View Full Version : Dragon Age: Origins

12-10-2009, 10:05 AM
Anyone been playing this? Whats everyone elses thoughts on it.

IMO, its very similiar to the other Bioware RPG's ive played, but it feels like you're playing through the lord of the rings movies. There are alot of them, and alot of dialouge, but i find myself watching them because they're so interesting.

The story is out of this world awesome, but maybe a bit too soap opera-y, but then again, it cant be too bad if im rooting for the characters. its funny too, depending on who you have in your party they'll sometimes talk with one another or make little cracks towards each other; i cant even count how many times ive laughed out loud at it so far. For example, in one of the DLC's you can get this golem named "shale" after doing some quest to activate him. Hes been stuck in the center of a small town for 30 years while people go about their lives, and has never had free will until you set him free. He also has this incredible hatred for birds, formerly being a statue and all. Upon leaving the town, this is the cutscene (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C-Lg1Uw3Gqo) you get, i about died laughing.

Its a LOOOOOOOOOONG game im told, with almost infinite replay value because you're actions and answers in conversations change how your party members think of you and how the game turns out. its WELL worth the 50 bucks.