View Full Version : Sarah Palin 2012

11-22-2009, 07:12 PM
I thought this was pretty well done. :D


11-22-2009, 07:29 PM
Poor poor Sarah :(

11-25-2009, 09:36 AM
Link doesn't work.

11-25-2009, 02:53 PM
I will vote for her if she runs. While you people bash her for stuff you have no idea about or read in the paper, your ignorance makes me laugh. I bet those who bash don't even know anything about her. The ignorance in this country is alarming. I feel I have had this conversation already but please you people should stop with your media intelligence and do things for yourself.

Anyone able to find the link?

Not for nothing Sirc, I sometimes wonder if you are just trying to protect your opinion no matter if you are wrong. I have said it many of times that I can change mine if someone presents a good reason. I still can't understand why you hate her. I mean if you told me her voice annoys you, I can agree that along with some of her saying's like "we were having a hoot" are annoying. But if you say she is dumb like you did for saying I can see Russia from my back yard as she is just an idiot, I must say you really need to understand where I am coming from when I say stop the bullshit and learn the truth yourself.

Why can't you people understand or see what is going on? This is the same situation with Bush where the liberal media is controlling your thoughts because of Americans are too lazy to do anything themself. I am sorry when I hear people quoting A SNL sketch as reality, I am pretty sure we are done as a country.

She has my vote if she runs which I also suggested is the reason she resigned as Gov of Alaska. Her book is doing well and she is now out there tapping her toe in the water to see if she can get enough support to run. Even the Republican party kind of been garbage to her and left her for the wolves so I would hope she just goes independant.

11-25-2009, 06:09 PM
It is scary once you realize that there are more people like Sarah Palin within the general population of this country.

...I try not to think about it because it's too depressing. Words cannot describe her.

11-25-2009, 06:51 PM
I will vote for her if she runs. While you people bash her for stuff you have no idea about or read in the paper, your ignorance makes me laugh. I bet those who bash don't even know anything about her. The ignorance in this country is alarming. I feel I have had this conversation already but please you people should stop with your media intelligence and do things for yourself.

Anyone able to find the link?

Not for nothing Sirc, I sometimes wonder if you are just trying to protect your opinion no matter if you are wrong. I have said it many of times that I can change mine if someone presents a good reason. I still can't understand why you hate her. I mean if you told me her voice annoys you, I can agree that along with some of her saying's like "we were having a hoot" are annoying. But if you say she is dumb like you did for saying I can see Russia from my back yard as she is just an idiot, I must say you really need to understand where I am coming from when I say stop the bullshit and learn the truth yourself.

Why can't you people understand or see what is going on? This is the same situation with Bush where the liberal media is controlling your thoughts because of Americans are too lazy to do anything themself. I am sorry when I hear people quoting A SNL sketch as reality, I am pretty sure we are done as a country.

She has my vote if she runs which I also suggested is the reason she resigned as Gov of Alaska. Her book is doing well and she is now out there tapping her toe in the water to see if she can get enough support to run. Even the Republican party kind of been garbage to her and left her for the wolves so I would hope she just goes independant.

BIGG, the link died the same day I posted it. You have no idea what I posted, yet you spent 4 paragraphs complaining about it.

11-25-2009, 08:19 PM
Nah, I recall it, the conversation as to why you don't like her. You used links that were not accurate and you also posted your own stuff like comments she made which were not also accurate. I mentioned that in my post lik ethe one where you called her and others agreed that she was a moron for saying she she could see russia from her back yard which she did not say and was a sketch from SNL.

My point was you including hate her and you really have not taken the time to really learn what she is about. Like that one comment regarding her saying she can see russia, that has been spread through out the media because the media is against her as they were bush so they make up things for the sheople who than spread it over the web and next thing you know there is a bunch of people spreadinf rumors and nothing accurate about such subject. It's why I say when I hear people talking like that very subject at the dinner table, about stuff I always question them only to find out they actually know nothing and are using something they saw on tv or read from the internet as a conversation piece. Regardless it spreads ignorance. If you think about what I am saying, it pretty much sums up everything I have said to everyone here at GM including the comment about google education where people look up something to see if they are right and find the one thing that proves it so. To me it frustrates me but too bad none of us have the ability to sit down and drink a cup of coffee or tea and discuss it verbally off the top of our heads. That would be my preference because it calls everyone out on their actual knowledge of the subject or person.

11-25-2009, 08:35 PM
Nah, I recall it, the conversation as to why you don't like her. You used links that were not accurate and you also posted your own stuff like comments she made which were not also accurate. I mentioned that in my post lik ethe one where you called her and others agreed that she was a moron for saying she she could see russia from her back yard which she did not say and was a sketch from SNL.

My point was you including hate her and you really have not taken the time to really learn what she is about. Like that one comment regarding her saying she can see russia, that has been spread through out the media because the media is against her as they were bush so they make up things for the sheople who than spread it over the web and next thing you know there is a bunch of people spreadinf rumors and nothing accurate about such subject. It's why I say when I hear people talking like that very subject at the dinner table, about stuff I always question them only to find out they actually know nothing and are using something they saw on tv or read from the internet as a conversation piece. Regardless it spreads ignorance. If you think about what I am saying, it pretty much sums up everything I have said to everyone here at GM including the comment about google education where people look up something to see if they are right and find the one thing that proves it so. To me it frustrates me but too bad none of us have the ability to sit down and drink a cup of coffee or tea and discuss it verbally off the top of our heads. That would be my preference because it calls everyone out on their actual knowledge of the subject or person.


The link I posted in THIS thread died shortly after I posted it. You don't even know what the link contained. I haven't said anything anti-Palin whatsoever in this thread. At all. Nada.

You're basically having an argument with yourself.

11-25-2009, 08:54 PM

the sheep says "bahhh"

im sure all THOSE people know what they're talking about...

its scary how fanatical people can get about someone or something they probably dont know the whole story about...

11-25-2009, 08:55 PM
thank god we have talk radio from which we can get the "real truth".

11-25-2009, 08:56 PM
thank god we have talk radio from which we can get the "real truth".

if you're referring to my link jim you'll have to watch the whole thing prolly to understand they were there to F with the people in line rather then talk about THEIR views. Thats a VERY middle of the road show, which is really really nice

11-26-2009, 12:17 AM
I'd DO her :D

11-26-2009, 12:24 AM
if you're referring to my link jim you'll have to watch the whole thing prolly to understand they were there to F with the people in line rather then talk about THEIR views. Thats a VERY middle of the road show, which is really really nice

I believe he's referring to the fact that the right wing of political theory is expressed largely on talk radio. One theory as to why this is, is because the aged population of the country is not internet savvy and still relies on the antiquated idea that news from the corporate media outlets that broadcast via television and its antiquated medium partner AM radio, is representative of the facts.

11-26-2009, 01:05 AM
why didn't she answer questions from her readers?

I think I know...


11-26-2009, 05:02 AM
if you're referring to my link jim you'll have to watch the whole thing prolly to understand they were there to F with the people in line rather then talk about THEIR views. Thats a VERY middle of the road show, which is really really nice
nah, I didn't see it until you mentioned it. the skit looks fine. really though I do listen to talk radio. some people I like more than others. I like boortz, although he is a pig, herman cain, heard some michael savage. I think I might like him, but I did not hear enough to know what he is about.

11-26-2009, 05:31 AM

The link I posted in THIS thread died shortly after I posted it. You don't even know what the link contained. I haven't said anything anti-Palin whatsoever in this thread. At all. Nada.

You're basically having an argument with yourself.

Let me argue with myself, I'm bored. I have a house full of kids wrecking my fort and it was a shitty weak. I'm sorry if I assumed you were bashing her again. And yes the link was dead but figured it was probably against her.

11-26-2009, 05:36 AM
I find it interesting that the video has been yanked from damn near every where.

11-26-2009, 05:38 AM
Let me argue with myself, I'm bored. I have a house full of kids wrecking my fort and it was a shitty weak. I'm sorry if I assumed you were bashing her again. And yes the link was dead but figured it was probably against her.

It was more SNL comedy, this one though, was just poor, not even worth watching.

It's sad that people laugh about how f-ed up our government has gotten :down:

11-26-2009, 07:24 AM
eh, our country is going to be bankrupt soon. this health care BS might speed things up, but it is going to happen based on the idiots in washington. anybody else gets too deep into debt they either get cut off or go broke. that is starting to happen in various cities and states. not the government though, they can goddamn print money.

11-26-2009, 07:33 AM
nah, I didn't see it until you mentioned it. the skit looks fine. really though I do listen to talk radio. some people I like more than others. I like boortz, although he is a pig, herman cain, heard some michael savage. I think I might like him, but I did not hear enough to know what he is about.

Years ago I used to listen to Savage quite a bit; read a few of his books too. He spews hate, racism, and downright insanity. Examples: http://nosavage.org/

11-26-2009, 11:10 AM
eh, our country is going to be bankrupt soon. this health care BS might speed things up, but it is going to happen based on the idiots in washington. anybody else gets too deep into debt they either get cut off or go broke. that is starting to happen in various cities and states. not the government though, they can goddamn print money.

This is what happens when you allow Liberals to think for the country. No one is realistic and worst they voted for a President who was not qualified. As bad as it gets in this country we must admit it's our own fault. Well not mine but most of America. I mean that sincerely too.

I am curious Jim, when do you see the economy really hitting the bottom? I mean I can have my gut feelings that we are one foot in a depression already but I also see a lot of people still spending. I took my daughter to the American Girl Doll store in Manhattan last week and it was packed. It seems to me it's so 50-50. Half the people are broke and in debt and the other half are able to make it through this.

11-26-2009, 01:05 PM
You cannot judge by this time of year, people are spending, feeling the holiday season, unemployment is down because of seasonal hirings. Go into that place in April or July.

Our health care system is a huge part of the issue. How much of the cost of a drug is the advertising cost of the drug??

11-26-2009, 03:25 PM
This is what happens when you allow POLITICIANS with no accountability or repercussions to think for the country. No one is realistic and worst they voted for a President who was not qualified. As bad as it gets in this country we must admit it's our own fault. Well not mine but most of America. I mean that sincerely too.

I am curious Jim, when do you see the economy really hitting the bottom? I mean I can have my gut feelings that we are one foot in a depression already but I also see a lot of people still spending. I took my daughter to the American Girl Doll store in Manhattan last week and it was packed. It seems to me it's so 50-50. Half the people are broke and in debt and the other half are able to make it through this.

Fixed, because it has nothing to do with liberals or conservatives, picking sides is dumb, IMO.

11-26-2009, 06:12 PM
I am curious Jim, when do you see the economy really hitting the bottom? I mean I can have my gut feelings that we are one foot in a depression already but I also see a lot of people still spending. I took my daughter to the American Girl Doll store in Manhattan last week and it was packed. It seems to me it's so 50-50. Half the people are broke and in debt and the other half are able to make it through this.
Its not a liberal thing, its an everyone of them thing. remember, bush grew the government tremendously while he was in office. these people have the power to spend and that is what they do. once money is budgeted for something then they will always come back for more money.

as for us hitting bottom - I don't know about that. but I think it will happen for the government. what was happening is that the chinese have been making tons of US dollars but instead of buying US products they have been buying US treasury notes, because up until now it has been the most strongly thing that can be guaranteed in the world.

our money used to be based on gold, now it is based on the desire for people to buy these treasury notes and the guarantee that they will be paid back. congress wants to spend money, they print it on one side and on the other they sell these notes.

except that that is likely to change. our population is getting older and smaller, except for immigrants. all of the social programs are essentially liability that are going broke.

example, social security, the ratio for that was that 4 young taxpayers would essentially pay the benefits for one person. Now it is about 2 taxpayers to every one receiving benefit. That is not a sustainable ratio. Nothing our government does with the spending is sustainable.

these politicians think that they are such geniuses with money and spending. they have all of these economists and things have worked well so far. well, none of them saw the housing bubble. none of them can see anything that is coming.

anyway back to the treasury notes. right now we can get away with borrowing money because other people are willing to give it to us. if the world economy gets better then these same people may decide that the US is going to go backrupt because of all of the liabilities, so they send their money elsewhere.

That then means that with less demand for our treasury notes the interest rate the government pays will shoot up. This will make money harder to borrow and harder to pay back.

Add to that all the politicians who have to spend more money every single year. Yeah, we are going to have a lot of problems down the road.

11-26-2009, 06:57 PM
Let me argue with myself, I'm bored. I have a house full of kids wrecking my fort and it was a shitty weak. I'm sorry if I assumed you were bashing her again. And yes the link was dead but figured it was probably against her.

It was an SNL spoof. It was humor. It was meant to be funny and anyone who actually saw it and took it seriously needs to screw their head on straight.

You know, there are plenty of vids parodying Obama and the DNC. I think those are funny too. Next time I see one I'll link it. Actually, there are probably far more pron parodies of Obama and Michelle than there are of Sarah. I'm not going to link those though. :P

The point is, I'm basically an independent at heart, leaning towards libertarian. I don't care for either the republicans or the democrats. Neither party seems to be able to do anything to get this country back on track. All they do is bicker and undermine each other. The USA's biggest problem is the US government. All of it.

11-26-2009, 06:57 PM
Fixed, because it has nothing to do with liberals or conservatives, picking sides is dumb, IMO.

picking sides puts blinders on :down:

11-26-2009, 11:05 PM

picking sides puts blinders on :down:

exactly! however people with blinders can say some incredibly funny and un-educated things sometimes, AND they can get all butt-hurt if you say something that doesnt align with their beliefs

11-27-2009, 01:08 AM
*side note to BIGGS* - Stay away from the American Girl Doll store!!! It will cost you an arm and a leg and another arm. My daughter loves it and now I'm broke.:eek:

11-27-2009, 01:26 AM

picking sides puts blinders on :down:


11-29-2009, 01:45 PM
exactly! however people with blinders can say some incredibly funny and un-educated things sometimes, AND they can get all butt-hurt if you say something that doesnt align with their beliefs

Who is picking sides? If I had to choose I will pick the lesser of both evils. I mean you may like the LIberals and democrats telling you how to live and give everything to people who not even belong here. It might be good for you for more social programs for the poor black and hispanic folks so their kids get college paid and other tax paid luxurys by people like me. When you start fitting the bills let me know. You might be ok Mommy and Daddy are paying for your education while others don't have to pay. Just know that someone has to pay for this and you will eventually be paying for it more than me. Nice white boy like yourself better make sure you have your gear on because your competition is going to be a lot tougher than us older folks. Just know you need to score 100 on everything to get a job to beat out someone who gets affirmative action score of 89. LOL this is what I mean by liberal thinking that does no good for this country while you people talk about choosing sides.

Jim, Bush actually did not build up the Government but did have to get things different for terrorism which develped more Government. I guess it can be considered more Governemnet though so no argument. I am shocked that noone mentions Obama's Czars though and their purpose. If anything not only are those people's backgrounds dangerous, it should be a clear message to his intentions along with pretty much backs up what I have been saying for the past couple of years.

Over all I think the Rebublican side is less evil but also greedy. I prefer those who work hard in todays society to be rewarded over some lazy piece of shit. I believe everyone should be held accountable for their life and excuses should not be tolerated nor cruthes. We can bash both sides but overall, I prefer the one that is not going to ruin this country.

On top of that, I do not excuse the Republican party. I do believe this country should hang any politician that has anything to do with corruption. Funny thing is they use to do that with any czar.

11-30-2009, 04:37 AM
i've said it many times, and I will say it again. terrorism is a made up issue. statistically the number of people that ever died of terrorism is meaningless. if you ignored all terrorists then all of the groups would be nothing, and they would probably not bother with the attacks. bombing, beheadings? gets them front page headlines and on all the news shows and a lot of prestige in the muslim community along with a lot of new recruits.

you think homeland security is accomplishing something, I say it is only taking away your rights. All you need is for some muslim to shove a grenade in his ass in the airport, and then everyone going in will have to do an anal probe just the same way one person with a bomb in his shoes means everyone now has to take off their shoes, not to mention tossing away toiletries, nailclippers and other stuff like that.

11-30-2009, 05:50 AM
you think homeland security is accomplishing something, I say it is only taking away your rights. All you need is for some muslim to shove a grenade in his ass in the airport, and then everyone going in will have to do an anal probe just the same way one person with a bomb in his shoes means everyone now has to take off their shoes, not to mention tossing away toiletries, nailclippers and other stuff like that.

I agree completely. An individual or a small group of individuals will always find more creative ways to blow stuff up than the government.

He Is Legend
11-30-2009, 09:33 AM
I agree completely. An individual or a small group of individuals will always find more creative ways to blow stuff up than the government.


11-30-2009, 04:45 PM
i've said it many times, and I will say it again. terrorism is a made up issue. statistically the number of people that ever died of terrorism is meaningless. if you ignored all terrorists then all of the groups would be nothing, and they would probably not bother with the attacks. bombing, beheadings? gets them front page headlines and on all the news shows and a lot of prestige in the muslim community along with a lot of new recruits.

And hearing about their attacks on the front page creates a whole lot of fear among so many people around the world. And that emboldens them to carry out more attacks. That is an interesting point you make Jiminator.

12-04-2009, 03:59 PM
Wow, you guys really prove and foolish I am. I mean what was I thinking? You're all right, it's silly to pay attention to attacks because again you are right, they are only done to get sponsorship. Wait, they probably shouldnt even bury the bodies and maybe just leave things there and ignore the actual killing. How dumb is it that they even check peoples shoes now because someone once tried to blow up a plane with a shoe bomb. I wonder if the main idea was to get the airports to start checking peoples shoes or blow up a plane full of innocent people? Ughhh, this hurts my brain :rolleyes: .

12-04-2009, 10:35 PM
Wow, you guys really prove and foolish I am. I mean what was I thinking? You're all right, it's silly to pay attention to attacks because again you are right, they are only done to get sponsorship. Wait, they probably shouldnt even bury the bodies and maybe just leave things there and ignore the actual killing. How dumb is it that they even check peoples shoes now because someone once tried to blow up a plane with a shoe bomb. I wonder if the main idea was to get the airports to start checking peoples shoes or blow up a plane full of innocent people? Ughhh, this hurts my brain :rolleyes: .

full agreement here

12-05-2009, 01:41 AM
This is what happens when you allow Liberals to think for the country. No one is realistic and worst they voted for a President who was not qualified. As bad as it gets in this country we must admit it's our own fault. Well not mine but most of America. I mean that sincerely too.

I am curious Jim, when do you see the economy really hitting the bottom? I mean I can have my gut feelings that we are one foot in a depression already but I also see a lot of people still spending. I took my daughter to the American Girl Doll store in Manhattan last week and it was packed. It seems to me it's so 50-50. Half the people are broke and in debt and the other half are able to make it through this.
hey BIGG, Do you think those old F____ are QUALIFIED ? I think not. All I know is from the top to the bottom in government = Corruption. :D