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08-27-2009, 02:05 PM
About your President

Part 1 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rthv8QmJLUw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rthv8QmJLUw)
&nb sp;
Part 2 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJNhKZh8mGY&feature=fvw (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kJNhKZh8mGY&feature=fvw)

Part 3 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95XFUi8PrTs&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=95XFUi8PrTs&feature=related)

Part 4 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl4twMf1xyM&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gl4twMf1xyM&feature=related)

Part 5 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKzFtKEysjw&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CKzFtKEysjw&feature=related)

Part 6 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmEmRbRJFLU&feature=related (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmEmRbRJFLU&feature=related)

08-27-2009, 02:58 PM
Aw, don't be so negative, man! Anger only makes things worse, not better. I remember years ago when I used to listen to Alex Jones, Greg Szymanski, and others, I would always feel angry afterwards. This is detrimental not only psychologically, but physiologically. The same is true with the more mainstream anger-instillers like those in the above videos. I think a radical shift in perception has to occur if good positive and progressive change is to occur.

I'm sure there's truth to alot of the things that make us angry with respect to the socio-political situation, but the reality is that fire can't fight fire. Things may change, but not necessarily for the better. The way to freedom is through rational thought-forms centered around understanding, conscious co-creation, and love.

Perfect aim
08-28-2009, 06:32 AM
BiggDo1, what do you think will happen to the United States and to us normal Americans in the near future? I get the chills everytime i see something like this.......Your a pretty educated guy.....whats going to happen to us? I always hear people saying that our government will run everything in our lives....I don't know if this is true but after watching some vidoes I'm starting to think it might just happen :(

I think the government has too much power.

08-29-2009, 04:41 PM
Aw, don't be so negative, man! Anger only makes things worse, not better. I remember years ago when I used to listen to Alex Jones, Greg Szymanski, and others, I would always feel angry afterwards. This is detrimental not only psychologically, but physiologically. The same is true with the more mainstream anger-instillers like those in the above videos. I think a radical shift in perception has to occur if good positive and progressive change is to occur.

I'm sure there's truth to alot of the things that make us angry with respect to the socio-political situation, but the reality is that fire can't fight fire. Things may change, but not necessarily for the better. The way to freedom is through rational thought-forms centered around understanding, conscious co-creation, and love.

Negative? Ha!!!!! Don't look at me as if I am just a negative fool with no hope. I would consider myself more of a realist though and is the very reason I am prepared either way. I think the problem with America is they are just lazy and spoiled and will get what I guess is deserved.

08-29-2009, 05:01 PM
BiggDo1, what do you think will happen to the United States and to us normal Americans in the near future? I get the chills everytime i see something like this.......Your a pretty educated guy.....whats going to happen to us? I always hear people saying that our government will run everything in our lives....I don't know if this is true but after watching some vidoes I'm starting to think it might just happen :(

I think the government has too much power.

The Government has too much power and they are not suppose to. They are getting more every day and everything I say is true and not some scare tactic or to put fear in it. The problem here is people keep using the fear tactics as an excuse to not worry about shit. Can you imagine if you tell your child not to play in the street and the neighbor says oh your dad is just using fear tactics to scare you.

Living in America today you are forced to deal with rules that only apply to some people. Things like equal rights does not apply to white people as white people are the onlyone judged by their skin. As an example affirmative action. Racism is all bullshit in this country. It is used only to get over on the system. You have a black President for God sakes and we still need affirmitive action? SO every race that is not WHite gets something extra such as free college, free medical, welfare, extra 10 points on any test etc. Oh this above statement being that I said it makes me a racial!! See how that works?

HEre is what I believe is going to happen considering the direction.
Our economy will crash. Your money will be worth crap and people will lose their houses inclusing the ones that actually had their house legit and was able to afford them with a good job.

There will be an uprising against the Government but due to the power the Gov has there is no use. It's already happening and your Democrat leaders are caling these people unAmerican along with preventing them to speak.

Your 1 dollar bill is going to be worth 30 cents. Maybe less. Your parents if old will not be able to get the care they need because the health system is being used to cripple the country.

Illegals are getting everything paid for by the tax payers. This will continue to happen which will hurt even further by the tax payers who may need the actual purpose they put into the system.

The current Generation 18-15 will have no future regardless what they take up in school. This is the truth because the way the system is and God forbid you are white and getting mediocre grades. You need to be flawless if you are white in this country.

Disease after disease will start killing off your friends and family. SHortages of food will occur more often. It's funny when I hear that these end of day stories are pathetic but the reality is open your eyes and look past your yard.

Crime will continue to grow and you will often see crimes being done in areas that were never expected.

Your taxes will go up regardless!!!!!!

Our enemies of other nations will get Nuclear weapons

Wars that you could only think were nightmares will develop. Terrorism will grow in your neckof the woods and do nt be suprised if they are done by people trying to take down the Governemnt.

08-29-2009, 05:02 PM
impossible to know what will happen in the future. as an example someone was predicting that home prices would fall, and US currency would become extremely devalued as a result because of the dependency on the entire housing industry. Well, home prices fell, but US currency increased in value, because the rest of the world fell in value. So its impossible to know what will happen until after it happens, then it is "obvious" to everyone.

Perfect aim
08-30-2009, 07:14 AM
The Government has too much power and they are not suppose to. They are getting more every day and everything I say is true and not some scare tactic or to put fear in it. The problem here is people keep using the fear tactics as an excuse to not worry about shit. Can you imagine if you tell your child not to play in the street and the neighbor says oh your dad is just using fear tactics to scare you.

Living in America today you are forced to deal with rules that only apply to some people. Things like equal rights does not apply to white people as white people are the onlyone judged by their skin. As an example affirmative action. Racism is all bullshit in this country. It is used only to get over on the system. You have a black President for God sakes and we still need affirmitive action? SO every race that is not WHite gets something extra such as free college, free medical, welfare, extra 10 points on any test etc. Oh this above statement being that I said it makes me a racial!! See how that works?

HEre is what I believe is going to happen considering the direction.
Our economy will crash. Your money will be worth crap and people will lose their houses inclusing the ones that actually had their house legit and was able to afford them with a good job.

There will be an uprising against the Government but due to the power the Gov has there is no use. It's already happening and your Democrat leaders are caling these people unAmerican along with preventing them to speak.

Your 1 dollar bill is going to be worth 30 cents. Maybe less. Your parents if old will not be able to get the care they need because the health system is being used to cripple the country.

Illegals are getting everything paid for by the tax payers. This will continue to happen which will hurt even further by the tax payers who may need the actual purpose they put into the system.

The current Generation 18-15 will have no future regardless what they take up in school. This is the truth because the way the system is and God forbid you are white and getting mediocre grades. You need to be flawless if you are white in this country.

Disease after disease will start killing off your friends and family. SHortages of food will occur more often. It's funny when I hear that these end of day stories are pathetic but the reality is open your eyes and look past your yard.

Crime will continue to grow and you will often see crimes being done in areas that were never expected.

Your taxes will go up regardless!!!!!!

Our enemies of other nations will get Nuclear weapons

Wars that you could only think were nightmares will develop. Terrorism will grow in your neckof the woods and do nt be suprised if they are done by people trying to take down the Governemnt.

wow....speachless after reading that. I'v read many articles now that some of the home prices are starting to rise in many areas......could this be a sign of hope? I really don't want to grow up in that what you just said. :down:

08-30-2009, 08:13 AM
wow....speachless after reading that. I'v read many articles now that some of the home prices are starting to rise in many areas......could this be a sign of hope? I really don't want to grow up in that what you just said. :down:

Do not believe it!!! You can simply zillow it yourself. It's more than just the housing. This is not really the problem. The banks are the cause of the problem. They are still hurting. It's a fixed deal where the banks will get more help and still not lend people money. It's all crooked and it's all planned.

Obama is the most corrupt PResident in history. He has everything fixed to make you all believe. He got elected because of his crookedness. Acorn ring a bell?

Talk to people and see the unemployment rates. People have expensive mortgages they will no longer be able to pay for. Now the mortgages are more than what the house is worth. It's all on the decline and the false postives are nothing more than false.
