View Full Version : Best. Charity. Video. Ever.

11-22-2009, 07:54 PM
well, they got my vote... er... goat... I have to say I don’t think I’ve ever given to a charity before…but this video actually inspired me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1yinqadxuQ

11-23-2009, 09:06 PM
Know a lot about the Koraput region do you? I think you're talking about another part of India.

11-23-2009, 10:12 PM
....nice try but fail.

Let's say this whole charity going will be a huge success and every poor villager gets a goat and all the goats get little goats, u get sick and need medicine worth about $20, so u go to the doctor and give him a goat and he'll say...sorry my friend but since everyone has goats they're only worth 1$ => Back at were we started.

Just good for food.

I'm more than willing to give to charity...though I just can't help thinking about the fact that of every buck, 40 cents go to the organisation, 35 cents to corrupcy and 20 cents to AK47's and 5 cents to the poor ones if we're lucky.

So in theoriem: if I give 400 bucks to charity one family will get a goat and one asshole a AK47 who's guided by the corrupt politician eating well from the 7 goats saying that he wants the 8th goat also.

The only thing what will truly help is education education education.

11-23-2009, 10:47 PM
well they are building schools too:thumbs:

That's why I still give money to charity: only for education programs. (even by knowing that it's just 5% what gets there :P )

11-27-2009, 10:32 AM
man, it's sad. really, i feel like the two first steps we have to take are education and population awareness, which I imagine would also come with education in some cases. people are living longer and where population growth may have been at a rate of x1.3 (I made that number up) per person a hundred years ago, it is probably something much closer to x3 (another made up number) now. i dont think we'll ever find global peace.