View Full Version : Geocaching

Death Engineer
08-03-2009, 01:58 AM
Have you heard of this? Geocaching is sort of like treasure hunting or hide and seek except that it's on a global level with GPS coodinates of hundreds of thousands of caches hidden across the US alone (and many more worldwide). Read more at www.geocaching.com.

I was introduced to geocaching a few weeks ago. We took the kids out early a few Saturday's ago and they love it. Now they ask us pretty much daily if we can go. It's a good way to get outside and spend time with the fam. Also, it feeds the competitive spirit that I'm pretty sure is in most of you (why else would you be a part of a gaming forum??!?). :cool:

08-03-2009, 11:06 AM
Weren't you around here what, last year was it - when I had the thread about trying to get everyone to vote for my picture in the Jeep Geocaching contest?

I've done it for a few years though not rabidly. I've found maybe 40 or so. I dig it. It's a pretty fun way to find new places and such.

I've ended up finding 6 or 8 cool parks or other places that I never would have known existed if I hadn't gone looking for a cache.

Good times!

Death Engineer
08-03-2009, 05:52 PM
Ahhh. I'm sure I read it and didn't have a clue what geocaching was. I'll have to go do a search for it now.

EDIT: Link to others who may be interested -- http://gamemecca.net/forums/showthread.php?t=82759

08-05-2009, 12:12 AM
I did it for a while, then I discovered the Benchmarking part of that forum/website. That turned into a lot more fun since knowing where benchmarks are makes my job easier. The geocaching was fun while I did it though.