View Full Version : Anything Special?

12-08-2009, 04:06 PM
Anyone doing anything special for the holidays this year? I plan to make it as special as possible for my daughter considering last year was kind of tough. Yesterday was the anniversary of my wifes death and it was hard to think that a year has gone by like nothing. I was pretty upset yesterday thinking about it but I got my daughters report card yesterday and it made me feel pretty good because it was outstanding. I did so much this past year and mde so many changes in life for myself and mostly my daughter. It was kind of enlightening to see that things were going well in that area and my daughter was doing well considering her loss last year.

As far as me I promised her that we would have a very special Christmas and that is exactly what I intend to do. Since I have bought this new house, my neighbors look at me like I am nuts considering what I have had done to it so far. The neighbor to my right calls me Mr Griswald which I found funny but nonetheless, I have decorated the outside pretty good. Regardless of this economy, I will not spare any expense this year to make it special. This Saturday I have a party for kids happening with Santa. Many of you don't know me other than my postings on this forum but few do and can see I never do anything small. Those on my FB page have seen my Labor day party was insane and that's exactly what this party for the kids should be like except there will be no drinks being served. I am hoping this kicks off the holiday spirit for my friends, their kids, and my family.

Pure, I hope you make it!!!

So hopefully you all make this holiday season special and share. Ilove hearing peoples enjoyment. It sure beats hearing negative stories and atleast 1 month out of the year everyone can enjoy themself.:thumbs:

12-08-2009, 04:31 PM
hey man i think bout you and ur family from time to time. I hope everything is well! My fiance and i have actually been thinking about taking a trip up to ny... figured you and pure would be excited ;oP

12-08-2009, 08:05 PM
I'll have Christmas the 16th this year. My mother is going into surgery the next day and will be "disabled" for quite a while, so we're all going to spend some time with her. Unfortunately it won't be much because my brother and I have a long two hour trip to get home the same day after his last final exam. I asked for a suit for Christmas, and I think I got one :)

12-08-2009, 11:39 PM
I'm just planning to stay home and warm and enjoy the time with my family. I plan to forget about everything stressful and relax. I hope everyone has a good and safe holiday season. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year GM!

12-09-2009, 05:35 AM
Honestly, I struggle greatly this time of the year.

I have Little E for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning until 11am. There are 2 parties I feel obligated to bring him too & can only do one, & 2 gatherings Christmas morning, yet he has to be on the road back north by about 10:15. Needless to say, it stresses the crap out of me. So this party is probably going to be the most fun I have this season besides seeing my son 1st thing Christmas morning.

Biggs, I'll see you Saturday (can I sneak in a couple nippers?) :devil:

Also Biggs, it'll be good to see you two again! If I seam too quiet, I'm probably just soaking it all in! :D

12-09-2009, 08:14 PM
Pure, looking forward to seeing you and little E. I have a few people working to get things prepared. Make sure you bring your Camera.

12-09-2009, 08:16 PM
I'll have Christmas the 16th this year. My mother is going into surgery the next day and will be "disabled" for quite a while, so we're all going to spend some time with her. Unfortunately it won't be much because my brother and I have a long two hour trip to get home the same day after his last final exam. I asked for a suit for Christmas, and I think I got one :)

I hope everything works out with your Mom. I hope it's not too serious.

12-09-2009, 10:29 PM
I hope everything works out with your Mom. I hope it's not too serious.

Thank you :). It's only for her back, but she's really nervous. It's a first experience for her.

12-10-2009, 02:44 PM
My in-laws moved from Columbus, OH back to Grand Rapids, MI (where I am), so for the first time in 5 years, no trip to Columbus in hazardous conditions! Yay!

Looking forward to spending the first magical Christmas with my daughter, and with family. :thumbs:

Die Hard
12-10-2009, 11:30 PM
I'll be gate crashing somewhere again this year.

12-11-2009, 02:30 AM
As far as me I promised her that we would have a very special Christmas and that is exactly what I intend to do. Since I have bought this new house, my neighbors look at me like I am nuts considering what I have had done to it so far. The neighbor to my right calls me Mr Griswald which I found funny but nonetheless, I have decorated the outside pretty good.

I demand pictures of this!!! :D

12-11-2009, 02:32 AM
For me, I'm keeping it mellow this year. This will be the first year I've not flown back to Georgia to spend Christmas with the family.

So I plan to stick close to home, maybe get together with some friends.

Who knows, I even tossed around the idea of getting some Christmas lights and decorating the house this weekend. Heh.

12-11-2009, 07:11 AM
I demand pictures of this!!! :D

Are you on Facebook?

I will post some here tomorrow.

12-21-2009, 06:34 AM
Hey sorry I never posted pics. Here are a few that my friend Nicole sent me a link to.
http://s912.photobucket.com/albums/ac326/NG27/Dannys%20Christmas%20Party/ (http://s912.photobucket.com/albums/ac326/NG27/Dannys%20Christmas%20Party/)

Over all, it was a great time and the kids had a blast. I am happy Pure Evil took the trip down with Little E. You guys know him as a good guy but you should see what kind of Dad he is in real life. I give him two thumbs up.

Santa did a great job. It's amazing how even the worst child canbe on their best when the guy in the red suit is around. This is my 7th party I have thrown in my new house except this was for just kids. I will also have to say these kids were great and I was happy to see them smile.

12-22-2009, 03:05 PM
A couple good shots of Little E in there :D He's not so little any more:eek:

Great party Bro :thumbs: some good memories, great to see you & Jenna smiling so much!

12-22-2009, 09:55 PM
Man that definately looks like the kids were thrilled!

All cute and dressed up and stuff. Looked like a good time.

I also like all the little snowman bags around the bottom of the tree!