View Full Version : Free Rice - Worthy to do so.

12-29-2009, 10:39 AM
Here is link for all to contribute.
http://www.freerice.com/index.php (http://www.freerice.com/faq.html)
I found this awhile ago, a good itinerary to start off the New Year. At the same time you can help feed children and adults that require provisions. Did you know that every 6 seconds a child dies from hunger related causes, well; this is true by the way and to me completely unacceptable. This can provide for each question correct will equal 10 or so grains of rice, which can accumulate for every answer you, get correct. This also will get a bit more difficult as you elevate to a new level and again increase your vocabulary with a bit of fun as you go on. I believe this idea is well worth it for those who care to start one of many New Year resolutions. So, why not help and play and provide some assistance. The only requirement needed is a bit of time of your schedule or time table; whether if it’s 5 to 15 minutes a day or week, it doesn’t matter because many are doing this and it only proliferates towards a good course.

Thank you
SAS – Peace to all and a safe holiday. :)