View Full Version : A Nobel Peace Prize winner essentially redeclares a war....thoughts?

12-07-2009, 08:48 PM
If I was an alien from outside earth looking in and seeing this circus of a reality that exists in the world right now, like what I mentioned in the topic title, I would think this race of beings is utterly insane, immature, and dangerous.

A winner of the most prestigious *peace* prize becomes a war commander in chief?! I hope people see the ridiculous and almost comical nature of this sad reality.

12-07-2009, 09:17 PM

12-07-2009, 10:36 PM
If I was an alien from outside earth looking in and seeing this circus of a reality that exists in the world right now, like what I mentioned in the topic title, I would think this race of beings is utterly insane, immature, and dangerous.

If I was an alien, the first though through my head would be "This looks an oppurtune time to invade."

12-07-2009, 10:49 PM
eh, i happen to think that the reason you do not see any aliens is that any civilization that becomes technologically advanced enough to develop space travel also becomes advanced enough to destroy themselves via catastrophic means.

12-07-2009, 10:51 PM
Hey, If Gore can get a prize for a documentary that has been done before numerous times , than anyone with political/power can.

12-07-2009, 11:08 PM

The Nobel Peace Prize 2009"for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples" Barack H. Obama

I would ask. What efforts? and how are they extraordinary, and when did they occur. The nomination deadline is Feb 1st, so he had only been president for less than a month. I'm not bashing the president here, but from what I can tell from the foreign press, the international community isn't that impressed with him. So how does he qualify? on hopes of what he will bring in the future?

Read what some of the other winners have done.

12-08-2009, 12:37 AM
eh, i happen to think that the reason you do not see any aliens is that any civilization that becomes technologically advanced enough to develop space travel also becomes advanced enough to destroy themselves via catastrophic means.

What aliens really think.


12-08-2009, 02:03 AM
Lots of discussion went on here:


That would explain the uneasy feeling of Deja Vu I had while forming a response.......sigh......short term memory loss..........I blame it all on the 70's

Dang you Term, bad enough my wife points out my memory lapses

12-08-2009, 08:07 PM
Remember, Obama was just as surprised as you guys were when he won it. It didn't seem like he really wanted it...

12-08-2009, 10:06 PM
Wait, who did Obama declare war on? Iran? North Korea?

Certainly you don't mean Afghanistan. That was already in-progress when he entered office. So now he has to manage it. Is it the sending more troops thing so our current troops don't get overrun in their outposts? So we can better secure our bases and not have to run from one town to another only to have the Taliban move in behind them when they leave?

How did Obama essentially declare war?

12-09-2009, 12:43 AM
Wait, who did Obama declare war on? Iran? North Korea?

Certainly you don't mean Afghanistan. That was already in-progress when he entered office. So now he has to manage it. Is it the sending more troops thing so our current troops don't get overrun in their outposts? So we can better secure our bases and not have to run from one town to another only to have the Taliban move in behind them when they leave?

How did Obama essentially declare war?

A troop surge is *essentially* a redeclaration of war. Of course it's not a declaration on Afghanistan, but one 100 people in Afghanistan (this is rediculous enough and hardly possible to be overrun by a hundred guerillas). Semantics don't matter here. What the point is, is that the sad and dare I say scary irony that the winner of the most prestigious peace prize on the planet is personally responsible for any deaths that occur as a result of this quasi-war that the US is operating in Afghanistan. You don't see how this is a preposterous situation? If he really didn't want to be a two-faced individual, he would either reject the nobel peace prize nomination or stop this pointless war (ok, so its not pointless if you're making sure the poppy fields are growing, but besides that). He can't play both sides of this coin and unfortunately, the nobel prize has not become a laughing joke.

12-09-2009, 01:32 AM
A troop surge is *essentially* a redeclaration of war. Of course it's not a declaration on Afghanistan, but one 100 people in Afghanistan (this is rediculous enough and hardly possible to be overrun by a hundred guerillas). Semantics don't matter here. What the point is, is that the sad and dare I say scary irony that the winner of the most prestigious peace prize on the planet is personally responsible for any deaths that occur as a result of this quasi-war that the US is operating in Afghanistan. You don't see how this is a preposterous situation? If he really didn't want to be a two-faced individual, he would either reject the nobel peace prize nomination or stop this pointless war (ok, so its not pointless if you're making sure the poppy fields are growing, but besides that). He can't play both sides of this coin and unfortunately, the nobel prize has not become a laughing joke.

It is a joke. Prestigious? The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded each year by a politically based group of 5 Norwegian guys. That's all it is. That's all it's ever been. It's never had any true significance. Even Obama said "WTF?" when it was given to him.

If you expect the president to stop taking care of business because a handful of crazy Norwegians threw a silly prize his way, you need to think again. The generals running the Afghanistan war have been asking for more support ever since the war started. They are finally getting it (although not as much as they wanted).