View Full Version : Serious Sam 2 Walkthrough

01-21-2010, 10:14 PM



Welcome to the next chapter in Serious Sam, #2! This walkthrough will detail how to beat the game and acquire all the secrets in the process. Remember that this game is largely mowing down hordes of enemies as you make your way to Mental. Kills and items collected will increase your score, as will secrets found. Try not to use this walkthrough unless you are absolutely stuck and/or you haven’t found all the secrets and want to. Remember that in this walkthrough I am assuming you are playing on Normal difficulty. Your difficulty level may actually be higher or lower depending on your preference. With that I wish you good luck! Now let’s get with the story.

A movie introduces you to the story. We get our first look at the Sirian Great Council, two brothers and a sister. The brothers are arguing about Sam’s status as the One to destroy Mental. They summon Sam to them to explain his new objective: to recover the five pieces of the Medallion of Power and join them to make Mental vulnerable to attack. They explain that each piece is guarded by Mental in one of five different locations. You must go to those locations, kill all Mental scum in your path, and recover each piece before making your final assault on Mental! The first level, the Jungle, introduces the new, upgraded NETRICSA, which can now talk!

You start in a village with some native Simba. Check the NETRICSA console to review your objectives before beginning. In terms of weapons, you start off with a Circular Saw, a Zap Gun and dual Colts, all of which have unlimited ammo. Actually the Saw has no ammo to speak of lol. You can use the P button at any time (default) to locate your mission waypoints. That of course will skip right by any secret areas so I really don’t advise it. You can shoot some of the chickens in this first area. Doing so will turn them into fried chicken (mmm) and award you 100 points each. Smash the pots for some quick rewards as well. Gold coins will give you 100 points. You can interact with the Simbas but most of the time they will say “Hello!” and “Hi!” Use the basketball and soccer ball near the basketball hoop to practice picking up, dropping and throwing items. Try to shoot a basket, and NETRICSA will congratulate you and you will get, as a reward, a money bag worth 1,000 points.

Enter the huts for other goodies as well. The one to the right near the Stonehenge formation contains another soccer ball which you really do not need, a female Simba and some Grenades. If you go counter-clockwise, the next hut has a male Simba, a TV that you can smash, and a pot with a gold coin in it. There’s a coin in the next hut as well, and some Shotgun Shells in the one after that. The last one has another male Simba, another TV and another pot with a coin in it. When you’re done robbing the Simbas head off onto the trail. Turn left at the pond with the waterfall. Destroy the crates here to get some armor pieces (helmets specifically). Jump into the water, and swim up to the waterfall, climbing out and going behind it to claim Secret #1.


This cave will take you to a room with eight coins circling a money bag, and a treasure chest. The chest is worth 5,000 points! At every 10,000 points you will get an extra life in addition to the three you start with. Return to the path and follow it out to your objective. Ready your weapons because soon some dramatic music will play as two Simbas are seen fleeing, being pursued by Grunts! These are your first minions of Mental you will face in the game, and they shoot green lasers. Fortunately they are easy kills so take care of them and continue on.

In the following room there is a Shotgun waiting for you on a pressure plate. When you stand on the plate the door ahead will open. But as soon as you step off, the door will close again. So you need to weigh it down. Fortunately there are bricks in here. It will take three of them to put enough weight onto the pad. Before leaving smash the crates for some goodies.

The next area is wide open, but contains your first “vehicle” of the game, Dino the dinosaur. You can ride Dino and he can shoot fireballs from his mouth if you hit the Fire button. Look to the right of where you found him. Note the dropship up in the sky, it is dropping off enemies for you to face later. You will need to dismount for this next part. Find a soccer ball in the tree and score a goal with it to claim Secret #2, a money bag.


If you’re having trouble getting the ball down, shoot it down. Then get back onto Dino and venture out. The main path will split into two. Follow it right so you cover everything and get all the items in this area. Yes, you can pick up items while riding. When you complete the circle and the path rejoins into one a cutscene takes over. More enemies are coming your way!

Use Dino’s fire attack to give them what they deserve. One of them is in a spiked Rollerball. Try to destroy that first before taking out the Grunts. When they’re all dead, continue on trail. If you run across any items that you don’t really need, picking them up will still increase your score, but I advise saving them for when you really do need them. Break off to the left just before going under the arch. Look closely between a palm tree and a larger tree for a switch on the rocks. Dismount Dino then use it to trigger Secret #3.


Enter the cave that opens up. When you get inside you will see a future enemy exploding in a green portal. Ignore it until you have found all the goods in this cave, then enter the green portal. You will re-emerge back near the soccer secret with a larger Dino at your disposal, and that means more power as well!

Return to the arch and continue past it. Your first big fight is up ahead when you near your objective, a large monkey statue with an entrance in the mouth. Two dropships will drop off a large amount of Grunts, nothing you can’t take care of. This large Dino that you hopefully have can not only shoot fireballs, but can also mow down the enemies by running into them! No kidding, but that does mean you run a greater risk of getting him injured. And when he runs out of life you lose your ride. After that initial battle a new enemy emerges from up ahead, Onan the Librarian. He will throw axes at you and be accompanied by a few more Grunts. The charging technique will work well here. After they’re dead look to the left of the water fall, and look up to find a Rocket Launcher on a wooden ledge. You need to shoot the support beam to bring it down and claim Secret #4.


Dive into the water to find a health tablet as well. After that climb the steps to exit this first level. A movie kicks in and shows a Simba child leading Sam to another, older Simba. They gesture him to the larger village, and your next level.

01-22-2010, 01:23 AM


Again the level begins with a movie sequence. This time you are introduced to a new enemy, the Primitive. A Primitive carries a shield in one hand and a melee weapon in the other. You can blow their shields out of their hands with a good enough shot, but try to go right for the kill. Additionally, Sam is having a hard time understanding what the Simbas are saying because NETRICSA’s translator is not working, not yet.

As you may have guessed from the movie, your first priority is to kill those three Primitives. Then you can move forward. In the hut to your right there are some shells. Approach the guard tower next to that hut and a Simba will throw you more shells. Enter the second hut, right to the left of the guard tower. In the third house are two bundles of TNT explosives, detonated when they’re hit by weapons fire. There is another one on the outside. There is no reward for you if you blow the house up but if you do decide to, don’t be anywhere near it when it goes. Further down the beach you will be attacked by more Primitives and Onans so deal with them properly. When you near the next house a Simba plane will be seen flying in. Collect the boxes of shells right outside the house, and then enter it and use the bowl of beans. Sam will eat some claiming Secret #1 for you. Sam will pass a powerful burst of gas that destroys the house completely.


The Simba plane will have dropped a crate near that house so blast it and take the upper body armor. Another one in the water contains more shells. Fend off more enemies including green creatures that resemble the Marsh Hoppers from Sam 1. They’re easier to take out individually though. You can see them coming in from the side. Primitives get into this mix as well. Kill them all and continue. When you reach the guard towers the Simbas manning them will throw you some shells and a health coin, worth 25 health points. Don’t cross the bridge yet. Continue down to the left and look for a vibrating bush with two Simbas in it having fun, if you please. Use that bush to trigger Secret #2 and send the Simbas running!


Return to the bridge and cross. An aerial bombing begins when you reach the island. A Simba will walk out of his house carrying a Double Shotgun for you. Unfortunately for him he will die, exploding along with his house. No time to grieve him though as you are under a heavy assault. Mental’s hordes are moving in from the other side of the river. Watch out for the axes thrown your way by the Onans. Look to the left side of the island. There is a raft with a Serious Bomb on it. It is possible that the bombing knocked it loose and it washed ashore. If not you will have to shoot the rope that holds the raft in place. Either way collect the Bomb, which is Secret #3. Now look at the opposite side of the island and find a switch. Use it to trigger Secret #4. The switch blows up the house with the TNT in it that I mentioned way back.


Cross to the other side. The Simbas will throw you some shells and some health. Look nearby for a large banana hidden in the rocks. Pick up the banana and carry it over to the left to the monkey statue, and throw the banana into the mouth to claim Secret #5.


Feeding the monkey spawns some Primitives though so kill them. To the left of the statue is the main road. Follow it until you see a cutscene. The village is under attack by Mental’s monsters! Approach them and give them their just desserts. The enemies here consist of Primitives and Onans. Nothing to worry about. After you kill them approach the gate to the village. In a movie sequence, the gates open and Sam enters the village, eventually making his way to the Simba chief, who invites him to a private chat. This level is over.

01-22-2010, 02:11 AM


There are no secrets this time, just a big fight. In this movie sequence, the Simba chief informs you that the eventual boss enemy of this episode, Kwongo, has taken the Medallion piece. Their shaman may be able to summon Kwongo, but he has been taken prisoner. The conversation is interrupted by the sounds of an approaching Primitive army. Your mission is to protect the Simba chief at whatever cost.

There will be items scattered around the arena and inside the huts to help you as you complete this level. Furthermore, the Simbas will assist in the fight however they can. The second phase of the battle kicks in with a cutscene showing Primitives trying to break down the gate. Get up ahead of the Simbas and meet the head-on. Then use all firepower available to slay all attackers. There will actually be Primitives leaping over the fences to attack the village. When they pour in they will be attacking from all sides so be on your guard. Also there are some of the Hoppers in this fight as well.

When the third part of the battle begins, a cutscene shows the Primitives that are attacking the gate giving way to a larger enemy, your newest foe the Albino. He busts down the gate with no problem and is followed in by more enemies. Watch out for this guy, he is a fast mover and a far-reacher. He shoots plasma bursts that do heavy damage. Killing this baddie is top priority now. Bring him down first then after you do, clear out the rest of the resistance. After the last enemy falls another movie sequence begins. The Simbas hold a celebration to commemorate their victory which includes, among other things, Sam getting drunk and passing out.


The next day Sam is sent out to save the shaman, but not before acquiring a new weapon, Clawdovic. These bomb-carrying parrots can deal significant damage. When used, the bird will fly out towards the target and then detonate when it’s close enough, similar to the Beheaded Kamikazes, except they’re on your side. The bird takes a crap on Sam's shoes before they depart. Just like that, level three is over.

01-22-2010, 05:44 AM


A Mental installation greets you in this level. You have to start off by taking a landing pad dead ahead of you, so get to it. When you make your move you will be attacked, and among the monsters are big heavy tanker demons. Take those out first before you take out the Grunts. Just by looking at them, you can tell how tough they are. Clear the area out and you will have free access to the turrets. Patch yourself up as needed with the items nearby then choose a turret to enter.

The turrets have unlimited ammo, but not unlimited “life.” Keep that in mind as you use them to defend your newly captured base. First you have to shoot down an attack helicopter and it will take quite a few hits, so be patient. Two more will be sent in after that. Yes, at the same time. After those two are destroyed more enemies will attack. Deal with the monsters with range attacks first. Deal with the Primitives after that. The Onans and the tankers can hit your turrets long before the Primitives do. If you lose the turret you are using you can switch over to the other one. But if you lose both in this battle, you will have to defeat your enemies with your conventional weapons. When all is silent a Simba plane will enter.

As NETRICSA mentions, a Rocket Launcher is dropped in your area. Do not pick it up yet. Rather inspect this base more carefully. The steel boxes with the radiation symbols on them cannot be destroyed. Stack them up to create a sort of stair to the balcony above the main doors and claim Secret #1, a treasure chest. Three tall should do it. I advise stacking the boxes just a little off from the doors so you can actually make the jump, and make it at least two wide. That way if you accidentally knock any boxes, they won’t fall over right away.


Remember to blast all the wooden boxes for extra items as you get the Rocket Launcher. Look at the trail to the right of this base (left when facing it) to get ready for your next fight. Another new enemy is introduced, these wind-up Rhino toys resemble the Sirian Werebulls from 1, and they attack the same way, but they’re different, trust me. Other enemies attack too so stay on your guard as you advance. I found Clawdovic to work well on the attack chopper here. Continue up the trail, replenishing health and armor as you see fit. In the next area there is a stack of wooden crates to your left and an Ammo Pack. You know what to do with all of that. The Simbas down the trail will need your help fending off the approaching monsters. Some Grunts will be riding in on Hoppers. When you arrive at a rollerball you can climb into, first deviate to the left of it. You will come across Secret #2, a Primitive disguised as a health cube.


Kill him then return to the rollerball and step in. All you have to do to attack from here is move around. This will cause the ball to roll as you may have imagined. The spikes on it will deal a lot of damage, but this toy will not last forever. Keep an eye on your hit points. Up ahead is your first prey. How powerful is this rollerball? Powerful enough to instantly kill those Albinos with a direct hit! Use this vehicle to kill all attacking forces. If you lose it though you will have to go back to basic weapons. Either way kill them all then destroy all the crates here to get whatever items you can. Before continuing down the dirt road look for a patch of rocks on the right side of this area. You should see a fridge. Dismount from the ball if you haven’t already, then open it for Secret #3.


You cannot shoot the frozen penguin, so just continue down the road. When you arrive at a drop-off, a Simba off in the distance is calling for you. Head in his direction and it will turn out to be a robotic fake that explodes on cue. And now guess who’s here to make your life miserable. The famous Beheaded Kamikazes! You know the drill I hope. Keep your distance from them and kill them early. Listen for their constant screaming, as that is the only warning you will get. As other enemies join the fight, so will some Simbas fighting for you. Keep the fight up until all enemies are fallen, then search the area for anything you can collect. Then continue on trail.

Follow this trail around a monolith and into a canyon and towards more foes. After the pack of Primitives, continue until you drop to another lower area. Blast the crates to get some armor, a health cube, and an Ammo Pack, then keep moving forward. A Simba will arrive with a new vehicle. Just in time too, because a new foe appears, a bipedal, armed demon! It’s pretty powerful but there’s only one for now. Enter and try out your latest joy ride. This baddie can not just mow down enemies, but also fire a steady stream of plasma bursts! Continue to your objective in this. A note on ramming though, sometimes you run the risk of tipping this vehicle over. In that case you will automatically be ejected, and will have to turn it back over before riding again. So I advise primarily using the plasma guns. And you will need them to face the turrets and other enemies straight ahead.

It’s a good thing your vehicle has unlimited ammo because you will need it. Near the end of this major battle another new foe spawns, a Spider Mech. For the purpose of being succinct I shall refer to them as S-Mechs. This is a giant one that will take a few hits to kill. Keep your distance from it, as you would a lot of enemies. You ask why? Because they shoot acid balls at you. After the first one dies a few more will spawn ahead of you and behind you. Don’t get yourself cornered and keep them under constant fire. Continue to your objective when they are all finished. Head for the door in the distance to exit. A short movie shows Sam advancing amid a pile of dead bodies.

01-22-2010, 11:45 PM


Okay, another new enemy is introduced in the opening movie. Those small beasties burst through a gate sending one Simba running off. When you gain control of Sam, immediately look to the right of your starting position. There is a building with a Serious Bomb on the roof. Use the nearby crates and stack them to climb up to get the bomb for Secret #1. Climb back down and collect all the other items in this first area. If you are having trouble stacking the boxes, as I usually do, I suggest carrying a box up the steps on the building to the right of the secret. Release it and then use that to hop up, using the pegs, onto the roof of that building. Walk out to the left and jump down to the secret area and claim your prize.


There is a Simba in this area standing on a container. Blast it to reveal a Serious Score powerup! When this is being used, for one minute the point values for kills and item pick-ups will be powered up. Just for a minute. Head out beyond that point and the Dogs you saw in the movie sequence begin to attack. Defeat the first two and you will be rewarded with twin Uzis. You have to kill a larger pack after that. After the last one, several Primitives will have to be defeated as well. With the area free of the resistance, continue searching the area for everything you can pick up. Go through the wooden gate when you’re ready.

For me there is no easy way to describe this next area adequately. Suffice it to say that the whole area is one large battle consisting mostly of Dogs and Zombie Stockbrokers. To be brief I will refer to them as ZS’s from here on out. There are dozens of enemies in the area and you cannot count on the Simba civilians to help you. Search around for all the items in the area as well. Remember to blow up barrels and boxes. When you’re done return to the entrance, and follow the main path until you come to a T-intersection, and turn right. Hug the right side until you come to a switch. Use it for Secret #2, the Return of the Boxing Barry Secret. Right behind you a large ZS will be punched by the boxing glove.


Head in the opposite direction and look at the buildings to your left. Keep going until you find one with a chicken on the roof. Kill it to register Secret #3. A health cube will spawn in its place.

Now go through the gate at the end of this area to proceed to the next. You will have more opponents rushing in from the left side, and some Grunts will be sniping at you from above ledges. After you kill them all head for the Simba directly ahead. He will lead you inside to an ammo depot with a Sniper Rifle! Unfortunately, taking this bad boy summons more enemies outside. Perfect target practice! Take everything in here and note the left side of the room. There is a curtain with a rope next to it. Use the Saw to cut the grating. It will take a while so be patient. Use the rope the flush the liquid out of the hole and drop in. You will get Secret #4, a treasure chest, and a bounce pad will launch you back up. Get your guns ready and return outside.


Try to save at least five sniper bullets. If you do use it in the battle, the Sniper Rifle will not be enough, but it will help for sure. Especially if you use the scope on it, by hitting the Secondary Fire key. Okay, when the enemies are all dead, a commando included, your first one of the game, look around this area. High on the roofs of the surrounding buildings are five targets. Find each one individually with your sniper scope and shoot them. When you’ve shot all four you will get Secret #5, armor.

Face left from the building where you got the Sniper Rifle. Go through the archway and look left. There are two bundles of rockets on a wooden ledge. Bring them down by shooting the support beam and claim Secret #6. Shoot the missile-firing demons that are attacking you when you take the secret, and return to the fork.


Now follow the path to the right of the Sniper Rifle building and go through the gate. The gate will not lock behind you so you can backtrack if you find yourself overwhelmed by enemy forces. There will be plenty as you follow this trail out. Gather up all the items that you need. You will face a lot of Primitives and Dogs among other foes. But I do want to mention one item in particular because it is difficult to grab. There is a money bag on top of an awning near the gate at the end of this trail. And there are boxes nearby that you can use to climb up to that bag. After this area is cleared of items and enemies, go through the gate at the end, taking care of the surprise welcoming committee that Mental sent.

In the next area, directly in front of you spawns a health heart! Also some armor and an Ammo Pack, plus other items on either side of the yard. This must be the prelude to another major battle so get ready. Destroy the statue in the center to get a Serious Damage powerup. That should help immensely. You know what really sucks? The large face statue in the yard is firing projectiles that spawn more enemies during the fight. But a Serious Score also spawns, so use that when you see it. Do not ignore the health coins in the corners of this arena because I feel you will need them. After the battle is over the level will automatically end with an FMV sequence. Sam throws a coin into a wishing fountain to find the location of the imprisoned shaman. He heads for it and the level ends.

01-23-2010, 05:32 PM


The shaman, trapped in a force field, is getting on the nerves of four Primitives sitting down to a game of poker. One of them gets up and beats the shaman into submission, before Sam comes in and interrupts. NETRICSA points out at the start that there are other captives in this prison that you should consider releasing.

Start off by defeating the four Primitives guarding the shaman. After they’re dead he will thank you and dematerialize. After he does a bunch of ZS’s attack you, followed by some more Primitives. Hint: You can blast the bowls for health and armor items. Return to the entrance and look at the monkey head statue to your right. There is a switch on the right side. Use it to register Secret #1, and some armor will come out of the monkey’s mouth.


Head into the next room. Turn right and take all three keys off the pillar, as well as the ammo from behind the pillars. For the keys you need to Use them in order to collect them. On the other side, blow the containers to gain more useful items. Continue into the next room.

Turn left at the intersection. If any enemies attack you they will be coming from straight ahead at that intersection, and include ZS’s and Hoppers. Kill them now if you are encountering them now, otherwise you will later. Turn left as I said and arrive at three cell doors. Approaching one of these doors will open it and release the Simbas inside. They in turn will toss something to you in return. Back to the intersection go straight this time. Blast the pots for gold coins. As soon as you can, turn right and kill another ZS. He was guarding three more cells so open the doors, release the prisoners and get your rewards. Return to the main hallway and continue until you can turn left. Three more cell doors to open. The one on the left contains an easter egg, a portrait of Croteam. The one on the right has another pot to blast. When you’re done here return to the hallway, and prepare to enter the next main room.

There’s a lot of stuff in this next room to collect but when you do, lightning strikes in the center of the room indicating the next battle. Hoppers and ZS’s attack in this room, and a commando will also strike from down the next all. Good thing there’s plenty of health and ammo in all the containers. If you’re looking at the two doors and forgot which one to go through next, the one on the left. Kill the resistance that’s stopping you. Go down the hall and turn right to open three more cells and take everything you can. Return to the hall and as you continue forward you will get more of Mental’s armies. Turn left and open three more cell doors. The cell on the left has a treasure chest for you. Back in the hall go through the next gate into another large room.

Blast everything to get all items and check out the shiny energy ball. Turn left and go down the corridor. You have more enemies to take care of, Kamikazes included. Kill the Kamikazes first so you don’t have to worry about them breathing down your neck. There are more ZS’s in the next room to kill. They’ll spawn in the center, ready to eat your lead. Dish it to them, then get all items, turn right and go down into another large room.

Oh yeah, you will have more ZS’s in here. Kill them and then examine but DO NOT blast the crates on the left. Use them to climb up to Secret #2, a secret high plateau. Take the armor and two Clawdovics and return to the ground.


As you blast everything and take everything that comes out, follow the large area to the room with the energy ball you saw earlier. When you enter, a force field blocks your entrance, preventing you from escaping. It is not fatal to touch, but there’s nothing you can do but fight. First a horde of ZS’s. They will be spawned directly from the plasma ball up above. When you’ve defeated all of them, Kamikazes will be next in. I have no tips but to keep running around the arena to avoid them. When all the resistance is dead you will get some relief items near the exit door. Collect them but face the door to the right of the exit. Go through that door to claim Secret #3, a room full of many items including a treasure chest.


Now go through the exit from the large room. Follow the corridor slaying all enemies in your path until you come to a wooden swing. You must shoot it to give it some momentum. If you miss this sequence you will fall into a spike pit. Time it so that it swings over to you and then jump onto it. Ride it to the other side and jump off. Follow the tunnel until you meet up with the shaman. Sam will have to climb upward, but first let’s explore a bit down here. Blow up the crates for some items, and look underwater for some rockets. Approach the fallen pillars, and note the treasure chest to the left of them. Use the red pillar next to that ledge to reach it. Climb up until you can make a jump to the left to land on the ledge and get Secret #4. (Alternatively, you can enter the tunnel and look for an opening to the left, and follow the fallen pillars.) Turn around and look at the monkey statues. To the left of the lowest one is a rock ledge with armor on it. Blast it with a rocket or grenade and take the armor for Secret #5. Now begin up the tunnel, located to the right of the chest secret.


Kill the Kamikazes and ZS’s as you make your way to the top. When you get there quickly man the turret and use that to shoot down all the attackers. Kamikazes are coming in from the right. And ahead of you are helicopters, and individual flying units. You will have a handful, but this one turret should be able to take care of all of them. When they’re all finished, continue following the path to the right. Keep slaying all enemies but watch for an opening to the left. Go through that opening and drop down to a dirt ledge. Look to the right of that and drop to the hand of a monkey statue to claim Secret #6, a health heart. Several more enemies will spawn when you discover this secret. Drop down to the bottom of this area and retrace your steps to get back up to that point where you found the secret and deal with your foes from there.


Continue up until you find a turret and a detonator guarded by some Grunts. Kill them then use the detonator to blow up a caved-in passage. Then enter the turret and get ready for another onslaught. Albinos will come out of the entrance that you blew, and more helicopters will be sent in, with flyers accompanying them. The turret may not survive this fight but if it doesn’t, you still have your own weapons to use. If you lose the turret don’t be afraid to run back down the slope to gain some distance. When the area is silent cross the bridge and enter the cave that you cleared.

Enter the door and an impatient shaman will try to hurry you along. Pick up everything in this room including a Serious Damage. Taking this powerup will trigger another major battle. The battle includes Kamikazes, Albinos, ZS’s, and other enemies. They are relentless. Of course, they’re always relentless! No extra help will spawn during the fighting so if you prefer to save the other items in here for when you need them, I don’t blame you. After the fight is over head for the doors marked on either side by masks to end this level.

01-24-2010, 03:04 AM


You’re starting out under attack. Listen to NETRICSA and climb into the turret to your right. This turret fires powerful bursts of pink plasma energy, perfect for this situation because the enemies approaching are quite powerful. Among them are Helicopters, and some oversized Primitives, and others. If you find yourself losing the turret in the fight take evasive action and use the most powerful weapons in your arsenal. When all is silent search this courtyard for all collectibles. On the right side of this yard on the second tower, there is a switch you can push. Use it to trigger Secret #1.


From the starting position go left around the buildings until you find and kill several more baddies. Search further to find a Primitive attacking a baby Simba. Kill the Primitive to save the baby and he will give you an Extra Life as a reward!

Continue searching this yard all over for items. Hug the left side of the area because another battle will soon begin. And if you hug the left side, you will soon be taken to two UFO vehicles! Get on board one of them. These hovering machines can cut through enemy forces, but also fire a steady stream of blue lasers. And there are two of them at your disposal. Use that to fight back against the attacking enemies, which include the tankers and Helicopters, and several Turrets. In the rocky area behind the UFOs, you will find Secret #2, Sniper Bullets.


To exit this area, look to the right of the starting position for a small area with a couple boxes and a key with a heart-shaped top. Taking the key will cause more enemies to appear right behind you. Kill them and whatever you haven’t collected yet, do so. You can follow the main path to find your exit, a building that you can enter. You cannot take any UFOs in with you, so climb out if you haven’t already.

Kill the demon that greets you at the door and proceed inside. There are stairs on either side of you. It does not matter which staircase you choose to climb, as they both take you to the same area. At the top grab the Ammo Pack and follow through the door to another outside yard. Turn due left to find some armor. There is an armor shard up ahead and to the right. You will have to do some serious fighting coming up, starting with an Albino. Then come a new enemy, football players whose footballs act as grenades, so look out! Use your heavier firepower on them, and look dead ahead for a Serious Damage. I went straight for the SD, then used the Shotgun to take the enemies out until it ran out, then switched to an explosive weapon like Clawdovic or the Rocket Launcher.

You will come to two archways. From here take out several Rollerballs then when all is again silent look at the two arches. Go under the one on the right, and follow that area, collecting several items along the way. Keep going through the stone arches until you have to turn right, and you’ll see Secret #3, a Serious Score.


Turn around and face the attackers. There is a Turret off in the distance as well. Follow the trail to the end and enter the building. Save your game as soon as you go through the door.

The next room requires you to make a series of jumps from ledge to ledge all the while avoiding some deadly spikes. Start by hopping out to the circular ledge ahead of you, then turn right and make a couple more jumps to land on the rectangular ledge next to the wall. From here turn left, and make three more jumps to arrive at the next rectangular ledge. Go to the opposite side of this, turn left, and make four jumps across the ledges until you finally arrive at the health cube. Go up the stairs and take the Ammo Pack at the end, then go through the door into the third yard.

Proceed into the yard and get ready to defend. Some Rhinos lead the charge, and some footballers follow. Watch out for the turrets above as well, and anything else Mental throws at you. After they’re all killed look behind the obelisk on the right (right when entering the yard). You will eventually find Secret #4, an area containing armor and a treasure chest.


Be careful on exit because more enemies are waiting for you, Rollerballs included. When you’re ready, follow the path below the arch, killing more monsters as you go, until you come to an area with a fountain in the middle. You are now directly outside the temple with the large glowing mask. When you enter, the shaman will appear at the temple, gesture toward you and disappear again.

Go to where the shaman was and take the health cube and Ammo Pack. Take care of the two Helicopters that are sent in and then let’s go exploring. First, let’s look at the left side of the temple. Turrets will attack right in front of you as you approach. Destroy them all and take the two items here, armor and a treasure chest. Then take care of some more Turrets plus a Helicopter. Stay in this area because your next secret is here. Look for the basketball hoop and grab the nearby basketball. If you can shoot a basket successfully, Secret #5, a Cannon!! with some ammo, is yours. If you are having difficulty making the shot, this method always works: Stand directly beneath the hoop and look up as high as you can so you are shooting vertically. Then launch the ball and it should fly upward through it, triggering the secret. I don’t recommend that in a real game of basketball though lol.


Get your new toy ready and head to the opposite side of the temple. Another fight will be triggered introducing the Hellchicks. These red female imps use their pitchforks to shoot projectiles at you. You also have some Albinos, a Helicopter, and a turret to deal with. Search the right side of the temple to find an Ammo Pack and a chicken. Approach the chicken without killing it to trigger Secret #6. After the secret is confirmed, turn your back to the temple. Kill the chicken then kill the Albino that spawns. Take the Ammo Pack if you haven’t already.


Follow the path further out from the temple, but watch the left side. As soon as you pass the next building look to the right of it for Secret #7, a treasure chest.


Taking this will spawn two giant Primitives. The Cannon works real well on them. I also found myself under attack by a couple Turrets in the distance so you may very well too. Continue down the path though. In the corner before you are forced to turn right you can find a money bag, a health cube, and a Serious Score. Take them all and follow the area to the right. Several more Turrets will pop out in front of you. Defeat them and continue into the open area with a shallow pool. Approach the pool, watching out behind you in the process. A large horde of Kamikazes will begin to attack. Several nearby Simbas will give you as much assistance as they can. Several more baddies join the fight. Kill them all and then the shaman will appear again, beckon you to follow him, then dematerialize again.

Before you do enter the building though, search behind an obelisk on the right side of it, and find Secret #8, a small area containing a money bag and a UFO!


The UFO will be useful since you will be attacked by Kamikazes as you leave. Search a stone patch near that obelisk for a switch. The stones are directly to the right of the pool. Find the switch and use it to register Secret #9.


Now when you are ready get out of the UFO if you already haven’t, then enter the building you saw the shaman in, collecting the Ammo Pack, and saving your game.

You have to make a series of jumps up the spiraling ledges while avoiding a misstep and thus falling into the spikes. For each ledge you successfully land on, the next one above it will jut out. After the first three jumps, turn right around and continue the sequence until you reach stable ground. The last jump will not only get you to safety, but also get you some armor and a health heart. Go through the door into the next area. In this yard NETRICSA explains your objective clearly: Find and collect four bananas before exiting the level.

A large enough fight will greet you already, involving quite a few helicopters, plus some extras. Kill them all then begin your hunt for the bananas. The first one is in the right-hand corner from your starting position. Approaching it will trigger more enemies. Taking it will trigger more enemies. Continue down the right-hand side and you will find some armor. Kill the Primitive that appears when you take it. Further down is the second banana, so take that obviously. Approaching the corner with the health cube you will face down more enemies, including more Helicopters. What fun! I had a Turret attack me from the distance so if you see one as well you might want to take care of it now and not worry about it later. Grab the health cube when you’re done, and clean out anymore resistance.

Go through the arch and continue on the right side of the exit. Approach the empty corner to claim Secret #10 and grab all the items that spawn.


Go to the opposite corner where you will find the third banana. But before even taking it, you will find yourself under attack. A Turret is firing at you perched above the entry point. Destroy it then take the banana. Another Helicopter is sent in, but just one. After you’ve dealt with that inspect the rocks in the same corner you found the third secret. This is a bit tricky but you can jump over them to claim Secret #11. How did I get there? I used the smaller rock to jump into the tiny little niche in the wall, then from there onto the larger rock, and to the secret treasure chest.


That was the final secret of the level, so continue down the wall in the opposite direction. Yes, climbing out of that secret area is much easier than climbing in was. And yes I said opposite direction, that means moving back towards the entrance. You’ll find some armor and an Ammo Pack. You’ll need to destroy two more Turrets. Continue on and you will find the fourth and final banana behind a building. Unfortunately, Mental is unforgiving and sends more foes in. Kill them all then take the last banana. With all four bananas collected, make your way to the exit, marked with the giant statue behind it to exit the level.

In the FMV sequence, Sam frantically tries to get the doors to open to no avail. The shaman hears Sam's yelling and takes a crack at the door, by delivering a shock to it bursting it open. With that, Sam is free to enter the ceremonial grounds where they can summon Kwongo.

01-24-2010, 03:30 AM


No secrets in this level, just defeat the boss. The movie sequence illustrates the situation. Kwongo is vulnerable to the catapult attacks from the Simbas. So your best bet will be to keep your allies protected from enemy fire during the entire fight. After several attempts, the shaman finally manages to summon the giant gorilla, and so the first boss fight of Serious Sam 2 begins!

For the fight itself man one of the turrets. Primitives will be spawned like crazy to attack the Simbas, so target them. The smaller ones can reach the Simbas quicker, but the larger ones can deal a greater amount of damage. If you lose the turret you are in, just go over to another one. I don’t think you will lose all the turrets in the fight, not easily. And while you are hammering away at the Primitives, the lava projectiles shot from the Simbas’ catapults will be pounding at Kwongo. When his health is down to 50%, the battle changes altogether.


You will no longer have the catapults to help you. Instead they will be replaced with pickups, a health heart, some armor and two Serious Damages. At this point in the battle I took out my most powerful weapons and used them powered up with the SD on Kwongo. Note that during this time he will be slamming you with his fists, which will almost effortlessly destroy any turret you are at. If you have Cannon ammo, use that! It will knock his health down in a hurry, but you may not have enough to finish the job. Just switch to the next best weapon if you run out. It’s not easy to dodge his attacks, which is why you have that heart and the full armor suit.

When his health reaches zero, an FMV sequence kicks in. Kwongo falls to the ground dead. Sam and the shaman discuss what to do with the body, and we get the answer. Sam joins a large group of Simbas ready to dine on a roasting Kwongo being turned on a spit. With your first boss out of the way, you collect the first piece of the Medallion!

01-24-2010, 08:54 PM



The Sirian Great Council again summons Sam after the successful completion of the first mission. Now to retrieve the second part of the Medallion of Power, located on the planet Magnor. The local Zixie tribe has the piece safe in their possession. Unfortunately for you, you’re not taken right to them since their exact location is unknown. Instead you’ll have to fight your way through a Mental installation first. Before you gain control of Sam you get a shot of your first location, Deadwood. A Witch, another servant of Mental, is stopped at a red light but takes a shot of liquor before continuing through and getting slammed by a train. Sucks to be her.

From your starting position, turn right around and go out a bit of a distance. To the left is an umbrella and a fishing rod, next to some armor. Head out there and touch the rod to find Secret #1 and get the Double Shotgun.


Turn right around and face the T-Mech that just was summoned! Dodge its rocket blasts as you bring him down. When you get the armor and move toward the edge of the peninsula it was on, more enemies will spawn, including some of the Witches that you saw in the movie sequence. You won’t have to face them right away. Return to your starting position.

Approach the base to get some Grunts to attack you. There are health coins scattered around that you can pick up. Approach the Shotgun off in the distance and pick it up to summon more Grunts. Some will come out of a container to your left, some will come from the path dead ahead. Kill them then follow that path. When you get to the giant ribcage look to the right past the bones for a horn. Take the horn to register Secret #2, and kill the advancing hoppers. Return to the path and follow it to the next platform.


A Witch will spawn for target practice. Kill her while avoiding her spells. When she dies a Plasma Rifle spawns, but you cannot take it yet. Because you will be attacked almost right away from all sides, including some more Witches. Grunts will pop out of a nearby container revealing Shotgun Shells, which you will need. From here the path splits to the left and the right. Go right first because it leads to just the platform, then it dead-ends. Take the Plasma Rifle, Ammo Pack, and all other items you find. Kill all remaining resistance as well. Then return to the intersection and head left. Going down this path, kill some more Mental minions. The Witches prove themselves as genuine nuisance.

The path will split again. This time go left. There is an Ammo Pack, health cube, armor and some other useful items for you as you clean the area out. Watch out for a T-Mech as you explore. Go to the back end of this platform and turn left. Beyond the container is the third secret. There is a steel crate there you can use to reach it, but you need to stack a couple of them to reach it. Do so then climb up and claim Secret #3, a Serious bomb. You could get away with tilting one crate on its side then using that one crate to climb up there. If you find that too frustrating, and you cannot find another one on this platform, return to a previous one and carry it over here. Now, return to the split in the path and go right this time.


A major fight ensues upon your arrival. A container to your left releases some Grunts. There are tons more enemies that come from up ahead and attack you. Mostly you will have to fend off Grunts and Witches. Take the health, armor and Cells when you need them. Proceed forward when all is silent. When you get to the door at the end note that it is locked and to the right there is a red glowing shadow indicating that you need to find a switch that will open the door. To the left side is a health coin next to a barrel and a Grunt. You can try to explode the barrel and hope it’s enough to kill the Grunt, but I found that it wasn’t. To the right is another health coin, plus an Ammo Pack, and the switch you need behind a pile of crates. Well look off in the distance from that corner with the switch and find a crocodile bouncing a soccer ball. Approach it to claim Secret #4, the Secret CROcodile. Hahaha…


Anyway with the switch in your possession return to the door and install the switch in the proper hole. The doors will open allowing you to exit. There is a brief cutscene but nothing noteworthy happens in it.

01-25-2010, 05:33 PM


Sam approaches the gates to the compound, but a bad case of gas wakes up a large Tank, who starts pounding on the gates in the hopes of forcing them open and attacking Sam.

As you may have guessed you find yourself under pressure as soon as you start. Proceed forward to the health cube and armor, and try to get them before the enemies arrive, though just barely. Several Witches will try to stop you, but so will a hover pod just outside the gate. Destroy that and all other belligerents, and eventually the gates will be forced down and the Tank will take you head on. Kill him and then proceed past the gates. Turn right when the path breaks and watch out for a tire in the ground. Do not step on it otherwise you will be propelled away from the first two secrets of this level. You will see one secret, some armor, on top of one of the structures. Move some crates and stack a couple up near the container next to that structure. Clearing the crates out will give you access to another secret, Secret #1, a Serious Bomb. Now climb the crates and get the armor for Secret #2.


*NOTE* In the next area I encountered a bug. When you follow the path out to the island before the Secret Crocodile Horn, there is supposed to be a Rocket Launcher plus other items guarded by the first firehound. This is followed by a major fight with plenty other of those fiends, plus pods, Witches and T-Mechs. In my initial playing I did not get that, and instead went straight for the third secret. This bug is caused by saving the game at a bad point. I tried again without saving and that cured it. If you encounter that problem and cannot get the Rocket Launcher, apparently it prevents you from completing the level since the second gate will NOT open. So make sure that RL spawns.

Return to the path and head straight from the gates this time. Look off to the northwest for a horn in the distance. Deviate from the path to wade through the water until you collect Secret #3, Secret Crocodile Horn II, and deal with the three-headed flaming dogs that come in.


These baddies hurt when they catch up with you. Kill them fast, then return to the path, and follow it forward. When you arrive at the next platform, another fight kicks in. Get ready for some Witches, Pods, and some Grunts that will burst in from a container to your right. When they’re dead take the items out of and near that container. You will also find some Grenades behind the building here. Continue on path. As you near the next gate you will get plenty of rockets. The areas to the left and the right also contain items you may want to consider grabbing.

The next fight will begin upon taking the items out of those areas. I went left first and taking the Cells released one of those firehounds from the container, and triggered the main fight. Save here if you feel insecure and fend off the Witches, pods and Tanks. After the fight the gates should open. See my note above on the RL bug if the gates fail to open. In the next area the gates will close behind you. NETRICSA points out a Double Shotgun, but Grunts are attacking. You can’t get it yet. Fortunately they are easy kills. A little further out there is a Witch to the left. Kill her then approach her position. Collect the items and kill the firehound that charges out of a container, and then return to the intersecting walkways.

There is some armor around the building to the right. But there is also a bounce pad in the sludge under the piping. Use that pad to propel yourself to Secret #4, a health heart.


Return to the position you were at just beyond the second gate. You may take some damage from the sludge returning, but at least your health is still good. A pack of Witches are circling an island area with some health items. I used a Serious Bomb to quickly take care of them. Some pods and a T-Mech will also join the fight. Kill them all, then jump from this island to the next to claim a health cube, Ammo Pack and the Double Shotgun. Walk across the walkway to take the armor and watch as some Witches spawn off in the distance. A bunch of them plus firehounds move in on you. Kill them and continue to follow the path to another platform with health and armor.

Climb up the stairs and follow the catwalk until you can climb downstairs and take an Ammo Pack. When you circle the container to continue on path it will explode revealing a Witch and a health cube. Another container will send in a few Grunts. Several easy kills for one health cube worth 50 HPs, not bad at all. Up ahead take some more items but get ready for another big fight. A lot of Tanks will spawn dead ahead along with some Grunts. There is a Serious Bomb up ahead to help you. When the fighting is over, continue until you arrive at the third gates. Yes there are more enemies to fight. Some Grunts will try to snipe you from the balconies above. Don’t fall for them. Watch out for the pods as well. Take all the items on either side of the gate then go through.

Immediately stepping through turn right and kill the Grunt. Take the health and armor and proceed forward. Arriving at the next area several containers explode and a pack of Grunts come out! You don’t have a lot of room to evade their strikes but be fast in killing them. Continue forward, taking all items you find as well. You will eventually come to another platform with two Witches. Kill them and take the items they were guarding. Follow the catwalk down and kill the Witch in the canister and take the Cells. There are more pods coming up and a Tank. The Rocket Launcher works real well, one direct hit to finish off a pod. After the fight you can follow the walkways to the right, or do some island-hopping to the left. Let’s explore the islands first.

The next four secrets are all in line with each other. But one, you have to pick up an item to register its secret and two, they are susceptible to being blown into the sludge making it very difficult to find them. So be sure not to fire your weapons at them. And three, try to stay on the islands, the sludge can hurt you. Head out and find Secret #5, Duke’s sword. A little further is Secret #6, Duke’s hat. Then you will find Secret #7, Duke’s coat. Continue to the end where you will find Secret #8, Duke Nukem’s skeleton. The last one you don’t have to pick up to register. Next to the skeleton is a treasure chest as a reward.


Now return and follow the walkway into the next area until an FMV sequence plays, indicating an end to the level.

*NOTE* There is another bug that can potentially come out right here. If you play version 2.066 or under, the secret coat may actually appear under the surface of the map and thus is unreachable. You can download a patch to upgrade to version 2.068 and that bug should disappear. The fix won’t apply to savegames, you would have to start the level over, but you should be able to pick it up and claim the secret.

In the movie, Sam spots a Zixie male in trouble, stuck in the sludge and unable to move out. NETRICSA urges Sam to go help him so he does, only to get stuck in it as well. They are captured by Mental’s minions, but a group of Zixie come to their rescue.

01-25-2010, 09:13 PM


You’re finally among the Zixie tribe. Sam talks to the Zixie chief, who is confident that the area is secure from Mental’s minions. Famous last words, as they find the spot and now the Zixies are under direct attack!

When you start the map turn 180 degrees around. Cross the bridge over to another house and go around to the backside where you will find the entrance. This is Secret #1. Enter and use the stairs to climb up. Now make a series of jumps from ledge to ledge until you arrive at the top. The first several ledges are unstable and extend and retract at regular intervals. Time them so you can make it up. If your timing is not perfect, you will fall to the ground and have to start again. When you make it up there, jump to the center ledge and take the Extra Life.


Return to the starting point of the level and head out with the Zixies. No, do not neglect the boxes, they might contain something useful. It does not take long for Mental to begin his attack on the tribe. He send is a large pack of flyers and a Helicopter. You can probably take down all the enemies with your basic weapons but if you have the need for more firepower, find and man a nearby turret and give them a real shock! No, you won’t find much inside the houses, so when the fighting is over, follow the area out blasting whatever crates you see. Two crates house a Hopper each, so stay alert. When you go up the slope another fight kicks in, but an easy one in my opinion. A Turret spawns directly ahead flanked by two Grunts and opens fire. In addition, you need to kill a swarm of Kamikazes. Do what you need to do to save as many Zixies as possible. Continue up the slope when all the enemies are out of your way.

The crates on the left have a 5-point health pill and a Hopper, that’s about it. Continue out to summon more enemies. Nothing you cannot deal with. A few Witches are in the mix. What, you thought you were done with those when you left the swamps? Nope. Anyway continue beyond that and get more enemies to attack you, Tanks, Kamikazes, and others. When the fighting is over a trampoline is available for use at the end of this platform. Use it to propel yourself to the next area. Don’t forget any items on this platform though before you leave.

Mental is turning up the heat on you. You have two more Tanks to deal with on this platform, plus some Grunts, some flyers and one demon. You should be able to pick them off one by one though. Then there’s another Tank on the bridge leading out, so kill him two. The crates here, as usual, will give you some items to utilize. There is a large tree to the right of that bridge. Walk around to the other side to find a switch. Use the switch to summon an elevator. Get on the elevator then use the switch there to ride it up. When it lands, take Secret #2, a treasure chest. Drop back to ground level and follow the bridge out.


Save your game here because if you touch the water, you will not be able to get the next secret. All you have to do is jump from one wooden plank to the next until you make it to the other side. You won’t actually get physically harmed for touching the water so if you’re not worried about secrets, you can just simply walk across. But if you manage to stay on the planks the whole time, Secret #3, a Serious Bomb, will spawn on the next bridge ahead of you.


In the next area there is a large crate to the left but blasting it is ill-advised because inside it is a Kamikaze, nothing else. But killing it with good timing will mean you escaping getting hurt, and racking up more points. So go for it if you want a higher score. Go and take the Uzis accompanied by four boxes of bullets, then fend off the large swarm of Hoppers heading your way. Some will be larger than others and thus will take more rounds to kill. After the fight I had to go scouring for some health and armor so I advise doing that before triggering the next phase of the battle. A Zixie near several crates will throw you a health cube. When you’re done take the 10-point health tablets in the center of the area. Just before the exit bridge, to the right is a house with a money bag in it, so get it for 1,000 points.

Go down the bridge to the next small platform guarded by two Zixies. They will help out as much as they can. First take out a few Kamikazes, then watch the skies for some flyers and a Helicopter. When they’re all dead, continue into the next large area. You will be attacked almost right away so look to the right for a turret to climb into. Finish off the ground resistance, and watch out for bombers in the sky. Those planes are fast-moving and while they’re moving around they’re firing at you. Difficult to time correctly so you can shoot them out of the sky. But do so, time them and then fire the turret at them, eventually they will be brought down. When it’s over throw the switch behind the turret to raise a bridge near the exit. Another big fight, so get back in the turret. There is another one on the left side of the big tree in case this one gets shot up.

After the fight start collecting the items in the boxes, obviously. Also look at the tree in between the turrets. Go behind the tree situated between two houses. There is the frame of a doorway. The door will need to be blasted with an explosive, I recommend a grenade. Secret #4 will be unlocked. Enter and climb the stairs to the switch. Use the switch to raise a column so you can jump from ledge to ledge to get the money bag. On this same ledge, press another switch to make the armor accessible. Make the series of jumps and when you have the armor, drop down and return outside to finish this area off. You can simply make a large running-jump from the money bag ledge over to the armor but it’s a little more difficult.


Return outside heading for the sealed gate. Another fight commences so hop back in the turrets and bring down all enemies. Further out there is the gate, but you have more enemies to take care of, including a few bombers at one time. The Serious Bomb you hopefully found is very useful here. To the right of the gate there is another switch. To the left one of the houses has a money bag inside. Before you can use the switch another Helicopter attacks. Bring it down and the use that switch to lower open the gate. Oh yes, and also drop in a Tank so kill him. Then another Tank is lowered in, do the same with him. Proceed through the gate to end the level.

A Zixie female arrives on the tram and offers Sam a ride to the other side free of charge. You’re on your way to the next level, Woodstock!

01-25-2010, 10:40 PM


As Sam gets off his free tram ride he is ambushed by a bunch of fans who get their cameras out and start flashing away! Sam feigns a sneeze to drive them off as he continues his mission. For the first half of this coming fight I recommend a rapid-firing range weapon like the Uzis or the Plasma Rifle.

Your basic objective for now is to fight off the hordes as you right this cable car to your target. You start off facing those Orcs on either side of you. Then dead ahead are some of the Orc Commanders. Tanks will also begin the attack, but at the same time Zixies will throw you stuff to continue your assault. Plus you can blow up the crates on this cable car with you for ammunition. Some Orcs will even make it onto the car with you so take them out fast. At about halfway through the car will stop. And you will have to fend off some more bad guys, including the first Helicopter of the level. Mostly Commanders, but there is one Tank behind you on a rope bridge as well. A Zixie will throw you a health cube before the car starts up again.

This time the enemies get tougher. You will have more of the harder ones ahead of you, including Tanks and Witches. And now I would recommend switching to more powerful weapons like the Rocket Launcher. More Orcs will eventually land on your car, and you will have more armed demons as well. When you are near the end of your ride three more Tanks will spawn straight in front of you. Kill them and then when the car comes to a stop, get off and take all the items you see.

Upon stepping onto the lower ground in this area you trigger another big fight so find a turret! Get on the turret and fend them off. The Zixies will aide you as well, but so long as they remain alive. Numerous Orcs and Tanks will enter, watch carefully. Also mind the health meter for the turret in the lower-right corner. These things start off with 500 HPs. From the starting position look at the big tree ahead of you and slightly to the right. Look up at the opposite side of it and you should be able to make out a platform with a power-up on it. Blast it with a rocket to claim Secret #1, Serious Damage. Also look around for all collectibles. There are money bags on either side of this place.


When you’re done with all the enemies and items here find the rope bridge on the opposite side of the cable car. There is a trampoline to the right of the bridge I want you to ignore for now. Cross the bridge and circle the tree until there is an opening guarded by an armed demon. Kill him and enter the tree for Secret #2. Go inside, and climb the stairs to claim the money bag. Then make your way back to the trampoline and use it to end this short level. (Short but action-filled.)


Sam makes his way to the second Medallion piece, oblivious to the small Zixie child try to catch up with him, until it’s too late. Your episode two boss, Zum Zum, flies in and takes the Medallion piece away. The child catches up and tells Sam that Zum Zum took the Medallion. (Sarcastic): Really, when did that happen?

01-26-2010, 01:34 AM


This place is huge! So are the many things in this place. You got a Gnaar jumping off a wrench like a diving board for one thing. Sam and the Zixies discuss their plan of attack, and Sam decides that they need to break into two teams, just as all the Zixies run off abandoning him.

Just start by going ahead slaying all the enemies ahead. These include Orcs, Orc Commanders, and demons. Keep going forward and take the health, armor and Ammo Pack. Yes you’ll have plenty of enemies to face in this first fight. Kill them and continue down the dirt path. Don’t bother exploring to the right from the starting position. I did and found nothing. You can’t even jump off the wrench as the Gnaar did, so continue forward. Take the ammo items then step back as a demon emerges from the right and brings the wrench down, hopefully not on top of you but on an apple core. Kill him and the two Witches, then use the wrench to get into the giant log.

The next fight is big and tough so save here. Upon taking the Ammo Pack the fight gets underway. Take the health cube ahead of you when you need it. It starts with a few Witches, but they give way to demons and a pack of Dogs. This all ends with a large red Tank attacking you. Does that sound too good? You have to finish off all resistance before you can advance. Up ahead the path breaks. Straight ahead is a bundle of TNT. To your right are some items and a way to light the TNT.

Follow the path to the right and get ready to defend yourself. When you near the spider web a large group of Spider-Mechs try their luck at you. At least one large S-Mech will appear at the end of the fight. You can retreat back down the log if you need to, there’s no door that closed when you came through it. But it’s a tough fight but well worth it when they’re dead. Continue down the path until you arrive at a large match standing upright. Go beyond it to the pile of you-know-what behind it to register Secret #1.


Look out behind you! A demon will try to catch you off guard. Kill him then turn your attention back to the match and the secret. If you kill all the giant flies, you will get some armor. Now grab the match and take it to the TNT.

You may have to aim up a bit to make sure the match lights the fuse. As soon as you see it sparking back off and watch the explosion. With the path clear, you may proceed forward, but with caution. Two Rollerballs will come at you next. Then as you prepare to drop into the hole, a Rhino comes charging out. Kill him too then drop in. I hate this next part because it’s so annoying. You have to watch the walls for deadly gas traps. These white mouth creatures pop out of their holes to spew a poisonous gas at you. Time them so you can clear them, but also watch out for Orcs firing at you, and Rollerballs that can drop into this area. Watch for some armor along the way as well. When you near the end of this cave, you will face two more Rollerballs that drop in on you in addition to some Orcs that completely surround the exit. Kill them all before climbing out into the open.

As soon as you emerge take out three rocket-firing demons ahead and take the items they were guarding. Take out two more Rollerballs, and look to the left of your position. Hidden in the grass you should see Secret #2, a giant piano.


You can jump onto the keys to play notes. Some of them will spawn small health or armor items, and some will spawn enemies. In my opinion, it’s not worth it, so return to the trail and proceed forward, but save your game because the next fight is a major pain to deal with.

You will have TONS of enemies to face. They’re all charging in from the same position where it’s arguably the best to fight them from, a dome structure with some big items. Try to make it to that structure and hold them off from there. Around the perimeter are four health coins. Inside you will find a health heart, armor, Ammo Pack and a Serious Damage. Even that though may not be enough because you have Witches gaining on you, as well as plenty of Rhinos trying to charge you. If you have any Serious Bombs left, this is the perfect place to use them. If not, there will be none spawning here so just hold your breath and pray to God. Eventually a large S-Mech will come in as well so dodge him. As you know he can predict your movements and fire his projectiles accordingly, like the Lava Golems in Sam 1. Yeah now I tell you huh? There will be a few smaller ones, fortunately they are much easier to kill.

The level ends with the fight. After the fight is over, Sam is counting the bodies, over 200 of them. Another one, a Rhino, stalks him and makes his charge, but Sam takes care of it with his trusty Uzis. Prepare now for the final level of this episode, and the final confrontation with Zum Zum!

01-26-2010, 05:36 AM


This is a boss level, so there are no secrets. Sam notices that ZumZum is not in the area, so he finds a red phone booth, and makes a call to Bosses ‘R’ Us and orders a boss. In no time at all, ZumZum arrives and the fight begins.

Right in front of you the Minigun spawns! Take that prized weapon then listen carefully. If you just shoot at ZumZum hoping he will eventually fall you’re going to be disappointed. Think back to the Exotech Larva from Second Encounter. ZumZum can simply regenerate his health by sucking nectar out of one of the nearby flowers. There are four flower altogether and you must destroy all four of them first. That way ZumZum will be left with no chance of regenerating, and his health will gradually run out as you shoot at him.

About six direct rocket hits each should take care of the flowers, so about 24 rockets altogether. I recommend saving your Minigun ammo for ZumZum and using explosive to destroy the flowers. When that is out of the way then you can nail ZumZum to the wall, but keep your eyes open. Watch his attacks, and watch your health and armor. There are health, armor and ammo items scattered all around, gather as many as possible to max yourself out. ZumZum has several different attacks, including firing projectiles from his stinger and summoning smaller versions of himself called ZumZum Jr. These smaller bees are easier to kill, but when they die they explode and if they explode near you, you will lose some health, so try to keep your distance from them.


The Minigun should be enough to bring ZumZum down. If not you can switch to another weapon when you run out. But if you start with 1,000 bullets, that should be enough. Keep firing, dodging, evading until his health runs out. In the following movie sequence, the mortally wounded ZumZum squirts some blood out before falling to the ground with a deadly crash. With that giant bee out of the way, the second part of the Medallion is now in your hands!

01-27-2010, 01:12 AM



Ready for the next part of your adventure? Good! Because next is planet Chi-Fang, home of the ChiChe people. This time you are to deal with Prince Chan, who is celebrating his birthday on the planet, and who ate the third piece of the Medallion. I guess that means there is only one way of retrieving it.

When you start this level walk away from the dock and head for the Auto Shotgun surrounded by boxes of shells. Several KungFu Zombies will run in from up the stairs. Kill them while dodging their attacks. Simple kills, really. When they’re done blow up the boxes on either side of this starting area to release gold coins. If you blow up the wooden barrel on the left side as well, you will release another KungFu Zombie. Pick up the Shotgun and its ammo if you didn’t already, then go up the steps. This area with the pool in the middle has some more boxes to blast, and some armor and a health cube. As you collect all that stuff remember to find a switch to open the door ahead. Blast the barrel on the land near the pool for some armor. The barrel actually in the water contains nothing. Approaching the door triggers more Zombies, so finish them off before they can hurt the civilians.

Head left, remembering all the items on the way. More Zombies will pop up so take care of them in a hurry. In the left-hand corner near the entry point is the switch you’re looking for. It’s giving off a glow indicating where it is. Use it, then return to the now-open door. The Double Shotgun is now available for pickup, which is good because more enemies roll in. The Zombies are accompanied by those Tanks this time. Kill them then follow the ramp on the right side of the door up. On the balcony above take care of some more Zombies as you find the health coin. On the left side are more crates and barrels to blow up, releasing some shells. Return to ground level and go through the door. If you blast the burners on either side, you will get more gold coins.

Look immediately to the right. Of course take care of the burners to get more treasure. But look at the balcony on the building to your right. There is a container there that you can’t quite get at. You will have to lob a grenade over there, but I suggest doing it from a respectable distance. It will probably take a few attempts, but a grenade can blast it and send Secret #1, a Serious Bomb, falling to you.


Pick it up, and also pick up the twin Uzis near that secret. Taking the weapons will cause another big fight to break out. You are introduced to the KungFu Masters. As you try to shoot down this large swarm you also have to fend off some more Zombies, plus Tanks. When you’re finished search the area for all items you can collect. Follow the road to the left, and go around the building on the left when the road turns right. Find Secret #2, a dead bunny killed by a ninja chicken. Nothing major will happen if you destroy the bunny completely.


Return to the door and enter the next area, but look left before you go through because there is a money bag in the space. Fight off all the enemies in the next area, including a couple Turrets. After the fight patch yourself up as needed, and find the ramp to the right and climb it to another balcony. Blast the containers on either side, because there is more treasure in store for you, two money bags among them. Fight off the advancing Zombies, then return to the ground. As you follow the path out continue to look on-road and off-road for anything you can collect, and kill any forces that Mental sends in. Ignore the open door to the right for now, and follow the path until you come to a locked door. Look in the corner to the left for a health cube. And in the corner to the right is an Extra Life. Return to the open door and go up the steps and past the door.

What’s next? Oh just several S-Mechs and a Tank. Nothing to worry about. To the right take everything in the ammo stash. To the left blow up all the containers. One of them contains a Serious Score. Continue battling the enemies up ahead. Most of the enemies are clowns riding unicycles. These Clowns carry cakes in either hand that are actually bombs, so keep your distance. Kill everything coming your way. Some more of those S-Mechs will come in near the end of the fight. Before advancing, be sure to find a money bag on the right-hand side. Move forward and smash the containers on either side of the closed gate for gold coins. Getting these are tough though since the level ends when you get near enough to the gate.

When the level does end, an FMV sequence shows Sam paying for a ticket to enter the amusement park, and again getting ambushed by crazy fans with cameras.

01-27-2010, 08:45 PM


Your objective here is to find and collect three coins. Not like the gold coins you have been collecting as treasure items. Rather, these coins are to be used to reactivate the three Ferris wheels in the area.

Okay, start by destroying the containers on either side to gain two gold coins. Head out a little ways, then look to the right. The first coin is right there. When you collect it a nearby cash desk will begin to sparkle indicating where you need to go next. First you need to fight off a bunch of KungFu Masters. If you need more health, there is a 25-pt health coin on the left side of this area, directly opposite where you got the first of three Ferris wheel coins. Kill all the Masters that are part of this first batch. Some of the ChiChe will reward you, but you will have other Masters coming after you from off in the distance. Kill them all then cross the bridge and continue the quest. Approach the cash desk to complete the first part of the puzzle and activate the first wheel. The second coin will spawn.

A trail of ammunition will take you right to that second coin. There is no resistance standing in your way to the coin so pick it up. Now the fighting gets a bit harder. You will have a few Tanks but those will be the least of your worries, as you will face dozens of those kamikaze Clowns. Don’t hesitate to backtrack if you have to. Sometimes it can be to your advantage to lure them to the bridge and make them line up, making it easier for you. Finish the fighting then proceed to the next desk. It’s near the area where you got the second coin. When you activate the second wheel an ammo stash will appear. So go help yourself.

As you approach the third coin several more Masters will come out. And this time they will not stop and hover when they are firing, but one well placed Double Shotgun blast each should take care of them. With the fighting over look under the tent to the left of the third coin. You will find a money bag. Now take the armor shards that surround the third coin, then pick that coin up. You’ll see some ammo spawning near the third and final cash desk so take it all, then activate the final wheel. Good news, your next opponents are relatively easier to deal with, Rollerballs. The bad news is there are lots of them so use your resources wisely. Tossing a few Grenades might not be a bad idea. Destroy all the Rollerballs that come out, then head for the open gate at the end of this area, but don’t proceed into the next area yet. Look to the left in the corner for a crate containing a Serious Bomb. Then look in the corner to the right for another money bag. Right outside the gate destroy the burners for a gold coin and a Zombie to kill, and take the health coins. Okay, now proceed into the next area. Look to the left to find a health heart relatively out in the open. Take it to claim Secret #1.


Whatever else you can collect before the next big fight is triggered, do so. But this fight is big. It has Tanks, Masters, Zombies and Clowns coming at you. Use any combination of weapons that will work. After the fight some of the civilians will toss you more items, in addition to the ones already on the ground and in the containers. You can see and hear some fireworks being shot in the distance from this yard. Prince Chan’s birthday celebrations have begun without you. How rude! Anyway take everything that you find in this yard and continue down the road. When you pass through the first gate you can take the six armor shards and health cube in the small room. Get through the second gate to arrive in the third yard.

Right out of the gate, quite literally, take out several Tanks before you go exploring. Find the ramp on the right side and climb it to the balcony. Take out all baddies and collect all items. You will find an Extra Life here among them. Return to ground level. Move ahead a bit and the next fight commences. There are plenty of enemies to deal with. For the large part, Zombies, Masters and Tanks. I recommend using either the Uzis or the Shotgun. But you’re free to use whatever weapons. When the fighting is done take your rewards. Now consider this area a bit more. Behind a building on the right side (right when you entered) there is a treasure chest. You will have to go around the building to reach it. Continue down the road. There are several more enemies near the end, and quite a few more pickups. The gate up ahead will open automatically revealing six armor shards and a health heart. Take them and continue to the next area.

Save your game here. The next fight is very tough. The Clowns should be your top priority because they will detonate those bombs when they get close enough, and it won’t be pretty when they do. They’re not the only enemies either. No, you have the red tanks high above, some Masters and some Zombies. Some is putting it all mildly. You will need to pick up the health and armor items before the fighting is over to make sure you stay alive. When you are done look in the far-left corner of this area (again assuming you’re facing away from the entrance). Find Secret #2, the Secret Ninja Chicken. If you kill him you will get a money bag. Turn around and take another money bag form behind the building. Then find and collect everything else at ground level, then climb up the ramp to the right of the entrance.


Red Tanks attack on either side so be careful. Grenades are advised. On the right side several Zombies also strike. Kill them as well and take the several items up here. Then return to the ground and head through the next door. It’s ahead and to the right from the entrance point. It’s a circular door and as soon as you go through it the level ends. A Gnaar male is reporting on the birthday celebrations. Prince Chan has some local ChiChe for a snack before “singing” for the guests, which Sam does not like at all. He interrupts and as he and Mental’s minions are about to do battle, an old man gets in the way. Sam urges him to flee, but he goes so slowly, it takes all of 20 minutes before they battle. Just as Sam zeroes in on Prince Chan, the coward escapes via helium balloon! On to Chanolin Chambers.

01-28-2010, 12:17 AM


Sam gets a ride into this area via rickshaw. In the initial small room once you gain control, blast the two plants and two burners for gold coins. Take the armor as well. Through the windows you can see the first batch of enemies. When you pass through the doors, the action begins. Fight off all the baddies: Masters, Zombies, S-Mechs and Tanks. When you’re done the first key will spawn. First though go around the room collecting all items available. Blast the plants to get more coins. Look to the left of the locked door for a white bounce pad. Use that pad to be launched up to Secret #1, a health heart. This jump is kinda hard, try to hit the pad in the center. You’ll hit a hidden bounce pad on a pillar and that should send you flying into the heart.


Shoot out any and all containers on the balcony above. Two of them will send down items, one is a money bag and the other is a Serious Score power-up. Enter the room to the left of the locked door and take the key, and everything else along with it.

Upon taking that there is, guess what, another fight in the main room. Yep, mostly Zombies. But there are also creatures on the balcony up on the second level that resemble Arachnoid Juveniles. Kill those creatures as well, and the next key should spawn, in the room opposite where you found the first one. Go take the second key and all the surrounding items. Return to the main room and get the enemies out of your way. Watch out for the red Tanks on the balcony. With the fighting over the locked doors will open. Enter the small room and take everything before proceeding into the next main room.

You enter a hallway that curves around to the right. But you’re being attacked on either side. Take care of all enemies before following the hallway down. After making a left turn but before continuing any further save your game if you haven’t recently. There are two spike traps that quickly try to come down on your head. Time the spike blocks carefully so you can run past them, and trigger more enemies coming your way from the other side. If you get the Clowns close enough to other enemies you can try to make it easier for you, or you can lure them into the traps. Or just go in guns blazing. Either way fight them off, go past the spikes, then make another left turn. There are several more monsters, including a red Tank guarding a room to the right. Kill them then enter that small room. Take everything in this stash, then go through the doors.

In this next large area the floor begins shifting in multiple positions. The enemies moving in do not help. Start by killing off the advancing Clowns. But as they continue their charge, some Zombies will come out and some Tanks will attack from the balcony. After this major fight the floors will shift again. Plenty of items will spawn to help you out in the next, minor fight. In all you will have about eight Tanks on the balcony to kill as you solve the puzzle in this room. But before getting to the puzzle, look to the direct right of the entrance, up to a hanging lamp. Shoot it to bring down Secret #2, a Serious Damage. It will land on the first central Yin-Yang sign.


Shoot the containers in the corner of the balcony near the entrance. One summons a red tank, but the other sends you down a treasure chest.
The floors, and most notably the Yin-Yang symbols, are constantly shifting. The doors ahead will not open until you collect all the Yin-Yang coins on the columns. Each time you collect one, a KungFu Master is sent in after you, so this is a pretty easy puzzle. Just one enemy per coin should be simple enough. When you get the last visible one kill the Master sent in, then watch as more items spawn on the columns, including another coin at the far end. Only one column is lowered, and they all now act as bounce pads. Use the pad near the entrance to propel yourself to the others and collect the various items. Like previously, when you collect an item Mental’s forces will be sent in. Some will send in just a Master. But some will send in a Master and a Tank. When you collect the Yin-Yang symbol no more enemies spawn in this area, but the exit doors open, so you are free to leave this room. I am assuming you go through the door on the right, but you can pass through either one.

I don’t need to tell you about containers, do I? Head opposite of the door into a small room with some armor shards. When you return you will have some more Zombies to deal with. Head in their direction, turning right into a small room with some health. Again when you come back out, there will be more Zombies attacking, so kill them as well. And now go through the next doors and start collecting the items, all guarded by one Zombie. It’s just collecting items, and blowing up containers to reveal more items and some minor enemies from here on out. I’ll leave it to your greedy capable hands. When you approach the doors the level ends with an FMV sequence. Sam checks out a gallery showing the games he was involved in. A girl admiring the pictures asks for his autograph. These fans are everywhere!

01-28-2010, 05:08 AM


Start by blasting the containers on either side to get gold coins. Then get the Rocket Launcher and rockets up ahead. Head out into the open and get ready to do battle. In this fight you will have to kill some Zombies, but the bulk of the attacking forces include Rollerballs, and lots of them. There will be more Rockets spawning near the start so take them when you start to run low. I do recommend using the RL on your opponents. When the fight is over take any remaining rockets, a health heart, some armor, (but ignore for now) the Cannon up ahead with some cannonballs and more rockets. Approach the first dragon statue on the right side from the entrance. Use it to find Secret #1, and the statue breathes fire!


Now go take the Cannon. The next fight will be triggered and involve many Zombies and Rhinos, plus a few Tanks. I seriously recommend explosive weapons IE: RL, Cannon, Serious Bombs. And keep your eye on your HUD down below. There will be more rockets and cannonballs to get during the fight. I found it very annoying that some of the civilians would get in the crossfire preventing you from getting a good shot. Kill them all fast and a lollipop will spawn in this arena. Before heading any further out, look for the flag that is not waving with the rest. It’s the third one from the entrance on the left. There is a button on the back side of it that you can push for Secret #2. Now with all the secrets out of the way, enter the building up ahead taking some armor, a health cube and an Ammo Pack.


Now search the area to your left. You will get a brief cutscene showing you exactly where Prince Chan’s lollipop is. Before you can reach it Mental attacks. He sends a bunch of Clowns in on you. As long as you keep your distance you can make almost any weapon work. ALMOST, I do not recommend using the defaults, obviously. There are also two red Tanks. Kill them and two more will spawn. With all enemies dead your path will be a little more cleared. Look in the grassy corner away from that building though for a money bag. Find and collect another money bag in the corner to the left of the building. Now take the lollipop (okay, three lollipops in a bundle) and the Ammo Pack in front of the main doors. Taking the lollipop(s) will summon a UFO for your use!

Remember that a UFO has an infinite amount of blue lasers to fire and you can use it to ram your opponents. The downside of ramming is that you run a greater risk at taking damage to the vehicle. So try to stick to your trusty lasers. Most of your enemies in this fight are Rhinos anyway, but some red Tanks will move in as well, and its their fire that you have to watch for. When the battle is over you can actually leave the level by approaching the wooden gates. They’re in a straight line from the starting position, right in front of the main palace. However before you leave, explore the area to the right. Make your way to the island out in the water and find the money bag. With that you can now go through the gates to exit this level.

Sam uses the lollipops he collected to his advantage. He destroys one and threatens to shoot the others to convince the cowardly Chan to come out into the open.

01-28-2010, 05:16 AM
I see you've put some quality time and effort into this. I'd hate to see it go to waste.

This is great and all, but it really belongs in a blog. You can set up a free account with Blogger or WordPress and make a site dedicated to this. It would get a lot more hits and A LOT more comments.

01-28-2010, 05:25 AM
I see you've put some quality time and effort into this. I'd hate to see it go to waste.

This is great and all, but it really belongs in a blog. You can set up a free account with Blogger or WordPress and make a site dedicated to this. It would get a lot more hits and A LOT more comments.

Well you know part of the reason why I am doing this is because I was working on a walkthrough project before I went inactive at this site. Since I went back and completed the previous two I thought what the hell, why not complete the deal. And I am posting this stuff at my site too, so if it goes to waste here which I doubt, it will be elsewhere for viewing.

01-28-2010, 05:27 AM


No secrets, this is a boss level. Sam and Chan face each other in the style of a dubbed Asian film. Sam tries to get him to give up the portion of the Medallion, but Chan refuses and starts “singing” again. He then uses another balloon to float back up to the top of his fortress. There, he makes his stand.

IMMEDIATELY upon gaining control get the Rocket Launcher out and fire some rockets at the Holy Gong that comes out directly above. This gong will be the key to Chan’s defeat and your success. As the gong sounds, it causes harm to Chan, and that will be your greatest weapon. If you have an opening, get that RL out and take a shot at the gong. But for the better part of the battle you won’t have too many openings. Lesser enemies will be pouring in from all directions. As you can imagine, there are items scattered around the arena to replenish yourself.

Don’t use explosive weapons on the lesser enemies, unless maybe you’re using Serious Bombs. I suggest the Uzis or the Double Shotgun, the latter works real well in delivering quick but deadly blasts. And of course the common wisdom is not to let the Clowns get too close to you, so try to circle the perimeter of the arena to keep your foes at bay. Check your surroundings carefully. When they are far enough and the gong is out, usually when Chan is singing, fire the rockets.


Eventually Chan himself will come into the arena and the smaller enemy forces will cease their attacks. Be very careful when Chan emerges. One of his more deadly attacks is his belching attacks, a wave of energy comes out when he does that. He also destroys all the structures in the area like nothing. The advantage for you is that he is a slow-mover. And when the gong comes out again strike it, and he will react to it as he usually does. He’ll stop pursuing you to respond in pain to the sound of the Holy Gong. The fact that he stops buys you a few precious seconds to gain some distance and possibly regain health and armor.

When Chan’s health finally runs out and FMV movie sequence takes over. Chan cries out in immense pain as he goes out in a spectacular light show. Upon his death he explodes completely, and the Medallion piece he consumed is yours for the taking!

01-28-2010, 08:40 PM



We find out that the home of the Sirian Great Council is not as elaborate as they try to show us. But nonetheless the next mission takes place on the planet Kleer. The Kleers were a good peaceful and benevolent race, until Mental eradicated. Now their skeletons have been raised from the dead to serve the evil entity. Kleerofski is in possession of the fourth piece of the Medallion, and will not give it up so easily! Upon his arrival on planet Kleer, Sam literally busts up a group of Kleer Skeletons that were beating on a Sam Voodoo doll.

Go straight ahead when you gain control of Sam. Ignore the Voodoo doll behind you. If it gets harmed, so will you. So just go straight for the Double Shotgun. A cutscene will show the location of that gun and when it’s over you will face your first batch of Kleers in this game. These Kleers are what you are used to from the first two games. Remember to dodge their projectile attacks and side-step their charging attacks and you should be fine. Since not too many appear at one time I’d say this initial fight is pretty easy to deal with. Use your Auto Shotgun on them. As you approach the Double Shotgun, a new type of Kleer will attack. These gargoyles are harder to handle because they shoot fireballs at you and obviously, they’re flying. A bit of an unfair advantage there! Kill them then take the weapon along with the boxes of shells.

Now you will face both Kleer types at once. Still should not be a major problem, but you will probably have to do a lot of side-stepping. I took out the ground Kleers first because they’re charging at you faster than the gargoyles are. Near the end of this fight a health cube spawns in the spot where you found the Double Shotgun. When the fight is over you will see a column from up ahead collapse into a bridge across the lava.

Take the health coin and continue out a bit further to trigger the next fight. Not only do you have Kleers, you also have a couple red Tanks and some Orcs! Try to eliminate as many Kleers as you can before going after the Tanks on the ledges. When the fight ends look at the two small volcanoes on the left side of this area. They’re just after crossing the bridge. Use the volcano on the right to your advantage. Jump into the center of it and you should be pushed up to a ledge with a boulder. Use the boulder and it will roll off the ledge and cover up the volcano on the left, providing more airflow to the volcano you previously used. Use that volcano again to be taken to a ledge containing Secret #1, armor. Return to the ground and follow the rock ledges around, continuing your mission.


Further out a few Orcs firing blue plasma bursts attack from the high ledges. Hardly a challenge though. Defeat them and continue. Up ahead a few more Kleers will pop out of the volcano ahead. You can kill them one at a time. A cutscene will show twin Uzis with the proper ammo spawning on a floating ledge in the lava. It lies dead ahead but first throw a Grenade at the stalagmite to the left of the volcano. It contains a money bag and destroying the stalagmite will bring it down to you. Now go get those Uzis. Taking them triggers another cutscene. Several Kleers are riding a ledge similar to the one you’re on. The ledge goes over a lavafall and the Kleers are killed. Too bad for them.

The next sequence will be a bit tough if you insist on trying to get all the items on the ledges while battling off the enemies. The ledge you are currently on will not stop moving just because you get off, so you will have to get back on soon after collecting the items, or hop across the lava to get ahead. Plus the enemies are unrelenting and will continue their attack. Most of them are Kleer gargoyles but watch out for others, some Orcs specifically. The first small ledge contains some Grenades if you need them. The second has a health cube, and the third has some armor. And since there isn’t a lot of room to run around on this moving ledge there is the high likelihood you will take some significant damage. Just keep them under constant fire and collect whatever items you need.

Near the end of your ride there is a series of several ledges to the right leading to an ammo depot. Take the items and turn around and watch as your ride goes down the fall and sinks into the lava. Look a little closer in the corner near you. You should see a ring of fire in the lava. Jump into it, making sure you accidentally don’t hit the lava outside the circle. You will find yourself at Secret #2, several bundles of Grenades and a treasure chest.


Use the magenta-colored portal to return to where you were. Follow this ledge as it takes a downward slope. Several Kleers will come out as you near the armor. Kill them, take the armor, then start crossing the bridge. Start firing again as soon as you get more Kleers attacking. They are supported by an Albino as well. Take him down last if you can afford to, then continue across the bridge to the next area.

Take the Grenades and health cube. When you do, the bridge will collapse behind you, keeping you here. Head further out, approaching the altar. A Rocket Launcher is available for the taking, but take all the ammo items first before taking the weapon. A few seconds will pass before the next major fight begins. Four Albinos will attack, one spawning each from a portal directly above the smaller altars. Kill all four of them then you will get a large swarm of Kleers coming from the portals. Try to stay in the general area of one portal at a time so you’ll have fewer to worry about at any given time. About midway through the fight a health heart and four boxes of shells spawn at the central altar where you got the RL. For the rest of the fight you will get more Kleers and several more Albinos. When you’ve dealt with all the enemies that you will get out of a particular portal, it will dissipate. Once they’re all shut down, a large S-Mech stands in your way. Bring him down then the exit doors will open.

Sam arrives at a toll booth, but has to pay up a large load of cash to be let through by the Gnaar. Sam starts forming a big line behind him so he raises his guns to the Gnaar. This works, and it’s on to the next level.

01-28-2010, 11:18 PM


Start by heading for the descending stairs dead head. Five Kleers are waiting for you. Take them out, and go down the stairs and proceed forward. Take the Grenades and get ready for some more action as some Kleers and Scorps move in on you. Take care of them and continue onward. Take the rockets and you will get some more of the same. Kill all the resistance and move on to collect the shells. Up ahead several more Scorps will try to take some shots at you. Kill them and watch as a health cube plus some shells spawn. Before taking them, turn right and look for a burning tree near several large skulls. Go behind the boulder there to claim Secret #1, a health heart. Turn around and kill off a few red Tanks before returning to the health cube.


Continue up ahead and when you see more items entering, so will a bunch of Scorps. One of them is a large red Scorp adult who fires its projectiles in a parabolic course, which means they’re thrown like a football almost. Concentrate on the smaller guys first, they will try to catch you in a hurry. Kill them then the adult and then you should be cleared to continue. When you approach the giant skull at the end a stone column will rise up and explode releasing a T-Mech. Kill him as fast as you can, I would advise using rockets. After he’s dead concentrate on the Kleers and the Scorps. Another suggestion: Back yourself up until you are out of range of the Scorps then work on the Kleers. When all the Kleers are dead, you can remain out of the Scorps’ range, but still move around so you can get a weapons lock. Then fire one rocket each, and that should take care of them.

Before going through the skull turn right. Follow the low ledge around the left side to an area with Secret #2 and some useful items.


Collect everything in the secret area then approach the skull. Turn around and look at the right side wall. There should be a ledge you can climb up onto via a rock. That ledge has a small volcano on it. Ride the volcano to a higher ledge and follow it to claim Secret #3, a Serious Bomb.


Now return to the ground and go through the mouth of the skull. Follow the quaking tunnel through and kill off the Kleers at the end of it. Further out, a Scorp tries to get you from the right.

This large area has various items scattered around it. Look left first off for some Grenades, then return to the starting point. Find yourself some rockets then go as far to the right as you can. Eventually you will encounter a new type of Kleer, heads that pop out of the ground and try to attack you. Yes they have range attacks so deal with them quickly. Now look for what looks like an unstable wooden plank. Walk out onto it and take the money bag, then return to where you found the Kleer head. When taking the shells watch yourself, two large heads spawn, one on either side. Kill them and continue to land on a lower ledge. On the left another smaller heads appears to take him out, then collect the two health coins. Be careful getting the one to the right, taking it summons a Kleer head directly behind you. And you will face another one as you head to the other side of the area.

To the left behind the rocks you can find and collect some cannonballs. Go to the right side now and kill another head, then go out onto the wooden plank. Kill two more Kleer heads directly ahead, and drop down onto the low circular stone ledge. Jump from there to the higher one, and then onto the wooden stairs. You will have to jump from one step to the next to make it to the top, and you’ll need to take out another head. Jump to the ledge on the right and claim the health cube. Return to the previous ledge and go left this time and start exploring the ruins.

Just before you start to take some more items three gargoyles will attack. When they’re dead look to the right. You should see a switch next to a trapezoid-shaped stone panel which is actually a door. Use the switch to open the door. This next room contains Secret #4 and has a unique puzzle to it. Ahead of you on the far wall you see a layout of the pressure plates on the floor. Each one contains a letter on it. Go in order to cross the room stepping on the letters to spell out the word SERIOUS. Do not misstep otherwise you will set off a series of spikes closing in on you. When you make it to the other side, collect the Extra Life. Once you successfully cross it will be safe to step on any letters on your way back out.


Collect the Grenades then further out get the Minigun back in your possession and fight off the advancing Kleers. Take out the couple of Scorps attacking on the left, and all other ammo on this ledge before entering the tunnel ahead. Continue until the level ends.

01-29-2010, 12:22 AM


Go out into the open and the first fight will begin almost right away. You will become best friends with the Minigun here. Why? Because, you will face Kleer gargoyles and heads as well as Albinos and HellChicks, an enemy we haven’t faced in a while. When you’re done fighting you can go exploring this area. There’s a money bag on the ledges to the right. You’ll have to use the giant bones to climb up to it. On the left there are some cannonballs underneath a ribcage. Back on the main path you can find more useful pickups. At the armor, Ammo Pack and health cube turn left. To the right side of the bones there is a passage taking you to Secret #1. Head there and blast the entrance open to register the exit, then enter and collect some bullets, rockets, a full set of armor and a treasure chest. Taking them summons an adult Scorp behind you so kill him before you return to the main path. Take those three items if you already didn’t.


Start up the slope and kill yourself a bunch more Kleers, plus a T-Mech. Backtrack if you must, but the Minigun is very useful here. Find some more ammo and armor in this first area when you’re done. Continue back up the slope into a new area with lava, and a T-Mech to the right. When he’s dead turn right around and look at the wall on the left of the entrance. Do you see the rocks that form a large S on the wall? Destroy that S completely to claim Secret #2, a bunch of 5-pt health pills.


Advance down the rocky path a bit to trigger a fight involving many Scorps. You have to kill them all, then you will get a brief cutscene showing some floating ledges raise in the lava further ahead, and at the end of them lies a health coin. Take the items around your current position and continue forward. Just as those floating ledges become visible you should be able to make a U-turn to the right and find a money bag on a ledge. Climb up to get it then continue down.

Make the sequence of jumps to get the 25-pt health and watch as more ledges become available. Two of them are moving back and forth so you need to time the jumps carefully, and arrive at a larger island. When you get to the ledge just before that though, a Kleer head will spawn so destroy it then jump to where it was. Now up ahead a series of ledges are seen rising then sinking back down into the lava, all leading towards an island with the Cannon. When you get there two more heads pop out so kill them and look at the next series. Be careful to avoid the lava as you jump from ledge to ledge, taking yourself some armor, a health heart and an Ammo Pack. Now jump from the last ledge to arrive on solid ground, and climb up the slope.

A bunch of T-Mechs and HellChicks are waiting for you up ahead. Save if you need to, then go up there and give them one hell of a surprise. If you attack one the rest will respond, just a fair warning. The T-Mechs you see are the only ones you have to worry about but the HellChicks come in through the volcanoes like crazy. When they’re dead some more items will appear so you can patch yourself up, and then face a few Albinos plus many Kleers. The Cannon is probably your best bet here. Probably, depends on personal preference. Okay take care of all of them, I tried to concentrate on the Kleers first and that strategy worked for me. Then get ready for the next leg of the fight.

This final phase will have tons of Scorps attacking from both sides, plus a few Kleer gargoyles. The fight may get a little desperate here, but sometimes desperate works. Watch your surroundings and use your most powerful weapons. When the last enemy falls the level ends with an FMV sequence. Sam apparently ran out of ammo and is now beating the Kleers’ remains with their own bones.

01-29-2010, 08:01 PM


On the opening movie sequence Count Kleerofski is performing live to an audience of Kleer Skeletons. He succeeds in increasing his size by five times, after several attempts that is. Unfortunately it’s that giant size that you have to deal with.

Do not start the map guns blazing away at Kleerofski. It will do no good, since in the center of this map there is a large diamond crystal. Kleerofski uses the power from this crystal to regenerate his health. Go around the map collecting the various items to boost yourself up, but as you do so take a look at the layout of the map. Also be sure to dodge the Count’s attacks. He can try to swoop in and melee you, or he can shoot deadly projectiles at you. Do your best to avoid him as you size up your situation.

Scattered around the level are claw devices holding small blue diamonds. The large crystal is shooting a laser beam to one diamond constantly. When the claw is closed, that means that the laser will not continue on. But when the claw is completely opened up, the laser will hit the diamond and be reflected off of it, onto the next one. Shoot a claw to get it to open, but make sure it opens completely. You can tell this when the diamond starts to shine brighter than normal. Four direct rocket hits are enough to fully open up a claw, but a steady stream of Minigun fire nicely does the trick too. I suggest keeping in order. What I mean is to follow the beam from its originating crystal, and see where it goes, then open that claw up if it isn’t already.


Be careful. Not only can Kleerofski attack you and recharge his health, he can also try to close up the claws on you. So if you see the beam retracting at all, that’s why. But if you are fast enough, you can get them all opened up. If you do get them all opened at the same time, the laser will bounce off of all the diamonds until it comes back to the pink crystal, which will then be destroyed. With Kleerofski’s defenses out of the way, you are free to make your final offensive against him. Keep shooting at him until he runs out of health! Use your most powerful weapons first and he’ll fall much quicker. When he’s defeated, you will pick up the fourth out of five pieces of the Medallion!

02-05-2010, 06:47 PM



Now on to collect the final piece of the Medallion of Power! This time we’ll be traveling to planet Ellenier, but Sam is only interested in who is winning the big game, go figure. Your objective will be to retrieve the fifth Medallion part from the fire-breathing dragon named Cecil. Then, with the Medallion assembled, the final assault on Mental can get underway. You will get your first glance at Cecil in an FMV sequence as he comes to collect a tax from the planet’s natives.

Quickly man one of the castle Cannons and start fending off the attacking Helicopters! There are two Cannons so don’t fret if you lose one of them, and there aren’t a whole lot of Helicopters attacking. There are a fair few, but that’s about it. Now take the Shotgun shells, plus some armor near the wooden crates, and blast the crates for other items. One of the boxes has the Double Shotgun, take that before entering the castle. The entrance is directly behind your starting position.

As you go down the stairs, listen carefully for the sounds of Spider-Mechs. When you reach the inner room there will be two S-Mechs to kill, plus a few more after them. Kill them and blow open the boxes. Kill the one more S-Mech that comes out of one of the boxes. Take the various items including the Double Shotgun, just in case you missed the previous one. Now make a U-turn to the left from your entry point to reach another downward stairwell. Take some bullets and go through the gate that automatically opens for you. Up ahead at the other end of the drawbridge are your Uzis. The platform here turns into an elevator and starts slowly descending.

Watch the ground carefully for Centaurs, a new type of enemy. You can make short work of them with your Uzis. When the lift ride is over, you’re in another room with some supplies. Before going through the gate, make sure to take some armor up above. You can get there by using the ramp to the right of the gate. Collect that then go through to continue the level, and arrive back outside. Follow the dirt road until you reach a fork, and turn left. Follow it down, readying your weapons. Eventually you will be attacked again, by some Rhinos and several Cannons. As you may have experienced yourself, the Cannons do not have a limit to their rotation, so they can follow you 360 degrees around. Try to take them out first because the cannonballs seriously hurt. Then again so do the Rhinos, but you can side-step them. When they’re dead, examine the three ledges with the Cannons that you destroyed. Use the first one you come across. Climb up the back of it, and at the end run and jump off to claim a money bag. Head further to the end of this area until you see a treasure chest near the water. Take this to claim Secret #1. Now return to the fork.


Be careful going back since two more Cannons plus two T-Mechs will take their shots at you. Destroy them all, and now follow the trail to the right this time. (Right from entrance) Mental will give you a warm welcome when you near the break to the left. This next fight sends in Rhinos, Centaurs and Helicopters. This is your lucky day! Kill everything in your path and then continue down the road, ignoring every break on either side. There is a key that spawns in front of the main gate back at the fork, but if you are low on ammo or out completely, then I suggest saving that for later, and going down the road to the right now. Why? Because at the end not only will you be given one of the keys you need, but also there is a Hoverfighter waiting for you to jump into! Climb in and on your way back hone your targeting skills on the many enemies ahead. Again you can ram, but you run a greater risk of losing your machine that way. The thing has unlimited laser energy though. With the resistance gone, take the other key, on the path directly ahead from entrance (at the fork), and proceed through the gate. You will have to abandon your vehicle though.

Get the Rocket Launcher inside, and blow up the crates for more items, then go through the next gate to arrive at a closed drawbridge. To the left is the lever to lower the bridge, and a dead Gnaar male that was working as the bridge operator. The bridge will not lower until you remove the Gnaar’s arm from the gears. Do that, then I don’t really care what you do with it after removing. I threw it in the water along with the rest of the corpse lol. Use the lever and turn right around and confront the charging enemies: Rhinos and Footballers. Kill them then at the end of this fight an Albino enters. Kill him and dodge the bombs dropped from an attack plane flying in from the left. When all is quiet continue across the bridge into the next room.

There’s your Sniper Rifle plus some ammo and a money bag. Take it all and continue on. As soon as you come through the gate turn right and follow the grass downhill. Eventually you’ll see an Ammo Pack. Take it for Secret #2 and get ready.


Around the time that you collect it another fight is setting up. Off in the distance near the village are a couple T-Mechs and some Footballers. Use whatever means to kill them, then return to the spot where you found the second secret, and continue down that direction. Soon you’ll have to fend off some S-Mechs. There are a lot, but at least they’re small. When they’re all dead continue down this way, past the building with the water wheel. Keep going until NETRICSA confirms Secret #3. Up ahead is a treasure chest and another Hoverfighter. Get them and return to the gate, and this time go straight. On the way back though, take care of several more T-Mechs and a Cannon.


I mentioned going straight from the entrance gate didn’t I? There is a health cube and four bundles of rockets on the dirt road. Getting these triggers another fight, so get ready for a TON of Kamikazes. I mean a ton of them too. After they’re done take care of some Footballers and Centaurs. Then after all of them come some Rhinos. There is also a Cannon off in the distance and to the left to destroy. When they’re dead continue on road until it breaks to the right, taking all the items you need as well. They include an Ammo Pack and a health heart.

Next fight, a lot of Spider-Mechs, including one big one. Kill all the spiders, then follow the path to the right when it splits. Near the houses you should find a health heart, which is Secret #4.


Take it and then continue down the main road, getting some armor and an Ammo Pack. You have more Centaurs up ahead to kill. Following right behind them are three Albinos. Finish off the resistance and if you still have the Hoverfighter from the third secret that is your best bet. Kill them and continue into the village.

Upon entering the village scour the area for all collectibles. Blow up all containers and search near the buildings because the next major fight is about to get underway. Search in all directions on ground and up in the sky too. Watch out for bombers as well during this fight, but don’t let your guard down. Use the Hoverfighter if you still have it. Enemies will include Spider-Mechs, Helicopters, Albinos and Centaurs. When they’re all dead the level ends and an FMV sequence kicks in. The locals are congratulating Sam and are sending him off with thanks and all the basic hero worship crap. Sam takes his aggression out on the camera.

02-06-2010, 02:48 AM


As you see, a large wave of Mental monsters are on the way. So what else is new in this game? Head outside and immediately turn left. Look for the box next to the tree and blast it for Secret #1, Serious Damage.


Get back on the main road and use the SD to your advantage. In the first battle of this level be sure not to drop your guard for a split second. I almost died because I thought the battle was over, then came a pack of Rhinos, backed up by bombers. The Serious Damage will take out a good deal of the enemies, and the rest should not be a major problem. Up ahead take all the items, then take the Minigun further down the road. Look out for more enemies dead ahead when you take the weapon. There are Albinos, Rollerballs, Cannons, a T-Mech, a Helicopter and bombers.

Continue down road, taking the Hoverfighter when you come to it. Now head out into the open area blasting away all opponents on land and in the air. Thank God you have the Hoverfighter for this fight. Do a lot of side-driving and try to resist the urge to ram unless you have to. When the battle is over continue down the road, taking whatever items you see that you need. When the dirt road takes you to a King statue, explore it. The third barrier from the left (back side of the statue) can be blasted. After you do that, dismount from the Hoverfighter if you haven’t already, and climb through the opening, inside the head and claim Secret #2, two money bags and health heart.


Back on the trail, follow it uphill. You’ll come to another Hoverfighter. Abandon the other one if you’re still riding it, in favor of this new one, just to refresh all 500 HPs. Kill the Albino directly ahead the continue following the trail. When you arrive at the next fight involving some Tanks and T-Mechs, there are some supplies to the right that I’m sure you’d want, including a health cube resting on top of a pile of rocks. Climb out of your ride before you collect that. Behind the rock pile to the left of that you should be able to spot Secret #3, an Extra Life.


Continue until you’re attacked by two Helicopters from the right. Bring them down and get rid of another baddie down the trail. Keep going to trigger more enemies and take them out as needed. Behind the final large King statue there is some armor and a money bag.

When the path begins to turn left, there is another Hoverfighter, so switch rides and continue. More enemies appear when you go for the health cube, and another T-Mech appears right in front of you when you take it. Just when you appear to be dead-ended, a Rhino will charge through the rocks unleashing more enemies on you. Further down, a FOURTH Hoverfighter is waiting for you. There is also a money bag in the corner to the right of the trail. Save your game and go downhill. Watch both ahead of you and behind you carefully, because enemies will be pouring in from both directions. For the most part you’ll need to take care of a lot of Rhinos and some T-Mechs. There are also Helicopters in the area, and eventually you’ll see a purple portal up ahead, an ominous sign. Near the end of the fight, a large red Tanks appears outside the exit doors. If you’ve played your cards right you’ll still have a surplus of Hoverfighters so if you lose one, you may still jump into another one.

Keep fighting until the last of the resistance falls, and head for the doors at the end of the trail to exit. In the movie, Sam demands to see the king, but he is laughed at instead and denied entry into Kingsburg. Soooooo he spends the night outside the door until the queen lowers a ladder for him.

02-06-2010, 05:34 AM


From the start, go left until the street turns into a T-intersection and turns left and right. Head left, and go around one of the first buildings to find a money bag. Go under the blue ZAGREB (city where Croteam is based) banner and turn right. When you near a locked gate, turn right and look between two houses for a sparkling teleporter. Walk into it to arrive at Secret #1. Quickly kill the Footballer then head out and take some Grenades, a treasure chest and some armor. Go through the purple portal to return to Kingsburg.


Go in the opposite direction from the T now. A cutscene shows civilians fleeing some pursuing Footballers. Defend the locals, and don’t be afraid to use Grenades in conjunction with your guns, because a lot are charging your way. At some point you may think that the fight is over, then you see more coming your way, so do not let your guard down. When you hear the locals cheering your success, that means the fight is over. Kill the bad guys and continue down the street. As you come to another intersection two Spider-Mechs attack. Kill them and turn right to collect a bunch of rockets, and then go in the other direction, killing the charging S-Mechs.

Further down you will face a fair few more S-Mechs plus one of those red devils with the missile launchers. Kill them all and then backtrack a bit. Look up at one of the blue lamps and note a Serious Damage on one of them. Destroy the lamp to bring it down and claim Secret #2. Continue down road until you can turn right. Look in the near left corner for a money bag, which is also Secret #3.


Back on the road go further down and take out a few more enemies. Collect some supplies near the locked gate, then go right around it. If you’re going in the right direction you will see a banner that reads ZOVI SAMO ZOVI, and some more S-Mechs will attack.

When the road turns left say hello to your old friends the Zombie Stockbrokers. Yes, those badasses are back! Kill all of them before you go off exploring in this area. A building behind the well conceals a money bag in the corner, so find and take that. And yes, you’re now past that locked gate. Turn right as soon as you see a new area and head for it. If you hadn’t killed him already, a ZS is impersonating a statue and shooting at you. Find and take a money bag in the corner to the left of the closed gates (the one marked with a health heart) then take the heart near the gates. The stone statue explodes revealing some armor. Take the shells and then the armor, then the next fight is triggered.

Watch for a couple commando snipers up high, and watch down here at ground level for some of those suicidal Clowns and Rollerballs. Also watch for more ammo to spawn for your taking as you need it. The fight shouldn’t be too hard if you can take out the enemies well before they get anywhere near you. The Double Shotgun is effective here. After the fight, the entrance to the sewers opens. Approach the entrance to exit the level. In the movie, Sam takes a violent tumble into the sewers, one that is painful to even watch.

02-07-2010, 11:54 PM


Follow the sludge straight out to a grate with armor behind it. Turn right to follow the next tunnel and shoot any containers for some gold coins. Defend yourself as a group of Orcs enters in. Kill them then head into the direction they came from. Turn left and go down the passage until you can turn left again and kill a Kleer before it surprises you. At this intersection you cannot go straight ahead yet, not without some explosives first, so go left, where you found the Kleer. At the T go left and take the armor you saw earlier, then turn 180 degrees around and head in the opposite direction. You will be forced to turn right and kill two Kleers guarding a bundle of TNT sticks. Blow up the boxes for several more gold coins and a Lizard to kill. When you’ve taken the TNT, turn around and shoot another Kleer. Head back and make a basic U-turn to the left to arrive at the spot where you can use the TNT. Take out a Zombie Stockbroker that drops in from above like the last Kleer did, then turn left and use the explosives in the glowing indentation on the right side wall.

Back well off as the TNT does its job. Now that you have an opening some more Kleers will rush out. Deal with them before going through the hole into the next area. From this room with large pillars you can go either left or right. Go right first since it dead-ends. Take out the Kleer that appears in front of you, then take some rockets and a money bag. Return to the room with pillars and go down the other corridor this time. Up ahead a Commando attacks so kill him, then turn right, and kill another Commando plus some more Kleers. If you go straight ahead from this intersection, you will encounter another Kleer followed by a dead end, so turn right and go down there. You will come across a room to the right that contains four boxes of shells and a Serious Bomb. Make a quick detour to pick those items up, then continue.

Up ahead take out another armed devil. Turn left when you see another room you can enter and kill the three ZSs guarding some armor. The armor is a TRAP. Taking it will temporarily seal you inside the room and summon a lot of Lizards for you to fend off, and not a lot of room to run around. If you did take the armor you will have to wait until the end of the battle to leave. Either way when you can, continue down the main corridor. Yes the door will open for you as you approach it. Anyway back in the corridor, it will again break into two directions. Go straight for now and kill another Kleer before taking a health coins, then go back to the break and turn left.

Up ahead kill all the ZSs that drop in on you. They’ll be gaining ground so be fast. Eventually on the left side, there will be a depot with quite a few supplies, guarded by several Lizards and ZSs. Take everything you can, then continue on down. There is another T up ahead. Go right, take the rockets, then go left to continue the quest but watch out for the Scorp! Ignore the room to the right and continue to follow until you reach a dead end with a money bag. Take it and then go back to the large room and enter.

A little girl is being attacked by Mental’s troops! Quickly kill the attackers and save her. Go down the stairs to her, and she will bow to you then after a pause she will run off. Almost right on cue, Kleers will come charging out of the tunnels on either side. Do your best to kill them before they kill you or the girl. Some ZSs will also join the fight, and some in the final stage of the battle will shoot at you from the upper level. If after all the shooting the girl is still around, she will reward you with an Extra Life. Back on the upper level one of the doors is open allowing you to leave. But the one directly opposite is still locked, but that’s where we want to go next. Wait for two Orc guards to walk into view, and shoot them through the window. The door will then open. Follow this corridor to Secret #1, Secret Gay Wedding.


Act fast because no one is happy that you are there uninvited. You will have to kill them all then take the treasure chest. Return to the large room where you rescued the girl and go through the other door that was open.

Turn right at the intersection, and go kill a couple Commandos and an armed devil. They were guarding another T. To the right, some Grenades. To the left, the next passage to follow. With the two Scorps, start shooting and basically do not stop firing. Plenty of enemies are pouring in, mostly Kleers, some tougher ones included. Once they’re all dead continue down the long passage. To the left of the door that automatically opens is some armor and ammo so take them, then go through the door into the large room.

In the center of the room is a golden statue of the King. Hop up onto the altar to get it then ready your guns. In comes a swarm of ZSs, so take care of all of them. You may want to use the pillars in this room for cover. When they’re dead you will get more items at the same altar you got the statue from. Starting to take these items will trigger the next major fight so save your game. You have a ton of Kleers to fend off, and you should use some of the same strategies you used against the ZSs. After a few moments some more health and armor will spawn in the arena. A while later, as you are still battling the Kleers, you will face in addition, some Scorps and Lizards. Serious Bombs may not be a bad idea if you have them. After the last enemy has fallen the level ends. Sam places the King statue on a pedestal opening the exit from the Royal Sewers.

02-11-2010, 02:15 AM


In this starting yard you gotta find four Gold Records before you can continue. Unfortunately this area is laid out rather like a maze. To simplify your task I will suggest you follow the wall on your left. In addition to the four records, there are two secret areas in this yard as well. So let’s get started. The first area to your right is a dead end anyway, so you have to go under the arch with the many flowers on it. As soon as you do though you’ll have to kill a Clown. Continue following the path around the left. When you near the first record, wait a bit because a few more enemies will begin their attack. Be careful though and try not to kill any Clowns in the middle area with the fountain. If you see a bunch of Scorps spawn in that area, that means you just disabled the first secret! Watch and listen carefully. Those Clowns can disappear and then reappear from either direction ready to blow you up, so act fast. After the fight continue into the area with the first record. The plant explodes into a Scorp. Kill him, then take the first Gold Record. Also search the ground in this area for a coin which lies on the opposite side of the plant from the record.

About now is when some more Clowns attack, kill them. Pick up the coin when all is silent and take it to the central area with the fountain. You must have seen that by now, and it doesn’t matter what direction you approach it from. You’ll have to fend off more of Mental’s minions. Do so but if you lose the coin don’t worry. It will respawn in the area you picked it up from. With the resistance gone, pick the coin up again and search the four benches surrounding the fountain. Yes, collect the shells if you haven’t done so. One of the benches has a hat and a Gnaar in it. Drop the coin into the hat for Secret #1, and the Gnaar will play a tune for you. If you’ve previously killed that Gnaar you will not be able to get that secret. Killing that Gnaar is what triggers the Scorps. Take the money bag that is spawned, then return to the point where you found the first record, and continue to follow the left side.


Follow until you find yourself approaching the left side of the castle. Some more Scorps will take a few shots at you. When they’re dead continue on, ignoring the locked gates to your left. At the very end turn left and take the second Gold Record. On the way back a Clown appears from the direction of the gate. Kill him, then go around to the other side of the castle. Watch above for lamps that carry items on top of them. Blast the lamps to bring them down. Also watch at ground level for more Clowns. Before exploring the right side of the castle, turn right around and inspect the bushes to the right of the tree. The one we’re looking for is marked with benches on either side. Look for some discoloration and shoot it open to claim Secret #2, a treasure chest.


Go down the right side now and take out the Clowns flying into the area. There are only a few of them, so it’s hardly a challenge. Continue and take some armor on the right side. Keep going into an area with a well. Here, you will find the third of four Gold Records. Now turn around and head back, and keep following the left wall. Watch out for another plant that explodes into a Scorp. Kill him then just beyond his position, make a U-turn to the left to arrive at the fourth Gold Record. Back out in the open kill a few more Clowns, then make your way back to the right side of the castle. The gates to the right will now be open allowing you to proceed, finally, into the next area.

Tackle two Footballers in the next area. One appears almost right away, and the other as you approach the well dead ahead. Approach the well to claim Secret #3, and collect the money bag that appears inside it.


Now explore the area and note all the containers. You know what to do with them! The area up ahead is guarded by some ZSs. You can go in either direction as they’ll both arrive in the same general spot. Kill all the resistance and take all the items you find. Then up ahead approach the villager guarding the gate. He will bow to you and toss you the key to unlock it. Take it and enter the next yard.

Well you may have arrived at the Castle of Rock, but so did Mental. Take everything ahead of you and prepare to fight. First deal with a large group of Scorps. Some of the locals will help you out as well, but watch all your sides carefully. My suggestion is to use a weapon like the Minigun or Rocket Launcher. When the Scorps are dead continue toward the castle. Collect everything near the Croteam stage to the left and watch the skies for your newest enemy, the Harpies. Each individual one is relatively easy to kill but when they’re in a large group like this one it can be a bit difficult. After they’re all dead more items will spawn near the stage. When you go to take those, you will fight a group of Clowns. They are backed up by Footballers and red demons as well! Soon after they’re dead some more items will spawn near the big doors to the castle, including health and armor on those hovering lamps, and a health heart right before the doors.

All that’s left in this level is to defeat a batch of Rhinos and armed demons. Go after the Rhinos first so you don’t have to worry about their charging attacks, then take care of those demons. When all the enemies are dead the level ends with a movie sequence. The celebrations for Princess Olga are well underway when Cecil arrives and snatches her! Now it is up to Sam (you) to save her.

02-12-2010, 02:56 AM


If you’re afraid of heights try not to look down ;). On the first floating island, start by turning directly left and going to the end of the island where you will find a health heart. This is not an official secret, but it will serve you well in the first battle coming up. Turn around and take out the first group of enemies. Among them are an armed demon, some Harpies and a lot of S-Mechs. Good thing you found that heart, yes? Near the end of the battle several Rollerballs will also attack. Directly ahead on the main path, ahead of the starting point that is, there is also an Albino to take out. Before continuing with the regular mission, turn directly right and now go in the opposite direction from the health heart. Go past the water and search for a money bag. It’s to the left of the tan boulders. Return to the dirt path and collect all the items. Your old pal Clawdovic, the kamikaze parrot, is back. Enter the tunnel that the Albino was guarding.

Unfortunately for you more enemies attack before you emerge from the tunnel, including Orcs, Rollerballs and armed demons. Defeat what you can from here and look at one of the stone ledges in here for a health cube. Bring down the cube with a rocket and take Secret #1.


Now pass through to the other side and finish off the baddies. Be careful, a turret is attacking from the left side, and it’s one of those plasma launchers! Don’t drop your guard when collecting all the items either, because several Orcs are likely to spawn because of it. On the right side of this area you should locate a Serious Bomb. Near the glider there is a full set of armor, a health heart and an Ammo Pack. Climb on board the glider and ride it to the next island.

Mental takes to the skies to try to stop you. He send in some Helicopters, bomber AND Orc Commanders. Do your best to take them out and if you have to use your Serious Bomb, do that. When you come close to the second island, some ground forces will appear as well. A T-Mech is thrown into the mix, plus some more Orcs, and armed demons. At this point, the villager operating the glider continuously throws health coins toward you, take them as needed. When you return to terra firma clean out the rest of the resistance then take all the items in your sight. On the far right side there is a money bag and another Serious Bomb. Collect everything else in the area before advancing down the path. Watch for a blue boulder on the left. Blast it to uncover Secret #2, a hidden teleporter. Turn around and kill an armed demon on a high ledge as you go for the secret.


The next yard has two minigames to play. Let’s start with the one involving the Gnaar since this triggers the final secret. You must throw the red and yellow ball at the target and hit it. Doing so will make the Gnaar splash into the tank, giving you Secret #3, an Extra Life. If you miss it, another ball will respawn.


The other game gives you three balls to use. The object is to knock all six bottles off of the shelf they’re on. It’s not enough to merely knock them over, but off. If you do so successfully, you will get a health coin. There doesn’t seem to be a limit to how many times you can play and earn health if you do it, but every other game alternates the way the bottles are stacked. One pattern stacks all six into one large pyramid and the other pattern splits them and stacks them into two smaller pyramids of three. There are three bears near the portal that you can kill but I found no advantage to doing this. When you’re ready, step through the portal to return to the main path.

As you go down get ready, the next fight is very tough to handle. Definitely use any Serious Bombs you may have. You will start off facing some armed demons but they are the least of your worries compared to the many Harpies flying in. There are other enemies in the fight as well but the Harpies are the main concern. Kill all the resistance and continue following the path until you can pass beneath some arches. Before you can get through though you’re attacked again. Kill what you can from in here, then emerge out into the open when there are fewer enemies to take care of. Watch either side for those plasma turrets. When all is silent collect all the items in the area, including full armor, an Ammo Pack and health heart near another glider. When you are ready, hop onto the glider to be taken to the third island.

Prepare those guns again because Mental once more sends in the aerial forces. You gotta fend off the bombers, Helicopters, Commanders and Harpies. This time there is no gap between the attacks from the air forces and the ground forces. Fortunately the operator throws you some health cubes to replenish your health. Concentrate on larger enemies first, for the most part there. You may want to use a Serious Bomb if you have one left. Upon reaching ground finish off the monsters and take all the items. There is a large amount of ammo for you to take, plus a money bag to the far right. As you follow the main path there is another major battle. Rollerballs will roll in backed up by Footballers. Later, Harpies will join the fight and a T-Mech appears at the end. Kill them all then continue.

The path will take you up a slope to the right. Listen closely as a couple Rhinos charge their way. Kill them and keep going, and again listen as some Commanders fly in from the left. Take them out as well, then keep following the path. When you get the weapon kill another Rhino and three more Commanders. Continue until you reach a lower area with more enemies firing at you. Kill them from up here then as soon as the last enemy has fallen, save your game. The next fight involves Rhinos charging in from up ahead and directly behind you. I suggest you use this strategy. Get in a position where the first Rhino down below won’t see you. Any subsequent ones either up here or down there will not spawn until you kill the first one, so take care of the ones up here first. When that’s taken care of use your Sniper Rifle to take out the Rhinos below. Some Elvians will arrive to assist you but if you’re a good marksman you can easily take care of the beasts yourself. When all is silent go down to where the Elvians are and take all the goods.

Don’t get on the glider just yet. Follow the trail to the end of the island. Look to the left and take a treasure chest. Now return to the glider and use some rocks on the side to get on board. Sam, in the following movie sequence, finds the dragon Cecil. Or rather, he finds Sam, and cooks his ride up. Sam falls out of the sky and the level ends.

02-12-2010, 02:58 AM


Whoa! Well I guess you still have to rescue her. Or do you? Sam and Cecil bet that whoever loses the coming battle keeps the princess. But don’t think you’re off the hook and don’t have to win this fight! Not if you want to complete the Medallion.

Run around the arena trying not to fall off the edge in the process. Evade Cecil’s attacks the best you can. Not only can he breathe fire and try to burn you until you’re extra crispy, but if you’re in the air he can knock you off course and send you falling to your doom. Not a good deal. What is a good deal is that there is plenty of health and armor that keeps respawning for you on the ground and on the high ledges. Don’t worry about ammo, because you will not be using any of your conventional weapons.

In the center of the arena, beneath the princess, four of a new powerup spawn and they will continuously respawn throughout the fight, the Serious Jump. The Serious Jump allows you to jump up to such high altitudes, making it much easier for you to battle Cecil. When you reach the high ledges you can collect more of the items. But if there’s any item you should be watching for, it’s a special arrow that can be used on the dragon. These arrows are scattered around the arena and like everything else, they will respawn. Collect as many arrows as you can find before next finding and mounting a crossbow.


When you mount a crossbow you will have to watch yourself and make sure that you do not run out of HPs, otherwise you’ll have to find another. Do not let yourself run out of crossbows. When you are at one, you will be using the arrows you’ve collected as ammunition. These arrows individually pack quite a punch against Cecil. It won’t take a whole lot to finish the dragon off. But because of his constant flying it may be difficult to keep a lock on him. If you run out of arrows, dismount and then search around again for more to pick up, collecting more health, armor, and another Serious Jump if needed.

Enjoy the movie sequence that plays when you defeat Cecil. Sam strikes a deal with the dragon – he will take the princess if he is given the final Medallion piece. Cecil reluctantly agrees, and now the Medallion of Power is complete!

02-17-2010, 03:23 PM

LEVEL 31: AREA 5100


Now that the Medallion of Power is assembled, Mental can be made vulnerable! There is one last order of business before Sam can begin his final assault, however. Planet Sirius is protected by an impenetrable shield. It is even impregnable to a full fleet of ships. The good news is that there is a way to temporarily disable it, using a powerful enough laser cannon on the near side of planet Kronor. On the far side is a Mental compound where Alliance fighters are being held. The objective now is to rescue enough allies and capture enough ships to ready the assault, and bring that laser cannon online.

You start off in a hangar with lots of containers and some items. There is nothing inside the containers so you can just ignore them as you collect everything else in here. Remember to take back your Auto Shotgun and Double Shotgun on top of two metal boxes though. Go through the doors marked with the number 16 to arrive outside and begin the first fight. Mostly Orcs are in this area, but they will use a Helicopter and several Tanks as well, the cheaters! After the battle look back to hangar #16. Take a container and line it up and either corner so you can climb onto the roof. Climb up and take Secret #1, the Cannon plus some cannonballs.


Explore this area a bit further. On the left side there is a green pool with sharks swimming around inside. Look at the pipes on the back side and turn the two valves to drain the pool. Collect Secret #2, a health heart.


To the left of the pool there is some Grenade Launcher ammo. Collecting that will summon several Footballers. In hangar #17 there is some more ammo protected by Footballers and Tanks. Find a Serious Bomb among the goods in here. Return outside battling off the Footballers and two Tanks. After they’re dead proceed forward (to the right of #17) and collect the Grenade Launcher along the way!

Just before you get to the slope with trees on either side head to the left. There is a gate open, revealing an area with a Hoverfighter. But above the gate to the right in a guard tower is a Gnaar. And if you get too close to the gate, he will close it on you and seal it. Kill the Gnaar before he has the chance to do that. No, this is not a timed secret, but if you don’t shoot him before he closes it, you will have to stack some boxes to get to it. Once you’re inside the yard Secret #3 will register. Two T-Mechs will spawn back outside. You can probably take them both out from your relative safety. Kill them then take your Hoverfighter out and prepare to do some real damage.


Three more T-Mechs wait for you up the slope. Kill them and continue forward. When you get the message about the Alliance fighters, more items will spawn for you to use in the next fight. Two plasma turrets also spawn to your left, but you may not need them right away, not if you have the Hoverfighter. In this fight take out several Helicopters and a few enemy plasma Turrets positioned all around this area. Destroy all the resistance and follow the path when it turns right. Stay alert and kill off some advancing Tanks and Orcs. Continue up the slope to the blue force field. The field will lower in a cutscene, releasing more Orcs and Tanks. Again, kill them, then inspect the prison doors. You have to use one to open a cell and release prisoners. When you do you’ll get some items in return. Look back in the yard with the turrets as well. Some cells may be locked. In that case, just disregard them and only open the cells that are unlocked. Free all the prisoners you can, then enter the corridor that the field was blocking.

There is a big fight up ahead and I lost my Hoverfighter during the battle. Force fields will block you from escaping either way. Kleers will begin pouring in and they are the bulk of the enemy forces this time. But, some Tanks and Orcs will also appear to back them up. The good news is that they are all coming in from straight ahead, so this is the ideal opportunity to try out the new Grenade Launcher. Play it safe though, and continue to use your vehicle if you have it. I advise using your conventional weapons only if you lose your ride. After the fighting the Minigun spawns. Take it and the level will end.

02-17-2010, 03:29 PM


Right now your predicament is no good. You are under attack by multiple enemies from multiple areas. There are several Commandos on the ground you should take out first, because their miniguns are constantly firing at a very high rate. Deal with everything else in whatever order you like, then we can begin to explore this starting area. Approach the containers on the right hand side. Some of them will explode releasing enemies. One of the middle ones will reveal a Sniper Rifle and some ammo. To get to them, stack a couple crates, then climb in and get Secret #1. Get all the other items in the area as well.


Back out in the open start releasing more prisoners. When the path turns right and you approach the slope, a cutscene shows another major fight about to begin. Save your game right here.

The enemies will pour in like crazy. Use your best long-range weapons to take them out fast. I recommend the Minigun and some Grenades, either hand-thrown or from the GL. After this fight continue into another area with a lot more containers. Refresh your health, armor and ammo. For this next fight let me give you a hint. Use the Sniper Rifle to look past all the containers and take out the enemies ahead before they have a chance to see you. They are mostly ZSs, Turrets and Commandos. But, watch some of the containers as well, since they can explode and dump more enemies on you, but also give you more items for the taking. When you make your way past the containers into another open area, turn directly left and quickly take out the two Albinos. Why? Because they are summoning ZSs!

Clean out the resistance and continue, heading left until a few more ZSs attack. Take them out and collect all the items you see as you continue. When you head past a locked gate to your right another one of the spawning Albinos attacks. Keep going right through him and through all other monsters as well, taking all the items until you get to the end. Go through the gate and take the Cannon along with some cannonballs. Save.

Mental will not give up this airfield easily. Immediately he sends in some Tanks plus one huge red Tank. Take out the big one first then the smaller ones, then investigate the area to the right. There is lots of ammo, plus several Turrets and several Hoverfighters at your disposal. And from my observation, it seems the Hoverfighters do respawn during the fighting, but still exercise caution. I think the Turrets also respawn. But based on the severity of this fight and the fact that the vehicles do, I’m sure they do. Since you’ve defeated the initial batch of enemies (tip of the iceberg, really) there are a few items available front and center: armor, an Ammo Pack, a health heart, and a Serious Bomb. During the fight watch for several spawner pods. These bad boys attack you as well as spawn lesser enemies in. Try taking them out as soon as you can.

Keep fighting until all is silent then a movie ends the level. Sam addresses all the freed Alliance warriors, which consist of races you have already met during the game: Simbas, Zixies, Elvians, and ChiChe. Sam is encouraging them to prepare for the final strike against Mental and as he is, a Gnaar is messing with the mic making him sound like a real pessimist. A Simba child leads the large group in applause as they take the captured ships and take off for planet Sirius.

02-17-2010, 03:34 PM


It is cold here, and yet Sam still wears a white t-shirt! Well as NETRICSA will say in no uncertain terms, if you don’t get warm you will die. When you’re exposed outside, a hypothermia meter appears at the top of the screen. As Sam freezes, the bar fills. As the bar fills, the outside of the screen begins to gradually crystallize with frost. There are thermal outlets that you can enter for temporary relief. Such rooms have steam coming out on either side of the door, so watch for those. There is one to the left of this starting area. Also you saw during the movie sequence that several Kleers were keeping warm near a burning barrel. If you find one of those, that will work too.

There’s no way around it. If the meter becomes too full for comfort, drop whatever you’re doing and hit the nearest thermal pocket. Even if you’re in the middle of a battle, which you will be at the start of the level. Don’t worry, Mental is waiting for you back outside. Kill all the enemies, pausing to return to the thermal outlet when needed. Blow up all the containers in the area for some items. One of them has a Serious Damage. Behind the thermal outlet on the right-hand side you can collect an Extra Life. To the right of that building you can continue into the next area, and into the next battle. Check all sides and scout out the heater in this place. Watch out since there are some monsters coming out of that room. But inside you will also find some armor and a health heart. Kill all the enemies, but be careful not to shoot the snowmen yet. Collect whatever items you can then look at the left side of this yard near hangar #10.

Look for the steel crate on the left side of the hangar, just past the fence. Lob a grenade over the fence to blow the crate up. You can use a Hand Grenade or the GL. Secret #1, a treasure chest, will come your way. Now find the snowman directly left of the thermal outlet and shoot it. Pick up the health pills to trigger Secret #2.


Turn directly left and shoot the armed snowman before he shoots you. When he’s destroyed, he will drop the secret, a Serious Bomb. Continue to the explore the area and take all the items including those in the containers. You may also be attacked by more of Mental’s minions before you’re done here. Shoot the snowmen too, just in case they are hiding something. Don’t worry about hangar #11, the doors will not open anyway. Just continue past the outlet into the next snowy area.

In the next area continue to fight your way through. Get whatever items you need. There is an Ammo Pack out in the open so replenish your ammo and watch carefully. Orcs are shooting from above and some spawner pods will enter the fight too. Don’t spend too much time exploring either since you’re probably running out of time to find a place to warm up. Hangar #12 is open on the left side so if you head inside your freeze meter will disappear. Kleers come charging out as you initially approach it though so stay on your guard. Blow up all the boxes and look at the left side of the room for Secret #3, which is right in plain sight.


Walk up to the controls and note the two large buttons. The green one on the left and the red one to the right. Push the green button first. A chicken will walk out of the machine and right onto the blood stain directly ahead of you. Don’t shoot the bird, otherwise you defeat the whole purpose of the secret. Press the red button and watch it get crushed. You can keep doing this until you get bored and want to continue the mission. Opposite from here is the control console you want. It is sparkling indicating that it is your objective. Use it to bring an elevator down at this base. As you may have guessed from the cutscene, Mental is responding. Stay inside for this battle. Not only are you safer in here from the baddies than outside (trust me on that one), but you don’t have to worry about hypothermia.

When the fight is over, go out and begin up the stairs opposite of the hangar entrance. If you haven’t collected all the items in the area do that first, but then return to the hangar to reset your body temperature, just in case. Now, walk past the elevator to find a money bag. Return to the elevator and get inside. The elevator will keep you warm as you ride it up the long shaft. Step outside and blast all the crates that you can.

You’ll be attacked again. The first several enemies are some Turrets, Helicopters, and Fighter Planes. For protection from Mental, and even better protection from the elements, you can step back inside the elevator you rode up, or get inside another one up here. Neither is going anywhere for now, and they will warm you right up. Destroy everything attacking you to end the level. The Alliance ship arrives with the explosives. What perfect timing!

02-17-2010, 03:40 PM


There are four Orcs attacking as you start out. This is a relatively minor fight. Kill the Orcs then search the right side of your starting position for a money bag. If you need heat, you can return to the elevator you started in. Follow the walkway downward and prepare yourself for a real battle. The major resistance will come from another area to the left, behind a fence. Among other things, you need to fight through a giant S-Mech and some spawners. Luckily for you there are some burning barrels in this first yard. If you get up close with one of them your hypothermia meter will drop. Fight as hard as you can and when they’re all defeated, continue going around this first are getting all collectibles. At the end of this first area there is a hangar labeled #13 that is fenced off. In a corner of the fence find a money bag. Return to where you killed all the resistance and proceed into the adjacent area.

Enter the open hangar to the left. Fight off a few more Orcs and blow up all the containers. You may get several more enemies, but you’ll get some useful items as well. Oh yes, you don’t have to worry about freezing to death in here either. When you penetrate a little deeper, a Helicopter begins attacking from outside. Shoot it down the continue your business. Exit then enter the open hangar on the opposite side. No Orcs this time, but one container conceals a Spider-Mech instead of items. There is the Rocket Launcher in here, and as soon as you collect it, turn around and take down the Helicopter outside. Collect everything else, then return outside and head for the thermal outlet but do not answer yet. Look to the right of it, behind the trees. The container labeled TOP SECRET contains Secret #1. You will need to blast it open but when you do you can get a Sniper Rifle, Serious Bomb, Ammo Pack and health cube. Directly behind the container is a money bag. Now enter the heater room.


Several Orcs are on patrol, kill them quickly. Go through to the other side of the room and head outside into another open area. Look on top of the pipes in the distance to find Santa walking across one of them. Shoot him to trigger Secret #2, armor and a health heart.


When you go to take them another battle kicks in. This is a fair-sized fight with Footballers, some demons and a Fighter Plane involved. Continue forward, then look to the left of the trees on your left when you approach the next thermal room. Pick up the Extra Life. Turn 180 degrees around and head for the open hangar past the heater. Kill the several Orcs that guard the hangar, and enter. To the right is another TOP SECRET container. Blow it up and take Secret #3, and shoot all the ninja rabbits for health and armor. Take everything else in here while you’re at it.


Return outside and go behind the thermal room. Shoot all the resistance, there isn’t much in this area. You will find some items behind a fence that you can get at. A couple containers also explode releasing some more Orcs. Look at the container to the left of the metal steps, it’s not laid flat. Go behind it and take the Serious Bomb, which is Secret #4.


Now follow the metal walkway up. At the next fight defend yourself as best you can, and use the barrels to keep yourself warm. There is a money bag to the left of the catwalk. Go across the catwalk continuing to battle against Mental’s minions. Be mindful though that it will be a while before you get another heat source, so return to the barrel as needed. The next heat source is at ground level in the form of a thermal outlet.

Finish the resistance, then enter the thermal room, take the armor, Ammo Pack, and health heart. Now go around the right side of the outlet to find a treasure chest. Look at the containers to the right of the warmer and in the trees. Use a grenade on them to blow one open revealing Secret #5, Serious Damage.


Outside and to the left of the warmer, uphill, there is another major battle coming your way. A lot of smaller S-Mechs are among the attackers. Do what you can without getting caught out in the cold. After the fight, proceed uphill toward the structure with hangars on either side. Enter the hangar, #17, on the left side. The main doors are locked but you can warm up in the foyer and collect some more items. Back outside kill two more demons and two more Turrets at the main structure, then enter the opposite hangar. Again, destroy all crates and take the items. When you are ready, approach the main structure to end this level.

Sam sets the explosives to blow the doors open. He tries to get the charge set to five minutes, but instead accidentally puts it at five seconds! The blast knocks him out and downhill.

02-17-2010, 03:43 PM


Get out of there! Your newest foe is too tough for any of your weapons! They will not scratch him. This is Hugo, and this robot is going to need a special kick to bring him down. As soon as you gain control of Sam, turn right around and head for the opposite side of the arena. Any items you get, try to keep moving forward as you collect them. Don’t give Hugo a single moment to gain any ground on you. And remember to dodge his attacks. He has numerous weapons he can use against you, so try to move in zigzags if you can.

When you arrive at the opposite side go through the doors to arrive outside. You don’t have to worry about hypothermia now. All the same, keep going straight until you come to one of those thermal rooms. Enter it, take the armor, then exit the other side of it. Make a left turn, continuing to follow the snowy path out. Continue down here until there’s another thermal room to your right. Enter, take a health cube, exit through the other side, and continue to follow the path ahead.


A Helicopter spawns right ahead, but it will not attack you. This will be your weapon against Hugo! The gates to the helipad will open for you when you near them. Quickly climb into your newest ride. This chopper fires missiles at Hugo, who will take to the skies after you. Your supply of missiles is limited, watch closely. When you start to run low, scout out a green glow on the ground, showing an extra supply of rockets. You can gain altitude by pressing the jump key, and you can lower your chopper with the crouch key. Of course, continue to dodge Hugo in every which way. And also, don’t let him get too close to you.

Keep firing rockets and dodging his strikes. Replenish your rockets as needed. When you finally do kill the robot, a movie sequence follows. Hugo makes a crash landing, and an alien UFO appears from the metal body and makes a run for it. Sam later makes his way to the control room for the laser cannon. With the push of a big red button, the cannon fires, punching a hole in the red shield around planet Sirius. Now, the final battle can begin!

02-19-2010, 10:21 PM



Sam has assembled a massive Alliance fleet. So big, that it takes a full two hours for the whole fleet to check in. Sam leads the charge through the hole in the shield, but it soon closes after that. Two Alliance ships collide in the field and the rest of the ships are caught outside of orbit. It’s up to him alone now to find and confront Mental. Can you do it? Sure, just read on in this walkthrough, how hard can it be?  Luckily, Sam creates a diversion by crashing the ship he was piloting near a busy highway. With attention drawn away, he begins his charge.

Kill a few Orcs to start the level, then go around taking the Auto Shotgun and a health coin before exploring further. Don’t go straight yet, follow the road to your right. Go down and ignore the turn to your left, continuing straight until you have to turn right. Go up to the steel door and it will open revealing Secret #1 to you. Your first order of business is to turn right around and kill a few Primitives attempting to take you by surprise. Then in this small room, kick the soccer ball into the goal to spawn a health heart.


Return to the start of the level and where I told you not to go straight, go straight. Take all the shells on your way to a Double Shotgun plus some Clawdovics and Hand Grenades. Your next batch of enemies include some hover pods and a new foe, Floaters. These robots fly very erratically. Clawdovic is a highly effective weapon against them.

Collect all remaining items in this circle, then go back to where the path takes you to the central fountain. You can climb the fountain to the top to collect some armor. The items here are guarded by more enemies: Floaters, hover pods, Scorps and a Helicopter. Take the Rocket Launcher here and all other items. Now, follow the path to the opposite side of this yard. There is another path lined with shells so go down there. This path comes to a T-intersection. Go right first to get a health cube, then turn around and go left. Get ready to shoot more Floaters, then continue to the next T. Go right, shooting another Orc. Going left will just take you back to the fountain. Approach the blue lasers, and they will retract allowing you to proceed.

Kill the two attacking Scorps, and take the Uzis with their ammo. Now you’re ready for a big fight. There are some Floaters and hover pods coming in, but there are also Scorps ahead in the next area. Split your attention carefully among your foes and watch out for those Floaters, they can be literally anywhere. When all is quiet, go down the ramp through the next laser gate. Down here get some more health and bullets, then go through the next gate. When you enter the next room, take the armor and ammo to your left. Then continue to go down until another battle is triggered, a painful battle that is. Get rid of all the resistance then follow where they came from.

When you go to take some more items, the glass behind you shatters unleashing several more enemies. After they’re dead take the items if you already didn’t, then go outside and drop onto the first floating grass ledge. From here, jump to the first bounce pad. The battle music is for two Fighter Planes in the area. If you have Clawdovics to use, use them. Otherwise ignore them for now. Actually, just ignore them altogether. On this bounce pad, turn around and jump to the ledge with the money bags. You may want to save before you attempt this jump. When you land on the ledge you can get Secret #2. Follow the money bags around the corner, carefully. Kill the small group of Orcs, then return to the bounce pad.


Use the pad to land on a grassy ledge moving back and forth. Time your jump from here to a bounce pad moving vertically, up and down. Time the jump here up to the final bounce pad, moving horizontally, then to the next stable platform. Or if you’re lucky, you can jump directly to forego the last pad. On this ledge take out all the grunts, then take all the items, plus a Sniper Rifle. Now this is your best bet against the Fighter Planes. Bring them down, then continue with your objective. At the T a large group of enemies attack from both sides. There are two Plasma Turrets, one on either side. There are also Orcs, Floaters, and Scorps. The turrets are guarding boxes of bullets. You can go to get them after the initial fight. Ahead, however, several adult Scorps and some more Orcs guard the proper weapon for those bullets, the Minigun.

Kill all the enemies then save the Minigun for last. Take everything else first. In the same corner with the health cube is Secret #3. The tree has orange peppers on it, and the secret registers when you approach the three. Explode the peppers to spawn health pills.


Now when you are ready, take the Minigun and a Hoverfighter becomes available. Before doing anything, even entering the Hoverfighter, use your Sniper Rifle to scope out two laser turrets on the other side. Shoot them from here and dodge their laser shots. Now enter the fighter and prepare to cross the chasm. This fighter can travel higher than previous models. Just use Jump to hover upward, and Crouch to drop. The fighter also shoots what looks like fireballs instead of blue lasers. They are in infinite supply, but your HPs are down from 500 to 200. So try not to get your ride shot up, and try not to collide with any opponents in the next fight.

The next fight is a long one and features all of the standard aerial units: Floaters, pods, Fighter Planes, Helicopters. There are plenty of them, but there is also plenty of room to fly around. Do a lot of dodging. If you lose track of where you are and where you’re supposed to go, find the area you came from with trees on either side of the platform. From there, you turn 180 degrees around and go straight until you approach a landing pad. After the big fight and before you arrive at that pad, save your game, just in case. The final fight in this level is not as big as the last skirmish was, but it’s still considerable. You gotta kill some ground units as well as airborne ones. After that, approach the pad, and touch your Hoverfighter down on the blue X. Approach the laser gate to end the level.

Being a galactic hero is hard work and Sam needs a refreshing beverage. Unfortunately for him the soda vending machine won’t give his drink up. Go figure, right? He pounds the thing into submission like he does just about everything else.

02-19-2010, 10:29 PM


Sam is thoroughly refreshed as he continues on. And we see that he had about 100 sodas out of the machine. And I thought I had it bad lol.

You start in a real grassy area with lots of items. Blow up all the containers for extra items. Go downhill to collect the Grenade Launcher, but stop to kill the Orcs that find you along the way. Take the weapon and turn to the center of the area and kill yourself a demon and some Orc Commanders. Further downhill kill several more enemies. At the end of the path you can get a money bag and a Serious Score. Now continue into a glassy room.

When you go far enough into the corridor, some blue lasers will activate behind you trapping you in here with numerous enemies. Fight them off with your favorite weapons, but be careful with any explosive weapons. Take any items ahead of you when you need them. You will find a Serious Bomb among the collectibles. Continue down this path taking all the items. Don’t go through the laser gate yet, when you come to it. Continue right past it blowing up the containers and getting all items. One container has an Extra Life. Another container has a treasure chest. You can also get a health heart among the items. Return to the blue lasers and go through them to the next area.

Kill the advancing enemies, starting with some Orc Commanders. The gate behind you will open again in case you need to make any retreats. Further down battle off some more Orcs plus some Tanks. Continue to go downhill and at ground level, search the area and take all the items. In one corner, there are several containers concealing a demon and a couple goodies. In the corner to the left of the next building, there is a money bag. To the right of the building, there is a machine with a Serious Bomb on top of it. Look closer to the building from the machine for a dead bunny with flies hovering around it. Pick up the bunny, then make a tricky throw. You gotta get the bunny into the chute. Doing so will trigger Secret #1. The bunny will be ground and you can use the ground meat to climb up the machine and take the Serious Bomb.


Back on the main path, enter the building taking the Cannon. There are several more Commanders and a Helicopter to take care of in the next yard. Go around collecting everything, including some armor at the top. Exploring deep into this yard brings in more Commanders, and taking the armor sends in a few pods. Continue on path to an Ammo Pack and another gate. Go down the ramp through another gate and save your game.

Quickly go to the left and scout out a red lever. Use it to activate a crane that will bring you a Serious Damage. Use it to your advantage as you kill four Tanks coming out of the garage area, the beginning of a major fight. And this major fight involves mostly Kleers and yes, more Tanks. Some Scorps attack near the end of the bout. At the end of the bout watch the area to the left. A large red Tank takes out the blockage and summons several smaller red demons to assist him. Time to give him some of the heavier firepower. I suggest using rockets, grenades or Clawdovic, or cannonballs or Serious Bombs. After the fighting start exploring the area a bit more. Shoot all the containers. Somewhere in here there is a Serious Score. I did not notice it until after the fight. It may have come from the containers or it spawned during the battle. Either way, collect that, preferable right before you leave, to maximize its effect. In the near-right corner of this room, as you entered that is, find a money bag.

Head to where the demons and red Tank all emerged from. Take the health, armor, Ammo Pack, and Plasma Rifle as you continue on. There is another big fight ahead of you, but if you’re good at aiming you should be able to take all the enemies out well before they come close to you. And you need to do that too, because a lot of the enemies in this fight area Kamikazes. There are also Helicopters and Tanks, but mostly Kamikazes. After they’re all defeated, continue on, and take out any Rhinos that come charging out of the garages. Note that there is another large crane in this area. Look to the left of it for a red lever and use it to claim Secret #2, a health heart and armor.


When you near the left turn, here comes another big one! Again a few Tanks start this fight off. Use all the heavy firepower you have. Near the end take out another large Tank, and finish off any remaining resistance. You will see a train car come in with two demons riding it. Take them out then head for it.

Before you make that left turn, look in the corner to the right for a money bag. Now approach the train, and get the Ammo Pack, armor, and health cube, and prepare to ride your way to the shield generator. Guess what, Mental is not stopping for you. He’s sending in more Helicopters and Floaters. Take care of however many you can before you arrive at another gate. Go through the gate to give yourself more room to run around as you take the baddies out. Climb to the top of the fountain to take the armor and bring in a couple more Helicopters. Take both of them down and go up the ramp to the generator room to end the level.

Sometimes Sam can be an idiot! He enters the room and finds a bunch of bananas sitting right in the middle of a trap. He either is oblivious or he doesn’t give a crap and starts eating, finding himself hanging upside-down by the leg, being held by a rope. He’s captured by Mental’s troops and held in a holding cell with some Primitives. Then he’s led away into the Arenas…

02-20-2010, 12:44 AM


This is an arena level which is all about survival. There are no secrets here, just stay alive. It appears that for mere amusement, Mental’s minions have Sam, and you, as a contestant on a game show where you’re not expected to survive. But you’ll survive it for sure. Your objective in this first arena is to run through the playing area reaching each checkpoint in the timelimit. If you don’t, you will die. You will have 55 seconds to reach the first checkpoint. You can check your time by looking at the new time bar at the top of the screen. And by the way, the most powerful weapon you have now is the Double Shotgun. For these three arena levels, I will be generally outlining a direct path to the various checkpoints. It is up to you to decide whether you need to stray off path to replenish your health or anything else.

To get to the first checkpoint, follow the wall on your left. Do not stop for anything. If any enemies appear in your way, kill them quickly and instantly. If you see any Bullsoldiers attacking, just pass right by them. Continue following the left side, shooting right through any opposing forces. If you reach the checkpoint with any time to spare, turn around and kill any pursuing enemies, then pass through the checkpoint before the timer at the top of the screen hits zero. For the second checkpoint, you will have 40 seconds to reach it.


Follow the same procedure as before, following the wall on your left and quickly blazing your way through any resistance. The enemy count will pick up now, plus some of the cacti will come to life attacking you. You should come through a room with a health cube. Go past that through a small opening, then look to the left behind a cactus for a button with the Serious Sam logo on it. Press it to disable the beams stopping you from clearing the next checkpoint, then turn around and dash for that checkpoint. If you get there with time to spare, again turn around and finish off any monsters that have followed you. Now proceed through to begin the third leg of this arena.

You will have 50 seconds to reach the next checkpoint. In the next room kill the S-Mech, taking the Ammo Pack. Now go through the archway to your right. Yes, to the right this time. Look left to quickly kill a Bullsoldier. Use a Hand Grenade to make it quicker, then head in the direction he came from. Go left through another archway and continue until you come to a cactus dead ahead shooting directly at you. Turn 90 degrees there and pick up the following-the-left-wall technique past all the monsters until you come to the checkpoint guarded by a Tank. Use the Grenades in conjunction with your guns to kill him. And once more, if you have any leftover time, use it to take out your pursuers. Pass through the checkpoint! You will now have a full minute to get through this leg, grabbing a Minigun in the process.

Follow the same procedure, follow the same left side blasting through Kleers and a Spider-Mech. When you arrive at the area with the Minigun, take out some more Kleers and Bullsoldiers. You can stick around here killing any leftovers, so long as you leave here with more than half of your time still remaining. Looking at the two archways, go through the one on the left. Kill a couple more Kleers dead ahead then look right. There is the checkpoint, being guarded by some more Kleers and a Tank. Lob a lot of Grenades and fire away until they’re all down. Approach that checkpoint when you are ready, and pass it to begin the final leg.

Just run for it. If you are critically low on health, there is a health coin in the room on the right, protected by an S-Mech. Take it then head back out and follow the same procedure to battle your way through the many S-Mechs and Kleers. Basically where the monsters are coming from, that’s where you need to go. Dodge the Helicopter in the sky as well. When you get to the checkpoint a Bullsoldier is guarding it. Get him out of the way then make a sprint to it. As long as you get to that checkpoint in one piece, you will successfully pass this level. But, it’s still possible for some enemies to sneak in at the last second and spoil your celebrations. In that case, turn around and kill them quickly before they have the chance. But the level will end after several seconds and tally your score up.

02-20-2010, 12:50 AM


The first part of this level requires you to search this jungle arena for five gold coins. You will have 100 seconds in which to do that. Good luck.


As you explore though, Kleers will appear from almost anywhere in the arena to attack you. Get whatever health you need to, if you need it. But watch for a gold shine anywhere along the dirt trails. That indicates to you that there is a gold coin right there. After finding three of them, a few Tanks will appear near the checkpoint on the other side of the jungle from where you started the level. When you have finally found all five, make a break for that checkpoint. Upon hitting it, you will be teleported to the second part of the arena.

In this part, you will have exactly three minutes to jump a Rollerball through all the flaming hoops that appear. Get in the ball then roll it toward the first hoop, and jump yourself through. Deviate to the right a bit to jump through the second one. For the third one, two horizontal sliding bars are barring your progress, pun intended. Time them so that you can slip through and jump through the third hoop. You can ignore the enemies or choose to go after them. Whichever strategy you think will work. Just make sure you can still make it to the end in time, and that you can keep your ball intact. For the fourth hoop, line yourself up with the short ramp, then gain as much speed heading for it, and jump at the very top to go through the hoop.

The next one is ahead and to the left slightly. After that, the sixth is guarded by an Albino. You can kill it or sneak right by. But, press forward and you may have to jump to get onto this halfpipe of a sort. Keep pushing forward and Sam will roll all the way through, passing through hoop #6 in the process. There is another bar trap for #7, and #8 has sliding steel walls in the way. These walls pop out of the ground and retract at regular intervals. Time them perfectly to get on by and through the hoop. #9 has another bar trap *yawn*. The next hoop, #10, is guarded by a more elaborate bar trap. These bars are not only extending and retracting, but they’re rotating as well! You gotta time this one carefully and if you are not careful, you could find yourself being thrown backwards. Go through the hoop and go through the remaining bars, then turn left and jump through the next hoop.

The next hoop has a ramp that you need to use, so do it. Time the shifting walls at the next one and go through, then turn left. Jump through the next, then use the ramp to go through the next hoop off in the distance. The next one after that, #16, is slightly to the right. Time the bars then go through, then time the walls to get through #17. #18 involves another one of those loop passes, so do that. Upon landing, turn left and go through some more shifting walls to get through another hoop, and then to get through #20, the last hoop, launch yourself off a ramp. Turn right and sprint through the checkpoint to end this level.

02-20-2010, 12:55 AM


You will get to wait a few seconds before the fun actually begins. Two Floaters will lower the red force field allowing you to proceed into the arena. You have 50 seconds to clear the first area. Go for it! You can shoot the Floaters, but your bigger threat is the Kleers. Charge your way forward while shooting them, and deviating to collect the health cube and armor. As you get closer to the checkpoint, which is straight ahead, some Tanks will enter. When you are almost there, a Bullsoldier will reveal himself. Destroy as much resistance as you can and still have enough time to get through that checkpoint. When you do pass, the second leg begins with 65 seconds on the clock.


That strategy of following the left side will come into play nicely here. Hope you still have those fast reflexes for your foes because the Kleers and other enemies will pop in out of nowhere. Eventually, you will come to a path that takes you to the edge over looking a lava lake. Here, do your best to fend off the Kleers, Kamikazes, Scorps, and Bullsoldiers. Go out to the edge, continuing the battle, and make a U-turn to the right. The Kamikazes are coming right from the checkpoint. So as you mow down the enemies, follow their originating point to the next checkpoint. In the next area, you will have only 20 seconds, so be very quick.

Charge straight ahead, killing the Bullsoldier because he is your biggest threat, literally. Past him, go up to the edge and look in the river of lava. There is a floating stone ledge moving back and forth. Jump onto that ledge and time your jump from there to the other side where you can reach the checkpoint. You have 30 seconds coming up now in this final area. Ignore all other minor enemies, unless you are really low on health and for some odd reason did not pick up the health items along the way. Then again I didn’t say much about them, but common sense people. http://www.hyperboards.com/v2images/smiley__wink.gif Anyway, just head straight and when you see the Bullsoldier spawn in front of the checkpoint, blast him quickly, then go for the checkpoint. When you reach it, the level ends.

Looks like the Alliance has made it! The fleet is in orbit with many ships on the attack. One of the ships picks up Sam to escape from the arenas, and now the final battle is on!

02-22-2010, 04:17 PM


Go get the Rocket Launcher dead ahead, then turn right to find a plasma turret and enter it. From here you can quickly kill a few charging Rhinos . After they’re done get out, and look in the distance for another plasma turret, but one that’s attacking you. Destroy it with two well placed rockets, and take out several more turrets to your left and right. The one on the left is a rocket turret. Now gather up all the goodies you see in this area while following the street forward. If you notice the cylindrical containers, they hold some extra items if you blow them up. As you approach the Minigun and Serious Bomb, your first major fight kicks in.

The fight largely involves Kleers and Floaters. There are also Spawners and Tanks in the fight that you need to worry about. Feel free to use any weapons at your disposal, including the turret back at the start. Keep your eye on the turret’s HPs though because the thing will not last forever. If you are feeling overwhelmed use Serious Bombs. Search the ground for health items as well to keep your health up. When all the enemies are dead continue down the street collecting all the goods. Further down, one of the containers holds a Serious Score. When you make a turn to the right, look in the corner for a container with a Serious Damage resting on top of it. Of course blast the container to bring it down. Go further out collecting the Grenade Launcher plus health, armor and an Ammo Pack.

Further out in the yard with the shallow pool, the next big fight begins. If your power-ups are still in effect, you can cut through them a little faster, especially with the SD. Watch for turrets ahead of you and watch your left side for a large Spider-Mech. Destroy all the resistance and make the left turn to continue down the road. A container on the left has a Serious Bomb. That particular container is just beyond the health, armor and Plasma Rifle. Use this toy to take out the two rocket turrets, and continue forward. The next fight has Rhinos and Clowns coming out of Spawners. Kill the Clowns first if you can since you cannot exactly dodge them if they get close to you. A couple rocket turrets spawn as well. The Spawners will remain on the escalators up ahead along with a Tank. Well, at least they stayed there and did not come up to ground level for me. You can lob some grenades in and take care of them without getting damaged if that’s the case. After the fighting take every single item in the area then go down the escalators.

Go through either gate then pick up the armor, the Sniper Rifle and an Ammo Pack. Don’t use the Sniper Rifle on all the enemies coming up, although it is good in dealing with the turrets. A pack of Orcs and Tanks will come across the bridge attacking you. Deal with all the Mental scum first then proceed across. One rocket turret also appears directly behind you on a high ledge. A couple Helicopters are sent in as you go across. On the other side, again go through either gate. Go up the next set of escalators and go get yourself your Dual Uzis plus some more items, and defend yourself. There are more enemies to face in here, plus a large S-Mech. One of the containers ahead of you has a treasure chest for 5,000 points. You can take care of all the resistance in this yard from right here. When you’re done, note that the gates on either side will not open. So you’ll have to go down the stairs to continue instead.

Gather up all the items then make a right turn to continue down the yard, up to the next set of escalators. There are some Orcs behind the gates, but some Hand Grenades can easily penetrate them. Collect the Serious Bomb and everything else, then go through the gates, into the next area. Here come the Kleers! And the Clowns, and the plasma turrets. Focus on the ground enemies first, then work your way in and deal with the turrets. The Sniper Rifle is a good bet against them. Just before you turn left you will see a pair of doors leading into one of the buildings. So what? You can’t open them. Well no, but look behind the tree on the right side of those doors to find Secret #1, a red phone booth. Enter the booth and use it to answer the phone. Sam will make contact with himself from the Second Encounter. Think back to the Second Encounter, level 10, the Citadel. After the conversation, continue down the yard.


Go through the gate then start down the next set of stairs. There’s a money bag in the container next to the health heart and armor. Meeting you further down the stairs is a Tank, plus a few Floaters. Take care of this minor obstruction and continue to the bottom of the stairs, taking another money bag and an Ammo Pack. At the bottom, you gotta jump over the wall to get down to where the Hoverfighters are swaiting for you. There are two of them, one on either side near the entrance to the yard. Note their locations because you may need both of them in the next battle. Save here.

The battle includes lots of Tanks, Rhinos and Clowns. Oh, did I mention several large S-Mechs in addition to plenty of smaller S-Mechs? Yeah, you gotta battle all of them as well. Do as much evasion as you have to, and try to resist the temptation to ram any opponents. If you lose your first vehicle, quickly turn around and sprint for the other fighter. If you lose the second one, find the most powerful weapon in your arsenal and let ‘em have it! After you kill the last enemy the level ends in a movie sequence. Sam boards a tram directly to Mental Institution. Get ready for the final battle!

02-22-2010, 04:20 PM


Here we are! The final level of Serious Sam 2. Sam sets out to confront Mental at his own fortress. Before he does though, he’s kicked off the tram he was on for not having a ticket. This map, as you may already guess, is loaded with lesser enemies who will try to stop you. Do not give them the chance. Good luck!

Starting out, take out two Orcs guarding an ammo supply in this first yard. The large red pyramid off in the distance is our target, Mental Institution. Go get all the goods, then approach the wall directly ahead. It will lower into another yard, one lined with gold statues. At this point you can clearly hear monstrous sounds coming from MI straight ahead. Get the health cube and armor to trigger the first major fight of the level. Note that the wall behind you closes back up. All I gotta say concerning the enemies themselves is that they are attacking from land and air. Do your best to fend them off, but watch this yard for a Serious Score and Serious Damage that spawn. Those two power-ups will help immensely. Destroy all the resistance and continue forward to the next yard.

Here pick up two health coins in the corners to your immediate left and right. Continue out a little further to trigger some full armor, a health heart, Ammo Pack, and Cannon. Several Helicopters attack, but they are not your main worry. A horde of Kleers also joins the battle, as do some T-Mechs. Watch for that Serious Damage when it appears. Near the end of this skirmish, collect several more health coins, a couple of which can be found back in the previous yard. Collect everything then continue until you turn right toward the next yard. You start off killing several Rhinos before you even enter.

The next yard is kinda weird but follow it out, making a left turn. Collect all the items you see but act fast to the charging enemies. For the most part, you got Kleers and Tanks to worry about. Rapid fire weapons work well here, but so do the Sniper Rifle, Cannon and Serious Bombs. Okay, just about any weapon that you can get away with. You can use the small structures for protection if you must. When you make another left turn and are approaching a health cube, you will need to kill a few Scorps and a Helicopter. Keep charging through until you come up on more relief (health, armor and ammo).

When you take them, all the smaller structures will lower into the ground. Turn back to face the direction you came from and hammer away at all the foes! You may find it necessary to use explosives if they start charging too close. At the end, take down a giant red Tank and all remaining resistance. When you defeat the Tank turn back around so you’re facing in the direction you were originally going, hugging the left wall. Wait for the wall to lower the continue around the left side to a small yard where Secret #1 appears, three Serious Bombs and a Hoverfighter! (This secret is timed from the moment you defeat the red Tank. Be quick to get it. This is the final secret of the game.)


Quickly get out into the open so you’re in a better position to face the three T-Mechs that spawned because you found the secret. After you kill them collect everything else in the yard, saving the ammo, health and armor next to the wall for last. When you take them, another wall rises behind you, forcing you to go forward. The one ahead lowers, leading you into a sort of trench where you must face the next group of baddies. A large group of Clowns are gradually dropping in on you from either side. Do your best against them and as soon as you defeat the last one, the wall ahead lowers unleashing an entire line of Tanks. Destroy them and the next wall lowers. Proceed forward, taking the health, armor and ammo, and the Serious Bomb.

Here come the Bulls… well.. I mean, Rhinos. Whatever they are. Behind them are numerous other enemies including Bullsoldiers, Kleers, T-Mechs, Clowns. Watch all sides and use your favorite weapons here. This is where I lost the Hoverfighter from the secret. If you still have yours, use it until you lose it. After the first leg of the fight in this area you can get some more health and armor, but during the second leg, the wall behind you will gradually move in on you, squeezing you in. At this point watch the area beyond the wall on the left side of MI. The next batch of enemies will all be coming from there. When the Clowns begin their attack, they will be launched in and land just about anywhere in this tight space. Be on your guard and shoot them fast. After the last one, a portion of the wall ahead will lower.

Two Tanks are guarding some more replenishment. Kill them then take the items and approach the wall ahead. Just your luck! Three more Tanks, and one of them is a large red one, plus some Kleers. Oh well, kill them and continue. Collect everything in here, but save your game, because the next fight gets ridiculous fast! You will have turrets attacking from above. For each spawning position, you will get a few turrets, but not all at once thankfully. But in addition to that, you have so many ground enemies to face, and they gain on you in a hurry! If you find yourself low on health, use a Serious Bomb, then quickly dash out into the wider part of the yard to collect some more health and armor. On either side you will find some armor and a health cube. Continue to watch for the monsters, Kleers and Rhinos especially. There will also be a few red Tanks in this fight, and they spawn from the same general area as the health and armor I mentioned. After this skirmish move back into the wider space and take everything.

Now let’s see. What enemy has not attacked you in large numbers yet this level? I know! Spider-Mechs! And a lot of them in both the large and small variety coming over the walls in all four directions. Does that sound like fun? Good! Happy hunting. Seriously though keep up all the heavy firepower and the serious side-stepping to clear this area. After you are done with them the walls will lower, and you will soon get to face Mental Institution. Save your game right here. I was screaming excessive profanities at my screen during this next fight. Get in the Hoverfighter behind you and rush to get the Serious Damage as well.

This next fight involves large Spider-Mechs spawning in like crazy along with a large group of Rhinos. Unless you are cheating in some way or have near-perfect shooting and dodging abilities I expect you will lose your ride here. The question is what will you do once you lose it? Armor, a health heart and a Serious Damage all spawn during the fight, but they are scattered around, so you need to run across the yard to get all three items. Major problem right there, considering you still have all your attacking foes. Serious Bombs are in order if you have them. If you don’t, try to use high-power weapons in conjunction with the SD. Just when the battle seems over, one more small group of Rhinos will appear, charging at you from all directions at once. After you kill them, prepare now to battle Mental Institution!

The building itself is your final boss. If you defeat MI, you win the game and Sam will take care of the rest. To defeat it, climb aboard your new Hoverfighter. This one shoots orange lasers instead of the standard blue. You have to keep this vehicle intact. Do not lose all your HPs otherwise you’re dead. The key to defeating MI is to shoot directly at a large blue crystal that appears around the center of the structure. Do this while backing up to ensure the pyramid does not catch up to you, because it can instantly crush you. Watch for the side to open up and reveal the crystal, then shoot away. The first three times it opens up, MI will be sending out kamikaze planes. They will shoot out, move out a distance behind you, then come in at a high rate of speed to attack you. These are dangerous but I found it good strategy not to divert your attention from the pyramid. Keep firing at the crystal, and back up against the shifting wall. I cannot guarantee that you will survive, but you have better odds.

After the third round of shooting at the crystal, MI will switch attacks to firing three fireballs at you at one time. Around this time you should be seeing work tools as pick-ups. Collecting one of these restores 250 HPs to your fighter. Keep that in mind. As the building’s “health” wanes, it will switch to another attack, sending in Fighter Planes to drop bombs. About the time that it does though, MI’s health should be almost gone. Pick up those tools if you need them to repair your vehicle, and keep firing until the building begins exploding. YOU DID IT!!! You won the game! Now sit back and enjoy the ending sequence.

Before your score for the level is tallied, Sam comes up to the main door of Mental Institution, and picks the doorbell next to Mental’s name to ring. With the door open he enters. You then get your final statistics before the final movie sequence kicks in. It is pitch black inside. Before he goes, Mental tries to tell Sam something. I don’t think I need to explain it. : ) But Sam cuts him off and shoots him anyway, finishing the job. Everyone is celebrating Sam’s success, including the Sirians and all the various races you liberated on the way. It seems too good to be true, Mental gone. Well, turns out, it is. As the lights come on in Mental’s building and Sam sees bullet holes in a speaker built into where Mental should be sitting, but Mental himself was not there. Can you believe it! Sam, outraged, decides that he has to have a talk with Croteam one of these days.

Enjoy also the humorous dialog that takes place as the credits roll. During the credit a UFO can be seen departing Mental Institution and the Sirian system. Presumably Sam is on board. He later arrives back at the house of the Sirian Great Council, where he discovers that the so-called Medallion of Power isn’t so unique. We see boxes full of other such Medallions. It was a FAKE! Ending the game on another high, comical note, Sam starts chasing the three around the room. Well it is all over, good job! Too bad that Mental could not have been here for the end of the game, but hey, you beat Serious Sam 2! Go back and play the game in Serious difficulty if you haven’t already. I’ll see you all once again in Sam 3.

06-25-2010, 08:01 AM

LEVEL 31: AREA 5100


I have a great shortcut. On opening the starting bay door after taking the 2 rifles, take out the orcs and ignore the coptor and straight make a dash for the roof. take the cannon and take out coptor in a single fire with the cannon. You can jump right back in the same bay 16 through the ventilating space below the roof for fighting safety again. Then straight take the hovercraft car guarded by the gnaar in the secret area. Hide it beside the terret plasma guns and use it to take the whole kleer and T-Mech wave. For the rest including the hangar 17 use the hovercar and make mincemeat of the entire fight in the whole map without spending a single bullet in double quicktime. I can vouch you can fight the whole map with a healthy hovercar including inside the exit tunnel at the endfight. Just drive the car back and forth through the tunnel ends ripping apart all orcs and kleers as they spawn and when it intensifies swerve left to right taking shield behind wall brackets at sides. It is so much fun. You will find that once you take the minigun, the fight ends shortly even before killing them all, without losing the hovercar at any stage.

06-25-2010, 08:04 AM

LEVEL 31: Command Center

It is better to not step immediately into the airfield to confront the tanks immediately till the plasma turrets and hovercrafts appear at least So stick to gate at the bottom of the slope leading up and take out as many tanks as possible using cannons and sniper. It is safe as the tanks at the other end don't wake up. It is only when tanks close to your side of the wall appear that you may have to make a run by which time the big weapons will be up and and running.

Also in the starting fight area before launching the big wave of attack, it is better to explore the containers and finish the smaller spawning enemies so they don't get in your way of the big fight. cannons for tanks and random rocket grenades really work well together. It is also possible to trigger the big attack there after freeing the prisoners and climb up the sniper container to fight half the battle safely at least without losing health. Of course it will eat into playing time length as the fight will get slower.

06-25-2010, 08:06 AM
Hope that helps.

06-27-2010, 07:26 PM
Thx for the help there Batman. I haven't yet tried your suggestions but see how they work for me. Of course some of it is common wisdom but yes it's helpful.