View Full Version : Modern Warfare 2

01-15-2010, 09:26 AM
Is this game the same thing as the one on the xbox 360? Also are the servers joined or seperate from the platform?

What I mean by that is will I be able to play people on the xbox with the pc game?

I was thinking about getting this but not sure if I should get it for pc or the console. I hate the controller on the xbox and prefer the mouse.

Gun Element
01-15-2010, 11:13 AM
Yes it's the same game, but has seperate servers. Less people play the PC version compared to the 360 and PS3. 90,000ish to 750,000ish online (PC vs console). But thats really not a problem, but just saying.

Whatever choice you make, you will enjoy it either way.

01-15-2010, 01:35 PM
Biggs, honestly, i think you'll hate it. I mean the gameplay is great, however, the matchmaking they forced on us is terrible, so you get horrible hosts from time to time and pings over 100 are pretty common. not to mention, at least in my case, the game crashes from time to time for seemingly no reason and i havent been able to figure out if its the game or something running on my system.

01-15-2010, 02:46 PM
I play it on the Xbox and love it. The graphics are awesome in HD. My pc can't handle the new games so I've given up playing pc games.

01-15-2010, 04:10 PM
yea, there are NO DEDICATED SERVERS so its better on the console simply because there are more players, but i also cannot stand the controller or using it

01-16-2010, 11:05 PM
Is there any way I can play this game on the xbox with a keyboard and mouse? I just cant get use to the controller and I nearly threw up playing it yesterday.

Gun Element
01-17-2010, 01:39 AM
I played the PC version for the first time yesterday and its pretty much the same to me in terms of the user control feel. I prefer the controller over the keyboard and mouse in the end though, but thats probably because of the 5 days I spent on the xbox version over 10 min on the PC.

01-17-2010, 06:18 AM
Is there any way I can play this game on the xbox with a keyboard and mouse? I just cant get use to the controller and I nearly threw up playing it yesterday.
there are emulators for just that biggs, ive done a bit of looking into it myself, however the consensus i came to was that the good one was next to impossible to find, and that the one you CAN find, was still 100 bucks or so, and finicky, if it works at all.

01-17-2010, 06:45 AM
if you could get a kb/mouse to work properly on xbox you would pwn everyone. which brings to mind the PC version.... how is the support for the PC? Seems like PC gets shafted compared to consoles.

01-17-2010, 12:54 PM
the PC version of MW2 is a console port, and nothing more.

its actually a downgrade

01-18-2010, 02:11 AM
yea, there are NO DEDICATED SERVERS so its better on the console simply because there are more players, but i also cannot stand the controller or using it

I bought the PC version

1. No server list to choose from sucks largely
2. Single player in the special ops section is fun and challenging but when it's over...well that'll suck too.
3. My 6 year old grandson pwns my ass with the xbox and I'm too stubborn to learn how to use a controller.
4. Not the best $60 I ever payed for a game. Don't know why they changed it from something that worked fine (server list and all).

01-18-2010, 02:17 AM
goober! you have it for the PC! add pjlmaster on steam!