View Full Version : Boondock Saints 2 All Saints Day

11-07-2009, 08:29 PM
As a HUGE fan of Boondock Saints, I was caught by surprise to see there was a sequel out, since not once did I see any advertising for it.

I will say I laughed my ass off for the 1st hr of the movie, some great off beat humor.

The Mexican sidekick was a nice addition, & the FBI agent was kinda hot, but not as good as Dafoe. This movie was a little too hoaky but definitely a good flick to see if you liked the 1st one, but remember, it's a sequel, they never live up to the original.

:thumbs: good entertainment, but not awesome. 90% of this movie was good to great, 10% (esp the last 5 minutes) sucked.

Cant wait to buy the dvd

11-10-2009, 02:48 AM
I really liked the movie. Very funny, over the top, and I'm glad there was more substance to the plot this time around.

FBI agent was smokin!

02-24-2010, 12:37 AM
"Who ordered the whoopass Fajitas?" LOL, that Clifton Collins Jr. (Romeo aka The Mexican) was a freaking trip!

This is a funny ass movie, well worth a rental
Definition of HAWT ---> http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0004748/

02-24-2010, 03:49 AM
An amen and a spiritus sancti to that! Used to recommend the first Boondock a lot back when I had my wee video stores. Soooo many great one liners...

"I am Ivan Checkov, and you will be closing now. "
"Checkov? Well, this here's McCoy. We find a Spock, we got us an away team!"

A whole buncha lines like this, naturally and fluidly delivered + Willem Dafoe river dancing in the middle of a crime scene = a veritable classic in my book. Have yet to check out the sequel, but I take it we've all seen Overnight (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0390336/)yes? Quite the ode to one man's demonic hubris.

Know what this thread is missing? A rope-totin' Charlie Bronson wannabe! [tumbles out of an airshaft]