View Full Version : Gamemecca server update - Anti-Lightbulbs?
08-13-2009, 08:34 PM
Just read on GZ24 that Thunder from our Le clan updated thier Noobzland server by adding anti-lightbulbs:
As the title says Noobzland has been updated few days ago and since then server runs on Politician's files.
Main change is anti-lightbulbs protection on all standard models except Stainless Steve and Kleer Kurt, so you can still play with lights on these models. Though it might change to all models protection. Players with lightbulbs skins on all models are automatically kicked, so don't humiliate yourself and remove your cheats before joining.
could we implement this feature on our server?
08-14-2009, 12:18 AM
yes i ve read that too..this would be a very good feature :thumbs:
im not sure what all these scripts can do, if i understand that right i think you can also add or replace weapons, so a map with only snipers could be possible too , like somebody of you said yesterday :D
maybe jackal can help and explain this since he already did this for the noobzland server?
but i once asked ai if he could add these killing spree messages to our server too, ..yesterday i saw he hasnt done that yet :P would be cool if u could add that too. if thats not to much work ofc ;)
08-14-2009, 02:15 AM
eh, instead of anti-lightbulbs you bubbas should make everybody glow and be visible. like some of the real DM games. sam always has been filled with cheap exploits...
Asian Invasian
08-14-2009, 04:13 PM
If I do that how am I going to make the cheaters feel bad after I still beat them?!
Asian Invasian
08-14-2009, 04:16 PM
yes i ve read that too..this would be a very good feature :thumbs:
im not sure what all these scripts can do, if i understand that right i think you can also add or replace weapons, so a map with only snipers could be possible too , like somebody of you said yesterday :D
maybe jackal can help and explain this since he already did this for the noobzland server?
but i once asked ai if he could add these killing spree messages to our server too, ..yesterday i saw he hasnt done that yet :P would be cool if u could add that too. if thats not to much work ofc ;)
I want to do it, I just don't know who to ask.. I forgot. :P and I am lazy.
08-14-2009, 05:49 PM
It'd be a great idea!
08-15-2009, 12:47 AM
yes i ve read that too..this would be a very good feature :thumbs:
im not sure what all these scripts can do, if i understand that right i think you can also add or replace weapons, so a map with only snipers could be possible too , like somebody of you said yesterday :D
There are 2 mods. Angelos and Politicians. What they do:
Weapons mutator, changing HP etc
Anti lightbulbs
Server ranker (not available for now)
You can see the changelog and download links here:
Anti lightbulbs
Anti F9
So what you are talking about, Phantom is in Angelos mod (weapons change) but Angelo will release a mod soon which will contain all these stuff including Politicians mods. (at least i hope so)
For now Noobzland runs on Politicians mod and its perfect in my opinion. The only thing which miss is server ranking, but i hope it will be available soon.
I don't know how to handle F9 protection yet just because i was lazy to read the whole readme. (:P)
Politicians mod has some weapons disabling too, although only 3 which could piss the most :P
Grenade Launcher
Minigun (yes, Phantom, it was available to disable minigun in out previous game, but i didn't know it :bawling: )
Politician send me his file which is named Antibugs. Dunno if i can post the link here since he didn't start a topic with his mod updated, only send me the link via PM, but i think it wouldn't be a problem if i sent the file to the server admin. Just the right person (server admin) should contact me (or Politician of course) via PM or MSN.
About the installation:
1. Pc which runs server has to replace 2 files in Bin folder: EntitiesMP.ddl and GameMP.dll.
2. Add lines from read me in dedicated startup.ini and change default value 0 to 1 of these:
ser_bUseCustomCRCList=1; /anti lightbulbs/
gam_bpowerups=0; /no powerups/
ka_bEnabled=1; /killaward messages/
Thats what i would change for now, i might forget about something, but readme.txt is written clear and explains everything perfectly.
edit: forgot about the CustomCRClist.lst
The file will be automatically created after switching ser_bUseCustomCRCList to 1, but the standard file may be bypassed easily, so here is the list which cant be bypassed (or i don't know how), but still players can use lightbulbs on Kleer Kurt and Stainless Steve.
//>just delete this file to have an original one created<
//put "//" before the file names to exclude the files from the CR check again
//player models:
//how to check that clients have original files even if the server has a modified ones:
//step1: put a copy of the original file (the one created by croteam) in the folder
// and change its name but make sure to not change the name's length!
//step2: put a line in here looking like:' ---directory\,directory\modifiedf '
//Example: (without '//')
//---Bin\EntitiesMP.dll, Bin\Entities12.dll
//put your own files here:
Just clear default created file and paste everything quoted above.
If you want to add protection on Kleer Kurt and Stainless Steve remove bold //
Im not an author of that CRC list. Its the one that FG posted on GameZone
I would like to underline that Politician is of course the author of this file, so i want to thank him again here for the work he did.
08-15-2009, 08:32 AM
As far as I remember from my Sam days, playing without flares is very tiring and straining on the eyes so how about just make an auto-download for the map to everyone connecting so that everyone is using the flares instead of a select few, since there is a possibility of people suggesting an unfair advantage that way. Auto download is the ideal solution that I see.
08-15-2009, 08:33 PM
Huh,I wouldn't know. I never downloaded anything. I guess, I was doing it wrong?
08-16-2009, 10:02 AM
Huh,I wouldn't know. I never downloaded anything. I guess, I was doing it wrong?
Hmm sorta..
08-20-2009, 07:07 PM
great idea, would be nice to put those anti lights on GM servers.
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