View Full Version : Austalia the most bizarre country? (Yes)

01-29-2010, 05:55 PM
Granted, you can't ask much in terms of freedom from a former prison colony but the things Australia has been doing for the past few years do not border on insanity, they are its very definition. I think it's quite apparent by now that the government or whoever is in charge there, is so severely obsessed with pedophilia (perhaps all those gov't officials are secretly pedos? Psychologically this has been the case more than once before) to the point where I would classify it as a mental disorder. By obsessed with pedophilia, I mean, for example, that they started the world's biggest internet filter (superseding China's for sure) in the name of barring access to underage porn and yet, that filter has been used now to block thousands of non-porn websites and perhaps will expand further. Second, we have the new mandate that the breasts in porn films which are A-cups are banned. Oh yea, and "young-faced" actresses are banned too. Why? Because their bizarre logic states that A-cup breasts and young faces are child porn. I'm not making this up people! Oh yes, and just today, a man went to prison there because he had Simpsons and Powerpuff Girls porn. Deviant? Perhaps, but if Japan were to jail every person that had cartoon porn, 99% of the country would be behind bars. (exaggeration of course, but perhaps not by much if you've ever seen Japanese hentai). Personally, I do not care much for what goes on there, I just don't want their low-IQ spreading out into the rest of the world. There's been enough regression into the Stone Age in recent times without Australia helping push us off into a dark age even further.

/end rant :P


01-30-2010, 03:25 AM
Poor Pathos...

01-30-2010, 04:26 AM
Poor Pathos...

Pathos lives in Australia?

01-31-2010, 02:27 PM
Pathos lives in Australia?

You bet....he's a kangaroo humper from way back. His family is from elsewhere....Venezuela maybe? I can't remember for sure.

01-31-2010, 05:16 PM
You bet....he's a kangaroo humper from way back. His family is from elsewhere....Venezuela maybe? I can't remember for sure.

Argentina, not Venezuela

I miss Pathos!

01-31-2010, 09:54 PM
Argentina, not Venezuela

I miss Pathos!

I stand corrected school teacher, right continent...wrong end. I miss Pathos also. I can only imagine the response that would come from him on this topic.

02-24-2010, 03:15 AM
Despite making me laugh aloud, is it strange that every time I read a Goobles post I suddenly hear some wacky theme music in the back of my mind? With banjo twangs and folksy tap-tapping and such? [shrugs and scribbles Goober's name down in arterial blood]

Nitro... I am in complete agreement with you! In fact, the title of this thread are the exact words I have tattooed across my back - we even share the same typo! Of course, we both know it's not really a typo... [subversive, winking hi five] Only real downside is that I rarely leave the beach without a fight.

Aries has it right - I was born and raised in Argentina until that fateful day where I saw El Crocodile Dundee and moved to Sydney so that I might better stalk Paul Hogan. (We are well acquainted now, and his lawyer and I write to each other all the time, so happy endings all round.)

This threat (oh sorry, i mean 'thread') reminds me of a recent post I stumbled across while perusing a Howling 3 (don't ask) message board:

"This is one of the things that confuses the hell out of me about Australia. You’ll read about somebody who forgives the shark that bit off his arm, or a woman who doesn’t want the shark that killed her husband to be killed. As an American expat it makes no sense to me. I’m like, ‘what about the REVENGE?!?’ "