View Full Version : The most important person eva!

09-16-2009, 01:55 PM

"In my view, by apologizing to the president, the most important person in the history of the world, that applied to everyone," Wilson said.

Rep. Joe Wilson needs to just stop talking. Completely. I think he have another Sarah Palin on our hands.

Death Engineer
09-16-2009, 04:22 PM
While I agree with his message ("Uhmm. Where in the legislation are all the things Obama talked about in his speech???"), I completely agree with you. Joe needs to sit down and shut up. Perhaps pen a health care bill. Do something useful rather than running his mouth.

I do think it's funny how that is the central issue now rather than actually reforming health care.

While I'm on my soapbox, here's another thing that people just aren't talking about. One of the reasons that American's have health care that costs so much more per person than other nations is because.... we need it! Because we're so dang fat and lazy!

People keep wondering what the government can do to help the cost of health care. You... right now can do more for yourself and this country if you eat more healthily, get a little exercise, and in general take care of yourself. THAT would make a real difference in health care costs! And we don't need to legislate it.

09-16-2009, 05:38 PM
First of all, I can't help but be confused about how irate the extremists are getting over the issue of health care. Sure, it's probably a psychological displacement of their anger and hatred from another reason that they won't mention in public since it's probably not as socially acceptable. Let's face it: alot of people in the midwest and the south don't like black people. You say this isn't true, well then that's simply denial. I've been around enough southern folk to know they don't take kindly to "those people". They might not even realize it consciously but unconsciously they show subversive racialism, at least.

But hey, I may be wrong. There can literally be an infinite amount of reasons why something or someone is the way they are. You can blame the human race's appearance on this planet and it's progression up until now as a cause, even. Maybe it's another issue. In any case, they are only doing a diservice to themselves by trying to bring about change and reform by being armed with anger, hatred, hostility, and other malevolent emotions.

These petty arguments over such specifics of society should be done away with and focus on the overall problems of society must be addressed directly and transformed into positive elements. That is the only way I see society being changed for the better. Take drug addictions for example. Instead of facing the problem as being a societal one as a whole, perhaps indicating our education system is highly flawed in disseminating proper knowledge about drugs, scare tactics are used and offenders are treated as criminals, rather than people who need rehabilitation and help. This is probably of the massive ego this country has and the pride it demonstrates (thankfully most of the 20somethings and younger don't have this destructive american pride).

There won't be any positive change without a fundamental shift in peoples' awareness of the reality of our society's problems and where their origins are.

09-16-2009, 09:47 PM
"I rejected all those answers. I chose...RAPTURE!"

09-18-2009, 02:00 PM

Rep. Joe Wilson needs to just stop talking. Completely. I think he have another Sarah Palin on our hands.

While I would rather Mr Wilson just say I am sorry for the outburst yet truthful. I do think what he did was rather brave and he should have stuck to his guns.

Sara Palin? What's wrong with Sara Palin? What is it you don't like about her?

Why is it no one discusses anything really important? I mean does anyone pay attention and if so where are your out bursts? If any of you were paying attention you would be screaming liar as well. Then again, isn't this the reason Obama got elected?

09-18-2009, 02:22 PM
First of all, I can't help but be confused about how irate the extremists are getting over the issue of health care. Sure, it's probably a psychological displacement of their anger and hatred from another reason that they won't mention in public since it's probably not as socially acceptable. Let's face it: alot of people in the midwest and the south don't like black people. You say this isn't true, well then that's simply denial. I've been around enough southern folk to know they don't take kindly to "those people". They might not even realize it consciously but unconsciously they show subversive racialism, at least.

I am curious to see your data on this. Please inform me of the statistics but when mentioning racism, please include the statistic regarding other races. In today's day calling someone a ****** is unheard of but any other comments toward the white race is ok. To me I will stick to calling a spade a spade. If people want to be equal than it must be spread across equally with no extra's such as affirmative action etc. If you ask me, I will say minority staus is racial not only to White People but it actually says that any other race can not move forward on their own.

But hey, I may be wrong. There can literally be an infinite amount of reasons why something or someone is the way they are. You can blame the human race's appearance on this planet and it's progression up until now as a cause, even. Maybe it's another issue. In any case, they are only doing a diservice to themselves by trying to bring about change and reform by being armed with anger, hatred, hostility, and other malevolent emotions.

Good point and I agree. I do believe if you give a crutch they will use it regardless of needing it. The weak use excuses and blame everything on someone else. Like the black majority in prison.

These petty arguments over such specifics of society should be done away with and focus on the overall problems of society must be addressed directly and transformed into positive elements. That is the only way I see society being changed for the better. Take drug addictions for example. Instead of facing the problem as being a societal one as a whole, perhaps indicating our education system is highly flawed in disseminating proper knowledge about drugs, scare tactics are used and offenders are treated as criminals, rather than people who need rehabilitation and help. This is probably of the massive ego this country has and the pride it demonstrates (thankfully most of the 20somethings and younger don't have this destructive american pride).

The people in their 20's and younger don't know their ass from their elbows. I refer to the majority of this age who seem to still be stuck to their moms tit. When they are pulling their own weight in the world with out any dependence, then they can talk. Society today is based more on what the country owes them without the thought of who actually pays for it. How about cutting off all support and make people fend for themself. Liberals won't allow that because it seems mean but to me I feel everyone should go **** themself and take care of their own business. Hand outs should be eliminated. I think people are finally seeing what these programs are really about. Take Acorn for example. This is Government supported that tax payers pay for. I guess when someone calls them a bunch of ******s it's racial though right? Spade a spade!!!!! If I was black I would be denouncing them for making my race look bad but you won't see that ever because the racist imbalance is promoted. It's why I am the way I am and will always speak my mind. Until people start talking about the truth nothing will change. Elimante being politically correct and we might have something.

There won't be any positive change without a fundamental shift in peoples' awareness of the reality of our society's problems and where their origins are.

You won't have change for any good. Obama spoke about change to get elected and what the Ignorant Americans are starting to see is that the word change does not always mean better. Any half wit that has a job can see that was is going on in America today will cripple it and prevent it to be a leader in the world. I am not just talking about healthcare either. If anyone is paying attention they should see what the future is going to hold for them, their families, their children. I mentioned in many posts that all of this will create a war unimagineable. It will and people deserve whatthey get for thinking freedom was ever free.

09-18-2009, 09:30 PM
While I would rather Mr Wilson just say I am sorry for the outburst yet truthful. I do think what he did was rather brave and he should have stuck to his guns.

Sara Palin? What's wrong with Sara Palin? What is it you don't like about her?

Why is it no one discusses anything really important? I mean does anyone pay attention and if so where are your out bursts? If any of you were paying attention you would be screaming liar as well. Then again, isn't this the reason Obama got elected?

No, what Rep. Wilson did was not brave. He did something completely inappropriate for someone in his position during an address by the president. He showed an incredible lack of restraint and decorum. On the bright side, when his term ends I'm sure he has a job waiting for him at Fox News.

What's wrong with Sarah Palin? What isn't wrong with Sarah Palin? What has she ever been involved in that hasn't ended in a complete cluster-f**k? I mean seriously, what has Sarah Palin ever done right?

Anyway, I just thought it was funny that Rep. Wilson referred to the president as "the most important person in the history of the world". I really didn't expect all of the commentary about how everything is wrong with everything.

09-19-2009, 08:20 AM
Sirc you have not made one bad point about Sara Palin other than that you don't like her. IF you are discussing her political career, she actually did alot of good for Alaska and has very high rating there. Maybe you don't like or agree with her message but I happen to agree with her.

As far as Wilson goes he was honest. Obama is a liar. Although disrespectful he was right. Where were your comments when all these people bashed Bush? It's kind of pathetic that they can pass laws so fast for such unimportant things yet this Democratic run house can seem to do anything else. I wonder why people get mad about the wrong things yet ignore the serious problems. So Obama said no illegals will get health care which is bullshit but his way of this is legalizing the illegals. Yeah that makes sense.:down:

09-20-2009, 07:59 PM
Sirc you have not made one bad point about Sara Palin other than that you don't like her.

Bigg, Sarah's history is well documented. She may have done some things right during her stay as governor of Alaska, before she quit and abandoned her post, but it pales in comparison to the scandals. You can't seriously respect this woman, can you? Scandals:


She couldn't even answer the 8th grade questions that CBS's Katie Couric asked her when the republicans finally allowed her to be interviewed by the press.

She claims to be against pork-barrel spending, but gladly accepted nearly 400 million federal dollars to build "The Bridge to Nowhere" to tie a tiny Alaskan island with a population of roughly 8,000 people to mainland Alaska. She supported it until public outcry caused her to actually think about it, then she nixed it but never returned the money.

She also supported the AIP and in the same breath talked about being good Americans. Amazing.


She's a traitor, she doesn't know what magazines she reads (couldn't even name one, like not even obvious ones like Time, or the Wall Street Journal, Mad Magazine, nothing), she's a quitter, she's a prime example of an ultra-right religious fanatic that didn't bother to give her own daughter enough sex education to learn to have safe sex.

After she abandoned her elected position as governor she continued to blog and was solely responsible for coining the term "Death Panel" regarding the health care package. A complete lie and a total fabrication that incited uncontrollable fear in the town hall meetings and made any actual dissemination of information or civilized debate nearly impossible.


The extent to which it and other provisions have been misinterpreted in recent days, notably by angry speakers at recent town hall meetings but also by Ms. Palin — who popularized the “death panel” phrase — has surprised longtime advocates of changes to the health care system.

So now tell me Bigg, what has she done right? Do you have any verifiable good points about Sarah that you'd like to share?

EDIT: Okay, to be fair, she's a MILF. I'll give you that one. :)

09-21-2009, 04:22 PM
No, what Rep. Wilson did was not brave. He did something completely inappropriate for someone in his position during an address by the president. He showed an incredible lack of restraint and decorum. On the bright side, when his term ends I'm sure he has a job waiting for him at Fox News.

Of course there will be a job for him at the only news source that makes communist Russia's Pravda look like a peer-reviewed academic journal.

Outfoxed is a good documentary showing how incredibly deceptive and downright awful Rupert Murdoch's propaganda hate machine really is. Even Walter Cronkite is disgusted with them.


09-23-2009, 03:13 PM
Sirc, where do you get your info? Looking at the links provided I would imagine you believe those pics were real of her in those skirts. To end your post with that she is a MILF was pretty much where you stand with her.

You can google data on her all you want. WHat do you get? A search engine that shows ignorance but not knowledge. Your comments such as abandoned her post which is a word from the biased without even mentioning why she left. How about her running for President and needs to dedicate more time to that cause rather not being able to focus at her position.

You bring up CBS katie as if that means anything. Are you kidding me with that? If you actually knew about that interview it was not that she could not answer insipid questions but that they were insipid questions.

The truth is many of you are brainwashed. Look at Alaska, the people in Alaska. They loved her and she did a great job for them. Now you have the liberal media attacking her more than anyone because she is a threat and all of you sheople can't see it. Nothing you posted is accurate. You posted from a blog but who's blog? Hell I can post data from a blog but shouldnt it matter who's opinion it is based off of? It's not not data to be used but a person way of spreading false information. It's quite obvious you googled for data because you really are not aware of her other than what the liberal media says. That's fine but one day you should really look into the facts. It's brain washing for the people who do not depend on their responsibility to make an effort to pay attention.

Regardless of all of that. I see everyone google their data. No true sources but.... If these things bug you about a person why in God's green earth would many of you be so happy about your President? With all of the facts, you people complain about a Woman that ran her postion very well in Alaska and ran as Vice President in the last election. Do you want to know why? None of you can think for yourself. Youa re brain washed. Ask yourself how much are you trully aware of what's going on. I mean someone ask you a question and you don't need google to answer it. This new Highway of information is built to work against you all yet many of you depend on it. Can't blame the current situation across our nation on anyone but yourselfs. I just want to say, I will remind you all all the time as this country fails. Remember, you all supported this not me. What's that unemployment rate at???

09-23-2009, 03:19 PM
Of course there will be a job for him at the only news source that makes communist Russia's Pravda look like a peer-reviewed academic journal.

Outfoxed is a good documentary showing how incredibly deceptive and downright awful Rupert Murdoch's propaganda hate machine really is. Even Walter Cronkite is disgusted with them.


Rupert Murdoch's network has the highest ratings. Is that all from Hate??? Just curious, where is it thatthey are spreading hate and propaganda? Is it that they are the only network in America that is showing accuracy and because of that they are hate mongers? Let's take Acorn for example. Which network brought out the scandals? LOL--**** Walter Cronkite!!! Isn't he dead yet>?

Fair and Balanced, it's what I want. Where have they not been? Why won't Obama go on their network? Why is it he chooses to go on the liberal networks? Fine by me anyway, I can think for myself and I am fully aware of what's going on.

09-23-2009, 04:43 PM
the people of alaska loved her because they get a fat paycheck every year based on oil rights. It is easy to be loved when you are handing out free money.

09-23-2009, 05:22 PM
Rupert Murdoch's network has the highest ratings. Is that all from Hate??? Just curious, where is it thatthey are spreading hate and propaganda? Is it that they are the only network in America that is showing accuracy and because of that they are hate mongers? Let's take Acorn for example. Which network brought out the scandals? LOL--**** Walter Cronkite!!! Isn't he dead yet>?

Fair and Balanced, it's what I want. Where have they not been? Why won't Obama go on their network? Why is it he chooses to go on the liberal networks? Fine by me anyway, I can think for myself and I am fully aware of what's going on.

It is clear that you do not have a mind open enough to watch a factual documentary that addresses all the points and comments you just made.

09-24-2009, 02:32 AM
Sirc, where do you get your info? Looking at the links provided I would imagine you believe those pics were real of her in those skirts. To end your post with that she is a MILF was pretty much where you stand with her.

You can google data on her all you want. WHat do you get? A search engine that shows ignorance but not knowledge. Your comments such as abandoned her post which is a word from the biased without even mentioning why she left. How about her running for President and needs to dedicate more time to that cause rather not being able to focus at her position.

You bring up CBS katie as if that means anything. Are you kidding me with that? If you actually knew about that interview it was not that she could not answer insipid questions but that they were insipid questions.

The truth is many of you are brainwashed. Look at Alaska, the people in Alaska. They loved her and she did a great job for them. Now you have the liberal media attacking her more than anyone because she is a threat and all of you sheople can't see it. Nothing you posted is accurate. You posted from a blog but who's blog? Hell I can post data from a blog but shouldnt it matter who's opinion it is based off of? It's not not data to be used but a person way of spreading false information. It's quite obvious you googled for data because you really are not aware of her other than what the liberal media says. That's fine but one day you should really look into the facts. It's brain washing for the people who do not depend on their responsibility to make an effort to pay attention.

Regardless of all of that. I see everyone google their data. No true sources but.... If these things bug you about a person why in God's green earth would many of you be so happy about your President? With all of the facts, you people complain about a Woman that ran her postion very well in Alaska and ran as Vice President in the last election. Do you want to know why? None of you can think for yourself. Youa re brain washed. Ask yourself how much are you trully aware of what's going on. I mean someone ask you a question and you don't need google to answer it. This new Highway of information is built to work against you all yet many of you depend on it. Can't blame the current situation across our nation on anyone but yourselfs. I just want to say, I will remind you all all the time as this country fails. Remember, you all supported this not me. What's that unemployment rate at???

OMG BIGG. Seriously. I posted a blog that had factual links. I posted the CBS interview, which happened to be Sarah's 1st interview, and she was made as prepared as she could be for it, but she still failed. I posted a link from the New York Times. And nothing I say is accurate?

I can't say an opinion without you telling me to back it up. I back it up and you just say it's inaccurate. Yes I Googled because how the hell am I suppose to back up information on the internet other than actually using the internet?

And by the way, have you noticed that you never back up a damn thing you ever say? Never. Ever. It's all your opinion, and it seems like opinion is only worthy when it is yours.

And now - and this is new to me - you are saying that the internet was made to work against me. Wow. Yep. Free exchange of information sucks to those that would oppress and control. Which is exactly why countries like China and Iran block internet access.

So tell me Bigg, where do you get your information from? Can you cite specific sources? If not, then back off a bit please, because your opinions are worth no more than mine.

09-24-2009, 02:49 AM
Your comments such as abandoned her post which is a word from the biased without even mentioning why she left. How about her running for President and needs to dedicate more time to that cause rather not being able to focus at her position.


Where did she mention that she was running for president? She said that the legal fees from all of the legal litigation was costing too much money. She left office because she was under several investigations for abuse of office.

Is Sarah running for president? Has she announced this? Has anyone else ever quit their elected post to run for the presidency (I actually dunno, but I'm curious)?

$10 says she never holds another political office again. Another $5 says she ends up getting hired by Rupert at some point.

Die Hard
09-24-2009, 08:21 AM
I love reading theses threads, not only does it give me a better insight of US politics; I also love to read the Sirc-Biggs combo's.

Sirc you rock :)

09-24-2009, 01:58 PM
Sirc, NY times is the most Biased and liberal newspaper out there. They are going out of business. This is the same newspaper that put out false information regarding Iraq among other things. Sorry there agenda and bias does not make anything they publish credible. Google it.

As far as backing things up, That's not a problem. It's not that I have a problem with anyone googling information but one should know facts rather an opinion based topic. I too google data but it's not blind. I actually know what I am looking for. I keep current on all world events and do not rely on google other than to find the actual data from what I have seen in the past. Like the above paragraph. Ofcourse I live in NY and well aware of the paper and morinic publications but everything I post has something I have paid attention to.

CBS--You discuss this has it has any relevance. What was this interview about? And what question in part do you find it a problem? I recall this whole thing and if you actually knew about it, you would find it pathetic of Katie Couric to ask such dumb questions. Ofcourse one would expect it though considering another bias media network that is amazing to see people find this acceptable. How can you expect me to counter your problem with it when it was nothing more than a pathetic ploy by the cbs network. Can you tell me what the actual interview was about?

Is Sara running for President? Not sure, it's not like either party lets someone just run. Pay attention and see how her ratings go. If they remain positive you can bet she will run. ALthough it all is based on an assumption on my part, it is based with how politics are run. Your reasoning of it is complete bullshit and from the tone of it you were probably ok with it when the same media were making comments about her family and her handicapped kid. You post as if you know all about her and it's nothing more than drivel from your biased sources. How about looking at her actual track record in Alaska where she held office? Did she or did she not do good and have positive influence on the people of Alaska? Enough said on Sara Palin.

Now don't go on a tantrum about the internet. I think you missed my point. Although mentioned earlier about google and such, I am referring to the concept of the sheople's ignorance. As for me, I pay attention to everything. I use the internet to do such a task along with other tools such as seeing how my money markets are doing, monitor taxes and tax laws. One does not need to watch the news to see things are ****ed up but it takes some attention to figure it out where it is going wrong. Like the millions if ignorant people with their comments yet they don't know shit. They get and or base their opinions off of what they see on TV or read from some jerk off that has his own agenda. Like this forum. I see a bunch of people here making comments and yet don't know shit. And when I tell them that they need to go to google to and find anything that would help them prove me wrong. I can google cures for cancer and find millions of things that claim that there is a cure or help but the fact is it's all bullshit.

So you want me to back it up? What exactly do you want me to back up? That the economy is still declining? That more and more people are going to lose their jobs regardless of your news sources saying everything is going to be great and things are looking better? Here is a fact for you. Look what your money is earning. See what the market is giving you. I am not talking pennies to dimes here. Let's say you have 300,000.00. What's it actually worth? Now look at housing, look at interest rates which are actually a scam right now because you need a perfect score to get a loan today with a reasonable rate. Now look at people with credit cards and the avg rate there. Mix that in with the decline of employment yet the higher taxes. Now figure a huge corporation not making profits along with the extra taxes put on it. They close up shop and write it off. This trend continues across America and why? It has nothing to do with Sara Palin my friend.

It does not bother me that anyone hates anyone. What bugs me is the point they are trying to make and the relevance to what the problems are. Discussing someone and not actually knowing the facts frustrates the hell out of me. AIP--Sara Palin was never a member and has been a Republican since the 80's. Being non-partisan does not make you a member in fact should be looked at as a better feature for any politician.

I can back anything up. I have in the past and will simply do it now. The problem is that it will still not likely do anything to open many of the eyes of the ignorant at this forum. You know like how do you argue with Wiper when he is some kid living in another Country who thinks he knows better than any other American. How do you back up to a kid who still depends on his parents to live when he tells you he has a right to vote or even think he has knowledge of anything? How do you back up to someone that drugs should not be legal because it would not fix the drug problem but cause more losers to soak the tax payers?

This forum is nothing more of a joke when it comes to politics. Not saying everyone here knows nothing but I will say the majority should just continue to play their games unless they are serious about seeing how the world goes.

The most frustrating part of it all is that of all things today there are still people talking about Sara Palin which proves my point regarding ignorance. DO your homework on the current administration. I bet it won't happen. It marks the actual people I argue with. It proves me right. Although no reward is wanted, the fact is soon it may be your job lost and my taxes will continue to go up because you can't find work and need another 6 months worth of unemployment.

The fact that you people choose what to argue about instead of arguing of what the real problems are is amazing. The bottom line is it's not the Governements fault. It is your own yet it's too bad people like me have to pay for it.

Die Hard
09-24-2009, 02:07 PM

09-24-2009, 05:00 PM
OMG BIGG. Seriously. I posted a blog that had factual links. I posted the CBS interview, which happened to be Sarah's 1st interview, and she was made as prepared as she could be for it, but she still failed. I posted a link from the New York Times. And nothing I say is accurate?

I can't say an opinion without you telling me to back it up. I back it up and you just say it's inaccurate. Yes I Googled because how the hell am I suppose to back up information on the internet other than actually using the internet?

And by the way, have you noticed that you never back up a damn thing you ever say? Never. Ever. It's all your opinion, and it seems like opinion is only worthy when it is yours.

And now - and this is new to me - you are saying that the internet was made to work against me. Wow. Yep. Free exchange of information sucks to those that would oppress and control. Which is exactly why countries like China and Iran block internet access.

So tell me Bigg, where do you get your information from? Can you cite specific sources? If not, then back off a bit please, because your opinions are worth no more than mine.

It's called belief perseverance. Research has shown that it is quite difficult to do away with a falsehood once an individual comes up with a rationale for it. An example of this would be when the first copies of bibles created by the newly-invented Gutenberg printing press went on sale, his partner that brought the bibles to a certain town was accused of being a witch, because only by black magic would it have been possible to so perfectly reproduce copies such as the ones he had, and that the printing press must be an instrument of the devil.

Individuals will retain their invented explanations for their beliefs because of their ego not willing to surrender to the possibility that they are wrong and would have to shift their paradigm. Even after being thoroughly discredited, a firmly-instilled belief will be very difficult to change. Studies have shown that it is easier to formulate a belief than change a belief already formulated. This can explain why there are so many peculiar beliefs surrounding a myriad of things still today.

The more we examine our theories and explain how they might be true, the more closed we become to information that challenges our beliefs. This is important to remember, so that we keep an open mind all the time and welcome different positions of awareness concerning a particular subject rather than keeping rigidly to one particular perception of an issue.

09-24-2009, 05:02 PM
Damn I have a lot to read.

09-24-2009, 06:46 PM
the earth is flat.

09-24-2009, 07:10 PM

09-24-2009, 07:42 PM
So what was the original topic about? Let me see, Joe Wilson called the President a Liar. Was Mr. Wilson correct? Is President Obama a liar? Is this opinion based? How does this subject get Sara Palin involved?

That's my point...

While more damage is being done to this country you people get upset that someone actually stood up. Was the point of the matter that he stood up or was it he was disrespectful? As an American would you prefer it to be not said or be screamed out.

President Obama had said that no illegals will get health care. Does anyone knw how that is suppose to happen? That's right, making those illegal, legal. So with that, how does that help the tax payer? Does the cost go down now that they are legal? Do you expect these people to now start working on the books? Now that they are legal, does that entitle them to other social programs? Do they now get all the rights of American citizens? Would you see that as a worth while investment?

My views are not opinion based. I analyze everything and what I see is that many of those that put into this Country are getting killed and treated as if they did something wrong. Why should people who worked harder pay more than those who have done nothing? Why do equal rights only favor those who do nothing? Why is it the slackers are rewarded and the working class fit the bill? No way is it acceptable to me that those who do nothing should get anything at our expense. Our enemies are ganging up on us and when you add every aspect of this disaster together, we as a nation are ****ed. The impossible will become impossible. There will be a major uprising in this country once again. You may not be one to worry right now but the thought of our fellow Americans that are out of work now, will be out of work this coming holiday season will be devestating. I know I will be fine but it does not take away my feelings for those families that are suffering when they did work and want to work. Those on welfare will grow in numbers so again we pay.

Bottom line while many of you continue to talk about nonsense or see the real problems, the problems are getting worst. The fact none of you are out raged what the Comment Liar was about shows this forum is full of ignorance. I guess there is a reason many do not frequent this section of the forums any more. And don't take my words as hatred either. I honestly wish I could get my point across better but it just don't seem to happen.

09-24-2009, 10:18 PM
I think you've gotten your point across BIGG. You've always had a special talent for getting your point across very clearly. Passionately even. The problem lies in the fact that not everyone sees things the way you do.

That doesn't make us ignorant.

One person's opinion is worth just as much as anyone else's. That goes for everyone. Saying your opinions are "not opinion based" because you "analyze everything" does nothing to change the fact that you are indeed simply expressing your own personal opinions. As is everyone else that has posted here. Nothing makes you special in that regard.

People are listening to you. Some people don't agree with you. That's okay. Really.

09-25-2009, 12:01 AM
the main problem with any type of analysis is that people can view the exact same data and come to totally opposite conclusions.

09-25-2009, 02:21 AM
the main problem with any type of analysis is that people can view the exact same data and come to totally opposite conclusions.

This is especially true when it comes to politics and you have to look at things from multiple views. There are no hard facts when it comes to politics, it's all theory backed with some history. Theories can be proven wrong and history is often open to interpretation. I think that it's important to take a more general view on all of these issues or else it will be hard to reach any kind of common ground.

These political figures like to make themselves controversial in order to get unwarranted media attention. They're supposed to represent the people and their actions should reflect our interests, not the other way around.

We are no more f*cked than any other nation. The world is pretty intertwined and while there are nations who compete with the U.S., none are dumb enough to start World War 3.

Sure some hard working people might lose their jobs, but that's not because the illegal immigrants are taking them away. Everyone in this developed country should have access to affordable health care. Some jobs and resources will just have to be reallocated.

I don't think anyone here has the intellectual capacity, or the necessary experience to make any predictions on what will happen next in the country or the world. We're just going to have to wait and see how things play out.

09-25-2009, 03:16 AM
everyone should be thankful that we had the illegals, as they were the first to lose their jobs. without them the unemployment rate would probably have been some 20% or more.

also predictions are worthless, as history and tests have proven time and time again. in this world everything is obvious after it has happened. nothing is obvious while it is happening. tomorrows history is always created based on todays insignificant events.

09-25-2009, 03:39 AM
I don't think anyone here has the intellectual capacity, or the necessary experience to make any predictions on what will happen next in the country or the world. We're just going to have to wait and see how things play out.

The world will explode via the core being a time-bomb. Looks like I'm smart enough to have the intellectual capacity to make predictions!!

Oh wait, you meant "correct" ones. Nevermind.

09-25-2009, 02:45 PM
I don't understand why anyone is using the word prediction as if I am predicting something. It's strictly common sense. I don't think anyone one here would actually run their house hold the way this Government is running this Country. Would you feed another family before you fed your own? Would you put someone elses kids into college before your own? It's all coming to a halt because of the way it's being run. I have said it before and will say it again. This is their agenda. Tax Tax Tax!!!! I can't wait to see the numbers.
Just curious, how many of you are prepared God forbid you lose your job to maintain your household. I have no idea about what your state makes you pay for your property taxes but I think the Avg here on Long Island is 8000.00 in a 75% white area. I think people actually have more of a problem just paying their taxes here in NY than paying their Mortgage. Last week I watched some black lady win a house through some lottery for the under achievers and guess where they got the house from? I am not kidding either that the house was a foreclosure because someone could not pay their Mortgage. I just laughed out of sorrow because some poor bastard lost his house only to probably be livingin some shelter and see it be given away to someone that most likely would ever work to get one. The irony in it was rather disgusting.

09-25-2009, 05:40 PM
I don't understand why anyone is using the word prediction as if I am predicting something. It's strictly common sense. I don't think anyone one here would actually run their house hold the way this Government is running this Country. Would you feed another family before you fed your own? Would you put someone elses kids into college before your own? It's all coming to a halt because of the way it's being run. I have said it before and will say it again. This is their agenda. Tax Tax Tax!!!! I can't wait to see the numbers.
Just curious, how many of you are prepared God forbid you lose your job to maintain your household. I have no idea about what your state makes you pay for your property taxes but I think the Avg here on Long Island is 8000.00 in a 75% white area. I think people actually have more of a problem just paying their taxes here in NY than paying their Mortgage. Last week I watched some black lady win a house through some lottery for the under achievers and guess where they got the house from? I am not kidding either that the house was a foreclosure because someone could not pay their Mortgage. I just laughed out of sorrow because some poor bastard lost his house only to probably be livingin some shelter and see it be given away to someone that most likely would ever work to get one. The irony in it was rather disgusting.

The reason why you will never see any sort of revolution in the manner of which you predict is because you are still holding onto the illusory left-right paradigm, where you divide people and say your posse is better than theirs. People will actually rebel against any thought of a revolution because of this, even though reform has to happen. I can speak for this, since of course there's basically everything that I would change about the way things are run but you know what? I actually don't want anything to change in a revolution-esque sort of way because of the unreasonable and illogical way in which the fringes of society (birthers, tea baggers, etc) are acting. It is very unprofessional and immature. The hate of your political party will never ever ever bring about positive and progressive change. Let's face it, with a good portion (perhaps not majority, but large chunk) of the republican party (having nothing to do with the original republican party, mind you) is a creationist (world is 6000 years old and will end any day now), evangelical (20-30 million people you see in those videos of people having seizures in megachurches), and afraid of any change because in their hindsight, the "good ol' days" were when things were better than today.

With people who believe the end of the world is coming any day now, there is no need to care for the environment or protect it from the obscene amounts of waste we produce and dump into oceans, rivers, and into the ground.

With people who believe this country was better when they were kids, no progressive change can ever occur. This means no extropy into the solar system, galaxy, and universe can ever occur. This means no supramental transformations of any kind so that humanity evolves to a higher level.

With people who believe in a dualistic system that's left/right, there will never be proactive and necessary change to reflect a higher level of consciousness, since they will always be bickering and arguing with each other to reflect political theory.

The archaic revolutionary you desire that would reflect the primitive and bloody revolutionaries of times past is so far below us that it is sad that people would even think to resorting to murder and conquest in order to advance their perceptions of what is "good", which is a concept created by humans that does not exist in objective reality.

My point is, it is my opinion Danny that you are coming about a massive societal issue with the wrong position of awareness to be able to resolve it. It's only further widening the divide between people. We don't need division right now. We need unity.

09-25-2009, 11:03 PM
Nitro, the thing is you just don't know any better. To say things are getting better or worst is not always based on opinion. There are facts that are not an illusion as you say.

I do not think the end of the world is coming like you say but I do not doubt it can happen. I do not let my daughter play in the street because she can get hit by a car. It's called doing what's right. You can't expect everything that is going on to have no impact. That impact is not going to be good. No matter what we do, if it's for good or bad it has an effect. I can't see how you can deny the effects.

09-26-2009, 02:22 AM
better or worse. those are opinions. they are always opinions. they are not facts. they cannot be made into facts. how many times have you made a decision, thinking it was for the better, and later realize it was a mistake, and that you are "worse" off? I have seen that enough times. There are no good old days. That is just your mind playing tricks on you based on the fact that you were a kid then, dealing with school and perhaps "bullies" and your parents provided a safety net which you now no longer have.

09-28-2009, 03:39 AM
I clicked this thread because I thought it was about me :(