View Full Version : 12:10a: Fire Alarm goes off at Hotel

Death Engineer
11-29-2009, 07:01 AM
12:10a: Fire Alarm goes off at your hotel 300 mi from home.

What do you do? I grab my pants and shirt, wake my wife, throw my shoes on and peek out the door to make sure this is real. People streaming into the stairwell. Wake up 5 yr old son and 3 yr old daughter and proceed to carry the daughter down from the 3rd floor to our van while my wife is wrapping up our 1 yr old. As she opens the door to follow, our 5 yr old pulls back seeing all the people (also, he had cough medicine about 1.5 hours before).

The door shuts and the keys don't work. So now my wife and a nice man next door is yelling to him to open the door from the inside as he begins to cry. He finally opens the door as I get back up to the third floor fighting traffic in my sockless getup. We make it safely to our van and pull away from the building.

Still no visible smoke, but 2 fire trucks have already arrived and 3 more emergency vehicles pull up including a fire marshall. After about 3-5 minutes of sitting in the car, they gave the all clear and allowed people to file back in slowly (to prevent chaos).

Everyone is back in bed asleep (other than me) and all is well. But there's really nothing quite like the adrenaline you get when you hear those sirens blaring. It didn't matter that my legs were jello from running 3.4 mi the previous 2 mornings (having not gotten much exercise for over 6 weeks). I didn't feel a thing until we were all safe in our van. Then things settled down and I felt like I had run another round.

Our kids were so out of it, but we sat on the bed and talked about it before they went to sleep. About how important it was to stay with us during those times even when things look scary. Thanking them for being so brave and reassuring them that it was ok now.

Now, I'm just waiting for it to happen again...

I'm thankful that we're all safe. And for nights without fire alarms!

11-29-2009, 01:36 PM
Wow D.E., That's one heckuva way to wake up. I'll bet your wife was in panic mode when your boy was on the other side of the door. Thank God nothing bad came of all this.

11-29-2009, 02:26 PM
Just think, in another forum there is a kid talking about his experience last night and it probably went something like this.

I went out with a couple of friends. We got blasted and not even sure how we got home. I remeber stopping by a hotel to piss but could not find a bathroom and everyone is asleep. I [ulled the fire lever and all these bells and whistles started going off. We ran out of there because we started seeing everyone in their pajamas freaking out and running for the doors.

What A night...

11-29-2009, 05:22 PM
Thanks God everything worked out, i'm glad things didn't go the other way for you all.

11-29-2009, 07:09 PM
Thank God you're okay DE. That must have been a hell of a wake-up call though.

Death Engineer
12-02-2009, 01:30 AM
We topped it off by driving 400 miles home the next day to find that I had a 102.5 fever. The 5 yr old and 3 yr old were both showing similar symptoms. Went to the doctor to find that the 3 of us have the H1N1 flu ... which is not good considering that my pregnant wife has only had the vaccine for ~3 weeks. We're hoping that she and our 1 yr old don't catch it.

I've been laid up in bed for the better part of the last 48 hours attempting to recover. Muscles aren't as achy as regular flu in my estimation. Still is rough enough to put me out of commission for a few days. What a week!

PS. I'm sure driving with a temp like that is some kind of equivalent to a DWI. I will NEVER do that again. Scary as heck as there were scattered showers, gusty winds, and a few cases of very short hydroplaning.

12-02-2009, 02:51 AM
DE I think you and your family should be able to beat the thing. Still I will be praying for all of you. With all the hype about the H1N1 strain recently and hearing all the reports of people not pulling through some people are getting worried. But again I hope and I think you will be fine. Have a fast recovery!

BTW I wondered if I was coming down with the H1N1 virus myself, though the muscle aches were notably not there. My mother and myself both got quite sick last week, I started to get it right on the Thanksgiving holiday. Though I think she got it worse than I did. She went to the doctors to get tested and we don't have it. That still doesn't mean it's miserable as hell and I'm not enjoying myself and I'm doing all I can to get better fast.

12-02-2009, 03:10 AM
12:10a: Fire Alarm goes off at your hotel

That's a really crappy way to come out of a deep slumber, moreso when your wife and kids are right with you.
Been thru similar situations a few times like that over the years, never been involved in any actual fire on the floor but it's gotten to the point where I count doors to the stairwell from my room..
Take care of yourself and the kids with that flu too...

12-02-2009, 03:11 AM
Feel better DE. Hope you and your family have a quick and painless recovery.

Death Engineer
12-03-2009, 05:48 AM
Thanks guys. Tonight is the first night that I've felt myself since Sat. Ran a fever around 5pm today, but I'm hoping that was the last time. Older kids are already back to normal...causing trouble, playing, fighting, etc. The youngest one sounds like a dog barking (coughing). Hopefully it's just croop and not the flu.

12-03-2009, 10:44 AM
Eeesh. What a week for you!

Glad you've turned the corner!