View Full Version : Let's talk about something else

10-11-2009, 04:15 PM
Okay, I have no topic of discussion. Nothing to talk about at all.

However, I'm tired of looking at the top thread on OT being "Let's talk about puke". It has effectively killed OT. Completely. I blame DE for this. :P

So just add something random here if you want, or not. Just as long as DE's thread isn't the top OT thread anymore.

BTW, what do you think about Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize? Especially since the nomination process ended in February?

EDIT: Personally I think the entire world was so relieved that Bush was no longer president that Obama just got it for not being Bush.

10-11-2009, 04:36 PM
Nobel Peace Prize for promises he will not keep. Can anyone tell me exactly what he has done so far besides waste tax payers money? Granted he came into office with a mess that Bush gave us all.

10-11-2009, 05:38 PM
eh, I think it says more about the nobel committee than what it does about obama.

to think, you can come into office, make a few speeches and get a nobel prize?

take a look at some of the other winners - obama deserves to be there?

IMO they are just playing politics and doing a form of manipulation.

10-11-2009, 06:54 PM
I had been told that in the past, whenever a Nobel Peace Prize had been given to someone who had made a promise, everyone had felt obligated to keep it, and followed through. This is probably why he was awarded the prize. However, things aren't looking like the trend is going to continue. He did promise "Change."

10-11-2009, 11:05 PM
I think there will be change. Probably for the better. It might hurt a bit though - change usually does. Obama still hasn't had much of a chance, especially with the republicans going extremist on his ass no matter what he does.

It took 8 years for Bush to completely f*** up the country and the world with his "Christian bible in one hand and a big whip in the other hand" tactics. He was far too focused on foreign military endeavors and "homeland security" aka taking our rights away from us. Making us afraid. The boogyman is under your bed and living next door to you and all of that. In the mean time our country completely went to hell because no one was paying attention to the real crap that was happening. Bush has undermined this country more than any other president in history, both domestically and as a world power.

And now Obama has to turn around an aircraft carrier. It doesn't turn on a dime, it takes a while. What, 10 months in office now and people are judging him? Especially with the psycho republican monkeys jumping all over the wheel and preventing him from actually achieving the changes he promised? With them making up some pretty crazy unfounded sh** simply to undermine him? Gimme a break. Give him a break. It's gonna take time to put out the fires that Bush started.

BTW, this was not opinion based - this was based on my analysis of everything. It's based on facts that no one else is intelligent enough to pay attention to. Why can't you people understand?

10-12-2009, 03:10 AM
eh, just remember, he has a majority in the house and senate, to blame the republicans, well, that is a bit of a stretch.

10-12-2009, 03:55 AM
On anything political, IMO it's just a bunch of assholes sitting in a fancy office, getting paid way too much, to make promisses they have no intentions of holding. A bunch of lie-ing assholes (a lot of whom should be retired and trying to run the country to favor 60+ year olds, when they haven't a clue of what today new comers hold).

Here's a topic, since times are tough in the economy, what have you done to reduce costs, and save some green??

Myself, well I have gotten a second means of transportation, an 09 R6 crotchrocket bike. I get over 45+ mpg (highest is 51.7mpg so far) and I cover the payments since Iowa's lovely govenor raised taxes on tobacco products, I quit smoking, and used the money to pay for my bike.

Other then that, I've switched to paying more bills online to save stamp costs.

I know it's not much, but well it's helped me out quite a bit. :thumbs:

10-12-2009, 06:24 AM
my wife and I have been saving. but nothing new, I was actually laid off my job a couple of years ago, then un-laid off. So reality set in a while back, and since then really we have considered my position to be temporary and acted accordingly. Her job also in the import export industry, they are getting decimated. Tough times around....

Death Engineer
10-12-2009, 04:10 PM
Sorry about the topic there Sirc. Just wanted to share. ;) Nobel peace prize. I am not a huge Obama fan, but to give anyone an honor like that without having done something really takes away from the others who really did contribute to society IMHO.

Saving money. I don't know...our family has always been pretty fiscally conscious. Can't you imagine that? If I'm as anal as I am about grammar, you can conjure that I'm a budget kind of guy.

Our fiscal mantra is to "Live within our means." We evaluate and adjust our budget annually. It has taken some time to get it to a realistic breakdown, but we have been well within our budget the last 2-3 years.

Believe it or not, our business has grown substantially over the last 18 months through the downturn. At times I feel bad that our company (and myself, personally) are doing so well when so many people don't even have a job. I consider it a blessing. Not to say I don't work my tail off, but I know others have too and have gotten laid off.

One lesson is sure... save while things are good because things WILL turn around eventually. The flip-side is just as true I think. The economy will recover in time. Anyways...that's 2 copper. Sorry for rambling.

10-12-2009, 09:41 PM
Online bills are the way to go! Though I will pay them back much later, still being in college...

I'm in college to become an actuary. I am very satisfied this was the career choice I made years ago, seeing as though people keep saying it's one of the current top ten jobs out there.

10-13-2009, 02:31 AM
Them 'giving' him the Nobel Peace Prize for something he might do is BS and cheapens the award IMO

10-13-2009, 03:38 AM
Sad when the person who won the award didn't do anything other than not be Bush, doesn't say much for the rest of the people on the planet does it?

To save money, I gave up gaming.. Just bought a new pc for under $300. Use magic jack for my phone. Bike to work. (it's pretty f-n cold at night here) and am trying not to use heat til Nov.

I also pay bills on line, don't drink much anymore & still wrk 3 jobs, may have a 4th soon.,..

Die Hard
10-13-2009, 03:43 PM
I now put the TV on standby when i go to bed.

10-13-2009, 04:20 PM
I'm in college to become an actuary. I am very satisfied this was the career choice I made years ago, seeing as though people keep saying it's one of the current top ten jobs out there.

So you're going to be like the guy in Fight Club?

A new car built by my company leaves somewhere traveling at 60 mph. The rear differential locks up. The car crashes and burns with everyone trapped inside. Now, should we initiate a recall? Take the number of vehicles in the field, A, multiply by the probable rate of failure, B, multiply by the average out-of-court settlement, C. A times B times C equals X. If X is less than the cost of a recall, we don't do one.

10-13-2009, 07:23 PM
I'm gonna be like Ford in the past. "Should we do a recall on those tires?"

"No. The cost of the recall turns out to be a lot more than what we expect the cost of the lawsuits from the injuries resulting from those tires are going to be."

10-13-2009, 08:17 PM
On anything political, IMO it's just a bunch of assholes sitting in a fancy office, getting paid way too much, to make promisses they have no intentions of holding. A bunch of lie-ing assholes (a lot of whom should be retired and trying to run the country to favor 60+ year olds, when they haven't a clue of what today new comers hold).

Here's a topic, since times are tough in the economy, what have you done to reduce costs, and save some green??

Myself, well I have gotten a second means of transportation, an 09 R6 crotchrocket bike. I get over 45+ mpg (highest is 51.7mpg so far) and I cover the payments since Iowa's lovely govenor raised taxes on tobacco products, I quit smoking, and used the money to pay for my bike.

Other then that, I've switched to paying more bills online to save stamp costs.

I know it's not much, but well it's helped me out quite a bit. :thumbs:

I agree on several points here.

There needs to be term limits so the senate and congress represent a somewhat younger cross-section of America. Yes, I know these guys keep getting re-elected, but the incumbent is always tough to beat because his name is recognized and if he hasn't done something to totally screw up then he must be doing okay, right?

My work is simply too far away to ride a bicycle. I had a motorcycle once and would love to get another, but here in Ohio it's just getting too cold. Motorcycles are seasonal here.

I'm still working on the cigarettes. It's a huge expense. I've been smoking for 30+ years so it ain't so easy to give up. I need an intervention. :(

Die Hard
10-13-2009, 11:52 PM
I'm still working on the cigarettes. It's a huge expense. I've been smoking for 30+ years so it ain't so easy to give up. I need an intervention. :(Joking aside; have you ever read the book 'The Easy Way to Stop Smoking'?

Like you i've been smoking 30+ years, after reading that book (over 5 years ago) and I'll be honest it's a dull book to read, i actually gave up for 7 days. And yes it was just too easy. On the seventh day i went for a few beers after work. In those days you could still smoke in UK bars. But even then no problem, the ciggies were not even tempting. Anyways, after a few hours and many beers i thought this smoking malarkee is just so easy so i took a one from a friend and thought i'll just stop again tomorrow. BIG MISTAKE.

Lesson here is: If you stop, you stop. Period!

Needless to say i'm still smoking. Why am i telling you all this?

I have absolutely no idea............ As you were.

10-14-2009, 06:28 AM
LOL, Sirc, you still on what Bush did? 8 years it's still Bush's fault? You keep blaming Bush but in the mean time some of you really need to look at what IS going on. Even a blind man can see. I'm done arguing with people. I am done speaking my mind about it. Let everyone look at me as gloom and doom or maybe just some crazy fool. I hardly base life on my opinions but what I see. Health care-- I look at what I went through with my Wife. Economy, I look at what my business is doing, the taxes I'm paying and the cost of a simple loaf of bread. Of course I also pay attention to the market where as some people see the number but not what the number represents. I look at the people at Church. Yes there are some of us that still go and pray and believe in Christ.
While our Counrty, the United States of America is being squandered by agenda based politicians people still cannot look at the big picture. The sad thing as crazy as I seem to people or what ever people are thinking, I have prepared myself for this chaos that will continue to get worst. Maybe I have not prepared enough but to think it will even be worst than I figured is alarming to me. I think I will be fine but what about everyone else? WHile people just sit in their house blaming Bush their Country is being turned into a communist 3rd world nation. Bush was right and it's too mad COngress was run by the other political party. Regardless, it's probably too late at this point because of how low we have sunk. While some of you can say give Obama a chance, I am already looking at what he has done. If any of you were paying attention, you would see that your job is at risk and your dollar is worth crap. This is exactly what I was screaming about in prior posts.
SO where does this leave us? Well in my opinion looking at the facts, there will be a depression. We are actually in one but since Obama just keeps printing money which will completely ruin us eventually, people that have a little nest egg will also be F'd. Ofcourse this leads to more war but that won't happen on Obama's watch. There will be no war until he is done with his agenda. In the mean time all those real enemies we have are building against us and becoming stronger because that diplomacy everyone believes works will come back at strike against us.
I will sit back, watch people lose their jobs, their houses, their lively hood while others are not paying attention and still have their head up their behinds. The weak arguments of what Bush did always comes back but now I just laugh at them. You all wanted change and you will get it. It's just too bad that change is your own faults.

10-14-2009, 10:04 PM
LOL, Sirc, you still on what Bush did? 8 years it's still Bush's fault? You keep blaming Bush but in the mean time some of you really need to look at what IS going on. Even a blind man can see. I'm done arguing with people. I am done speaking my mind about it. Let everyone look at me as gloom and doom or maybe just some crazy fool. I hardly base life on my opinions but what I see.

What is going on that's any worse? And why weren't we paying attention 6 years ago? When Bush took us into a needless and illegal war based on politics and false information? Why weren't we paying attention when Bush de-stabilized the middle east? And condoned torture? And took away our rights in the name of Homeland Security? And started the bailout plan in the first place? Yeah, 8 years and it's still Bush's fault.

Health care-- I look at what I went through with my Wife. Economy, I look at what my business is doing, the taxes I'm paying and the cost of a simple loaf of bread. Of course I also pay attention to the market where as some people see the number but not what the number represents.

Again, this is something Bush set in motion. He and his administration were asleep at the wheel for 8 years and the market collapsed under Bush's control, not Obama's.

I look at the people at Church. Yes there are some of us that still go and pray and believe in Christ.

Um, what was the point there?

While our Counrty, the United States of America is being squandered by agenda based politicians people still cannot look at the big picture. The sad thing as crazy as I seem to people or what ever people are thinking, I have prepared myself for this chaos that will continue to get worst. Maybe I have not prepared enough but to think it will even be worst than I figured is alarming to me. I think I will be fine but what about everyone else? WHile people just sit in their house blaming Bush their Country is being turned into a communist 3rd world nation. Bush was right and it's too mad COngress was run by the other political party. Regardless, it's probably too late at this point because of how low we have sunk. While some of you can say give Obama a chance, I am already looking at what he has done. If any of you were paying attention, you would see that your job is at risk and your dollar is worth crap. This is exactly what I was screaming about in prior posts.

I don't see us becoming communist at all. Too many people are freaking out about health care. At worst universal health care is socialist, not communist. But then again so is welfare and unemployment. And for that matter every other government funded aid program. The National Parks is a socialist program. The DoT is a socialist program. Any program that takes Federal tax dollars and feeds them into anything that benefits everyone is a socialist program. So stop with the socialist crap because various forms of socialism is being and has been practiced in this country since the railroads were built in the 1800's (or whenever).

SO where does this leave us? Well in my opinion looking at the facts, there will be a depression. We are actually in one but since Obama just keeps printing money which will completely ruin us eventually, people that have a little nest egg will also be F'd. Ofcourse this leads to more war but that won't happen on Obama's watch. There will be no war until he is done with his agenda. In the mean time all those real enemies we have are building against us and becoming stronger because that diplomacy everyone believes works will come back at strike against us.
I will sit back, watch people lose their jobs, their houses, their lively hood while others are not paying attention and still have their head up their behinds. The weak arguments of what Bush did always comes back but now I just laugh at them. You all wanted change and you will get it. It's just too bad that change is your own faults.

Real Enemies? What real enemies? What new war? Why does there need to be more war? Wouldn't it be better to try to stabilize relations rather than get into yet another war? You're right, I don't think Obama will take us into another war because that's not in our best interest. Besides, "our enemies" are making more enemies for themselves in Pakistan, Russia, India, China, etc. Not to mention Europe. Let those countries deal with the Islamic extremists for a while. By themselves. Good luck to them. Being the world police is not our job. It never was.

The depression has already peaked my friend. The market is gradually growing stronger despite the ups and downs, and those companies that could not support their own weight have already crumbled. Some may yet still. That's actually how it should be.

10-14-2009, 10:10 PM
Joking aside; have you ever read the book 'The Easy Way to Stop Smoking'?

Like you i've been smoking 30+ years, after reading that book (over 5 years ago) and I'll be honest it's a dull book to read, i actually gave up for 7 days. And yes it was just too easy. On the seventh day i went for a few beers after work. In those days you could still smoke in UK bars. But even then no problem, the ciggies were not even tempting. Anyways, after a few hours and many beers i thought this smoking malarkee is just so easy so i took a one from a friend and thought i'll just stop again tomorrow. BIG MISTAKE.

Lesson here is: If you stop, you stop. Period!

Needless to say i'm still smoking. Why am i telling you all this?

I have absolutely no idea............ As you were.

Drinking is evil when you are trying to stop smoking. I quit both for 6 months. Then I figured it was safe to have a beer or two, around people who were smoking. Fail. :banghead:

10-14-2009, 10:21 PM
hrm, in some ways I think there is a lot more yet to come. dollar has been falling. global bank reserves based on US dollars have dropped to their lowest percentage, meaning world confidence in the value of the dollar is dropping. oil prices are climbing, at their highest rate for the past year, since the price is based on dollar, and dollar is getting weaker. all this deficit spending we are doing is based on borrowing, and with less demand that means greater interest rates to borrow. with lack of confidence in our fiscal responsibility it could crush our dollar.

dow hit 10k today, based on good reports. so there are some mixed messages. another big hit will be for commercial real estate. many companies that use revolving loans to finance their realestate will not be able to renew those loans. that will likely mean the companies go bust as do the banks holding the loans.

10-15-2009, 12:14 AM
another big hit will be for commercial real estate. many companies that use revolving loans to finance their realestate will not be able to renew those loans. that will likely mean the companies go bust as do the banks holding the loans.

I disagree. The companies and the banks have a symbiotic relationship. Without loans the companies do not grow, and without loans the banks have no income. Some companies have died, and some may yet die and take down some banks. Overall the process hasn't changed though. The banks that have made competent choices in who to loan to, and the companies that have managed themselves well will continue to survive.

People point out that GM is no longer even listed on the DOW. No shit. Thank bad management and unions for that. It's always pissed me off that some grunt screws a nut on a bolt all day long and makes more money than I do, has better health care than I do, and has a better retirement program than I do. Well, you reap what you sow. That shit was unsustainable and now it's cleansing time. If you work at a McDonald's level job, you should get paid accordingly. Unions have already lost a lot of their power, and they will continue to lose it.

Change hurts. But it's inevitable when things get so out of balance.

10-15-2009, 01:00 AM
not quite what I am talking about. say as a company you own a building worth 5 million, but you have a loan for 4 million, to use as working cash, or whatever. they may renew the loan based on some schedule, except now the building is only worth 3 million, and no bank is willing to refinance for 4 million based on that. the company would then have to come up with a million to make up for the shortfall, and more to actually do a refinance.

most of what has been happening has been to the consumers and real estate developers, who pretty much have gotten what they deserved based on bad practices. Now it is predicted to spread to other companies...

10-15-2009, 04:07 AM
What is going on that's any worse? And why weren't we paying attention 6 years ago? When Bush took us into a needless and illegal war based on politics and false information? Why weren't we paying attention when Bush de-stabilized the middle east? And condoned torture? And took away our rights in the name of Homeland Security? And started the bailout plan in the first place? Yeah, 8 years and it's still Bush's fault.

YOur needless and baseless war is your opinion. You say what you want but we had every right to go in there. Your fellow Democrats are who F'd it up so think what you want. This argument has been had so many time. It's useless. You sound like the same poster child for these liberal Democrats. LOL-Bush destabilized the middle east? Last time I checked it has been a mess for century's. You also talk about homeland security and Bush took away our rights but don't mention Clinton was doing the same thing with no war.

Again, this is something Bush set in motion. He and his administration were asleep at the wheel for 8 years and the market collapsed under Bush's control, not Obama's.

Umm you need to recheck your records and data. The market did not collapse under Bush. Considering we were at war and all the other chaos that happened Bush actually kept it going pretty well. Again I go by my earnings then and how well Business was. You just keep making statements that make no sense. What are you basing it off of? What was the Market low during the Bush administration?

Um, what was the point there?

That people still go to Church in America and believe in Christ. I guess it's the same point I hear when you and others talk about there being no God and it's religions fault.

I don't see us becoming communist at all. Too many people are freaking out about health care. At worst universal health care is socialist, not communist. But then again so is welfare and unemployment. And for that matter every other government funded aid program. The National Parks is a socialist program. The DoT is a socialist program. Any program that takes Federal tax dollars and feeds them into anything that benefits everyone is a socialist program. So stop with the socialist crap because various forms of socialism is being and has been practiced in this country since the railroads were built in the 1800's (or whenever).

Before I go on with this are you even familiar with the term?

Real Enemies? What real enemies? What new war? Why does there need to be more war? Wouldn't it be better to try to stabilize relations rather than get into yet another war? You're right, I don't think Obama will take us into another war because that's not in our best interest. Besides, "our enemies" are making more enemies for themselves in Pakistan, Russia, India, China, etc. Not to mention Europe. Let those countries deal with the Islamic extremists for a while. By themselves. Good luck to them. Being the world police is not our job. It never was.

Sirc, believe it or not but there is no peace in the world. I guess you are too blind to see it nor do you pay attention to what's going on outside of America. It's the only conclusion I can come up with when you ask what real enemies. You make it sound like every time we go to war it has to be in our best interest. That complet paragraph explains to me I you either just don't care and think everything is fine. While Obama appologizes to our enemies for our behavior, those same countries work against us. I mean I can stay up all night and explain to you what's going on but I still don't think you would listen or believe so like I said in my original post, I wont argue and just sit back. Maybe it's better for some to feel everything it is ok but for me, I know it's not and think the other way is what got us in to this mess.

The depression has already peaked my friend. The market is gradually growing stronger despite the ups and downs, and those companies that could not support their own weight have already crumbled. Some may yet still. That's actually how it should be.

Ok Sirc, where are you getting this data from? Peaked? LOL, seriously it's a mirage if you think or see things getting better. Jim already beat me to it about the decline in the dollar. That has been steadily falling regardless even during the past few Presidents but what Does Obama do? He prints more money. WHat are our eneimies doing? They are trying to crush the dollar. Notice those gold commercials where they say sell your old worthless gold and get cash in the mail? Have you seen what gold has gone to the past few weeks yet the past year? ANyone who has money in the market willlaugh at you when you say it is rebounding. If you say so, what's your interest rate at on your money market or even a 5 year cd? If you honestly think we hit the peak, you are in for a rude awakening. You blame the unions as the reason that GM and lets say any American company has failed. The truth is that may be the cause but it's definetly not the reason. I am not sure what you do for a living but how would you feel if another company who was not American did not have to follow the same rules so much that you could not compete on product vs earnings. Who are you to say what anyone should get for their job? Do you think the people working on the line are living a life of luxury? Regardless, they are American workers and this country should live up to a higher standards. They don't so they allowed the Government to take over a company with our tax dollars. Cash for clunkers program still helped out the import dealers. Call me silly but I only buy American cars because they are American companies. I laugh at someone who drives an import and wonders why they lost their job. I guess that's just the old fashion American in me while the new American way is to think the country owes them something.

If we peaked, can we assume that the unemployement rate will not increase? You know with that decline, more companies cannot make any money because less customers.

Serious Sirc, I don't know if you are just trying to rile me up because I cannot understand how you don't see any of this going on. Get off the Bush's fault BS and pay attention to what's going on. If you think this social Health program is good stop talking to me and talk to your parents or other seniors that are barely making it. Look at what's going on as if you were looking at a chess game. See the moves being made and question them. We are in check right now and do you know what happens if the wrong move is made? Check mate!!!!

10-15-2009, 04:09 AM
Before I go to sleep

A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have!!!


10-15-2009, 10:36 PM
I like pie.

10-15-2009, 10:43 PM

10-16-2009, 10:53 AM
Here you all go.


10-16-2009, 04:36 PM
Biggs needs to start a blog!

10-19-2009, 03:52 AM
I want to know why the hell the Spanish station on Comcast doesn't broadcast English in SAP so I can understand what they are talking about?

BTW They have some fine ass women on those soap operas lol

10-20-2009, 06:25 PM
When I heard that the prez got the nobel prize for peace I almost fell out of my chair and I would have spit out my drink, if I had been consuming a beverage at that very moment. Like Sirc said, he probably got the nobel prize for not being bush. Even the prez was surprised he got it because he knows that having the country in a state of emergency still from the previous several years, fighting two wars, and bombing the crap out of the moon is not very peaceful, even by retard standards. This was about as political as a move as can be, methinks.

10-20-2009, 09:21 PM
I want know why there are locks on the doors of the ER at my local hospital. I mean really...how bad is your day if you go to the ER and they are closed for lunch or something!