View Full Version : It's only terrorism if a Muslim does it

11-20-2009, 07:26 PM
Why is this the underlying theme of thoughts and words that some people have? Since that other topic turned into a spam thread, I started this one.

Why is this recent military base shooting spree categorized as terrorism by some (generally Middle America and the Republican party from what I can gather) whereas other non-muslim acts of obvious terrorism such as the one where the fundamentalist white christian murdered random people in a Unitarian Universalist (some of the nicest people you've ever met are in this affiliation btw) because he desired to kill liberals, blacks, homosexuals, and democrats? I could make the suggestion that Savage, Hannity, and O'Reilly were instigating terror, since their books were some of the primary motivation for this man to go on a shooting spree in a church, given that he read them and most probably got scared the crap out of by what he read. ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knoxville_Unitarian_Universalist_church_shooting

Let's not act like this doesn't happen. Everyone here has heard or even thought/spoken about how if a Muslim is involved in a situation where there are murders taking place such as at Ft. Hood (which was guerilla warfare, at most), then it's clearly terrorism whereas a white christian "patriot" soldier who would have done the exact same, but since he's das uber patriot protecting the country against all enemies foreign and domestic or whatever other reason he may give, it's not an act of terrorism. Or better yet, when a president or someone on radio/tv, etc. continues to scare the general population and "terrorize" them by frightening them with dread and fear, is this not an act of terrorism as well?

It would be nice if this could stay on topic and without personal insults...

11-20-2009, 08:09 PM
eh, wasn't this one of my points in the last thread, before someone stupiditized the title and made it just a junk thread?

11-20-2009, 08:42 PM
Yes it was but I think a fresh start would be good since that topic became a major detractor from the original essence of the discussion. I know there is a certain paradigm allegiance within everyone since to be completely 100% unbiased is lets face it, almost an impossibility. That being the case, it is still unnecessary to speak in a derogatory, hateful, or angry manner towards another or insult them, since everyone sees reality subjectively and there can be reason or truth in any opinion, or there may not be. There should be tolerance and mutual agreement of nonagreement if someone sees the reality of things differently than another. I do hope people respect each other in this discussion as in the last one, I almost felt like not trying anymore but I'm giving it one last shot.

11-20-2009, 09:41 PM
what is the point of discussing it further though? pretty much everyone has said what they wanted to say. nobody is going to change their minds on anything. people have shaped their beliefs over a lifetime, based on their own personal experiences. no paragraph or two in a forum is going to change their minds.

for some people, they may see themselves as a victim, and eternally look for someone to blame as to causing their problems. the blame may get placed on the government, terrorists, illegals, affirmative action, their neighbors, etc.

End result is it doesn't really matter. The victim mentality is there, inside of them. The denial of it will cause them to look elsewhere and blame others. Nothing you can say or do will convince them otherwise.

11-20-2009, 10:10 PM
eh, wasn't this one of my points in the last thread, before someone stupiditized the title and made it just a junk thread?

Yeah it was I that changed it ... the same person that tried to get the ORIGINAL topic back on track. It was other people that had junked it before I even changed the name so get your facts straight!

11-21-2009, 12:47 AM
what is the point of discussing it further though? pretty much everyone has said what they wanted to say. nobody is going to change their minds on anything. people have shaped their beliefs over a lifetime, based on their own personal experiences. no paragraph or two in a forum is going to change their minds.

for some people, they may see themselves as a victim, and eternally look for someone to blame as to causing their problems. the blame may get placed on the government, terrorists, illegals, affirmative action, their neighbors, etc.

End result is it doesn't really matter. The victim mentality is there, inside of them. The denial of it will cause them to look elsewhere and blame others. Nothing you can say or do will convince them otherwise.

The point is not to change anyone's mind. The point is to provide an avenue for stimulating and intellectual discussion, but I understand what you are saying. *sigh* oh well

11-22-2009, 09:05 AM
I honestly hate the word terrorism when it is nothing other than war. Terrorism is or should be considered no more than a bunch of teens bothering some old people.

What the Muslims are doing are simply acts of war. Ooops, I did it againz!!!:babe:

What's so funny is how in today's society, the main point gets so back logged with bullshit. I mean some of you need to be realistic. Lets cut the shit and just pay attention to facts and poof, you got your answer. It's not just that he was a Muslim. It's that he was a Muslim doing an act of war against America. The ironic thing is he did not want to go to Iraq because why?????? He did not want to fight his brothers. Wake up people. It's not a rubics cube. Muslim=terrorists. It's the way they breed. Their culture is horrible to their women and children. They are only here in America to spy, and get educated. They are not here because they love this country. Look at the prisons full of them. It's a preaching and recruiting ground and for what???? Just like your President who is a Muslim, he will do what is the goal of the Muslim nations.

Believe I am racist, believe I am nuts. Prove me wrong. Many of you will be out of work soon and not have a pot to piss in. I feel sorry for you but if you voted for Obama, you deserve it. Call him up and ask him for that change. Under the United States Definition, Your President and the rest of the Democrats in office are and should be charged for terrorism. They started their agenda during the Bush era and it's worked so far.

11-22-2009, 09:21 AM
Nitro, live a little. Trust me, give me 10 years off the tit before you start suggesting you understand anything. Buy a house and raise a family. Don't talk about respect, love or hate until you have lived and seen. Hanging with some homeboyz does not make everyone in the world as peacful as you think. I can suggest you walk a certain area here on LI and start talking like that and see if it wins their trust. Tell them exactly the same thing but not to white people. Please have another person record it---forget that, that cam will be gone as well.

11-22-2009, 02:16 PM
Nitro, live a little. Trust me, give me 10 years off the tit before you start suggesting you understand anything. Buy a house and raise a family. Don't talk about respect, love or hate until you have lived and seen. Hanging with some homeboyz does not make everyone in the world as peacful as you think. I can suggest you walk a certain area here on LI and start talking like that and see if it wins their trust. Tell them exactly the same thing but not to white people. Please have another person record it---forget that, that cam will be gone as well.

:funny: :rofl: