View Full Version : After two years

11-28-2009, 10:39 PM
I am back here and want to continue kicking. Before anyone asks me if I am still playing SS the answer is yes, but I go by a different alias in the game than my GM alias, I'll talk about that later.

I do want to apologize though. When I went into hiatus two years ago I didn't expect I would be returning, and even insisted that my profile be removed. I guess the mods and admins knew better and knew I'd be coming back, I guess they were right. And I hate being proven wrong lol. So forgive me for that.

But I did need to focus a bit more on my life in the real world, though I never forgot my family at this site. In the two years I wasn't active here I was actively pursuing my math and science major and college and I am thoroughly pleased with my college career up to this point. In my first term I achieved a 3.7 GPA and made the Dean's List with Honors. Also after that first semester I received an invitation for membership into the Phi Theta Kappa academic society, so I accepted and graduated this summer as a PTK member. My associates program ends with a cumulative 3.1 GPA, a 4.0 term GPA over the summer. Okay so for the summer semster I took just one class, College Algebra, and aced it. Now that I have my associates degree I am considering several things, including returning to get my bachelor degree in education, or transferring to a major university, but we shall see what happens. If I do go back to school I can promise I won't be nearly as inactive as I was.

As a graduation present I was presented with a 2007 Dell Inspiron, Windows Vista (nothing's perfect), 250 gb harddrive, 4 gb RAM, broadband Internet, and a whole load of other bells and whistles.

Last year was something for me. That's when I got inducted into PTK, I again took a trip to MIS for racing weekend in the summer and saw my driver go to Victory Circle just three days after my birthday. And yes I voted in the Presidential election, the first time I was legally allowed to vote for President and yes, I voted Obama, we'll debate that later. ;)

As for Serious Sam I am still very much active. Most of you probably know that I was part of two GM clans in the past and I still consider them to be close family to me, Villains and CF. Actually most clans active here on GM I like a great deal. But I decided that I needed a couple years of neutrality, no membership with anyone, so I stayed that way until April this year, when I decided to build my own clan up and see how large we can grow. And if we do grow large enough maybe introduce them to GM. It's called the Finish Them Off {FTO} clan and instead of TheMaster, my alias is now -=SHADOW=-. But I think for the forums here I want to keep TheMaster. The clan has only two members right now but I am a patient person and we may soon have our third one joining. So I have nothing against the teams I was previously a part of but in fact like I said I still think very highly of them.

And I've got a lot of friends on the forum here to get back in touch with, Caged Anger, SAL, Biggs, I can't name everyone lol. And some new ones to make. So I am back and I am here to stay.

Oh also I am feeling a bit under the weather today. I think it's a cold. I can tell you that it's not the H1N1 flu strain, but it could be a flu, but it feels more like a cold. I expect I'll be better soon though. But the swine flu pandemic has everyone in my local area on edge, almost everyone is rushing out to get their vaccines and some are hurrying to the hospital at the first sign of sickness. It is a serious problem but it seems to me that those with complications that can make them more susceptible are the more at-risk.

Good to see all of you again and, PM me!:)

11-29-2009, 06:31 AM
I am a junior in college. How does it feel to have a degree?

Death Engineer
11-29-2009, 06:50 AM
WB. Sounds like you have your priorities in order. Nice grades and congrats on the early success. I would definitely encourage you to continue your education and go get a 4 year degree.

No SS for me for quite some time now. If I play any games on the PC it is usually one of the NFS series. More likely I will be out geocaching or preparing to put the house on the market.

11-29-2009, 07:00 AM
I am a junior in college. How does it feel to have a degree?

Probably not too good since his options with an associates degree are limited.

11-29-2009, 01:07 PM
Probably not too good since his options with an associates degree are limited.

Why not let him answer the question rather than tell him his options?

11-29-2009, 01:08 PM
Welcome back and congrats on your hard work thus far. Still young so keep working and keep learning. This is the best time for school because there is not enough jobs for people so make that priority one if you can.

11-29-2009, 04:45 PM
Welcome back and congrats on your hard work thus far. Still young so keep working and keep learning. This is the best time for school because there is not enough jobs for people so make that priority one if you can.

Indeed Biggs. If I can return and get a bachelors I might do that. But let me tell you getting an associates degree is a pretty good accomplishment and opens up some more possibilities. Not the best possibilities mind you but it is a big step forward.

The spring 2009 term was the most grueling for me though I had to take six classes worth 18 credit hours. They were Desktop Applications, American National Government, Intro to Theather/Drama, General Chemistry II, Principles of Speaking, and Analytical Trigonometry. But I pulled through with passing grades in all of those.

11-29-2009, 05:23 PM
Why not let him answer the question rather than tell him his options?


11-29-2009, 05:59 PM
Why not let him answer the question rather than tell him his options?

It's true and I'm not telling him his options. Seemed like a silly question to begin with. Nowadays your options are limited with any type of degree.

However, I wish TheMaster all the best and from the looks of it he won't have a problem standing out among the crowd of undergrads.

11-29-2009, 06:21 PM
Why not let him answer the question rather than tell him his options?


I think Exe said that to clarify something for me. He wasn't answering it. Like jumping to conclusions a little bit? :):D

Oh, and silly question huh? There's a lot more to it than it looks. And part of the reason is what you mentioned.

11-29-2009, 07:31 PM
I think Exe said that to clarify something for me. He wasn't answering it. Like jumping to conclusions a little bit? :):D

Oh, and silly question huh? There's a lot more to it than it looks. And part of the reason is what you mentioned.

Right, I just wanted to clarify. I understand where you're coming from though. Getting your degree, certification, diploma, or any kind of official document saying that you gained some kind of knowledge or successfully completed something is rewarding. You are that much richer as an individual.

11-29-2009, 08:52 PM
Welcome back mate! Good to see ya around.

11-30-2009, 01:11 AM
Welcome back.

We don't like deleting accounts .... you just never know, they might show back up again lol

11-30-2009, 01:20 AM
And sure enough Shogun I came back so thx for not deleting my account lol.

12-03-2009, 05:45 PM
My cold is finally going away. A mild congestion remains, but that is all. I was miserable for quite a while though, and I felt the first symptoms coming on the Thanksgiving holiday. So yeah, a week now.

And it's snowing now in Ludington! It's still not sustaining itself on the ground, temperature is still too high for that, but it has been snowing all day. The good news is I don't have to worry about snow days at school. The bad news is I will soon have to worry about shoveling duty at home and at my church.

12-29-2009, 09:37 PM
Welcome back Master. Some of the "oldies" still lurk in the shadows. ;)