View Full Version : 6 movies to consider to watch

02-06-2010, 12:37 PM
Movies I plan to watch within a month or two from now
The Red Baron
Creation – Charles Darwin - This I do look forward to watching.
IMAX – Hubble 3D
The Wolfman
Robin Hood
The Most Dangerous Man In America
This movie is a must see because it provides a great deal of misinformation by the government and the lies they have used against the public or more like deceiving the US citizens about the war in V-N. This goes to show you that not only this was possible but you can imagine what other deceiving sh*t that our government has been doing over the past years until now. Btw this is not only one of the wars that they have lied to us but many other dating back to WW2 and further back and to the present. I recommend watching this movie and if not read about it.
Btw Henry Kissinger is to me one of the most dangerous man during the time and most importantly he is still active with many important deceiving decisions that have been made in the past 10 year as an advisor but isn’t listed as active but he is when times are needed to make important decision.

02-06-2010, 10:14 PM
The biggest one I'm looking forward to seeing is KickAss the movie.

Iron Man 2 looks to be pretty decent as well.

02-06-2010, 10:40 PM
man seriously you need to watch this film.


let me no what you fink :D

02-07-2010, 04:19 AM
The biggest one I'm looking forward to seeing is KickAss the movie.

Iron Man 2 looks to be pretty decent as well.

Kick Ass trailer the first part had me rolling.
That was funny Mental disorder hehehe.

It looks like a fun movie thx for the heads up Bingo. :thumbs:

02-07-2010, 04:24 AM
man seriously you need to watch this film.


let me no what you fink :D

I mention about this movie it was excellent.:thumbs:


02-07-2010, 05:06 AM
I love war movies so I watched the Red Baron clip and i've already seen it. It says it's coming in April http://www.redbaron-themovie.com/index_en.html but it was released in '08 as "Der rote Baron" and was in English. I'm stumped :confused:


The movie is way better then the IMDB star rating IMO.

The beginning scene is at a Allied pilot's funeral, a German plane flies over and drops a wreath, it's a really cool scene

03-23-2010, 07:22 AM
I have watch the Red Baron and I enjoyed it very much.

I also watch Creation – Charles Darwin and it was a good movie
and it doesn't really go into detail about his discoveries but a bit more
toward his personal life and it was a good combination story that I enjoyed.