View Full Version : Ss Hd

11-27-2009, 01:26 PM
Yo peepz :)
anyone seen yet Sam HD?
Anyway Im gonna get it tomorrow at least to see what it looks like.
just wondering :)

11-28-2009, 01:27 AM
Just as they always have done in the past.

Buy game - sucks - complain - players make rules - game fails - everyone are noobs - some kids make mods - game fails more - community dies !

Not even gonna entertain the game.

On another note, let us know what its like Kuba :)

100% I wont be playing it.

11-28-2009, 04:33 AM
you guys are living in a fantasy land of unreality, making up all these silly rules in your heads and then pretending to be upset when they are not fulfilled. This game is a COOP FPS SHOOTER. It does this well, the $17 I paid was worth it. THAT IS ALL IT IS. It has NEVER been promoted as ANYTHING else. It is original FE with more detailed textures running on SE3. That's it. Period.

I know a lot of you want more, but even if it happens it will be more inevitable whining about lag, probably the knife mechanics, and probably the run jump mechanics won't work like they used to either (ledge jumping in SE was probably a programming bug, as it makes no sense in terms of physics).