View Full Version : My wood!! Pics inside!!

12-05-2009, 09:24 PM
Gotcha! :P

Just about done cutting for the winter. I measured today, and got just over 5 cords, but I cut 2 loads this weekend, that aren't stacked yet. I am almost ready for hell to freeze over!! (although I think it started early).

12-06-2009, 06:12 AM
Your arms must be hurting.

That's a lotta wood.:eek:

12-06-2009, 04:44 PM
I am glad you posted these! I haven't gotten to see anyone's wood so far this year.

Dude, do you use a wood heater or something? What's with all the wood?

12-06-2009, 04:58 PM
Grimmy's Got Wood!

Wow, that must have been a lot of work.

12-06-2009, 05:17 PM
Nice !!

I had about 2 cord stacked in my garage last year, pretty handy when it came time to get an armload of wood..

What kind of stove do you have anyway ? I bought a Soapstone a few years back, throws a lot of heat and really doesn't go thru a lot of wood either..:thumbs:


12-07-2009, 09:37 PM
I am glad you posted these! I haven't gotten to see anyone's wood so far this year.

Dude, do you use a wood heater or something? What's with all the wood?

I have an add on wood furnace, that sits in my basement, and connects to the existing duct work. The last few years I've headed only on burning wood. This year is the most wood that I've had, and the most quality hard wood. So should be a nice warm winter :)

Will try to get pics of the burner, but I just woke up.

12-07-2009, 10:55 PM
Just went down and took some pics of my add of wood furnace. :)

Got just a small fire going in it now, just enough to keep the house nice n warm. When the wind starts blowing, then I keep a little bigger fire going, but it works well. I got this unit at Menards, and purchased some of the accessories online. It kept the house warm enough when I lost power for 9 days, a few years ago (well through the weekend, I got a generator after the weekend).

12-08-2009, 12:51 AM
geez what about the TERMites, sorry I had to Term :P

12-11-2009, 02:27 AM
dont like the look of those tins of paint ect close to the furnace,i can see an accident waiting to happen:eek: logs fall/hit shelving/thinners and paint splash all over the place:eek: chances are it will never happen but after having a house fire im very curshous.

Damn, lookit Huggy being Safety Bear. I never even would have noticed the paint cans! Nice catch.

12-11-2009, 02:28 AM
Oh, and you suck for living somewhere where it gets cold enough to need that.

I really miss those days.

Nothing like a good wood fire heater with a cast iron pot on top with some water in it staying hot, just because.

12-12-2009, 02:45 AM
Damn, lookit Huggy being Safety Bear. I never even would have noticed the paint cans! Nice catch.

hehe, no one noticed the propane torch in the pics near the stove..:eek:

( only reason I spotted it is because I light my stove the same way, Grimmy !! ) :thumbs: beats the hell outta matches !!

12-13-2009, 12:02 AM
I was kind of scared to look, I hereby nominate this thread for having the scariest title .... Ever! :)

12-13-2009, 02:16 AM
hehe, no one noticed the propane torch in the pics near the stove..:eek:

( only reason I spotted it is because I light my stove the same way, Grimmy !! ) :thumbs: beats the hell outta matches !!

Those paint cans are actually about 10 feet away. Hard to tell in the pic, but they are a ways away. As for the propane can, well all I can say is that the outside of the wood burner doesn't really get that hot. I have it yet to get so hot I can't lay my hand on it and keep it on it. As I have read with water, 110 is scalding, so I would think it would be safe to say that with air temp, it would be the same. I should move it away, since I rarely use it, always seem to have colls (sp?) enough to start the next fire (most all the wood I got this year was hard wood).

Bingo, any time you want to come and visit, or switch for a year, you let me know. I'd rather take some water during season, then the up n down, snow, and 50+mph winds day in, day out, sleet, snow, rain, wind, ect. It's nice for the first couple times, but after that, it begins to be old shit! You let me know, I got my ticket already bought :P

12-13-2009, 06:56 AM
I did notice the unit looks professionally installed for sure,very effecient looking too. does it use gas to ignite the fire or do you use the propane or butane bottle ?

12-13-2009, 03:15 PM
I use the propane/butane bottle to lite the fire, or matches and a starter brick. The duct work was done by a professional, the rest I did myself.