View Full Version : Sweet 419 Scam Email I Got

09-30-2009, 10:04 PM
I haven't seen one of these type emails in years!

Check out the awesome scam letter I got:


I am Mr. Mark Lee, director in charge of Auditing and Accounting section, Abbey National Bank Plc, London, United Kingdom and also Chairman of Investigating and Auditing Department of this Bank. With due respect, I have decided to contact you on a Business Transaction that will be very mutual benefit to us.

During our Investigation and Auditing in this Bank, my department came across a very huge sum of money belonging to one deceased Mr. Andreas Schranner 64years, of Munich, a German who died along with his entire family in July 2000 in a plane crash, you can as well confirm it by yourself through the stated Website of the incident http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/europe/859479

Although personally, I keep this information secret within myself and partners to enable the whole plans and idea be profitable and successful during the time of execution. The said amount is GB£24.5M (Twenty Four Million, Five hundred thousand Great Britain Pounds Sterling). As it may interest you to know, I got your impressive information through one of my good friends who work with Chamber of Commerce on foreign business relations here in Britain though I did not disclose the deal to him.

Meanwhile as a senior staff in this bank and the director of auditing and accounting, I have in my possession all the necessary documents to perfect this deal by making you the real next of kin/Partner whom this money will be transferred into your account.

Upon the successful completion of this transaction, you will be entitled to 30% of the total sum as gratification, while 70% will be for me and my partners. Please you have been advised to keep this "Top Secret" as we are still in service and intend to retire from service after we conclude this deal with you. And I assure you that this transaction will not last more than 10 working days and you confirm the money in your account.

I will be monitoring the whole situation here in this bank until you confirm the money in your account, and ask us to come down to your country for subsequent sharing of the fund according to percentages previously indicated and further investment, either in your country or any country you advice us to invest in.

Please send your response through my alternative email addresses below for security measures Thank you as I wait for your urgent respond.

Best Regards,

Mr. Mark Lee

09-30-2009, 11:31 PM
You hit the jackpot!!! You're gonna be RICH!! I'm so jealous.

10-01-2009, 12:30 AM
Here's the response I sent. Let's see if I hear back!

I am in reciept of your proposal and agree that this indeed will be very mutual benefit to us.

I am very much greateful that our friend found my information impressive enough to include you. I also thank that you not share this opportunity with our friend.

If you forward me all document to name me next of kin I will begin process with all speed.

Much greatefullness -

Hunter S. Thompson

10-01-2009, 02:59 AM
Here's the response I sent. Let's see if I hear back!

Wow! You're Hunter S. Thomson!

10-01-2009, 03:23 AM
just an fyi, the big problem nowadays are various email that mention either the irs or some sony order etc. they all have the same title. they have a payload that will install zeus trojan on your system. most anti-trojans cannot detect it or remove it. it is used to steal bank account info and then drain the accounts. it is estimated that they are stealing millions on a daily basis using this method. by comparison the *****ian (edit: WTF? I can't type n1gerian??) scams along with the "processing fees" are small potatoes.

Die Hard
10-01-2009, 07:19 AM
I wonder if they will settle for a Russian Cutie instead?

10-01-2009, 11:31 AM
just an fyi, the big problem nowadays are various email that mention either the irs or some sony order etc. they all have the same title. they have a payload that will install zeus trojan on your system. most anti-trojans cannot detect it or remove it. it is used to steal bank account info and then drain the accounts. it is estimated that they are stealing millions on a daily basis using this method. by comparison the *****ian (edit: WTF? I can't type n1gerian??) scams along with the "processing fees" are small potatoes.

That's so weird that you can't type.... ahh I just figured it out. The software it automatically detecting the front part and considering it the n-word.

Anyways, you are absolutely right about them sending viruses as often as anything. That's one nice feature of G-Mail is they can open documents remotely so on the very rare occasion I open an attachment from someone I use gmail to open it remotely and can bypass most viruses that I can think of.

10-02-2009, 01:21 AM
Woo Hoo! I heard back! I'ma gonna be rich!

Dear Hunter S. Thompson,

Thanks very much for your email.

In order for us to be able to file your information to the Abbey National Bank as such and for the Lawyer on our end to arrange for a Memorandum of Understanding that will bind and guide us through the transaction; you are requested to forward the following information:

1. Your real names as in your International Passport/ ID copy.
2. Your direct telephone, Fax and mobile numbers for easy references.
3. Your mailing, postal and residential addresses
4. Your age, name of company and position in the company.
5. Where you will want us to invest the money thereafter we conclude the transfer.
6. Any Forms of Identification i.e., drivers' license or Passport copy.

Once the above information is received, we shall proceed with the Abbey Bank and they will contact you accordingly.

Thank you as I wait for your immediate response!

Mr. Mark Lee

10-02-2009, 01:21 AM
And here's my response.

Props to anyone who knows the address without having to Google it.

Mr. Mark Lee
Abbey Bank

Dear Mr. Lee,

I be in reciept of email dated Oct 1 2009. Again much greatfullness for expedia of reply!

You have asked for my impressive information, which I am understanding as it is absolutely much impressive and is as follows in order of which you are requesting and I hope this is fullfilling much of what you ask as it sounds all very reasonable and I wish to comply with all rapidness so as to make transaction occur super fast so that we can be arranging for transfer of big lots of money soon and if there is any of the following information which I am including in order of your asking that is not with meeting of your needs please to let me know as fastly as possible so that I can arrange new information that will be meeting with your impressive expectations:

1) My name as you already know is Hunter S. Thompson

2) My direct phone is 809-867-5309. I do not have a fax machine as it has been damaged by weasels. See below. Also, the same for my mobile. I will have new mobile number within the week.

3) My address is as follows:
1060 West Addison Street
Chicago, Illinois 60613

4) My age is 83. My company name is Thompson's Weasel and Weevil, Ant, Fruit Fly and Lamprey Exterminators. I'm sure as you saw by my impressive information which our mutual friend provided you, we generally just shorten the name to 'Thompson's Weasels and W.A.FF.L.Es'. I'm sure you will agree that it's much easier that way. I am the owner of 'Thompson's Weasels and W.A.FF.LEs'. I am the 'Thompson' in 'Thompson's Weasels and W.A.FF.LEs'. I bet that was the thing you found so impressive in my information! You most likely also heard about me as my company was in the news for quite some time after we famously were called to collect a pack of very dangerous weasels from a shed owned by the next door neighbor of the governor of Illinois. This was a very exciting time for us and you can easily imagine our disappointment when we collected the animals only to find out they were not in fact weasels but instead were 3 very furry gophers! Still, being in the news all over the world for being the company that removed the dangerous animals from the next door neighbor of the governor of Illinois was a very prestigious time for us! If you are not familiar with this very well known incident you can as well confirm it by yourself through the stated Website of the incident.

5) I would like you to invest the money in my company, 'Thompson's Weasels and W.A.FF.LEs'. If you cannot, then maybe to arrange something different. We can talk on this when we meet face to face.

6) I am unable to provide a copy of my passport today as my copy/fax machine was destroyed by a weasel as previously mentioned in number 2 above. The new machine will be shipping soon! As we have purchased a special "Weasel-Proof" fax and copy machine it has to ship direct from the manufacturer.

Please to move forward with all transactions. When will I get the money? I am very excited to expand our business and this money will be exactly what we need!

Hunter S. Thampsen

Die Hard
10-02-2009, 12:50 PM
Rofl i love it. I so hope you get another reply!!

OUTLAWS Dixie Chick
10-02-2009, 07:01 PM
Funny stuff! Thanks for the laugh!