Martin (Belgium) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=6747)

to John (Australia) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=6851)

to Emmanuel (Mexico) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7253)

to Bruce (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7254)

to Joseph (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7255)

to Art (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7256)

to Jonathan (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7257)

to Michael (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7258)

to Greg (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7259)

to Brian (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7260)

to Robbie (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7261)

to Dana (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7262)

to Ken (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7263)

to Brian (Canada) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7345)

to Mike (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7346)

to Henry (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7384)

to Jay (USA) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7463)

to Amit (India) (http://www.stopscammers.com/letter.asp?id=7464) Scam media: unknown Fake documents: view fake documents (http://www.stopscammers.com/signup.asp?reg=docs)

08-09-2009, 06:04 PM
yeah, but yours might be real. how will you know without sending the cash?

08-09-2009, 06:07 PM
Sorry to hear that dude. Too many piece of crap people out there.

08-09-2009, 06:55 PM
yeah, but yours might be real. how will you know without sending the cash?
Got $600. to spare, I'll have her pay you right back on Tuesday !

08-17-2009, 10:26 PM
Report N20 (added on July, 17, 2009)

Same MO. Noticed Strange Stuff In Pictures Only Child Live With Mother But Seemed To Have Alot Of Tooth Brushes In cup In picture.

Jay (USA)


Best one. :D