View Full Version : Red Station and Cannons

02-25-2003, 09:19 PM
Red Station sux's :down: IT'S SOOO RED :online2long: and so easy to be a cheap player :mad: now i cee why they call it the red station :wacko:

Also cee why badboys play there also :shifty:

Cannons are fine...BUT not on a server with infinite ammo :down: :mad:

02-25-2003, 09:29 PM
I don't really mind the cannons, even with unlimited ammo. Just stay far away so you can dodge all their cannonballs and take them out with the sniper rifle or chaingun. What bugs me is when someone starts trying to control the pups so that they are always either invisible or orange. :P

And when people take my single barrel shotgun. Grrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!! :bandhead:

Other than that I think its a fun map. ;)

Intense Fury
02-25-2003, 09:33 PM
Originally posted by WEAPON_XxX@Feb 25 2003, 04:19 PM
Red Station sux's :down: IT'S SOOO RED :online2long: and so easy to be a cheap player :mad: now i cee why they call it the red station :wacko:

Also cee why badboys play there also :shifty:

Cannons are fine...BUT not on a server with infinite ammo :down: :mad:
infinite amo rocks and Red Station isnt that bad i still dont go only n00bs go there

02-25-2003, 09:45 PM
I'm feel myself becoming the Sam-grinch-shotty-snob. Bah! to those damn cannons! And Bah! to Red Station.....it sucks.

02-25-2003, 09:51 PM
I made an RSX, it had jumpers, than walkways, and alota stuff changed, some the red was removed, but then replace with some blue, and some bits o'green.
The Cannon was removed, and the super armor was placed there, that was not in the level, the ammo for cannon had been removed, or changed.

My new compound has no cannon, the reason noobs goto Red Station is cause its cannon, the level is a quicky level.

02-25-2003, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by VS BloodScream@Feb 25 2003, 04:51 PM
I made an RSX, it had jumpers, than walkways, and alota stuff changed, some the red was removed, but then replace with some blue, and some bits o'green.
The Cannon was removed, and the super armor was placed there, that was not in the level, the ammo for cannon had been removed, or changed.

My new compound has no cannon, the reason noobs goto Red Station is cause its cannon, the level is a quicky level.
:w00t: Is it open to the public? :w00t:

(Villains)****Death Sentence****
02-25-2003, 09:59 PM
....HOME SWEET HOME..... wub wub wub

and i like to play with or without the cannon... :thumbs:

Die Hard
02-25-2003, 10:03 PM
I agree with Hobbes. And b4 you say "thats cause its got a cannon there" well its not.

Hobbes is right, it's easier to beat someone with a cannon in Red Stat because you can stand further away, dodge their cannon balls and hit them with the chain gun or (my favourite) the laser gun.

So stop moaning, learn to play all levels and rock on baby :thumbs:

02-25-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Die Hard@Feb 25 2003, 05:03 PM
I agree with Hobbes. And b4 you say "thats cause its got a cannon there" well its not.

Hobbes is right, it's easier to beat someone with a cannon in Red Stat because you can stand further away, dodge their cannon balls and hit them with the chain gun or (my favourite) the laser gun.

So stop moaning, learn to play all levels and rock on baby :thumbs:
but usually the norm is......

The cannon user doesnt attack from above or on ground level. Usually what's done is they run down to the basement and trap everyone who travels the corridors or tries to power up on armor and health. Yes, the object of the game is to frag everyone you can but IMO controlling a section of the map with a cannon is not very skillful. I'm not saying i'm correct because there is no such thing as a correct opinion. Different views for different people.

02-25-2003, 10:30 PM
There's an easy way to avoid too much of the cannon in RS and also in Compound! When i play compound i normally don't go down into the basement of that map cause that's where all the cannon using players are usually! And in RS i also try to be always on the top level cause there it is easier to dodge the big black balls that are rolling around! Theres enough health and armor on the top level of the map so i don't need to go down where the Cannon campers are! I don't mind fighting a cannon user on the top level cause it's a nice movement training!

Just my thoughts on that topic :)

02-25-2003, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by Sepra@Feb 25 2003, 12:14 PM
but usually the norm is......

The cannon user doesnt attack from above or on ground level.  Usually what's done is they run down to the basement and trap everyone who travels the corridors or tries to power up on armor and health.  Yes, the object of the game is to frag everyone you can but IMO controlling a section of the map with a cannon is not very skillful.    I'm not saying i'm correct because there is no such thing as a correct opinion.  Different views for different people.
Well then you have to be sneaky and slip in the back way (underneath the rocket launcher) and suprise them with a rocket or grenade. But that's pretty tricky sometimes. You need to be careful they didn't just grab the invis.

But you don't even need to bother with them actually. If someone is camping the basement, stay out of the basement. With two players of equal skill, the player running around on top with a double barrel, chaingun, laser, and sniper rifle will almost always get more kills than the player down below with a cannon. I don't think there are any respawn points down below, so the person up top will always get first crack at a target. And hell, just say, "Don't go below! Cannon camper!!" and hopefully even more people will stay up top for you to kill. ;)

02-25-2003, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by Hobbes@Feb 25 2003, 11:38 PM
And hell, just say, "Don't go below! Cannon camper!!" and hopefully even more people will stay up top for you to kill. ;)
:w00t: :lol: Need to try that sometime

02-26-2003, 02:15 AM
The age old rule. Why put it in the game if it's not fair?

And, Why would they put powerups in? To give people an advantage and make the game more interesting. I've found something. If you attack someone who has a Serious Damage while backing away and using the chaingun, it becomes less and less "Serious."

They also put the cannons in the game as a reason to attack a player and kill them in one hit. They wouldn't put anything in the game just to make it extremely unfair.

@Sepra: there is another easy way to attack them in RS, take a shotgun and walk on the grate, then when you see someone with a cannon down there, shoot them through the grate. When they shoot off the cannon trying to hit u it normally hits the grate, bounces once or twice, and hits them, killing them (if you haven't killed em wiht the shotty by then).

@ Hobbes: I agree, but it also makes you more skillful trying to adapt to another erson's style of play, and at the same time try to beat them. If they have invisibility, then it would help your awareness alot to watch out for he slghtest movement. Or, just shoot em with the shotgun in their general area, and follow their blood. :rofl:

@Sauron: I also agree, another way to stop it would be to dodge them and become better at moving. I personally listen to the sound of their cannon, because they tend to charge it, and then jump or change direction when it reaches the highest charge.

@Everybody else: Stop complaining, this is for the love of the games, not to complain and turn the game all moldy and rotten. :rolleyes: :P :P

Yes, the only reason I took the time to post this was ebcause I'm sick and tired of hearing the complainers, and my sister, is on the phone and kicked off. And now she is making a "quick call" So i get to wait longer. :down:

One more afterthought:
Doctors studies show that 4 out of 5 normal people will pass this essay over, thinking, "my what an idiot that kid is." :rofl: :wave:

02-26-2003, 02:35 AM
Originally posted by Arachnophobia@Feb 25 2003, 09:15 PM
One more afterthought:
Doctors studies show that 4 out of 5 normal people will pass this essay over, thinking, "my what an idiot that kid is." :rofl: :wave:
But it's just so true!!! :rofl:

Frag Junky
02-26-2003, 05:52 AM
You should try the map of the Hole I downloaded from Croteam.com the other day. It has a bridge in the middle, and NO CANNON Funny the ammo is still there for it. :unsure:

02-26-2003, 05:50 PM
@Sepra: there is another easy way to attack them in RS, take a shotgun and walk on the grate, then when you see someone with a cannon down there, shoot them through the grate. When they shoot off the cannon trying to hit u it normally hits the grate, bounces once or twice, and hits them, killing them (if you haven't killed em wiht the shotty by then).

I thought I tried that once and got hurt by a pellets pinging off the grate back at me. :WTF:

03-02-2003, 11:24 PM
Originally posted by Sepra@Feb 26 2003, 12:50 PM

@Sepra: there is another easy way to attack them in RS, take a shotgun and walk on the grate, then when you see someone with a cannon down there, shoot them through the grate. When they shoot off the cannon trying to hit u it normally hits the grate, bounces once or twice, and hits them, killing them (if you haven't killed em wiht the shotty by then).

I thought I tried that once and got hurt by a pellets pinging off the grate back at me. :WTF:
:hmmm: I thought that was the flak cannon in UT.... :hmmm: :hmmm: :hmmm: