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Gun Element
08-31-2009, 08:30 AM
Ok, so I had a recent breakup and one of the reasons was because I was creepy.

For one reason:


I invited her to eat out after she gets home from work, around 10. I text her at 10:15 saying "where are you?" No responese till 11:30 saying she is with a friend that is drunk and had to drive her home. She was lost, her friend wouldn't give her instructions to the house.

So I decided to come down to where she was and see what I could do. We met on the road, but she had dropped off her friend already.

She was freaked out by the fact I went out to help her. She thought it was really creepy and over the top ridiculous.

So, my question is, was it creepy?

08-31-2009, 02:57 PM
I don't think it was creepy, you were trying to help. Her not calling you and telling you she was doing something else was inconsiderate.

08-31-2009, 03:16 PM
Some people refusal distrust and jealousy,and they show up with afraid or they are angry.Maybe she wants more "free area". ;) Anyway.. you should her show up more confidence and patience, when she is not promptly at 10h, you should not call immediately after 15 minutes and asking her.But bigger mistake was to go helping her (if she did not asked you or prayed for coming) what proved that you are jealous or (and) you do not believe her, even if your intention was only to help.
Another it ... She could call you and postpone your dinner or just say she must help her friend. Otherwise man can believe she like more to be with her friend than with you, and she don't care about romantic dinner with you ... Pick any other ... ? :P

Death Engineer
08-31-2009, 05:20 PM
There's always more to the story right? I mean, what girl wouldn't want her BF to show up to help her (damzel in distress kind of thing). However, if you showed up trying to figure out if she was lying and were ticked off when there is no drunk friend around, then that changes things a bit.

I'm not assuming you did either of these things, just saying that there's probably quite a bit more to the story than the few words that we've read here in this thread.

FWIW, texting is not a guaranteed response communication medium (IMHO). It's like sending an instant message. In my book, the person on the other end may get it or they may not. Their phone could be dead, out of service area, left the phone behind, etc. Bottom line ... I wouldn't make plans on a TXT and then be mad that the message wasn't communicated well.

Gun Element
08-31-2009, 06:09 PM
There's always more to the story right? I mean, what girl wouldn't want her BF to show up to help her (damzel in distress kind of thing). However, if you showed up trying to figure out if she was lying and were ticked off when there is no drunk friend around, then that changes things a bit.

I'm not assuming you did either of these things, just saying that there's probably quite a bit more to the story than the few words that we've read here in this thread.

FWIW, texting is not a guaranteed response communication medium (IMHO). It's like sending an instant message. In my book, the person on the other end may get it or they may not. Their phone could be dead, out of service area, left the phone behind, etc. Bottom line ... I wouldn't make plans on a TXT and then be mad that the message wasn't communicated well.

Thanks for the replies everyone!

Oh no, I asked her out to eat in person. She smiled and said she would love to. :) Sadly though, that's all to the story. I didn't leave out any important details.

when you make plans with someone and they are late in coming home to do so, 15 min is quite legit to ask or be concerned I believe. If we hadn't made plans then I wouldn't have cared or realized she was coming home late.

ALSO, she told me where she was (24 hour fitness) which was 10 min drive away from our house. Lets say she was in an another city or something that would be like a 30 min drive and I came out to help her, I wouldn't have, because thats over the top :P

Gun Element
08-31-2009, 06:54 PM
OK! So I went through my phone and I have ALL the details that occured. (this is all text)

Me (11:08): Where are you? Im about to die from hunger!
Her (11:59): Aww not soon. I have a problem... I am dropping off a friend at home and I dont know where she lives and shes not giving me directions.
Me (12:00): She's not giving it to you?
Her (12:00): Shes not giving it tome gah
Me (12:01): wow thats not very nice, anything I can do?
Her (12:04): yea, shes drunk and crazy. no bien. she wants to go to our house... hmm I wish I knew her brothers phone number.
Me (12:05): Well damn, what are you going to do? You still in town?
Her (12:06): mhm. Im waiting it out at 24 hour fitness
Me (12:08): On harmony.. I wish I knew how to get peoples phone numbers. I should've taken that hacking class!

I left 5 min after that asking myself if I should go out and see if their was something I could do. I concluded that she was having a problem and she did NOT say she didn't want the help. What surprises me is that I waited an hour and 8 min before I asked where she was lol. go me?

08-31-2009, 07:32 PM
Well...something freaked her very becose you went to help, any idea what? :P :D

08-31-2009, 08:50 PM
Eh, girls can be dicey like that. I'm guessing she's around your age.

First off, I wouldn't worry much about it. There's more going on then just this incident and regardless - you go worrying about it or analyzing it and all you'll do is drive yourself insane. Seriously. You are how you are and nothing is going to change that.

Secondly - I will say that for SOME chicks - if they don't ask for help then you suddenly showing up to help will rub them the wrong way. That may be the case here.

Still though, it comes back to just don't worry about it. It's not worth it.

08-31-2009, 09:31 PM
The truth is her story was BS regardless of you being able to accept that maybe she might not be into. But.... After she said you were creep you should of told her to **** off!!!! If all you did was to try to help out and she could not understand that, she's no good and probably a whore in which you should of tried to go eat by your self and then told her to come over to blow you or something.

08-31-2009, 09:35 PM
I agree here...assuming all he was trying to say was that it wasn't your fault.

08-31-2009, 09:53 PM
you started this thread with the statement "one of the reasons"

what were the other ones?

08-31-2009, 10:06 PM
stalker freak...

really though life will give you lots of little clues as to how things "really are".
If someone disrespects you so much that they blow you off without even telling you, well, that is a clue. everything else is just an excuse. you don't treat people you like in that fashion.

09-01-2009, 02:33 AM
Yea maybe she wasn't being completely honest with you. The text exchange seemed legit. However, I've driven my fair share of drunk people home and they ALWAYS know the way. What you did wasn't creepy. All this obsession with stalking comes from people watching too much ****ing TV. It's bullshit, you're a nice guy you go and help the girl out.

If she still doesn't want to talk then something was probably up. Remedy: Kick a ball in her face.... :P

Gun Element
09-01-2009, 07:28 AM
Yea maybe she wasn't being completely honest with you. The text exchange seemed legit. However, I've driven my fair share of drunk people home and they ALWAYS know the way. What you did wasn't creepy. All this obsession with stalking comes from people watching too much ****ing TV. It's bullshit, you're a nice guy you go and help the girl out.

If she still doesn't want to talk then something was probably up. Remedy: Kick a ball in her face.... :P

Oh gawd, you still remember that?


09-01-2009, 01:12 PM
Oh gawd, you still remember that?


Of course I remember that. Ah good old drama GM.

Asian Invasian
09-01-2009, 04:05 PM
Oh gawd, you still remember that?

LOL. I'm going to partially agree with Biggs on this one. If I had showed up and my gf told me I Was creepy for trying to help than I would have probably just have blew her off and left the instant she said that.

There is nothing creepy with that.

This is that same girl we were talking about earlier right?

She sounds crazy man to stand you up to Dinner like that, 1 hour without even a call is ridiculous.

I think you need to change from being the nice guy to well.. a little more assertive.

09-01-2009, 05:51 PM
Oh gawd, you still remember that?


I don't remember that. I wanna know the story!

I do remember Gun jumping off the roof of his school and breaking his leg. At least I think it was Gun.

Asian Invasian
09-01-2009, 06:48 PM
I don't remember that. I wanna know the story!

I do remember Gun jumping off the roof of his school and breaking his leg. At least I think it was Gun.
I dont think that was him.

On a side note, if you want a fair analysis I think we need to know the other reasons too Michael..

It seems as if she was needing a reason to break up and that was as good as it was getting..

09-01-2009, 07:50 PM
I dont think that was him.

Meh, maybe it was Phoenix. Mercs all look alike to me. :P

Gun Element
09-01-2009, 08:11 PM
I dont think that was him.

On a side note, if you want a fair analysis I think we need to know the other reasons too Michael..

It seems as if she was needing a reason to break up and that was as good as it was getting..

I did state that their were reason(s) because their is 2 of them. The creepy statement was one of them and the other is personal. I probably should say that I didn't ask to why I got turned down, Im asking if I am a creepy guy because of this story. To clarify myself as to who I am and if I was wrong.

I should also mention that I am concerned because something urks me.. I believe she is telling all her friends about me and how creepy I am because of this.

Gun Element
09-01-2009, 08:12 PM
Meh, maybe it was Phoenix. Mercs all look alike to me. :P

It was indeed Phoenix. Good times! Where the hell is he these days! :(

09-01-2009, 08:47 PM
It was not creepy. There's the answer (as said by everyone already).
But since you obviously know more than any of us here about this, ask yourself this question: "Is this really the person I want to be with?"

Asian Invasian
09-01-2009, 09:11 PM
I did state that their were reason(s) because their is 2 of them. The creepy statement was one of them and the other is personal. I probably should say that I didn't ask to why I got turned down, Im asking if I am a creepy guy because of this story. To clarify myself as to who I am and if I was wrong.

I should also mention that I am concerned because something urks me.. I believe she is telling all her friends about me and how creepy I am because of this.
In that case I will answer it with confidence. Based on what you said, NO you were not in any way being creepy. If this was a girl you just met then yes, but she is your gf you are expected to help her.

Girls are just crazy sometimes man. Think about if you didn't come help and she freaked out because she felt you didn't care.

09-01-2009, 09:33 PM
Gun, you clearly have a problem that caused this thread to be made. The problem is you. You clearly caused the breakup. Any guy with any real experience with women can see that.

She broke up with you because of what you did. It doesn't matter that it was noble and was done out of concern. It actually wouldn't have mattered if you had done nothing and just gone home. That would have been a screw up too.

What you should have done is...a complete mystery to any man.

Get over it, don't let it bother you too much, and find another woman. They are all a bit crazy, but some much more than others. The trick is to find one that rides the kiddie emotional roller-coaster and not the one that takes you 2000 feet in the air, has a vertical drop, and then corkscrews you 6 times before coming to a stop.

Good luck with that, cause you never really get to see what the ride will be like until you get on.

Gun Element
09-01-2009, 10:06 PM
You gotta love internet friends, you guys are hilarious. Thanks for the thoughts.

I feel a whole lot better now after hearing all the responses. Women fail to realize that they are complicated creatures and expect us to know what to do and not do all the time correctly.

PS: I already know why it didn't work out between us, but the input for future references is always a good thing. :thumbs:

09-01-2009, 10:26 PM
You gotta love internet friends, you guys are hilarious. Thanks for the thoughts.

I feel a whole lot better now after hearing all the responses. Women fail to realize that they are complicated creatures and expect us to know what to do and not do all the time correctly.

PS: I already know why it didn't work out between us, but the input for future references is always a good thing. :thumbs:

Woman are not complicated creatures, you must find one which fit to you and this is actually sometimes complicated.. :P :D

Gun Element
09-01-2009, 10:44 PM
Woman are not complicated creatures, you must find one which fit to you and this is actually sometimes complicated.. :P :D

I beg to differ, you think your not complicated, but you are :P.

complication is a good thing as long as I can guess half of the stuff she's thinking :P

09-01-2009, 11:04 PM
Eh, not enough context, but I tend to agree with sirc. if a first date, and you manage to "track her down" to "help her" then this would set off alarm bells.

For the future you need to evaluate your actions and what others will determine as being psycho or nutty. a general rule is that people will always want what they can't have. ask any person married for a while.

A loser will throw themselves after any woman and be a carpet for them. Women are generally turned off by this and either avoid them or be "just friends".

If you disrespect yourself and treat yourself poorly, women will pick up on this, and do the same to you. That means you need to respect yourself, and not bother with women that do not respect you.

The secret to creating a good relationship is to be both interested and also keep a certain bit of distance. That allows a relationship to grow. It is a balancing act.

Lastly, a relationship will not "save you" or "complete you". It might distract you from your problems for a while, but long term you will have to deal with the other persons problems in addition to your own. So choose carefully.

Gun Element
09-01-2009, 11:21 PM
Eh, not enough context, but I tend to agree with sirc. if a first date, and you manage to "track her down" to "help her" then this would set off alarm bells.

For the future you need to evaluate your actions and what others will determine as being psycho or nutty. a general rule is that people will always want what they can't have. ask any person married for a while.

A loser will throw themselves after any woman and be a carpet for them. Women are generally turned off by this and either avoid them or be "just friends".

If you disrespect yourself and treat yourself poorly, women will pick up on this, and do the same to you. That means you need to respect yourself, and not bother with women that do not respect you.

The secret to creating a good relationship is to be both interested and also keep a certain bit of distance. That allows a relationship to grow. It is a balancing act.

Lastly, a relationship will not "save you" or "complete you". It might distract you from your problems for a while, but long term you will have to deal with the other persons problems in addition to your own. So choose carefully.

I know I don't have to be there for her for all her problems, surround her with my presence, quite understandable. Respect is played largely in this situation and I believe I didn't get any respect for what she did, calling me a creep and doing other things when she made plans prior.

and let me ask you this Jim, was it creepy? Was it extreme?

09-01-2009, 11:34 PM
I don't know if this is a "rug" situation because I don't know Gun well enough. I'm certainly no rug, I say what I think and I don't take kindly to being disrespected. I've still had my share of relationships with both unstable and stable women.

I'm not sure about your "complete you" comment. You can have a good life and be happy with who you are, but having the right partner can make things very much better. Perhaps no one can "complete you", but the right partner can certainly enhance your life greatly.

I may have not been lucky enough to find the right partner yet, but I have seen this happen with my mom and dad. Every single morning as a kid while I was eating breakfast and my dad was going off to work I had to witness them embracing and giving each other a long kiss. At the time it was like "gimme a break, I'm trying to eat here". Occasionally he'd slip his hands down and grab her ass. It'd take 3 or 4 tries to swallow the Cheerios in my mouth after that. Sheesh.

Now I envy them.

Asian Invasian
09-01-2009, 11:39 PM
Woman are not complicated creatures, you must find one which fit to you and this is actually sometimes complicated.. :P :D
Yes they are.

09-02-2009, 12:00 AM
People are really not complicated once you learn how to read them. We all act in very predictable ways.

Gun Element
09-02-2009, 12:10 AM
I would have to agree with sirc that finding that special someone can change your life greatly. Being complete is too farfetched, but it can be brought closer to reaching that goal, which is far too much for me to comprehend at the moment with school and my young age, their really is no need to think about that yet.

I do try and aim to find that someone because when I find someone I like, it makes my life interesting and feels like doors are opening up. Most of my friends are getting married/finding that special someone and they always say how happy they've been. :)

Now I envy them.

09-02-2009, 12:15 AM
To the curb with her .... I think she is cheating on you

Gun Element
09-02-2009, 12:20 AM
lol Shogun, thats why your an administrator. :D

PS: I have no idea if this changes the whole critical thinking scheme going on here, but her and I live together. (maybe I should've brought that up sooner)

09-02-2009, 03:52 AM
hey gun this next bit is from erin haha

i brought it up and here is what she has to say

"she is a trashy as bitch i can tell from the whole 3 or 4 stories i have heard i can tell, just trust me. we already know im mean so im not gonna be sorry for saying it. the most important part of the whole thing is that if anyone/ if she actually thought someone was creepy and was genuinly creeped out by them she wouldnt tell them, you just dont tell people that you think are creepy that they are creepy CAUSE THEY CREEP YOU OUT what you did wasnt creepy she just said it was because she's obviously stupid and wants attention. just ****ing trust me. im sure this is one of the few female responses youre gonna get and living in portland i delt with alot of real ****ing creeps."

Death Engineer
09-02-2009, 03:04 PM
Thanks for the replies everyone!

Oh no, I asked her out to eat in person. She smiled and said she would love to. :) Sadly though, that's all to the story. I didn't leave out any important details.

when you make plans with someone and they are late in coming home to do so, 15 min is quite legit to ask or be concerned I believe. If we hadn't made plans then I wouldn't have cared or realized she was coming home late.

ALSO, she told me where she was (24 hour fitness) which was 10 min drive away from our house. Lets say she was in an another city or something that would be like a 30 min drive and I came out to help her, I wouldn't have, because thats over the top :P

The fact that the two of you are living together really changes things in my mind. It doesn't seem creepy at all to me and I agree with others: this is a huge warning flag. My suggestion, a bit tongue in cheek: "Run away! Run away!"

09-02-2009, 04:38 PM
PS: I have no idea if this changes the whole critical thinking scheme going on here, but her and I live together. (maybe I should've brought that up sooner)
the plot grows thicker. what does "live together" mean? dorm mates? room mates? friends? sexual partners?

it changes the dynamics, people are more likely to abuse those they know, and it sounds like a passive-aggressive response to stress on her part.

Gun Element
09-02-2009, 04:45 PM
we were friends before she moved into my house so.. Friend/roomate.

09-02-2009, 09:23 PM
And remember: you're the one with the gun.

09-02-2009, 09:40 PM
we were friends before she moved into my house so.. Friend/roomate.

I think it's time to water-board Gun. It'd be much more efficient.

Gun Element
09-02-2009, 10:10 PM
I was just wondering if it was creepy! Yes we broke up but thats not the problem I'm addressing. :P

I already have moved on because I deserve better. She said that herself as we went through the whole process of breaking up. It's all clear as day, of course not with the creepy statement, still boggles me why she would think that way.

Asian Invasian
09-02-2009, 10:20 PM
I was just wondering if it was creepy! Yes we broke up but thats not the problem I'm addressing. :P

I already have moved on because I deserve better. She said that herself as we went through the whole process of breaking up. It's all clear as day, of course not with the creepy statement, still boggles me why she would think that way.
She is an attention whore.

09-03-2009, 06:32 AM
Now we have to wonder what it was that really earned that creepy comment. Were you caught wearing her shoues or something?:P

09-03-2009, 04:51 PM
Ok, so I had a recent breakup and one of the reasons was because I was creepy.

For one reason:


I invited her to eat out after she gets home from work, around 10. I text her at 10:15 saying "where are you?" No responese till 11:30 saying she is with a friend that is drunk and had to drive her home. She was lost, her friend wouldn't give her instructions to the house.

So I decided to come down to where she was and see what I could do. We met on the road, but she had dropped off her friend already.

She was freaked out by the fact I went out to help her. She thought it was really creepy and over the top ridiculous.

So, my question is, was it creepy?

The one thing you can be 100% certain about is that the "reason" she gave was absolutely BS and hiding the real reason/s why she broke up with you that she is hiding from you. It could be something about her, or more likely about you, that you didn't notice. She had fallen out of love before that night so perhaps try to figure out what happened prior. However, I would suggest just letting it go and forgetting about her. It's no use having a broken heart. This isn't my personal way of getting it out of my system, but you can try hooking up with her best friend to settle the score.

09-14-2009, 11:45 PM
Well.. for a lot of people, caring is often mistook for creepy. Anyway, I don't think what you did was creepy. Although, I've seen a lot of girlfriends show-up unannounced to parties and bars.. and that is kind of creepy, but usually well deserved and it really shouldn't be considered as creepy.

Also..it was Phoenix who jumped off the roof. We were reminiscing about Sam and GM yesterday, hence my visit today.

Good luck

Asian Invasian
09-15-2009, 02:23 AM
Well.. for a lot of people, caring is often mistook for creepy. Anyway, I don't think what you did was creepy. Although, I've seen a lot of girlfriends show-up unannounced to parties and bars.. and that is kind of creepy, but usually well deserved and it really shouldn't be considered as creepy.

Also..it was Phoenix who jumped off the roof. We were reminiscing about Sam and GM yesterday, hence my visit today.

Good luck
Long time no see, how are you?

Gun Element
09-15-2009, 04:02 AM
Well.. for a lot of people, caring is often mistook for creepy. Anyway, I don't think what you did was creepy. Although, I've seen a lot of girlfriends show-up unannounced to parties and bars.. and that is kind of creepy, but usually well deserved and it really shouldn't be considered as creepy.

Also..it was Phoenix who jumped off the roof. We were reminiscing about Sam and GM yesterday, hence my visit today.

Good luck

DOOD! Hey how have you been? I miss, in a non-ghey way, Phoenix, I miss our private message conversations about our problems.

09-15-2009, 06:04 AM
Long time no see, how are you?Quite good..I miss playing Sam 24 hours a day.. Looking back, it was awesome..unhealthy, but awesome!

and you? what's new?

Asian Invasian
09-15-2009, 03:52 PM
Quite good..I miss playing Sam 24 hours a day.. Looking back, it was awesome..unhealthy, but awesome!

and you? what's new?
I agree, sam was an awesome experience. I have been super busy, but great.

09-15-2009, 05:50 PM

09-21-2009, 03:44 AM
I have had many girl friends and I can tell you this for sure she wasn’t concern and not interested in you because if she was, she would have called. The message is easy to read once you just keep your thoughts intact and consider the following. As for calling her which to me after 15 mins of being late it doesn’t hurt to call but to show up is not a good idea even if it means good intentions because she can think differently and may consider you a bit strong in that approach. I personally would have not called her and just waited. If she called after an hour or so explaining what happen then it’s not so bad but if she waits until tomorrow, I tell you say goodbye to that and move on. Any woman who is late and not even call, chances are she is not interested. When you like someone you make the time to do so by calling or any other way to communicate with that person, but when that person doesn’t make the time, that only speaks for it-self. Women are easy to read and a smart woman will throw signs at you that you must pickup or you would be lost and confuse. What I mean by that is listen to details and her body motions and you will pick-up the signs easy and most importantly a women loves to see a man who is listening to details when it comes to signs or messages. That tells them that you are interested and very sharp. There is more to this which I enjoy very much because I find it intellectually stimulating with the opposite sex. Sex comes easy but when it carries the intellectually stimulation and then sex, I can guarantee you it will be a day you will not forget. Sex is the last think that comes in mind for me because when I look at a woman the first thing I look at is her face, her eyes and mouth, then of course, which is natural to look at her body. I look for the most important thing I believe for me about a women and that is a soft way of look that attracts me and then when she begins to speak. When it comes to sex the true fact is 95% of the time it will be her who will make the finally decision to decide to have sex because most man are always ready. A women is very different at times some are aggressive and some take their time and it’s not for many intelligent women that plays the game, it is the intellectually stimulation that attracts a smart clever women, then sex. I think it’s a wonderful think and the pain and the good things that come from it is important for future relationship because when you have had one and made several mistakes in almost any situation, it is best to remember and try to improve it for the next relationship and if you are really one of does guys that tries to improve it, it only gets better until one day you find the love you want and marry her or whatever it maybe. I have said a few words too many but this is nothing compare what I have learned over the years and made many mistakes but it is a small thing to be reminded and from there you make your final decision and provide yourself more knowledge about relationship because it will help in the long run.

Gun Element
09-21-2009, 07:40 PM
I have had many girl friends and I can tell you this for sure she wasn’t concern and not interested in you because if she was, she would have called. The message is easy to read once you just keep your thoughts intact and consider the following. As for calling her which to me after 15 mins of being late it doesn’t hurt to call but to show up is not a good idea even if it means good intentions because she can think differently and may consider you a bit strong in that approach. I personally would have not called her and just waited. If she called after an hour or so explaining what happen then it’s not so bad but if she waits until tomorrow, I tell you say goodbye to that and move on. Any woman who is late and not even call, chances are she is not interested. When you like someone you make the time to do so by calling or any other way to communicate with that person, but when that person doesn’t make the time, that only speaks for it-self. Women are easy to read and a smart woman will throw signs at you that you must pickup or you would be lost and confuse. What I mean by that is listen to details and her body motions and you will pick-up the signs easy and most importantly a women loves to see a man who is listening to details when it comes to signs or messages. That tells them that you are interested and very sharp. There is more to this which I enjoy very much because I find it intellectually stimulating with the opposite sex. Sex comes easy but when it carries the intellectually stimulation and then sex, I can guarantee you it will be a day you will not forget. Sex is the last think that comes in mind for me because when I look at a woman the first thing I look at is her face, her eyes and mouth, then of course, which is natural to look at her body. I look for the most important thing I believe for me about a women and that is a soft way of look that attracts me and then when she begins to speak. When it comes to sex the true fact is 95% of the time it will be her who will make the finally decision to decide to have sex because most man are always ready. A women is very different at times some are aggressive and some take their time and it’s not for many intelligent women that plays the game, it is the intellectually stimulation that attracts a smart clever women, then sex. I think it’s a wonderful think and the pain and the good things that come from it is important for future relationship because when you have had one and made several mistakes in almost any situation, it is best to remember and try to improve it for the next relationship and if you are really one of does guys that tries to improve it, it only gets better until one day you find the love you want and marry her or whatever it maybe. I have said a few words too many but this is nothing compare what I have learned over the years and made many mistakes but it is a small thing to be reminded and from there you make your final decision and provide yourself more knowledge about relationship because it will help in the long run.

I agree with you. Although I don't know exactly where sex came into play lol, but I agree with you, very much so. It was nice because it was my first *cough* and actually she was the one that wanted it, I told her no, but well I lost that fight.

09-21-2009, 07:52 PM
holy crap a book! sas, the "enter" key is your friend. try pushing it a few times in that massive wall of text. I also decoded your secret message...

I have had many girl friends and I can tell you this for sure she wasn’t concern and not interested in you because if she was, she would have called. The message is easy to read once you just keep your thoughts intact and consider the following. As for calling her which to me after 15 mins of being late it doesn’t hurt to call but to show up is not a good idea even if it means good intentions because she can think differently and may consider you a bit strong in that approach. I personally would have not called her and just waited. If she called after an hour or so explaining what happen then it’s not so bad but if she waits until tomorrow, I tell you say goodbye to that and move on. Any woman who is late and not even call, chances are she is not interested. When you like someone you make the time to do so by calling or any other way to communicate with that person, but when that person doesn’t make the time, that only speaks for it-self. Women are easy to read and a smart woman will throw signs at you that you must pickup or you would be lost and confuse. What I mean by that is listen to details and her body motions and you will pi**-up...

Asian Invasian
09-21-2009, 08:32 PM
holy crap a book! sas, the "enter" key is your friend. try pushing it a few times in that massive wall of text. I also decoded your secret message...
thanks for the cliff notes.

09-21-2009, 09:54 PM
I have had many girl friends and I can tell you this for sure she wasn’t concern and not interested in you because if she was, she would have called. The message is easy to read once you just keep your thoughts intact and consider the following. As for calling her which to me after 15 mins of being late it doesn’t hurt to call but to show up is not a good idea even if it means good intentions because she can think differently and may consider you a bit strong in that approach. I personally would have not called her and just waited. If she called after an hour or so explaining what happen then it’s not so bad but if she waits until tomorrow, I tell you say goodbye to that and move on. Any woman who is late and not even call, chances are she is not interested. When you like someone you make the time to do so by calling or any other way to communicate with that person, but when that person doesn’t make the time, that only speaks for it-self. Women are easy to read and a smart woman will throw signs at you that you must pickup or you would be lost and confused. What I mean by that is listen to details and her body motions and you will pick-up the signs easy and most importantly a women loves to see a man who is listening to details when it comes to signs or messages. That tells them that you are interested and very sharp. There is more to this which I enjoy very much because I find it intellectually stimulating with the opposite sex. Sex comes easy but when it carries the intellectually stimulation and then sex, I can guarantee you it will be a day you will not forget. Sex is the last think that comes in mind for me because when I look at a woman the first thing I look at is her face, her eyes and mouth, then of course, which is natural to look at her body. I look for the most important thing I believe for me about a woman and that is a soft way of look that attracts me and then when she begins to speak. When it comes to sex the true fact is 95% of the time it will be her who will make the finally decision to decide to have sex because most man are always ready. A women is very different at times some are aggressive and some take their time and it’s not for many intelligent women that plays the game, it is the intellectually stimulation that attracts a smart clever women, then sex. I think it’s a wonderful think and the pain and the good things that come from it is important for future relationship because when you have had one and made several mistakes in almost any situation, it is best to remember and try to improve it for the next relationship and if you are really one of does guys that tries to improve it, it only gets better until one day you find the love you want and marry her or whatever it maybe. I have said a few words too many but this is nothing compare what I have learned over the years and made many mistakes but it is a small thing to be reminded and from there you make your final decision and provide yourself more knowledge about relationship because it will help in the long run.

You see what you did, Jim?!?!

09-22-2009, 07:19 AM
Sex plays a roll, a major roll but to me first comes the intellectually stimulation and what I mean by that is, it’s almost a game but yet it helps to know that person a great deal when it applies between both people who are attracted to each other. You meet for the first time and believe me it can go beyond the imagination and a smart woman will know if this is going to go further within mins or within the hour. This also applies to a man when he isn’t thinking about getting laid but listening to details.

When you say what does it have to do with sex, I tell you it does even if you have meant her once in a short time because the attraction is not only magnetism but sexual as well.

You’re a good man this I know from being on this forum for a long time and have read your threads etc and I can tell a few things about you but not fully because no one really knows until you meet that person, in person. You are a very clever young man and many of us have a great deal of respect for you because of your sensitivity which is why you posted, which to me takes a great deal of courage and intelligence.

There is one thing I like to share with you. From my experience when a women acts upon away of foolishness, for example she may say to you that you are creepy or whatever, it’s a sign of immaturity on her part and by you not responding in a negative way, shows maturity.

09-22-2009, 07:21 AM
holy crap a book! sas, the "enter" key is your friend. try pushing it a few times in that massive wall of text. I also decoded your secret message...


09-22-2009, 07:21 AM
You see what you did, Jim?!?!

Nicely done LMAO

09-22-2009, 07:23 AM
I agree with you. Although I don't know exactly where sex came into play lol, but I agree with you, very much so. It was nice because it was my first *cough* and actually she was the one that wanted it, I told her no, but well I lost that fight.

It's her lost not yours. :thumbs: